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Print to PDF Serial Docstore Policy

Dean Seeman, February 9, 2017


Individual Claimed Print Serial Issues Where PDF is Emailed Instead of Print Provided

  • In response to claimed serial issues, publishers have begun to email PDFs instead of print copies. We will not add these PDFs to Docstore. Nor will we print them out and put them on the shelf. An email should be sent to to update the holdings to reflect the missing issue.


Serial Ceased in Print; Now Available Via Emailed PDF Only

  • Acquisitions will notify Serials that the print version has ceased. Serials will close and update the Bib and Holdings records, and delete the Predictive check-in; Acquisitions will complete the PO. (following Serials standard Cessations procedure)
    • Acquisitions will check with the selector to see if they would still like to subscribe to the serial.
      • In the event that Serials is notified of this change before Acquisitions, Serials should check with Acquisitions (Patricia Pang) so they can check with the selector.
  • If the decision is made to continue subscribing to the PDF electronic version, Acquisitions will need to create a new electronic version record with a new PO, as per standard procedure.
    • If the record will be provided via Serials Solutions, then a DAR (Dummy Acquisitions Record) will be created;
    • If the record will need to be fully catalogued in-house by Serials once the 1st PDF issue is received, then an On Order record will be created.
  • Acquisitions will forward the email with the PDF attached to
    • (Ideally, will be set up to receive the publisher emails directly)
    • Serials will place the PDFs in an appropriate folder on the W: drive (see the Serials Docstore procedure document).
  • Serials will create a folder in Docstore for the serial title and move the file from the W: drive into the correct directory (the Serials Docstore procedure document will outline this process in detail).
  • Patricia Pang will add the Docstore serial title URL to the title in Serials Solutions if a record is available (if this hasn’t already been done).
  • If there is no record available in the Serials Solutions knowledgebase, and therefore an On Order record was created by Acquisitions, then Serials will fully catalogue the electronic version record upon receipt of the 1st PDF issue.
    • This will include adding an 856 field with the Docstore serial title URL link.


Freely Available Serial Ceased in Print; Now Available Via Emailed PDF Only

  • University of Victoria publications ONLY may be considered for Docstore.
    • Decisions regarding retention and any claiming will be made by Archives staff. Archives staff will forward requests/PDFs to
    • Serials will follow the appropriate steps based on the document: Print to PDF Serial Docstore Policy.


Serial Has NOT Ceased in Print but is Also Available in PDF Format with Our Paid Print Subscription

  • We will NOT add PDFs of issues that we subscribe to in print to Do


Last revised: Sept. 16, 2019 - GLJ


(modified from Monos/Cataloguing ”Saving Files to Docstore” procedure)


NOTE:  Serials should only be performing this procedure as a result of a formal decision made to continue subscribing to the PDF electronic version via Acquisitions, as it pertains to the policy document:  Print to PDF Serial Docstore Policy.

We use file transfer software (FileZilla) to copy files from W: drive to a dedicated space on a remote server (“docstore”)

  1. Save File in Appropriate Serials Folder on W: Drive:

Download & save each individual PDF volume/issue file to the Serials W: drive under:

W:  >  LTEC  >  Serials  >  Docstore  >  PDF files for Docstore  >  [Serial title level folder]*

(Monograph files are stored separately under:   W:  >  LTEC  >  Acquisitions  >  PDF files for Cataloguing)

*If a serial title level folder does not yet exist, then you will need to create one.  While in PDF files for Docstore folder, click New folder and name it as the serial title proper.  Use underscores (_) instead of spaces between words.  (This should only happen in the case of a new decision/new title being added)

IMPORTANT:  Save each PDF filename with the following elements as applicable:

year of issue / volume / number / month (or season) of issue / serial title proper if short or abbreviation if long

AND IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT*:  YYYY_v###_no###_Month_Title or abbreviation

e.g.        1) Alla breve PDF filename:  2015_v039_June_Alla_breve

2) Track & field news PDF filename:  2018_v071_no001_Jan_TFN



*Formatting in this way will prevent the alphanumerical order from becoming out of sequence later!  (e.g.  v.100 or no.10 won’t insert themselves in between v.1-v.2 or no.1-no.2, so long as we use the above 3-digit format)  Plus, file management best practice says:  NO periods or spaces (or many other special characters such as:  !@#$%&*”.’;:<>?/+\  ).  Make sure all PDF filenames follow the same format as above, use underscores (_) instead of spaces, and replace any ampersand (&) with the full word “and” instead.



  1. Open FileZilla & Navigate to Corresponding Local Site & Remote Site Folders/Files:

Open the FileZilla software (depending on your computer, it should be either pinned near the top of your Start Menu or navigate to it under ‘F’ – FileZilla FTP Client -> FileZilla)


From just under the main/top Menu Bar, click on the downward pointing triangle (down arrow), 2nd icon from the left in the row of icons, to “Open the Site Manager” & click: DocStore




The full screen view will now look something like this:

(contents lists may vary greatly depending on last activity)



You will see six windows within FileZilla.  Look at the middle four windows that will function like 2 columns:  Local site:, Filename ;  Remote site:, Filename.

In the “Local site:” window, find the folder where you have saved the PDF file.

(drill down, starting with W: drive)

i.e.  W:  >  LTEC  >  Serials  >  Docstore  >  PDF files for Docstore  >  [Serial title level folder]

Open the Serial title level folder; you will now see the files within the folder displayed in the “Filename” window immediately below the “Local site:” window.


Now find its title level folder counterpart in the “Remote site:” window column.  If it isn’t already, open the “Serials” folder* displayed in the “Filename” window immediately below the “Remote site:” window.  Double-click to open:  Serials > Titles > [Serial title level folder]

*If “Serials” folder not visible within “Filename” window, then click on “htdocs-docstore” folder in “Remote site:” window & drill down.



  1. Transfer File from Local Site (Left Window) to Remote Site (Right Window):

Once you have the correct title level folder open in both window columns, click & drag the specific PDF file from the left “Local site:, Filename” window to the right “Remote site:, Filename” window.  A green progress bar should appear in bottom “Server/Local file” window, and then the PDF file should appear in the “Remote site:, Filename” window as you’d intended.

NOTE: The title level folder names in the “Remote site:” window column may differ in that they have hyphens (-)separating each word instead of underscores (_)  Do not change this, as it forms part of the actual URL name recorded in the record/Serials Solutions and hyphens (-) are recommended practice for URL names.  (Remember: any changes made to the title level folder names in the “Remote site:” window column will cause broken URL links, and therefore must also be changed in both the Serials Solutions database and in our catalogue record!)

  1. Verify Link:

View/verify the title level folder URL to ensure all looks well and the latest issue PDF link you just added indeed works as it should.  (Bring up the title in Voyager Cataloging module and use Ctrl+K or search for the title in OPAC and click on the journal link, then the )



Creating a new directory:

If a serial title level folder directory does not yet exist in the “Remote site:” window column, then you will need to create one.  (Again, this should only happen in the case of a new decision/new title being added)  Double-click to open:  Serials > Titles in the “Remote site:” window.  While in the Titles folder, right-click the top folder in the “Remote site:, Filename” window and select “Create directory” from the menu that appears.

Replace the highlighted “New directory” end of the filename with the name of the serial title proper.  Use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) or spaces between words, and replace any ampersand (&) with the full word “and” instead.  (Generally, do not use special characters such as:  !@#$%&*”.’;:<>?/+\  in the URL name)

Important!  Ensure that item #5 of the Print to PDF Serial Docstore Policy is done:

  1. Serials will add the Docstore serial title URL to the title in Serials Solutions if a record is available (if this hasn’t already been done), or create a brief record.  See ExLIbris document "How do I create a new library specific holdings database?"  (W:\LTEC\Serials\Docstore)


Adding an 856 field directly to UVic-catalogued Bib record:

In rare cases such as item #6 of the Print to PDF Serial Docstore Policy:

  1. If there is no record available in the Serials Solutions knowledgebase, and therefore an On Order record was created by Acquisitions, then Serials will fully catalogue the electronic version record upon receipt of the 1st PDF issue. This will include adding an 856 field with the Docstore serial title URL link.

Start to add an 856 field in your bibliographic record.  The root of the URL for files in docstore is always the same for a serial title level folder URL:

(For monographs or rare exception serial individual PDF article URL:  )

Once you have completed the bulk of the Serials Docstore procedure by completing all the steps in FileZilla, copy the filename, which will become the end of the URL.  The easiest way to copy the filename is to right-click on the file, and click Rename (from the menu).  The entire filename is highlighted, so now you can use Ctrl+C to copy).

Paste the filename to the end of the URL (no spaces), and you will have the complete URL for the file:


And for serials, you will need to add an entitlement statement, so a complete 856 field should look something like this:

856 |4|0| ‡u ‡z 2015 to present


For monographs or rare exception serial individual PDF article, the complete URL would look something like this:

(Note how there is the filename extension “.pdf” at the end of the specific filename)



Anonymizer Use to simulate accessing websites from "outside" UVic when you are actually on campus



SJ/Feb. 13, 2012 / GLJ Rev. July 4, 2018


  • Click on the desktop Start Menu in the bottom left hand corner of your screen
  • Click on All Programs Accessories Remote Desktop Connection
  • In the Remote Desktop Connection window, after Computer, type: and then click on Connect



  • In the Windows Security screen, enter the following credentials:
    • *NOTE:  If it is your 1st time, you may need to select “Use another account”
    • User name:  ANONYMIZER7\remote
    • Password:  T6h78j 
    • Click on OK



  • In the Remote Desktop Connection window, click on Yes



  • Click OK at initial dark blue screen of terms & conditions, and then a separate, remote desktop is up!
  • Either doubleclick on the Anonymizer Universal program icon at upper left side of screen, or single-click the corresponding quick button icon on bottom taskbar



  • In the small Anonymizer [Universal] window, if “Status: Disconnected” & button says “OFF”
    • Then click to slide button “ON” – the colour will change from dark grey to blue, and it should now show “Status: Protected, Private & Secure”, “Anonymous IP Address: [###]”, and “Connected: [duration of time]”



  • You might see the following smaller screen in upper right corner:



  • Double click on a browser window of choice and continue on with your search, bringing up the website you wish to test “outside” access to.
  • *REMEMBER*  Be sure to DISCONNECT from Anonymizer and LOG OFF from the Remote Desktop’s Start Menu in the bottom left hand corner of the Remote Desktop screen!! (don’t just close/exit/‘x’ out at top of screen!)



  • Clicking Disconnect on screen above results in the screen below:



  • AND Log off from Remote Desktop Start Menu:



***NOTE:  I was told we only have the licence for 1 user at a time, so if you get bumped out, it’s because someone else needed to use it!  This is good to keep in mind to remember to disconnect and log off as soon as you’re finished utilizing the Anonymizer.

Local E-Journals Records

Deleting UVic-catalogued Electronic Resource Serial Records with PO Attached

Rev. August 12, 2016


UVic catalogued serial records (contains field 040 |c CaBViV or |d CaBViV) for electronic resources with cancelled purchase orders will be coded for deletion.

  • Call up the bibliographic record using F5 and paste in the bib id number from the spreadsheet
  • Display the holdings record.
    • If the record contains 866 fields then skip over the record and go on to the next one.
    • If the record does not contain any 866 fields, then verify that field 852 contains ‡a CaBViV ‡b inre.
      • If that’s the case, then:
        • Click on Suppress from OPAC
        •  Click on Leader and change the record status to d, click OK
        • Delete 852 |h 
        • Keep 852 |x Order cancelled 16/17 if present … delete all other cancelled notes
        • Add 852 |x RECORD DELETED directly after the 852 |b location code
        • Delete all other notes (except |x Order cancelled 16/17)
        • Update the record and close.
  • Display the bibliographic record, then:
    • Click on suppress from OPAC
    • Click on Leader and change record status to d, click OK
    • Delete the “DUMMY ACQUISITIONS NOTE” if present
    • Code field 590 |a RECORD DELETED. 
    • Delete all fields starting with field 500 and all the rest below it but keep 590 above)
    • Update the record.
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.