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Loose-leaf Filing Instructions


In most loose-leafing cases, several pages and/or entire sections of various volumes will be discarded and/or replaced, so please take great care in following the steps outlined below:


  • Go to the volume(s) and find the previous Filing Instructions, Filing Record, or Release Sheets.  
    • These are most often found either at the very front, or at the very back of the 1st volume.  
    • Other times, they will be filed behind a labeled tab divider somewhere within the 1st or last volume.  
    • In more rare instances, they will be filed in a special volume like the Key & Research Guide.  
    • Sometimes the instructions on the new loose-leafing package will tell you exactly where they are filed.
  • Look for the Release, Issue, or Update # on the new loose-leafing package to be filed.  Compare it to the # on the previous instructions currently sitting in the volume.  Make sure it is the correct one to be filed.  (i.e. the preceding # has already been filed and is currently sitting in the volume)

*** If it is NOT the correct # to be filed, DO NOT PROCEED WITH FILING! ***

  • Once you have verified that it is OK to file, please place a checkmark (    ) by the Release/Issue #.  
    • Follow the Filing Instructions step-by-step.  Please be careful!  Take your time, don’t rush, and double-check the page #’s and content as you go.  Please place checkmarks (    ) by each instruction as you complete them.

*** DO NOT DISCARD THE CURRENT INSTRUCTIONS!  ***                    

  • When completed, place your initials and the day’s date on the last page of Filing Instructions.  
    • File the Filing Instructions in the appropriate spot (as determined by section 1 on this sheet).  
    • In some cases, there may also be a separate Filing Record to fill out.  This sheet/chart would be found in the same section and volume in which the Filing Instructions are filed.
  • If all went well, discard/recycle all removed pages.  In most cases, the previous Filing Instructions may also be discarded, but please watch for those few instances where they ask to retain all previous instructions.


*** Ask or leave a note for the supervisor if any concerns or questions arise!! ***

If something does not seem quite right, or if you are simply not comfortable with a certain loose-leafing, please do not proceed with the filing!


Duncan (Cowichan Regional Hospital) Serials Cataloguing and Processing 

SJ/Nov. 6, 2012

These serials are part of a collection located at the Cowichan Hospital. UVic orders, catalogs and processes the material and has it delivered to the Hospital.

  • Cataloging:
    • catalog the title as you would any normal serial
    • location code = duncan
    • rubric = DUNCAN
    • suppress the bib record if there is only one Holdings record attached to the bib record and it is for DUNCAN
    • if there are multiple Holdings records attached to the bib record, suppress the Holdings record for the DUNCAN locatio
    • notes to add to the Holdings record:
  • Processing:
    • write the call number on the verso of the title page
    • gutter stamp with the UVIC stamp
    • affix call number label to the spine
    • give material to Kathy Mercer
      • she will arrange for pick-up and delivery to the Cowichan Hospital and will notify the selector that it has been delivered
    • no tattle tape is required as the Hospital does not have a sensor system
    • no barcode is required as the Hospital does not sign out the material and does not have access to the Library database

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.