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Metadata Unit

General Cataloguing Workflow (Monographs)

After material is received in Acquisitions, it will be separated out and placed on the appropriate sorting shelf according to format, library, or other final destination (all shelves will be labelled). Once the material is on the shelf it is the responsibility of the cataloguer to check the shelf regularly and catalogue the material. If a barcode is present, search for the record in Voyager by barcode. Areas of responsibility are given below, but the Metadata Supervisor may assign other cataloguing work depending on priority and volume.

  • Added Volumes, Added Copies, Added Locations, and Replacements (Responsibility: Laurie Whyte)
  • CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) Material (Responsibility: Min He)
  • Curriculum Collection Material (Responsibility: Danice Szabo)

Curriculum material is indicated by a white “Curric” flag.

  • Discards / Withdrawals and Transfers (Responsibility: Laurie Whyte)
  • Electronic Resource Individual Monograph Titles (Responsibility: Laurie Whyte) 

All requests will be forwarded to the inbox. Titles will be catalogued by Laurie Whyte or Glenda Lee-Jury.

  • Gifts (Responsibility: All Cataloguers)

Gift material is indicated by a pale purple* flag/workslip (i.e. the Gift Coordinator’s “Gift Checking Slip”), which will have information to Cataloguers re. whether or not a Gift note needs to be added to the Bib record.

*Occasionally photocopied onto plain white paper in cases of large donations, to save from having to write out the same information multiple times.

Gift plates will be affixed by Shelley as needed, prior to cataloguing. (excludes Special Collections material)

If there is another flag present, indicating the gift is for a particular location (e.g. Curric, Law, etc.), then defer to that location/category (i.e. place on the appropriate sorting shelf for the other category).

  • Government Documents (Responsibility: All Cataloguers/Esther Dujela)
  • Law Material (Responsibility: Karen Nelson, Glenda Lee-Jury, Esther Dujela)

Law material is indicated by a fuchsia flag.

  • Main Library (Responsibility: Laurie Whyte, Danice Szabo, Karen Nelson, Min He, other Cataloguers as needed)

A sorting shelf location has been designated for “General” main library material. This material will no longer be sorted into specific classification ranges for cataloguers.

Cataloguers should check this shelf regularly and take material closest to the top left.

  • Maps, Atlases, and other Cartographic Resources (Responsibility: Min He, Esther Dujela)

Atlas material is indicated by a pale purple Acquisitions flag/workslip (marked at bottom: “Acq CART PO Fund Selector Location”). There is a line where the subject selector will have filled out the specific “Location: ______________” desired (some atlases could live in general main stacks or elsewhere). If the location has not yet been specified, send back to Acquisitions shelf for selector decision.

  • Microform, CD-ROM, and Other Miscellaneous Material (Responsibility: Glenda Lee-Jury to assign)
  • Current Scores (Responsibility: Michael Gaudet)

New scores will be separated from gift scores.

  • Current Sound Recordings (Responsibility: Michael Gaudet)

New sound recordings will be separated from gift sound recordings.

  • Special Collections (Responsibility: Karen Nelson)

SC material will be retrieved by Karen Nelson from the SC shelf in Acquisitions.

  • Standing Orders (Responsibility: Alix Gullen or Glenda Lee-Jury to assign)

A sorting shelf location has been designated for standing orders (also referred to as AU/SO (Acquisition Unit/Standing Order).

Standing order material is indicated by a short green flag with PO #, fund code, and possibly other information such as Bib no.

If there is another flag present, indicating another category (e.g. Added Volume/Copy/Location, Curric, Law, etc.), then defer to that category (i.e. place on the appropriate sorting shelf for the other category).

  • Video Recordings, Streaming Videos, and Video Games (Responsibility: Alix Gullen, Karen Nelson)

Video recordings should have a rights flag present so the appropriate notes and labels can be added.

  • VNFC (Victoria Native Friendship Centre) Material (Responsibility: Danice Szabo)

VNFC material is sent directly to Glenda Lee-Jury and subsequently passed on to Danice Szabo for cataloguing.

  • Other Locations: Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI), Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, Reading Rooms, Cowichan Valley (Duncan Hospital) medical books, Centre on Aging, and material for other destinations can be placed on the appropriate labeled shelf. For cataloguing policy and procedures, see the appropriate section below.
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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.