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SJ/512 Updated 12/19/sfm


AACR2:  Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules:

(AACR) are designed for use in the construction of catalogues and other lists in general libraries of all sizes. The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for, all library materials commonly collected at the present time. The second edition of the rules is based on a reconciliation of the British and North American texts of the 1967 edition. This extends to style, which is generally in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style, and to spellings, which are those of Webster’s New International Dictionary. Part I deals with the provision of information describing the item being catalogued, and Part II deals with the determination and establishment of headings (access points) under which the descriptive information is to be presented to catalogue users, and with the making of references to those headings. In both parts the rules proceed from the general to the specific.

Analyzed serial:

A serial of which one or more issues also have a distinct and separate thematic title in addition to the title of the serial, with the thematic issues also catalogued separately as monographs. Individually catalogued issues of a serial are classified together under the call number of the serial. Individual issues may be barcoded if the serial is a non-periodical with the item record and the charge information linked to the serial record.

Analyzed serials: 

Serials in which individual issues, or volumes, are dedicated to a particular topic, reflected in the material through the use of a separate and distinctive title related to that topic. An issue of an analyzed serial will therefore contain the title of the serial, common to all issues, as well as a distinctive title describing the content of a particular issue. In addition to being part of a serial, and therefore described in the bibliographic (i.e. cataloguing) record for the serial, issues of an analyzed serial which have distinctive titles, will also be catalogued separately as monographs. Some analyzed serials will have a distinctive title on each issue or volume, others might only have a distinctive title on scattered issues (the latter are sometimes referred to as partially analyzed serials, or selectively analyzed serials).

Authority records: 

An authority record is a tool used by librarians to establish forms of names (for persons, places, meetings, and organizations), titles, and subjects used on bibliographic records. Authority records enable librarians to provide uniform access to materials in library catalogs and to provide clear identification of authors and subject headings. For example, works about "movies," "motion pictures," "cinema," and "films" are all entered under the established subject heading "Motion pictures." Authority records also provide cross references to lead users to the headings used in the catalog, e.g., a search under: Snodgrass, Quintus Curtius, 1835-1910 will lead users to the authorized form of heading for Mark Twain, i.e., Twain, Mark, 1835-1910.It is important to note that authority records do not represent materials in the Library's collection, rather they are a tool used by librarians to organize the library catalog and assist users in finding those materials.

Continuing resource:

A bibliographic resource, issued over time, with no predetermined conclusion. Continuing resources include serials, integrating resources and ongoing monographic series.

Integrating resource:

A continuing resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete: all updates are integrated into the whole. Examples include updating Web sites and updating loose-leafs.

MARC Formats:

The MARC 21 formats are widely used standards for the representation and exchange of authority, bibliographic, classification, community information, and holdings data in machine-readable form. They consist of a family of five coordinated formats: MARC 21 Format for Authority Data; MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data; MARC 21 Format for Classification Data; MARC 21 Format for Community Information; and MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data. Each of these MARC formats is published separately to provide detailed field descriptions, guidelines for applying the defined content designation (with examples), and identification of conventions to be used to insure input consistency. The MARC 21 Concise Formats provide in a single publication a quick reference guide to the content designators defined in each MARC format. It provides a concise description of each field, each character position of the fixed-length data element fields, and of the defined indicators in the variable data fields. Descriptions of subfield codes and coded values are given only when their names may not be sufficiently descriptive. Examples are included for each field.


A bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed within a finite number of parts.

Monographic series:

A monographic series is a continuing resource which consists of a group of separate items, related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own distinct title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole. In contrast to analyzed serials, monographic series do not have a separate bibliographic record in the OPAC under the collective title. Individual volumes may be classified separately, or be classified together under the same call number. Monographic series can be finite or continuing.

Monographic series: 

A group of publications, which, in addition to having a common title (the series title), also have a distinctive title on each item. They may or may not be numbered, and they may or may not be intended to continue indefinitely. Monographic series should have an authority record in the catalogue which will prescribe the correct form of entry for the series. The authority record will also contain instructions on series treatment, i.e. how individual items in the series are classified, whether they are classed as a set (all have the same call number but individual volumes are distinguished by numbering), or classed as separates, in which case each individual item in the series is classified in a different call number based on the subject content of the item. Monographic series will not have a bibliographic record in the catalogue under the series entry, unless a very brief record is created for Technical Services purposes. All monographic series should (but might not) have an authority record in the catalogue to establish the correct form of series entry and, among other things, to indicate cataloging treatment.


A periodical is a serial which is published more than once a year, with each issue containing separate articles, stories, or other writings but not statistical or strictly numeric data. Periodicals can be scholarly journals or popular magazines. Important aspects which distinguish these from other serials are: publication frequency (i.e. they are published more often than once a year), and content (they contain scholarly journal, or popular magazine articles). Although most periodicals are received unbound, some are received bound.


A newspaper is a serial which contains news on current events of special or general interest. The individual parts are listed chronologically or numerically and usually appear at least once a week. Newspapers generally have a masthead rather than a cover and are normally larger than A3 (297 mm x 420 mm.) in size.

Non-periodical Serials: 

Most important is the frequency of publication: they are published once a year or less frequently. Content of the publication is unimportant. Non-periodical serials are those serials which cannot be considered periodicals or newspapers, such as directories, conference proceedings, annual reviews, annual reports, statistical reports, handbooks, indexes, abstracts, etc. These are also received bound or unbound.


Founded in 1967, OCLC Online Computer Library Center is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs. More than 57,000 libraries in 112 countries and territories around the world use OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend and preserve library materials. Researchers, students, faculty, scholars, professional librarians and other information seekers use OCLC services to obtain bibliographic, abstract and full-text information when and where they need it. OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat—the OCLC Online Union Catalog.

Resource Description and Access (RDA):

A set of content standards for cataloging materials held in libraries and other cultural institutions, RDA was developed over a six-year period to replace Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition, 2002 revision (AACR2). While rooted in Anglo-American cataloging traditions, the organization of RDA is based on international standards developed by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), such as Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD).

RDA was published in 2010 under the title RDA Toolkit by the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and CILIP (UK). Although designed to function as an online resource, the RDA Toolkit was also issued in a loose-leaf print edition a few months later. The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA continues to modify and improve the new standards. Although RDA has been controversial, the Library of Congress announced plans to implement the new standards in March 2013. Click here to learn more about RDA implementation.


A continuing resource, issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. Serials include periodicals such as journals or magazines. Serials also include newspapers, annuals, reports, yearbooks, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, and statistical reports and numbered monographic series. Serials are published in many different formats including electronic. 


1. A group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not be numbered.  2. Each of two or more volumes of essays, lectures, articles, or other writings, similar in character and issued in sequence (e.g., Lowell’s Among my books, second series).  3. A separately numbered sequence of volumes within a series or serial (e.g., Notes and queries, 1st series, 2nd series, etc.).


Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use, and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. For example, the two URLs below point to two different files at the domain The first specifies an executable file that should be fetched using the FTP protocol; the second specifies a Web page that should be fetched using the HTTP protocol. 


Also see ODLIS: Dictionary for Library and Information Science 


Flags, Forms & Stamps

Using the Zebra Station (Call numbers label) computers

Short version of instructions:

  • Logon to print station
  • Logon to Cataloguing module
  • Click on “Spine Labels” icon (label software)
    • Step 1: Scan a barcode in to the “Barcode #” box
    • Step 2: Edit the displayed call number, if necessary
    • Step 3: Press F8 key to print the label
    • Repeat steps 1-3 for each new label.  (If you need multiple labels for the same call number, simply press F8 again for each duplicate label.  If you need labels for similar call numbers, you can change the displayed call number rather than scanning in another barcode (i.e..  v. 1, v. 2, v. 3, etc.))


Detailed version of instructions:

Note that there are two Zebra stations, and they both use the same log-ons. 

Best practice is to have already created the item records before moving on to creating call number labels.  However, it is also possible to use the Zebra station to first create the item record (in the Voyager cataloguing module), and then to immediately print the call number label.

  • If the computer is not logged on.
    • ID = zebra
    • Password = Tzsl260
  • Then, log on to Cataloguing module as:
    • Operator ID: cat1
    • Password: process01
    • The Cataloguing module needs to be logged on in order for the labelling software to retrieve the call numbers
  • Then click on “Spine Labels” icon at the lower left of the screen, which brings up this window:




  • Scan a barcode in to the Barcode # box, and the call number information (from the holdings plus the item record) pops in:




  • Then, edit the displayed call number until it looks good.  You can edit any part of the displayed call number, and use a carriage return to move text to the next line.  The maximum number of characters per line is usually 8 (at 14 point font), and the maximum number of lines is also 8.  You MAY reduce the font size to 12 if needed.




  • To print label, use function key F8 (or click on the button that says Label is OK (F8))  For the next label, simply wand in the next barcode.  (It is good practice to always check that the barcode brought up the correct item.)


  • TO REDUCE FONT SIZE: click on Options button (lower right of window)




  • Then click on Fonts tab (far right), then click on Change button under “Font for spine labels:”, and change the Size of font to 12 (DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!).  THEN click OK, and then OK again on the next screen.








The software to use the most recent version of OCLC is loaded on individual workstations & a shortcut provided to an icon on your desktop.You will need to logon using your assigned logon id (which is stored in the Authorizations tab in your OCLC client). The Cataloging Supervisor, Metadata has a list of all of the authorizations/passwords should you need them.



Authorization: this varies with each use

Password:  this varies with each user  

Press Enter or click on OK  

 “Message of the Day” window will display. Press Enter or click on Close


Press Alt F1 or, from the File drop-down menu, select Logoff


Searching OCLC


  • Press F2 to bring up the search screen
  • From the Command Line Search box, to search by title, type sca ti=followed by the title or beginning words of the title.
    • The system employs automatic truncation. There are several other command keys you can use but the most commonly used searches you might use are: 
      • # followed by the OCLC number (i.e. #29693720)
      • or enter the LC number with or without hyphens. Press ENTER or click on OK
  • To search by ISSN, use the Keyword/Numeric Search option.
    • Type the ISSN (with the hyphen) and select ISSN (or Standard Number) from the drop down menu on the right column.
    • Press ENTER or click on OK
  • You may also use other searches from the drop down menus in the Keyword/Numeric Search boxes.
  • To display a record from the Search Results list, double click on the list/record you wish to display.
    • Repeat as needed until the record you want is displayed.
    • To move from record to record from within a list, click on the arrows at the top right of the screen.
    • To return to your previous hierarchical screen, press Alt W W or, click the X in the menu bar at the top right of the screen
  • To Print a record, press Ctrl P or, click on the printer icon, or, select Print from the File drop down menu & click on OK in the Print window

Downloading Record from OCLC


  • To download a record, press F5. You will not get any acknowledgement that the record has been downloaded – you will have to verify this later from the Voyager Cataloging module when you are ready to import the record


Importing records into Voyager - Cataloging


  • In Cataloging, be sure to set your Preferences as follows:
    • Bibliographic Import/Replace Profile =Serials/Conditional
    • Mapping = MARC21 UTF-8
  • Import each record as follows:
    • From the menu bar’s Record drop down menu, select Import – From new file
    • Double click on your OCLC.dat file icon (or, whatever you previously named your OCLC downloads file)
    • Double-click on one specific title (or highlight all of the titles and click on OK)
    • Move 022 and 035 fields, etc. to the correct numerical sequence
    • SAVE



Serials E-mail Signature Template

Email Signature Template *Serials Version*
GLJ Rev. June 22, 2018

  • To create a signature block to append to your email, follow these steps:
    • Copy Signature Block below that matches your needs
    • *Use the Serials-specific block provided below to create a business email signature for use with the Serials email profile/Serials-related business*
    • Open your Desktop version of Outlook Email as normal
    • Click on New E-mail to open/create a new email message
    • Click on Signature drop-downSignatures
    • Click New, assign a name for the signature, then click OK
    • *e.g. suggested names: “Serials Business” and later, repeat steps to create a 2nd signature named “Serials Business + Disclaimer”*
    • Paste the signature block into the Edit signature box and type in your own Name, Telephone Number and Email 
    • IF the logo appears to look cut off, then Right-click the logo, drop-downParagraph, then change the Indentation, Left: to 0.5 cm, then click OK or Save *This may not be necessary or may differ for you*
    • Repeat above steps to create a 2nd signature, this time copying the Serials-specific block WITH the copyright disclaimer messag*After you paste it into the Edit signature box, highlight the copyright disclaimer message and change the default font colour from Automatic to black, if not already black. Also center the text as needed.*


*NOTE: Once you’ve created a signature, it will default to automatically use it each time you open/create a new email.  Change the default to (none) if you prefer, under Choose default signature, New messages*

This copy was made pursuant to the Fair Dealing Guidelines of the University, library database licenses, and other university licenses and policies. The copy may only be used for the purpose of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire or parody. If the copy is used for the purpose of review, criticism or news reporting, the source and the name of the author must be mentioned. The use of this copy for any other purpose may require the permission of the copyright owner.

In the Office

Changing the Toner (Kyocera)



  • Locate new toner in cardboard box on bookcase behind N. Eastland’s desk.
  • Open the front hatch of the printer.
  • Push the blue spring to remove the entire black case and place in plastic wrapper provided with the new cartridge.
  • Gently shake cartridge from side to side to mix contents.
  • Remove sticker.
  • Pop cartridge; it should audibly click into position.
  • Change waste toner reservoir by opening door on the left-hand side of the printer and removing it (press tab on neck of reservoir and pull unit out). The reservoir is usually half full.
  • Replace the reservoir with the new, empty one. Place in same box with the used toner.
  • Close all compartments.
  • Use cleaning cloth provided next to printer to wipe any residues from the machine’s surfaces. Periodically this cloth can be taken home to be washed (do not use fabric softener)
  • Flap on top of printer should always be in the upright position.
  • Machine should run on its own for a couple of minutes.
  • Return the used toner and waste containers in box to Cathrine’s desk. Attach note with ID number (i.e. “ID 3115”).
  • Instruction book is housed on table near water carafe in AU.


Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.