Loose-leaf Filing Instructions
In most loose-leafing cases, several pages and/or entire sections of various volumes will be discarded and/or replaced, so please take great care in following the steps outlined below:
- Go to the volume(s) and find the previous Filing Instructions, Filing Record, or Release Sheets.
- These are most often found either at the very front, or at the very back of the 1st volume.
- Other times, they will be filed behind a labeled tab divider somewhere within the 1st or last volume.
- In more rare instances, they will be filed in a special volume like the Key & Research Guide.
- Sometimes the instructions on the new loose-leafing package will tell you exactly where they are filed.
- Look for the Release, Issue, or Update # on the new loose-leafing package to be filed. Compare it to the # on the previous instructions currently sitting in the volume. Make sure it is the correct one to be filed. (i.e. the preceding # has already been filed and is currently sitting in the volume)
*** If it is NOT the correct # to be filed, DO NOT PROCEED WITH FILING! ***
- Once you have verified that it is OK to file, please place a checkmark ( ) by the Release/Issue #.
- Follow the Filing Instructions step-by-step. Please be careful! Take your time, don’t rush, and double-check the page #’s and content as you go. Please place checkmarks ( ) by each instruction as you complete them.
- When completed, place your initials and the day’s date on the last page of Filing Instructions.
- File the Filing Instructions in the appropriate spot (as determined by section 1 on this sheet).
- In some cases, there may also be a separate Filing Record to fill out. This sheet/chart would be found in the same section and volume in which the Filing Instructions are filed.
- If all went well, discard/recycle all removed pages. In most cases, the previous Filing Instructions may also be discarded, but please watch for those few instances where they ask to retain all previous instructions.
*** Ask or leave a note for the supervisor if any concerns or questions arise!! ***
If something does not seem quite right, or if you are simply not comfortable with a certain loose-leafing, please do not proceed with the filing!