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Shelf Ready Print Mono Problems

[22sep17kn; Last revised: Jan. 16, 2020 - GLJ, but only to delete section re. Gift plates]
  • Acquisitions will put any problems with “firm order” shelf ready books on a shelf labeled “Shelf Ready Problems” (in front of Dean’s office).
  • All of these books will (should) have a bibliographic record, a holdings record, and at least one item record.
  • Usually, the “problem” will be that the bibliographic record is a provisional record, and needs to be updated to a full record.  A provisional record will not have a complete call number and, hence, no call number label. Very occasionally, the “problem” is that the title on the book is not the same as the title in the bib record (i.e., the subtitle may differ). Acquisitions may also note other problems, and indicate these by a note slip.
  • For each book, regardless of the problem:
  1. Check that the bibliographic record is a full record. If not, search and find bibliographic copy on OCLC and overlay the existing record. If you cannot find full bibliographic copy, then catalogue as an original.
  2. Check that the Holdings record contains a complete call number. If not, add the call number to the Holdings record and edit. Watch Canadian class numbers FC, PS8000, possibly KE/KF: Check that the call number is correct (i.e., Canadian) in the holdings record (it will [usually] be correct in the bib and hence on the label). “Usually” because if a shelf-list check indicates that the author cutter should change, that entails further edit, penciling in of call number, and new label.
  3. Check that the item record contains the barcode that is on the book.  If the item record lacks the barcode, then add it.  Check also that the “Copy” box (at the bottom of the item record) is correct - usually “1”.
  • See below for other typical problems
  • Once the bibliographic, holdings, and item records have been checked and corrected: put book that has correct call number label and needs no further processing attention on the “New Books” truck (only for YBP/GOBI shelf-ready books) located in Acquisitions unit.

Typical Problems

Call Number Issues

  • When a call number runs off the edge of the YBP call number label, write call number on verso of title page; ensure that the holdings record is coded correctly ( i.e., 852 delimiters $h and $i are correct); print a new/correct label.
  • If absolutely necessary, very long numbers which will not fit on the label even when font 12 is selected (do not go below 12), must be split and printed on two lines.
  • If the split involves part of the class number (as opposed to cutter), move the decimal and following data down one line and INDENT:
PG742.786524        becomes: PG742
H24                          .786524
2017                         H24
  • (In general, though, do not split the class number. Prefer to adjust the cutter(s).
  • In the case of a triple cutter, divide the third cutter by a (second) 852 delimiter $i.
Such incorrect 852 fields might include:
852   0   $b main $h PG742.5 $i H42P743T42  $i 2016
852   0   $b main $h PG742. $i H42P743 $i T42  2016
PG742.5             PG742.5
H42P473T42          H42P743
2016                T42
  • (In general, YBP will attach the incorrect labels to a p-slip, or place in an envelope. Discard all such paperwork).
  • Watch for “run-on” call number labels which have actually been applied to the books: in such cases, write correct call number on title page verso, cross out the applied label, and print correct call number label.
  • Watch also for any shelf-ready call number labels that may have separated a double cutter by splitting the second cutter onto a separate line (likely due to a second 852 delimiter $i), as these also require correction.

Before:  852  0  $b main $h PN6733 $i D44 $i Z46 $i 2021

After:      852  0  $b main $h PN6733 $i D44Z46 $i 2021

Multiple volumes

  • YPB’s processing procedure combined with Voyager’s loading procedures, only allow for one item record to be created. When Acquisitions encounters multi-volume sets (when receiving YBP shelf-ready books), they will put such sets on the problem shelf.
  • Create additional item records for the volumes, and add barcodes and volume numbers to the appropriate new item record[s] and v. number to the existing item.
  • In the Holdings record, change the leader Type of Record from x to v (multi-part item holdings); change 008 Completeness to the appropriate code, 1 : complete, or 2 : incomplete.
  • Check that the 852 is correctly formatted.
  • Add an 866 field indicating the volumes (CTL / Shift / F6).
Example:        866 _0  $8 0 $a
  • The volume numbering in the delimiter $a portion should match the numbering on the books in hand.

Example:        866 _0  $8 0 $a v._1-2    (Note that YBP does not insert a space after v., but we do.)

  • If Acquisitions staff have added an $x note to the 852 referring to the order status of volumes (“Vols. 3-5 ordered”), edit or remove it as required.
  • If it is obvious that the bib for a multi-volume set has not been locally edited (no 866 in holdings, no v. number in enumeration box in item record), check any shelved copies for correct volume on spine label.
  • Do not pencil the call number on the verso unless the item needs a new label.

Books with errata slips or extra materials (CD-Roms, maps, etc.)

  • **If the extraneous material is media, i.e., CD-ROM, DVD, DVD-ROM, the item should include a white Cataloguing Division work slip with “No” or “Yes” next to copyright statement. If there is no work slip in the book, then it must go to the “BOOKS WITH MEDIA  – Copyright?” shelf in the Acquisitions area. Acquisitions will return the books to Cataloguing when the decision has been made.
  • Add appropriate note to the bib record:

500 $a Errata inserted. [or] 500 $a Errata inserted at page 42. [or] 500 $a Two folded maps in pocket. [or] 500 $a CD-ROM in pocket.

  • Accompany any added materials (other than errata slips) by a Green “Check for” slip indicating the nature of the extra material. Such items can stay on own cart or Corrections shelf.
  • If the book contains media, and slip says “Yes” next to copyright statement, add 540 note to bib: use wording from: W Drive / L Tech / Cataloguing / Books with Sound Disc.
  • If such books have not already passed through Acquisitions (see above), (i.e., not accompanied by a slip indicating rights), place on the Acquisitions Books with Media shelf.

Books lacking security strips

  •  Books lacking security strips (aka tattle tape), as indicated by a YPB green flag.
  • Check for other anomalies, and leave on own truck for processor (do not send YPB items to access services truck).

Transfers to other locations (for example, book has a reference flag)

  • In item record: change the location (ref)
  • Change the item type if required (nocirc). Save.
  • In Holdings, change the location in $b also.
  • Check that first indicator is correct, usually will be 0. Save.
  • Pencil the call number (with rubric if required, i.e., Ref) on the title page verso. (Rubrics can be checked on the appropriate list in Connections:)
  • X through the old spine label. Apply new label.
  • If Ref item, processor will need to apply “For use in Library only” label. Otherwise, send to New books cart.

YBP/Gobi MARC files (FTP files)

YBP/Gobi MARC files (FTP files)

  • Go to
  • Look for files that do not have a “Fund” listed”
  • Display the “Import Summary”, and look for any anomalies.
  • For files that use the YBP_REPL Import Rule, check that all records are “replaced” and that none are added (new). (Filenames beginning 66 are Law, but are otherwise treated the same as any other REPL file.)
  • Check the bottom of the Import Summary for Error messages.
  • If a record failed to overlay, then search the Bib ID of the “new” record, and display the record.  Then search the title to find original record that didn’t get overlaid.  Tile the two records (Alt WT), so that they display side-by-side.
  • Then (depending on how many changes are involved), either simply edited the record, or use Record  >  Overlay Bibliographic Records  >  Bibliographic ID…  to overlay the record.
  • Once the original bibliographical record is updated, and the second record deleted:  Add the barcode to the Item Record, and the call number to the Holdings Record (you do not need to format the call number in the Holdings).
  • For Filenames that begin with a 4 (e-books), check that each record (in Voyager) has a valid URL (i.e., the URL goes to the correct title, and allows access to the e-book)
  • Filenames beginning with a 69 and 10 (shelf-ready books), check that all records are “replaced” and that none are added new. Check that there are no error messages that need attention.
  • Filenames that begin with 62, 17, 12, 11 are creating purchase orders.  You do not need to look at these files.
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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.