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Metadata Unit

Special Collections

[Revised: March/April 2020, KJN]

  • Most Special Collections material is copy-catalogued as for material destined for other locations. Apply DCRMB and RDA standards (including any exceptions for Rare Books material as designated in the latter), plus the BIBCO/PCC guidelines found here:
  • (When applying DCRMB, insert a second 040#edcrmb)
  • A crucial difference between SC and other material is the requirement to trace freely most associated entities: authors, publishers, printers, illustrators, engravers, cartographers, designers, compositors, etc., and authorize carefully as usual. (See Web sources, PDFs and Anatomy of a bibliographic record).
Click here for SC cataloguing resources, including web resources
The primary reference source for Special Collections material is the website of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). 
Of particular interest are the DCRM (Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials) manuals.  

Rare Book Handling

General Procedures


AMREMM (Descriptive cataloging of ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and early modern manuscripts)  - Used primarily for describing manuscripts of pre-modern, scriptorium era.There is also a copy located in the SC area: TEC Z695.5 P37 2003

DCRM(MSS) - Provides guidelines and instructions for the description of individual textual manuscripts. The term "manuscript" includes unpublished textual items.

  • Manuscripts are unique items, and though facsimile reprints of manuscripts are sometimes available, can necessitate original cataloging. Acquisitions often provides a printed auction description of the item; and the auction site may still be available online for copy and paste of such details. 
  • Be sure to include alternative titles and spellings of same, and sufficient subject headings to provide multiple access points. In order to maintain a provenance trail all invoices, e-mails, dealer descriptions etc. are printed and retained down in Special Collections.  Facsimile reprints of manuscripts usually have copy available for import.  Some manuscripts are single leaves, purchased from auctions etc. 
  • Manuscripts are similar to books in general but may require a different method of entering information in the 300 field (especially if using the AMREMM standard).  They also require a more extensive description.  Make sure all names, places etc. are traced and that there are sufficient subject headings to provide multiple access points. 
  • Acquisitions usually provides a printed auction description of the item, very useful for describing the item. The site may still be online so copy and paste works well. [Ask if Acquisitions staff can do this when item is ordered.  Record will be edited anyway] 
  • Add a 650 Manuscripts [etc] – Specimens and a 655 Specimens.


INCUNABULA (items produced prior to 1501) & PRE-1800 MATERIAL

  • Again, the source for specialized information (such as recording gatherings and signatures –which are not what you think!) is the DCRM(B) - Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books)
  • Material from the 15th to 18th centuries can be challenging, and characteristics necessary to record can be copious. Covers and pages may be missing. Bindings have often been applied subsequent to original publication.
  • Title pages often contain more information than modern ones do. A name is often accompanied by titles, other works, places, etc. There may be dedications, or an imprimatur (a license for publication granted by an ecclesiastical or secular authority).
  • Enter the entire title page in the appropriate 245, 250 and 264 fields, including addresses.  However, if the full title would make the 245 too unwieldy, some parts, such as contents so often included with other title information, can be eliminated and recorded in a note.
  • The imprint often includes the addresses of the publishers, printers etc.  During this time period, the printer was often the publisher and the bookseller, the terms being somewhat flexible and often interchangeable.
  • Items may lack an imprint date, or include one in an archaic form. (French publications from 1793-1805 often used the Republican calendar, with the new year beginning on September 22, 1792, and the names of the months and days were changed. Differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars can be misleading: until 1751 the legal year in England began on March 25; this can be reflected on the title page as “February 15 1700/1701”. A code-like chronogram may be used, and must be interpreted. See Dating items in web sources.  
  • For works published in the British Isles and North America between 1473 and 1800, (usually in English) check the English Short Title Catalogue. See ESTC document. There may be variants of an item; record the library’s variant in a 500 and in the 563 $5CaBViV.


Gift Note (561), Processing and Locations

Local Practices

As noted, provenance is important. All invoices, e-mails, dealer descriptions etc. which accompany the item are printed and retained for/in Special Collections.) ALL SC RECORDS MUST INCLUDE A FORMATTED 561 1_ for this data. 

For regular purchases:  

Purchased from [xxxx] on the [xxxx] Fund, 2020. ‡5 CaBViV  

  • Acquisitions will insert this field into the record, and copy it into the holdings record so as not to be lost in the overlay. If it is a DAR (dummy acquisitions record) or brief/incomplete record, copy the note into the imported overlay record.
  • (The year used by Acq will be the year of purchase, but if for whatever reason the cataloguer is forming the note, the current calendar year is adequate where year of purchase is unknown or unclear.)
For standing orders:
  • By nature, these will not include a DAR for Acq to include a 561 in! In such cases, refer to the green PO flag for the tick box with “Cataloguer add 561; DAR [#####]”. Access the indicated DAR Bib, and copy/paste the entire 561 field into the record you are preparing for the title in hand. Note that the [year] element will need to be revised. Check also for the presence of first indicator 1. 
For transfers:
  • Items can be transferred from the main stacks or elsewhere to SC, for reasons related to preservation, (first) edition, inscription, decorative binding (an ongoing project) etc. (See Policy Transfers).
561 1/ ‡a Transferred from general collection, 2020. ‡5 CaBViV   
  • Items originally purchased for Main but transferred to SC per decision by subject selector & HD, can pose a challenge which is still under discussion. For now, the notes will resemble this: 
  • 561 1_ Purchased from [dealer (i.e. seller, not the aggregator)] on the [fund spelled out, not as fund code], [year of purchase]. |5 CaBViV
  • If dealer is a 3rd party aggregator (e.g. AbeBooks), use the actual bookseller name whenever possible. If dealer is something like Amazon, use dealer name.
For gifts:  
561 1/ ‡a Gift of [xxx xxx], 2020. ‡5 CaBViV
  • Wording may vary for gifts, depending on donor. Gifts may also be anonymous: 
561 1/ ‡a Gift of anonymous donor, 2020. ‡5 CaBViV   
  • If you need to distinguish between two items on a record, add ‡3 Special Collections copy:

561 1/ ‡3 Special Collections copy: ‡a Gift of Robert Youds, 2019. ‡5 CaBViV 

The presence of gift plates of any former owners should be noted in the record, and the former owners traced – with $eformer owner - if the information can be found. (See Bookplates document.)
  • Bindings are also important and can distinguish one edition or printing from another. ALL SC RECORDS MUST INCLUDE A 563 for this data. 
  • Check ABE, Biblio, and Alibris as well as bibliographies such as the BAL (Bibliography of American Literature). See Description of material (563) document).
  • If the item can be found in a bibliography (BAL) or catalogue (ESTC), record in 510 $a BAL $c 18920. (Special Collections is responsible for reporting holdings for pre-1800 items to the ESTC (English Short Title Catalogue), so alert them by including a flag noting the number, in the item.
  • Dates:

Include the copyright date in 264_4 and in 008, whenever available. 

Include a date in all SC call numbers. In this context, when working with added SC copies, watch for earlier copies which according to former practice, do NOT include dates. Do add the date in the holdings for the earlier copy immediately, and include a note with the current copy, to John Frederick, asking him to add a date to the original copy. This does not apply to copies in locations other than SC.

  • Call numbers are written with a soft black pencil on the upper right hand corner of the inside back cover.  Go to the next plain page if there are decorative papers, notes etc. on the back lining papers.  If the paper is too dark or too glossy, a label may be used (sparingly). If there is nowhere suitable, write the call number on a slip of paper and leave sticking out of the item.  
  • For small items, pamphlets, etc. which cannot stand alone or might be lost or damaged, write the call number where possible.  Put the item in the appropriate sized archival envelope and print the call number.  This is affixed to the upper left corner of the envelope.
  • For damaged items, tie with cotton tape.
  • (John Frederick is the contact for SC processing occurring outside Metadata unit.)


  • With regard to potentially oversized material, SC’s locations cannot always be consistently applied; JF makes the final decision, and has the capability to amend holdings data as required. As a general rule, apply this rubric table:
(sc)   Max. Height: 32 cm  Max. Depth: 22 cm
(sc) ova     Max. Height: 39 cm Max. Depth: 30 cm
(sc) ovb    Max. Height: 51 cm Max. Depth: 38 cm
(sc) ovc    Greater than 63 x 57 cm  
Special Collections Pick Up
  • SCUA pick up shelves are located in the first bay of the SC backlog in room 260
  • Items that are rare, fragile or valuable will be stored in the SCUA filing cabinet (middle shelf) until pick up.

SC Cataloguing Resources


This is a general breakdown of a record catalogued for Special Collections.  RDA cataloging and fast subject headings are used.

  • The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. by James Boswell.  Printed by Henry Baldwin, for Charles Dilly, 1791.  First edition.  2 volumes.  PR3533 B6 1791. 

Catalogue record:

ESTC record:

Online record:

Cataloging: major fields:

245 Full title transcribed as it appears on item.
250 Known to be first edition but not stated on item.

Imprint transcribed in full with address. 

Technically you could use a 264-1 (London : …for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry)  and a 264-3 (London : Printed by Henry Baldwin) but it is more confusing. 

As per DCRM(B) 4D2.1 - the date is transcribed in Roman numerals as it is found on the item (as per DCRM(B) 4D2.1). Do not include punctuation or spaces. Example: $c MDCCXLIV [1744] (on piece: M. DCC. XLIV.)


#m [book format] #2rdabf  is used when known. 

It is often in the record for older books, previously in the 300 field.

500 For notes of any type.  Pagination, signatures, errors in pagination, plates, engravers, etc.

This is citations/reference note field. 

This is used for ESTC numbers and any other sources available.


Gift or purchase note field.

Example: 561 1# $a Gift of Gordon Fulton, 2019. $5 CaBViV  


Describe the book in hand. 

Add appropriate notes about limitation number, variant state, etc.  (See Description of material (563) document for more information)

600-651 LCSH
655 Genres in LC and FAST. Include RBMS Controlled Vocabularies as appropriate
700 All associated names:  bookseller, printer, artists, engravers etc.


Bookplates of previous owners are often found in Special Collections material.  These are all listed and described in the 563 field.  If the owner is easily identifiable, add a 700 field with #e former owner #5 CaBViV.  Some bookplates may be signed by the designer (usually  initials).  If the designer can be identified, add it in a 700 field with #e bookplate designer #5 CaBViV.   In the 563 field the full text on the bookplate is listed.  For armorial bookplates, the motto, name, any shelf mark etc. is added.  A heraldic description is not necessary unless you can find it online or are comfortable doing it. One important person was listed in a 500 note (bib#3373170).  You will often find booksellers’ labels (usually 20th century) and binder’s tickets (or labels) as well.  Include the entire text, but no need to trace bookseller; do trace binder though. 
  • Bookplate : "Ex Libris Leslie Jonah Harper."
  • Armorial bookplate :  "Bradby-Hall."
  • Armorial bookplate : "William Basil Esq."
  • Armorial bookplate : "William James Fleming. M.D."
  • Armorial bookplate : "Jean Vinchon D.M.P."
  • Bookplate : Private library of Paul Bjarnason.
  • Bookplate : "This book belongs to Ray Llewellyn Sweeny." (unsigned but appears to be a design by Ward).
  • Bookplates: "Officers' Garrison Library" (rest is pasted over with another bookplate) ; "The Cambridge Library, Halifax, N.S."
  • Bookplate : "Dr. George S. Trail".
  • Bookplate : decorative monogram within a decorative border
  • Armorial bookplate with motto "JVST".
  • Armorial book plate, Graham L. Anderson. "Arms: Or, on a saltire engrailed Sable between a mullet in chief and another in base Azure and as many anchors in the flanks Gules a rose Argent barbed and seeded Or all within a bordure counter compony Or and Sable.  Crest: A griffin segreant erminois membered, armed, beaked and ducally crowned Or supporting in its talons an anchor Gules.  Motto: NON SIBI SED ALIIS. Artist Robert Grey"--cf.  [Anderson, Graham L., ‡d 1929- ‡e former owner] [Grey, Robert ‡e bookplate designer.]
  • Printed presentation bookplate : "This book is presented to Brigadier S.F. Clark C.B.E. by Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, G.C.B., D.S.O." [Clark, S. F. ‡q (Samuel Findlay), ‡d 1909-1998, ‡e former owner. ‡5 CaBViV]
  • Bookplate: "Robin Skelton" - a simple label in black and white, white text. [Skelton, Robin ‡e former owner.]
  • Bookplate : Antique bearded figures beneath tree, one figure with lyre, the other picking branches from tree. Within central roundel: Landscape with square tower. Text:  "Cared doeth yr encilion MDCCCXCIII. Henry Blackwell" ; plate designed by H.T. Sears ; small stamp on verso of front lining paper "Bound by Blackwell".  [Sears, H. T. ‡q (Harry T.), ‡e bookplate designer.]  [Blackwell, Henry, ‡d 1851-1928, ‡e binder, ‡e former owner. ‡5 CaBViV]
  • Bookplate of Gilbert White : Crest  'Between Two Wings, The Dexter Or, The Sinister Arg., A Popinjay's Head Vert, Collared And Beaked Gu., And Holding In The Beak A Rose-Branch Of The Last, Stalked And Leaved Of The Third' ; below crest are elaborate initials GW. [White, Gilbert, ‡d 1720-1793 ‡e former owner. ‡5 CaBViV]
  • Two bookplates : [1] red, "Book-case (5) Marbury Library" - castle with a number plate (no. 127) beneath all depicted on a scroll (T.G. Parry del, Stuart sc) ; [2] Armorial bookplate : Marbury Hall - Arthur Hugh Smith Barry - Case (20) Shelf (6) ; motto "Boutez en avant".  [Smith-Barry, Arthur Hugh, ‡d 1843-1925, ‡e former owner.]  [Parry, Thomas Gambier, ‡d 1816-1888, ‡e bookplate designer.]
  • Bookseller's label :  Libraire Jean Clavreuil, 37 Rue des St Andres des Arts, Paris."
  • Bookseller's label : "Robinsons Booksellers Liverpool."
  • Bookseller's label : "Sold by William Wilson 44 George Street Edinburgh."
  • Bookseller's label : "Paul Elder & Co. San Francisco."
  • Bookseller's label : "This book was supplied by Edward Baker. 14 & 16 John Bright Street, Birmingham, England.  The most expert bookfinder extant.  State your wants."
  • Bookseller's label : "Fitzgerald Books Book & Art Co. Holyoke, Mass."
  • Binder's ticket of the Bessenberg Bindery.
  • Binder's ticket tipped in on verso of back lining paper : "Bound by Scheller Printer, Art Book Binder, Newark N.J."
  • Binders ticket:  "Bound by T. Gates, Darton & Co., 7, Kirby St., Hatton Garden, London."
  • Binder's label lower inside back board "Bound by W. Bone & Son 76 Fleet St. London E.C."

This field is used to describe everything about the item in hand.  This includes the binding itself, any bookplates, labels, autographs, inscriptions, annotations, marginal remarks, limitation number, etc. It includes dust jackets. See Dustjackets document for examples.   These are what make a book unique.  Trace any names if possible (owner, bookseller, binder, designers etc.)

Every book should have a 563 field, even new items. 

The 563 field must end in ‡5CaBViV

Example: 563 ## ‡aRebound in quarter green morocco, marbled paper boards.‡5CaBViV

If appropriate, also add: 650 #0 Bookbinding‡vSpecimens.

  • Paperbound.  Illustrated cover.
  • Quarter red cloth, white paper boards ; gold lettering to spine.  With dust jacket.  Signed by author on title page.
  • Tree calf ; spine with morocco labels, gilt lettering and decoration ; marbled endpapers.
  • Quarter calf with vellum corners, marbled green paper boards ; spine with raised bands, green and red morocco labels with gilt lettering.
  • Rebound in quarter green morocco, marbled paper boards ; spine with raised bands, gold lettering and decoration ; marbled endpapers. Original paperbound book (without back cover) intact. Bookplate : " A * P  Ex-Libris."
  • Paneled speckled calf ; spine with red morocco labels, gilt lettering and decoration ; board edges and turn-ins gilt ; marbled endpapers ; all edges gilt. Armorial bookplate (t.1) and label (t.2) "Bibliotheque de Bois Boudran."
  • Paneled mottled calf ; spine with morocco label, gilt lettering and decoration ; board edges and turn-ins gilt ; marbled edges and endpapers.  Armorial bookplate:  "Ex Libris Mitaranga", motto 'nictei kai moxew' ;  engraved by Stern.
  • Copies 1 & 2: Bound in dark green pebbled flexible leather, silver lettering and decoration on spine ; mottled green endpapers ; publisher's name on lower spine is 'Collins'.  Copy 1: printing error on title page - the 'B' of 'Robert' is in a different lower case font.
  • Half leather, pebbled boards ; gilt decoration and lettering to front and spine ; moire silk endpapers ; all edges gilt.
  • Royal blue linen weave cloth, gilt Goudy monogram on front ; red label bordered in gold with gold lettering on spine ; gilt top edge.  Library copy no. 211.
  • Original beige linen weave cloth ; black stamping to front and spine ; illustrated lining papers ; with dust jackets. Copy 2: handwritten notes scattered in text in all four volumes.
  • Blue linen weave cloth, gilt lettering to spine. Enclosures - newspaper clippings : [1] "Miss Lillah McCarthy: Shaw and Shakespeare" ; [2] "A great theatrical manangement / Hesketh Pearson".
  • Red cloth, embossed boards ; gold decoration to front board ; spine with gold lettering and decoration.  Inscription:  "For improvements in Music Miss Julia Black from Miss J. E. Rintoul, Leith 22nd Dec 1848."
For fine bindings (full leather, decorated, handmade etc.) add a subject heading:  650  Fine bindings—Specimens.
  • Full calf ; front and back boards with gilt double line and decorative borders, stamped triple line and decorative borders ; gilt decorated spines with morocco labels ; gilt edged boards ; marbled endpapers ; marbled edges.
  • Full polished calf ; front and back boards with gilt double/triple line and decorative borders, stamped triple line, centre decoration and decorative borders ; gilt decorated spines with red morocco labels ; gilt edged boards ; marbled endpapers ; marbled edges. Bookplates: [1] "Nidd Hall" ; [2] armorial "Ex Libris Mountgarret." Bookbinder's label laid in volume 1 "Trevor Lloyd hand bookbinder & book restorer."
  • Copy 1: Card covers with decorative paper wraps. Design repeated on engraved title page. Copy 2: Fine binding. Soft blue-green leather over boards ; two triple line gilt borders with decorative floral corners to front and back ; lettering in gilt to front ; spine with raised bands, gilt lettering and decoration ; gilt top edge, other edges blue ; gilt triple line border on pastovers ; bookseller's stamp in gilt on front pasteover "Hatchard's 187 Piccadilly."  Copy 2 lacks tailpiece.
  • Rebound.  Red leather ; front and back boards with elaborate panelling (stamped vine pattern on outside edge with decorative gilt design inside) ; spine with raised bands, gilt lettering and decoration ; board edges and turn-ins gilt decorated ; all edges gilt ; marbled endpapers.  Binding unsigned. First edition, first state.

Many of the items that go to Special Collections come with a dust jacket.  Items have more value if this is with the book.  The inclusion or lack of a dust jacket should be noted in the 563 field as part of the description. In older records it may appear in a 500 note.  If the designer is listed, trace as a 700 1 with #e book jacket designer. No need to trace corporate design companies.

  • 563  Quarter red cloth, white paper boards ; gold lettering to spine.  With dust jacket.
  • 563  Dark green boards.  With dust jacket ; verso of dust jacket is fully illustrated.
  • 500  Jacket design by R.D. Scudellari.
  • 500  Jacket design by Marjory Dressler ; jacket art by Guy Veryzer.

See Web Sources document for links to various sites dealing with dust jackets.

The British Library's English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) is a union catalogue recording holdings for more than 2,000 libraries world-wide. It covers monograph and serial letterpress items that are:
  • published between 1473 and 1800
  • mainly, but not exclusively, in English
  • published mainly in the British Isles and North America
  • from the collections of the British Library and over 2,000 other libraries

When cataloging a book published before 1801, search for the item in the ESTC database.

If the exact item is found, add the ESTC Citation number to the bibliographic record in the 510 field.

  • 510 4_ ‡a ESTC, ‡c T62594

Do not include leading zeros in the ESTC number.

For example, ESTC R019768 should be recorded as: 510 4_ ‡a ESTC, ‡c R19768.

Add a pink ESTC flag to the item to indicate to SC that there is an ESTC number in the record. Do not write the ESTC number on the flag.

SC will add UVic holdings to ESTC.


[revised 2022-04-13 LD]


In 2016, material with decorative bindings that were located in the main stacks were identified and transferred to Special Collections. 

In order to keep track of these items, a $x note was added to the 852:

852 00 ‡b sc ‡h PR8533 ‡i F55 ‡i 1902 ‡x Decorative bindings collection (Knowles) 

The information in the parentheses included: designer, style (e.g. Art Deco; Floral), unknown, unsigned. If there was no information available, only the collection name was added.

A holdings Boolean search in Voyager can be used to find this collection.  However, as the $x is a non-public note, there is no way to search this in OPAC.  

June 9, 2020 Decision (HD/LD)

DO NOT USE: 852 $x Decorative bindings collection (XXX) 

Instead, include appropriate RBMS Controlled Vocabulary terms in the bibliographic record.


Most of these are old reference books which we may not have in print.  They are useful for names etc., and authority work. 

Web Sources

General Information:

Editions, printings:

Sources for Authority Work:

Dating Items:



Bindings - Description, etc.:

Binding Designers - Single Designer:

Binding Designers - Multiple Designers:

Genres and Broad Databases:

Bookplates, Dust Jackets, Illustrators:




RBMS Controlled Vocabularies

RBMS Controlled Vocabularies

Metadata will add, when appropriate, RBMS (Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries) Controlled Vocabularies to bibliographic records for rare and unique printed materials in Special Collections.


The RBMS vocabularies are developed and controlled by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee and provide a standardized vocabulary for the description of rare books by form, genre, and/or other physical characteristics including binding, paper, printing and publishing evidence, provenance evidence, and type evidence. These characteristics are of particular interest to some researchers and will aid in the discoverability of the unique and special aspects of the Special Collections rare book collection. 

The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) standards recommend the addition of RBMS terms for full-level records. In addition, many libraries, such as the American Antiquarian Society, the Folger Shakespeare Library, and the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University, are already incorporating the RBMS vocabularies into their descriptive cataloguing of special collections. 
As per the June 10, 2020 meeting minutes for the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, work is underway to publish these vocabularies as part of the Library of Congress Linked Data Service ( The PCC also has this listed as Strategic Direction 5.2 for 2018-2021: “Institute a process for endorsing vocabularies for PCC use, developing best practices and documentation … [with] specialist communities (ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section …)”

Use of RBMS Controlled Vocabularies

The RBMS Controlled Vocabularies will be used for the following types of Special Collections printed materials:

-    Books published/printed earlier than 1910
-    Rare and/or limited edition books
-    One of a kind books (i.e. artists’ books)
-    Books with unusual and/or special characteristics (i.e. author’s autograph, bookplate)
-    Books identified by Associate Director of Special Collections


Apply terms as appropriate and only if readily ascertainable.

  • Do not subdivide terms.

RBMS Controlled Vocabularies

RBMS Thesaurus
Source Code $2
Parenthetical Qualifier
Geographic Subdivision
Chronological Subdivision
Add $5 CaBViV
Genre Terms
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Books of hours. ‡2 rbgenr 

655 #7 ‡a Emblem books. ‡2 rbgenr 

Binding Terms
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Gilt edges (Binding) ‡2 rbbin ‡5 CaBViV

655 #7 ‡a Armorial bindings (Binding) ‡z France ‡y 18th century. ‡2 rbbin ‡5 CaBViV

Paper Terms
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Vellum (Paper) ‡2 rbpap ‡5 CaBViV

655 #7 ‡a British marbled papers (Paper) ‡2 rbpap ‡5 CaBViV

Printing & Publishing Evidence
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Miniature books (Printing) ‡2 rbpri ‡5 CaBViV

655 #7 ‡a Privately published books (Publishing) ‡2 rbpub ‡5 CaBViV

Provenance Evidence
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Autographs (Provenance) ‡2 rbprov ‡5 CaBViV

655 #7 ‡a Bookplates (Provenance) ‡2 rbprov ‡5 CaBViV

Type Evidence
(Type evidence)
Do not subdivide
Do not subdivide

655 #7 ‡a Old Style types (Type evidence) ‡2 rbtyp ‡5 CaBViV

655 #7 ‡a Black letter types (Type evidence) ‡2 rbtyp ‡5 CaBViV



The following are resources that may aid in the assigning of terms:

Paper Terms:

Provenance Evidence:

Printing and Publishing:

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.