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Metadata Unit

Added Volumes, Copies, and Locations

[Last revised:  Jan. 16, 2020 - GLJ]

For any of these scenarios outlined below, if there is another flag present, indicating another category (e.g. Curric, Law, SC, Atlas/cartographic material, etc.), then defer to that category (i.e. place on the appropriate sorting shelf for the other category)


​​Added Volumes

  • The book will have a pink slip, MONOGRAPH - ADD, saying "added volume". The slip will have the bib. record # on it and sometimes the call number.
  • Add the 020 ISBN of the added volume to the bib. record if there is already one or more on the record. Remember to record a brief qualification enclosed in parentheses after each in 020 $q.

Note: if there are ISBNs present in the record representing manifestations that would normally require a separate record, ensure those other ISBNs are recorded as 020 $z (Canceled/invalid).

  • If there is a 505 Contents note, add the new volume.
  • If there has been a change in editor, make a note of it.
  • Check to see if it is the last volume. It must explicitly say it is the last published volume. If it is, then:
  1. Close off the Bib record:
  • complete the 300 field
  • close the dates in the 260/264
  • change the second date in the 008 from 9999 to the correct end date
  • check the 505 field, if present, and change the 1st Indicator to 0 and add final punctuation (period) as needed
  1. Close off the Holdings record:
  • ensure the Leader, Type of Record = v : Multipart item holdings
  • update the 866 field to reflect last volume
  • update the 008 Receipt Status to 2 : Completed, and the 008 Completeness code to 1 : Complete (if there is a gap in our holdings, then leave as 2 : Incomplete).
  • Unless stated otherwise, presume the publication status is continuing and do not close off the Bib record. DO ensure the Holdings record Leader, Type of Record = v : Multipart item holdings, and update the 866 field to reflect new added volume(s).
  • If there is the presence of a short green flag (with PO # and fund code) indicating standing order material, ensure the PO # has already been recorded in the Holdings record, or add |x po [#####] as needed.
  • Write call number on the verso of the title page. Be sure to add the volume number.
  • Remove any slips and process as appropriate.

​Added Copies

  • The book will have a pink slip, MONOGRAPH - ADD, saying "added copy". The slip will have the bib. record # on it and sometimes the call number.
  • Call up the bib. record and check to be sure the publisher, date and ISBN match. If the book in hand does not match the bibliographic record, give it to the supervisor.
  • Display the "Hierarchy" screen. Some added copies are purchased and there will already be a holdings record created. Some added copies are gifts or otherwise come without a holdings record. Check the "item record" lines in the "Hierarchy" screen to see what copy number the book in hand should be.
  • If there is an existing holdings record for the added copy, add the call number to it and the copy number, i.e. ( |t 3 ). If there is not a holdings record, create one and add the call number and copy number to it. Add |x po [#####] if appropriate, as in the case of Gov. Docs. or standing orders. Eg. 852 : 0 - : |b main |t 2 |h PR6025 |i U7Z58 |x po ACL5730 or 852 .......|x po G
  • If the item is a gift, code the Method of Acquisition in the holdings 008 as g=gift.    Add the appropriate gift note to the Bib record only if/as instructed via Shelley’s pale purple gift workslip.
  • Occasionally, a circ-on-the-fly record will need to be RECONed before adding a copy. Catalogue as appropriate. 
  • Occasionally, when you look at the "Hierarchy" screen, the first copy hasn't been catalogued yet because it has been recently received or is still on order. If it has been "received”, find the other copy on the cataloguers’ shelves and catalogue as appropriate. If it is still on order, catalogue the copy in hand as is. i.e. do not change copy numbers based on what’s received first.
  • Remember, for purchased material: Endowment fund notes are no longer added manually. Endowment fund notes will be added via an automated process at a later time, if applicable.
  • Write call number on the verso of the title page. Be sure to add the correct copy number (i.e. c.2)
  • Remove any slips and process as appropriate.

​​Added Locations

  • The book will have a pink slip MONOGRAPH - ADD saying "added location". The slip will have the bib. record #, location, and added location on it and sometimes the call number.
  • Call up the bib. record and check to be sure the publisher, date and ISBN match. If the book in hand does not match the bibliographic record, check with the supervisor.
  • Call up the "Hierarchy" screen to see if there is already a holdings record for the added location (it will not have a call number). If there is, add the call number to the holdings record. If there is not, create a holdings record with the added "location code" in |b and call number and |x po XXXX .
  • If the item is a gift, code the Method of Acquisition in the holdings 008 as g=gift.    Add the appropriate gift note to the Bib record only if/as instructed via Shelley’s pale purple gift workslip.
  • Occasionally, a circ-on-the-fly record will need to be RECONed before adding a location. Catalogue as appropriate.
  • Occasionally, when you look at the "Hierarchy" screen, other location(s) haven't been catalogued yet because they haven’t been recently received or is still on order. Ignore the other location and catalogue the copy in hand as appropriate. 
  • Remember, for purchased material: Endowment fund notes are no longer added manually. Endowment fund notes will be added via an automated process at a later time, if applicable.
  • Write call number on the verso of the title page. Be sure to add the correct Rubric.
  • Remove any slips and process as appropriate.
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.