[Last revised: Mar. 8, 2019 - GLJ]
Simple definition - Overlay : to cover (something) with a layer of another material.
*Keep in mind that you will be completely covering over the “face” of the old, unwanted Bib, giving it a facelift or makeover of sorts, but the old Bib ID# itself and any existing Holdings & Item records will remain intact & unchanged.
**Caution! When/if planning to overlay a monograph record with a serial record (i.e. serializing a monograph), be sure to FIRST change the existing Leader – Bibliographic Level from m:Monograph to s:Serial! We’ve discovered a glitch where you may not be able to search by journal title if mono record overlayed with serial record without first changing the Leader – Bibliographic Level to s:Serial.
Overlay Existing Voyager Record with Better Bib Record from OCLC
Overlay Existing Bib Record with Another Existing Bib Record in Voyager