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Metadata Unit

Predictive Check-in


Sort and separate mail addressed to Serials from mail addressed to Law. Open the mail at the Serial table. Always keep the envelope/packaging with the material (tucked inside) until after it has been checked in. Place Law and Serials material on labelled shelves until it is to be checked-in. Route material addressed to Acquisitions to appropriate Acquisitions staff. When you are ready to begin check-in:

  1. Search for title in the Acquisitions Module

Open the Voyager Acquisitions Module

From the menu, choose “Serials Check-In”



Enter the item title in the “Search For” box, then click “Check-In” button


If the title is not found, try an ISSN search. First choose the ISSN search option


  1. Look for Check-in Notes

If a “Check-In Note” box pops up, read carefully and follow carefully any editing and processing notes.

See “PROCESSING NOTES” (W-drive >LTEC>Serials) document for notes & explanations. Permanent editing and processing notes are always in upper case, while temporary notes are always in lower case with a date and initials added. Some common notes are:

EDIT: Edit the predictive check-in issue information

S/O (Serial standing order. Locate invoice, then check-in & process according to S/O procedures; route invoice to Acquisitions, PB8)

AU S/O (Acquisitions monographic series standing order: route to shelf in Acquisitions)

BARCODE (Create item record, scan in barcode; affix barcode to item)

FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY (FUILO) (Affix “FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY” label; either cloth label for spine of hardbound, or paper label for front cover underneath or in place of BARCODE label)

ADD TO CALL NO: [YEAR] [VOLUME] (Add this information to the call number)

ADD BCS BLUE DOT (The title is located in Basement Compact Shelving. Affix blue dot near call number)

SPLIT SET… (Process as indicated)

DO NOT MARK OR STAMP. FILL IN PROCESSING FORM 1 (This note applies to all SCUA serial material. Always separate SCUA material from main material after check-in. Do not mark or stamp the material. Place on its own separate shelf with processing form 1 filled in and attached to the item in hand.)

CURRENT [X] ONLY RETAINED. FILL IN PROCESSING FORM 3 (Limited retention. Retrieve issues to be discarded…Note that Processing Form 3 is no longer used, but the phrase “Fill in Processing Form 3” may still be found in some limited retention processing notes.)

Add the two notes below to the pop-up as necessary:

Send next issue for new predictive pattern (Always in lowercase as it is a temporary note. Add date and initials.)

Watch for possible pattern change (Always in lowercase as it is a temporary note. Add date and initials.)




  1. Examine the item in hand

Consider: Is it the correct title? Is it the correct issue? What is the date of the “Expected Issue”? Does an issue need to be claimed? Does the Expected Issue date need to be updated?

Highlight the correct issue, then click the “Quick Check-In” button.

Click the “History” button. Confirm issue has been checked in. EDIT if necessary using the “Edit Issue” button.

NOTE: Sometimes serial publication patterns, titles or publishers change. When these changes are evident, route serial issue to Metadata (Serials) supervisor for follow up. Affix a Post-it note indicating the type of change and place in “questions” tray. Serials cataloguers may also be consulted for help as needed.





  1. Affix Call Number and Stamp

Affix hand written label to upper right hand corner of periodical material. Affix selin label to annuals, barcoded serials or serials substantial enough to affix a spine label.

Property stamp cover, title page or first page where property stamp can be added. For annuals and barcoded material, use gutter stamp (or property stamp) as appropriate.


  1. Place material on shelf for pick up by Stack Maintenance Staff

The shelves are divided by floor with serials typically located on one side of the shelf and monographs located on the right side of the shelf.


ADVANCED SEARCHES: If title is still not found, try the following searches:

In the Cataloging module, perform a Journal title (or title) search. If a record is found, then click the “Get Holdings” button and examine field 866: Does it say “PREDICTIVE”? If yes, search for the title again in Serials Check-In using the title as it appears in field 245. Does it say “NOT FOR PREDICTIVE”? Check-In in holdings following established procedure or route to the Serials (Metadata) supervisor for follow up.

*In the Cataloging module, perform a “Staff Title Headings Search” or a “Staff Name Headings Search”. If found, click the “Authority” button and look for a field 667 “ATTENTION SERIALS” processing or routing note.

* In the Cataloging module, perform a Keyword Boolean search

*If the title is still not found, search for the item in the UNSOLICITED FOLDER (located on the W-drive LTEC >Serials

*If title is still not found, route item to Metadata (Serials) supervisor for follow up.



Use the following procedure when there is no predictive check-in record for the material in hand. There must be an active purchase order for a serial in order to create a Predictive Checkin record.

From the MARC Holdings record, “copy” any processing notes from field 852 which should be pasted into the Predictive Checkin notes box (i.e. ADD TO CALL NO.: YEAR; FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY; BARCODE, etc.)

Press Ctrl M (or Alt R Q) to get to the purchase order line item screen.

Click on the Type tab

Click on the Subscription Pattern button

Click on the New button

Paste the notes you previously copied into the Component Details Note box and click Save. The Component Details tab will now be highlighted

Click on the Predictive Component Pattern tab, highlight the pattern you wish to use and then click on the Start Prediction button

Add the Enumeration and Chronology Value information as applicable to the issue you have in hand; select the First Issue’s Expected Date (i.e. the date by which you would want to claim the issue in hand if it had not been received)

Type the Day of the month Expected – this must be the same day of the month that you selected for the First Issue’s Expected Date (i.e. if you selected Mar. 22 as the First Issue’s Expected Date, the Day of the Month Expected will be 22)

Click OK

Click on the drop down arrow to verify that the pattern displayed is as you intended it to be

Click on the Serials Check-In icon which appears on the left of your screen and search for the title you have in hand

If everything appears as you expected, check in the issue and return to the MARC Holdings record to complete the updating of the record. If the Predictive Check-in record is not what you expected and you want to delete it, click on the Maintenance button and click on the Delete button

If all is as expected, in the MARC Holdings record, delete any unneeded processing notes. Keep notes that  would be useful if backfile issues are retrieved (i.e. DO NOT MARK OR STAMP. FILL IN PROCESSING FORM 1; FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY; BARCODE, etc.). Delete any processing notes that would apply only to the issues being checked in in Predictive Checkin (i.e. ROUTE TO: PER, ADD TO CALL NO.: etc.)

Check that the Summarized Holdings statement is accurate and delete any unneeded current receipt lines. 

Add field 866:  |8 0 |x PREDICTIVE (Check to ensure the | is followed by an ‘x’, not an ‘a’ so it does not display to the public.)


If the frequency in the bib record needs to be updated, see serials staff in Metadata unit who will update the following fields:

008 – click on the 008 button and select the correct Frequency and Regularity. Click on OK

310: : |a [current frequency], |b [beginning year of the current frequency, if known]

321: : |a [ previous frequency], |b [beginning and/or ending year of previous frequency, if known – if frequency has changed several times, code the oldest frequency as the first field 321, etc.)



Use the following procedure when an existing predictive check-in pattern no longer reflects the enumeration, chronology or frequency for the serial in hand. Try to avoid creating a new record in the middle of a volume or year. Instead, add a note to the existing pop-up note box: “Send first issue of [next volume or year] for new predictive pattern” and edit current pattern as necessary.

From the Serials Check-in screen, click on the History button and “print screen” the Receipt History (this may not be necessary if the frequency hasn’t changed, or if you can easily make a quick note of the latest issues received and the dates they were received). You will use the printout to refer to later if you need to update the MARC holdings record or Bib record

Click on the Maintenance icon on the upper right side of the screen

Copy the notes that appear in the Component Details Note box (hint – one might find it useful to add a character such as * at the beginning of the existing record’s notes just to make it easier to distinguish between the new record and the old record until the process is completed)

Click on Save button

Click on the New button

Paste the notes you copied into the new Component Details Note box and edit the notes if needed 

Click Save

Click on the Predictive Component Pattern tab (note: sometimes the system takes you back to the original record. If this happens, go to the Component box in the middle of your screen and, from the drop down menu at the right, select the last option on the list. This should take you to your new Component’s screen so you can now Click on the Predictive Component Pattern tab)

From the drop down menu, highlight the pattern that applies to the serial in hand and then click on the Start Prediction button. If no pattern exists that reflect what you will need to create one

Fill in the Value boxes as applicable to the issue in hand

In the First Issues Expected Date box, click on the ellipses and select the appropriate interval that would be acceptable to elapse before we would want to claim that issue (i.e. for a monthly or less frequent publication, choose one month from today’s date)

Fill in the Day of the Month Expected (1 … 31) box with the same date as the one selected in your First Expected Date box (i.e. if you selected the 23rd of the month as the First Expected Date, you will also have to type 23 in the Expected Date box)

Click OK

In the new window, click on the Issue: drop down menu arrow to check that the new pattern is as you intended. If the Predictive Check-in record is not what you expected and you want to delete it, click on the Maintenance button and click on the Delete button

If your new pattern is correct, you can now delete the original Predictive Component record as follows:

Go to the drop down menu beside the title’s Component: field and select the last component listed

The original Component Details screen will display (verify this is the original record by checking the Note box)

Click on the Delete button (at this point its receipt history is also automatically deleted)

The new component’s Subscription Maintenance screen will now display

Click on the Serials Check-in icon on the left side of the screen

Click on the Start Over button and search your title again. Your new check-in record will display

Check in your new issue

Revise your next Expected Issue date in the Maintenance screen if needed


If needed, update the MARC Holdings record (i.e. summarized holdings, remove nmr, urls, etc.)

If the frequency has changed, update the Bib record as follows:

008 – click on the 008 button and select the correct Frequency and Regularity. Click on OK

310: : |a [current frequency], |b [beginning year of the current frequency, if known]

321: : |a [ previous frequency], |b [beginning and/or ending year of previous frequency, if known – if frequency has changed several times, code the oldest frequency as the first field 321, etc.)

Refer all questions to Serials staff.

Holdings Check-In

Processing Notes

Excel Spreadsheet on W-Drive>LTEC>Serials 



Revised Jan. 2015

The Microforms Centre houses any micro print material, which includes microfiche and microfilm. Letter press monographs that are guides to the microform collections are also housed in the Microforms Centre.

  1. General
  1. Microfiche 
  • If the item is from “Library and Archives Canada”, affix a UVic bookplate over the identifying text (see A, below).
  • Print a call number label using the rubric “Microfiche”; affix label to right side of envelope (see B, below).
  • Do not create an item record.

2. Microfilm

  • Affix a UVic label to the centre of the face of the box where there is no important information. It may cover the supplier’s name or logo. 

  • With the box on its side, with the title, reel number etc. information up, rotate the box ¼ turn to the left (counter clockwise). 

Affix the call number label to the left side of upper edge of the box. Affix the barcode to the right of the call number label.  The reel information should never be covered.

In the case of re-processing microfilm, if the title labels are in need of replacing, do so using the appropriate size label, copying the exact information that was on the previous label (if available, if not ask supervisor), affix label in same location as previous label.

Serials -- Add enumeration or chronology to include the year and dates (do not include accession number) as in the examples following: 


Micfilm                           Micfilm                      Micfilm

AN5                               Z487                          AP5

G4.                                Q8                             M2a

2011                              v.47                           v.127


Barcode each box, affixing the barcode to the far right of the call number label.  Code item record as:

Perm. Loc.: mflm    Item type:  nocirc


  1. Letter press
  • Books have location code ‘mfpr’ in holdings record and rubric ‘Micro’ on call number label:
  • Small accompanying pamphlets have call number label affixed in upper right hand corner.

Microforms Update September 2011  (C. Rollins)

  1. Organization
    1. Film organized by Accession number
      1. Accession numbers recorded in the holding record 852  last delimiter “i” 
      2. Accession numbers are written on film boxes, currently in red ink, by Microforms staff,
    2. Fiche organized by LC call number
      1. Call numbers recorded in the holding record 852  
    3. Voyager location codes
      1. 58     mfcd    Microforms Centre / Card
      2. 59     mfch  Microforms Centre/ Fiche
      3. 60     mfch,cihm  Microforms Centre/ CIHM
      4. 61     mflm     Microforms Centre/ Film
      5. 62    mfpr      Microforms Centre/ Print


  1. Area Signage (responsibility of Access Services & Microforms staff) 
    1. Microform cabinets are organized into 6 rows; with wooden panels affixed to the end of the rows facing the lower level seating and corridor. 
    2. Call number signage will be affixed to the panels this fall.  The signage will consist of broad call number ranges  (see over)  


  1. Cabinet signage (responsibility of Access Services and Library Facilities)
    1. A label maker will be used to make drawer labels bearing call numbers or accession numbers
    2. Magnetic signs indicating the names of large sets  (e.g. Vancouver Sun) will be affixed to drawers.   The magnetic signs are the same as used in the Current Periodicals area.  The former practice of laminated signs placed on the tops of the cabinets will be discontinued.


  1. Processing Current Practices and recommendations for change
    1. Monographs – see Sharepoint
      1. Fiche – UVIC bookplates are only affixed to fiche purchased from Library and Archives Canada, no other fiche receives these labels. 
        1. Recommended change:  stamp or label ALL envelopes with call numbers; consider including UVIC ahead of the call number
      2. Film  - No processing.  Accession numbers affixed by Microforms staff. 
        1. Recommended change: affix UVIC property labels and call number labels.  Leave accession number affixing with Microforms staff. 
    2. Serials
      1. Fiche – call number written on the first fiche
        1. Recommended change:  stamp (see over)  or label ALL envelopes with call numbers; consider including UVIC ahead of the call number
      2. Film – either UVic stamp or Uvic bookplates affixed to boxes
        1. Recommended change: affix UVIC property labels and call number labels.  Leave accession number affixing with Microforms staff
  2. RECON of remaining fiche and film records
  3. Discards  - catalogue record changes and procedure for discard



Definition: Material addressed to Serials that has neither been ordered nor requested by the library.

Some material may initially appear to be unsolicited, but with a further search of the library catalogue routing or processing instructions may be discovered. Always confirm that the material is addressed to Serials.

The library is on the mailing lists for some government and quasi government publications. Some government publications are also still received on deposit. (Note that with government documents, department names often change and a new record may be required. An OCLC search may help identify these changes.) See images and examples below.


Definition: Material addressed to Serials that has neither been ordered nor requested by the library.

Some material may initially appear to be unsolicited, but with a further search of the library catalogue routing or processing instructions may be discovered. Always confirm that the material is addressed to Serials.

The library is on the mailing lists for some government and quasi government publications. Some government publications are also still received on deposit. (Note that with government documents, department names often change and a new record may be required. An OCLC search may help identify these changes.) See images and examples below.

When a title received in the mail is not located in the catalogue using a title or journal title search, try these other searches:

  1. Perform a “Staff Title Headings Search”. Look for an authority record for the series title. If found, open the authority record and look for “ATTENTION SERIALS” notes in the 667 field and follow up as indicated.




(AR = Authority Record: use function key F7 to Retrieve an AR record)

AR# 147733 - General technical report PNW, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, General Technical Reports, PNW-GTR, Pacific Northwest Research Station (and variations).

USDA Research paper PNW; Pacific Northwest

AR# 359242 - Technical report (British Columbia. Forest Science Program), British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Technical Report

Technical report British Columbia Forest Science Program

AR# 316262 - Research paper PNW, Pacific Northwest …

AR# 116909 - Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology


(Note that with government documents, department names often change.)

Canadian Energy Regulator/Reasons for Decision

European Court of Auditors publications

European Union publications. If not in catalog, route to appropriate Government Document Librarian inbox.

European Union Gov Docs Inbox


  1. Perform a Boolean search:


Some ephemeral material arrives as part of a membership to a society or other organization.

Perform a Boolean search for “MEMBERSHIPS” and “[name of organization]” OR “COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION” and “[name of organization]”. Through this search a suppressed serial Dummy Acquisitions Records (DAR) created for ordering purposes ONLY may be discovered.



3. Check OCLC for possible TITLE CHANGES

Be aware of serial title changes that may not be reflected in the catalog, but that may appear initially to be an “unsolicited” item.

Perform a Boolean search of the title, publisher, or issuing body found using variations as necessary. Search OCLC to help identify a change in title.

4. If title is still not found in the catalog:

Open the “Unsolicited Folder” located on the W-drive: LTEC > Serials. Search for title. If found:

  1. Update “Last Received” and  “RECEIPT HISTORY” column
  2. Follow directive noted in “INSTRUCTIONS” column. SAVE.

If item is still not found in the Unsolicited Folder, route material to the Metadata Supervisor (Serials) for further follow up or for:

  1. Government documents: Place in the appropriate Government Documents Librarian tray.
  2. Monographic material and serials received for the first time: Give to the Gifts in Kind Library Assistant for follow up and disposition. Add title to the Unsolicited Folder as necessary.
  3. Material that is clearly just a sample issue (i.e. with a letter indicating that): Discard immediately.

Note that single issues of a title with closed serial holdings or an electronic version only are likely considered “unsolicited material” and may be recycled.

Always consult the Metadata supervisor (Serials) with any questions.


Government Documents



The University of Victoria is on the mailing list of the British Columbia Legislative Library to receive British Columbia Legislative Committee reports.  These are sent at the end of each session of the Legislative Assembly.  (See notice and mailing envelope attached)


Some of these reports are catalogued as monographs and some as serials.  The following titles are catalogued as serials:


  1. Report/ Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.  Bib 734922

(Note: this title is Bind on Receipt except for subseries Annual summary of activities which is entered on this record but also entered and processed on its own record.)


  1. Report on the budget … consultations.  Bib 1342738


  1. Report / Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations.  Bib 1352441


  1. Annual review of the budgets of the independent offices of the Legislative Assembly / Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.  Bib 1327392


  1. Annual summary of activities / Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.  Bib 1546869  (See also no.1 above)


Put other reports on the DOCS TO BE SCREENED bin for the Government Publications Librarian to screen.  After the report is screened, send to Cataloguing.

EUROPEAN UNION (EUI) DEPOSITORY PUBLICATIONS                                 SJ/June 15, 2012


EUI publications are received individually in the mail. Once a month, an envelope is received from Luxembourg, containing a sheet from the Publications Office. The sheet includes a “Resume of publications sent”. Please give this to Caron.



Serials check-in staff will open EUI mail and check Voyager to see if serial titles have been catalogued.  If a serial record is found, the issue is entered and processed.  All monographs,  pamphlets, and uncataloged serials are placed in the European Union INBOX for Caron to screen.  She then places the new serials, pamphlets and dups in the appropriate bins and the monographs in the Gov Pubs Gifts – Screened bin.  Remove the screened monographs from the bin, put a yellow DEPOSIT slip in each one and put on the Cataloguing pick-up shelf labeled EUI.


Search new serials on OCLC and import a record if found and add the appropriate tracings.  Create a holdings record, date-stamp the issue(s) and either catalog immediately or file on the New Titles Shelf.  If no record is found search again later or create a provisional record.


All European Union records that are received on Deposit should include the following coding:


Bib records:


590 :  : |a Distributed by the European Information Corners in Canada (EUi) depository program.

710 :2 : |a European Union.

710 :2 : |a European Commission.

710 :2 : |a European Information Corners in Canada.


Holdings records


008 Method of Acquisition = d : Deposit

ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK DEPOSITORY PUBLICATIONS PROCEDURE                                              

                                                                                                                                                                 SJ/June 2, 2010


Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Publications are received individually in the mail. Most of the publications received are monographs but there are a few serial titles.  The following monographs have electronic resource records and should be discarded on receipt:


Reports and recommendations of the President

Technical assistance reports

ERD policy brief


Give the following to Caron for a decision on retention/cataloging:

Grant Assistance Report

In brief


Put other new monographs in the ADB/European Union INBOX mail bin for her to screen.  Check serial titles to see if there is a record and if so enter and process.  If the serial is new put in the bin for Caron to screen.


After Caron has screened the new monographs, put a yellow DEPOSIT slip in each one and put on the Cataloguing pick-up shelf labeled Foreign/International.


For the time being, give all uncataloged serials to Sharon. Eventually, the following procedure will be followed:

Search new serials on OCLC and import a record if found and add the appropriate tracings.  Create a holdings record, date-stamp the issue(s) and file on the New Titles Shelf.  If no record is found search again later or create a provisional record. See examples attached.

While some government publications are still received on deposit, the library also receives free/gift government and quasi government publications via mailing lists.


(AR = Authority Record: use function key F7 to Retrieve an AR record)

AR# 147733 - General technical report PNW, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, General Technical Reports, PNW-GTR, Pacific Northwest Research Station (and variations)

AR# 316262 - Research paper PNW, Pacific Northwest …

AR# 359242 - Technical report (British Columbia. Forest Science Program), British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Technical Report


AR# 116909 - Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology


For processing instructions, Look for field 667 local note in Authority Record:

(Note that with government documents, department names often change and a new record may be required. An OCLC search may help identify these changes.)

Limited Retention Titles


Limited Retention Serials

These are Serials for which subject selectors have decided to retain a limited run.  After a specified number of issues have published they are to be discarded or otherwise removed as the notes dictate. The retention note is an alert to the processing clerk that action may be required. Examples of some retention notes are:  “Latest year only retained”, or “Current 3 months only retained” or “Latest 10 volumes only retained”.  

These older retention notes are followed by directions to fill in Processing Form 3 and to update holdings both in MHLD and in the Predictive History. See*updating in MHLD. See guidelines below.


LIMITED RETENTION SERIALS—processing notes and procedures for Predictive check-in titles  pd/rev./03/2017; 06/2018

New practice--When encountered, change the old notes in Predictive to read:  RETREIVE ISSUES TO BE DISCARDED [EACH NEW YEAR/MONTH/VOL] & SUPPRESS FROM OPAC.

Updating MHLD--Guidelines:

When a Limited Retention record is encountered, the MHLD summarized holdings are to be updated to replace the current summarized holdings statement with delimiter z notes transferred from field 852. If the Retention statement has not already been moved to the 866 summary holdings. The result is, for example, as in the screenshot below for the title “Express” ( holdings 495305), where “Current 6 months only retained” formerly resided in the 852, but now replaces the former holdings statement in the 866 summary holdings. Careful adherence is given to the proper arrangement of field tags.

This new practice eliminates the need to update specific holdings in the MHLD each time the holdings change.  As in the example above, the delimiter z note for temporary location, remains untouched.

ANALYZED SERIALS & Monograph Series


Current practice: Analyzed serials are checked in on the serial record, processed and then routed to the appropriately labelled shelf or tray in Metadata. Serials that circulate will have a "BARCODE" note in the processing instructions. Item records are attached to the serial record NOT the monograph record. Analyzed serials will be assigned the serial call number and the PO number will be added to the holdings record in a note field of the 852. NOTE: one may find that serials analyzed retrospectively by monograph cataloguers may have had item records attached to the monograph record, not the serial record. This is not current best practice.

Monographic series do not have a separate serial catalogue record and are typically received as AU S/O's with payment information attached to a DUMMY ACQUISITIONS RECORD (DAR). The item is flagged and routed to Metadata for cataloguing.

Analyzed serial definition:

Serials in which individual issues, or volumes, are dedicated to a particular topic, reflected in the material through the use of a separate and distinctive title related to that topic. An issue of an analyzed serial will therefore contain the title of the serial, common to all issues, as well as a distinctive title describing the content of a particular issue. In addition to being part of a serial, and therefore described in the bibliographic (i.e. cataloguing) record for the serial, issues of an analyzed serial which have distinctive titles, will also be catalogued separately as monographs. Some analyzed serials will have a distinctive title on each issue or volume, others might only have a distinctive title on scattered issues (the latter are sometimes referred to as partially analyzed serials, or selectively analyzed serials).


ANALYZED SERIALS                                                   SJ / May 31, 2012


Identifying an analyzed serial from a hit list:

When calling up a serial by call number, an analyzed serial will be easily identified because the hit list will show the serial’s call number at the top, followed by one or more monograph records with the same call number to which issue-specific enumeration or chronology is added. For example:

P140 N62

P140 N62 v.1

P140 N62 v.10

P140 N62 v.11

Processing of an analyzed serial:

When an issue of an analyzed serial is received, it is first entered in the serials’s MARC holdings record or its Predictive check-in record. If it is not a periodical (bib record field 008 Type of resource=p), the issue will be also be barcoded and an item record created (if the issue is to be sent for binding, this is done after it is bound).

When the issue is sent to Cataloging to be analyzed, a separate monograph record is created to describe the issue itself. This monograph record will have a holdings record attached containing the same location code, classification number (subfield h) and cutter number (subfield i) as the serial record but will also include an additional subfield i containing the issue-specific enumeration or chronology. There should not be an item record attached to the monograph holdings record because the item record should already have been created and attached to the serials holdings record (if applicable). Occasionally, item records are erroneously created and attached to the monograph holdings records. When we run into this situation, the item record must be relinked to the serial holdings record.


Monographic series: checked in and received in Acquisitions, typically as an AU S/O with a DAR. Acquisitions green flag is filled in and inserted into the item. Item is then routed to the appropriate shelf in Metadata and catalogued accordingly.

Mono series for SC: flagged for SC and routed to SC cataloguer's pick up shelves; Mono series for law: flagged for law and routed to law cataloguer's pick up shelves; Mono series for main: routed to appropriate Metadata shelves (labeled)

Item is searched in OCLC; record is imported, catalogued, item record created, etc.

Check series authority record for any local notes on processing and classification.

Add PO number to 852 in holdings record (e.g. |x PO=1ACK83462)

Also see Metadata RDA workflow for monographs (in RDA Toolkit) as necessary.


The law library catalogue - and the technical services to support it - was once completely separate from the McPherson Library catalogue. Following the merger of the catalogues, some law technical services staff were reassigned and relocated to become part of the McPherson library's technical services staff. All order, pay, receipt as well as cataloguing of law material is done by McPherson Library staff. End processing of law material is still done by law staff.

Things to note:

Two separate records for the same title may still exist in the merged catalogue: one with a law location, one with a main location. Best practice going forward: one record with two separate locations.

Law holdings were expressed differently than main's. Best practice going forward: use main's practice to express holdings.

New PO's, location codes, and predictive check-in records had to be created after the merger of the catalogues & technical services.

Law barcodes everything, including serials. Always check for item records when updating serial records located in law.  Best practice going forward: law staff continue to barcode items as before; main barcodes only annuals and less frequently published material.

Whenever possible, best practice is to align procedures so there is consistency between the libraries.

Law library email:



LAW Check-in and Processing                    Rev.GLJ/Sept.28, 2016

SFM/GLJ/Feb.21, 2013

  1. Sort/separate material that arrives with an invoice from material that does not.  Photocopy invoices, etc… per Serials check-in.  Law invoices to Paul (top shelf, metal tray in cubicle) after check-in.
  2. Put away the pen.  Pull out a pencil.  Call numbers on Law material are noted in pencil.

(You may wish to use the larger AVERY label no. 02216 – There is a bit more information to include in Law call numbers!)

  1. Search for the title in Voyager Acquisitions module, Serials Check-In (AKA: Predictive check-in).  Watch for Law titles with multiple components, each with their own pop-up note (i.e. there may be separate components/pop-ups for the annual bound volume, “paper part” issues, indexes, looseleaf filing, etc…).  Choose the correct component and “law…” holdings location.
  2. If pop-up says “NON-PREDICTIVE: ADD ISSUE & CHECK-IN” (possibly just “NON-PREDICTIVE” if short on note space), then an issue must first be added (choose “Add Issue…” in the check-in screen) & then checked-in.  A “NON-PREDICTIVE” component is typically created in instances where multiple components are predictable, but one component is not, yet we want to keep everything together in Acquisitions Check-In.  (Whereas, if the entire title is unpredictable, or received as a gift or depository, or very limited retention, then it is typically deemed “NOT FOR PREDICTIVE”, which means you won’t find it in Acquisitions Check-in.  Instead, you’ll need to search for & enter issues in Cataloging module Hldgs record check-in)
  3. After check-in, process the material with the call no. (as specified in pop-up note).  IMPORTANT: The location “Law” must be added to the beginning of each call no.  If there is a temporary location such as Reserve, FWR or Current, this is noted above “Law” and underlined.  Also watch for any “ADD TO CALL NO.:” instruction in pop-up note (see examples on next page).
  4. Note any special actions that must be taken during or after processing on a Post-it note and adhere to the material to alert Law staff (e.g. “To Kim”, “For binding at Law”,  “Newspaper stick”,  “Reference desk”,  “Discard replaced”, etc.)
  5. After check-in & writing the call no., date stamp Law material with the Serials property stamp only.  Any & all other processing required will be taken care of over at Law.
  6. Place checked-in material on the metal shelves in Serials labeled “Law - Box Run”.  Looseleafs/paper parts/smaller items in cardboard tray; Bound vols./bigger/heavier items on shelf above.  Anything deemed “Rush” or determined to be personal mail should be placed with the Law newspapers in the wood tray labelled “Law - Daily Runner”.  Mail Services picks up all Law material & coordinates the box run itself as appropriate.
  7. Set aside any oddities and questions for a Metadata supervisor.  In her absence, Serials Staff may also be able to help.  Law queries such as possible skipped issues, etc., may also be answered by contacting the Law Library directly via phone: local 8565 or email:

Extra Notes:

*Loose-leaf material: Handled by Paul/Carol in Acquisitions Unit since Sept.29, 2015 (Simply place all Law looseleaf material directly onto labelled shelf of Bay 4)

*Law Hldgs record information: Summarized holdings statements, notes, etc. can differ greatly from what you may be used to seeing in Main Hldgs records, as Law historically did not follow much of any standardized format.  If you ever feel something should be updated or standardized, please forward to a serial cataloger.

*Compact Storage: Material that is going to compact storage is noted in the pop-up. The call no. will begin with  “Law-CS”, rather than just “Law”.


*Ref material: The call number should already be noted in the pop-up, but in case it was missed, look for “lawref2” as the holdings location.  The call no. will begin with “Law” as normal, and “Ref” is the 2nd line (not underlined).


*Periodicals: The call number should already be noted in the pop-up, but in case it was missed, note that it will say “lawper2” as the holdings location, but “per” is NOT included in the call no.  Periodicals are identified simply based on their call numbering scheme of “K1 – K29”.  The call no. will begin with “Law” as normal.


*Pattern changes: Changes in predictive pattern can be given to Check-in or Serials Staff to review.


*Pocket Parts: Pocket part supplements are usually thin inserts, printed on newsprint paper, typically received in a bundle or even a box if several.  Sometimes also with stand-alone supplements if too large to be a pocket part.  These are checked in as one entry, but they are to be individually processed at Law with full call nos. (with vol. nos.), stamping, etc., for insertion into the back pockets of their corresponding hardbound volumes.  Simply write the base call no. on a yellow Law processing form and insert into the bundle, and Law will take care of the rest.  (If in doubt, please see Glenda)


*Bound volumes:

  1. Whenever you see the notes “ADD CALL NO. & BIB NO. VERSO T.P.” or “FOR PROCESSING AT LAW”, please let that be a signal to insert a yellow Law Processing form (available in Law check-in/processing supplies tray on mail table) – it’s an instant flag to Law staff that the material requires further processing, and it’s perfect for also noting anything important, such as instructions re. discarding paper parts, etc., replaced material being routed to a person/place, etc., current on Reserve, etc.  Please also write the Bib no. in the allocated spot at the top of the form, in case it gets separated in transit.  Generally, the rest of the instructions will be filled out by a supervisor at Law.
  2. Re. “ADD CALL NO. & BIB NO. VERSO T.P.”, the call no. is customarily written in pencil in the left hand corner, and the Bib no. in the somewhat center-to-right hand corner.  If verso t.p. is too crowded, then use the pre-t.p. or back of front cover as needed.
  3. Hopefully, the notes for most bound volumes have been standardized enough to be fairly straightforward, however, if there are any questions/concerns/more complex issues that come up, then those may continue to be set aside in the far right bins for Glenda to review further & complete the check-in.  Also, any of the really large sets of hardbound volumes and/or softbound supplements that arrive in large boxes of their own (e.g. Canadian Abridgment / Digest material in general), or large sets of anything more complicated may be set aside for Glenda.



Call number examples for Law:


Law         Reserve     Law-CS      FWR         Law         Current

Rep-Can     Law         Legis.      Law         K10         Law

A8          KE2799      KES72       Stats-Can   O 829       K1

I5543       M34         S3          KE106                   D86

            2003                    C365



Creating New Predictive Check-in for Law              Feb. 6, 2015 ED


There must be a new McPherson Purchase Order (not an old Priestly PO) to create new Predictive Check-in for Law.

Search For the journal title in Acquisitions Serials Check-inClick on the Holdings tab.

In the holdings record, press Ctrl M (or Alt R Q) to get to the Line Item Summary for Bib # screen

Highlight the NEW McPherson Purchase Order (location = law[xxx]2 and Funds = McPherson Acquisitions).  Click Details.

In the Line Item screen click on the Order tab.  Click on the Order Number ellipsis.  In the Purchase Order click on the Footer tab.  Set the Claim Interval at “0 days.”  Click Save and Close.

Now proceed with creating predictive check-in:

Return to the holdings record. “Copy” from field 852 the “Law call number” and other processing notes, i.e.  ROUTE TO: CURRENT PERIODICALS & also any identifying characteristics if present/as appropriate.

Press Ctrl M (or Alt R Q) to get to the Line Item Summary for Bib # screen.

Highlight the NEW McPherson Purchase Order (location = law[xxx]2 and Funds = McPherson Acquisitions).  Click Details.

Click on the Type tab

Click on the Subscription Pattern button

Click on the New button

In the Component Details tab, paste the Law call number, and other processing notes & identifying characteristics if present/as appropriate in the Note box.  Delete delimeters & spaces. Press Enter to format each instruction on its own new line.  Click Save. 

The Component Details tab will now be highlighted. In the Category drop down menu arrow, select the category: Basic (recent issues), Supplementary (recent supplements), Indexes (recent indexes) which describes the item for which the record is being created.  These categories will display as such in the OPAC, as well as affect the hierarchy of the check-in components display in Predictive.

Return to the holdings record to view the current receipt pattern.  Verify that the receipt pattern describes accurately the issue in hand.   

Return to the Subscription Maintenance page.  Click on the Predictive Component Pattern tab.  Highlight the pattern you wish to use and then click on the Start Prediction button.  If there is no pattern that reflects what you need to predict, you will need to create a new pattern.

Add the Enumeration and Chronology Value information as applicable to the issue in hand; select the First Issue’s Expected Date (i.e. the date by which you would want to claim the issue in hand if it had not been received).

Type the Day of the month Expected – this must be the same day of the month that you select for the First Issue’s Expected Date (i.e. if you select Mar. 22 as the First Issue’s Expected Date, the Day of the Month Expected will be 22).

Click OK

Click on the drop down arrow to verify that the pattern displayed is as you intended it to be.

Click on the Serials Check-in icon in the upper left corner.  Click Start Over & make sure to select the NEW Predictive record.  Check-in and process the issue.  

Check the date of the next expected issue and adjust the date as needed.  To change the date, click on the Maintenance button, click on the Predictive Component Pattern tab.  In the Expected On date box, click on the ellipsis.  Select the date on which the next issue is to be expected.  Click OKClick on the Change Date button.  Click Yes or No to “Change the expected day by the same number of days for all subsequent issues.”

Click on the Serials Check-In icon. 

Select the OLD predictive check-in recordClick on the Maintenance button.  In the Component Details tab click Delete.

Return to Serials Check-In. Start Over & search again to verify that the OLD Predictive record has been deleted.

Return to the holdings record.  Delete the check-in and processing notes which are no longer needed, and which have been copied and pasted into the new Predictive check-in record. 

Except, do not delete any notes that may be needed for processing at Law. (check with GLJ when in doubt)

Delete all field 866 current receipt lines, including the note: “NEEDS PO & PREDICTIVE IN NEW FISCAL YEAR 2013/14.”  Except do not delete the field 866 |Ø 0| 8 0 |a summarized holdings.

Add field 866 |Ø|Ø| 8 0 |x PREDICTIVE above the field 866 |Ø|0| 8 0 |a summarized holdings.

For records with multiple components, specify component, i.e.  866 |Ø|Ø| 8 0 |x PREDICTIVE – Monthly until all components have Predictive check-in created, then delete the “components” from this field.  ***If possible, try to create ALL the new Predictive components needed for any given title at once, regardless of whether or not you have all component issues in hand.

Update the holdings record - Save to database.

Annotate the journal title on the list of Law titles to indicate that new predictive check-in has been created and that the old Law Purchase Orders may be “Completed.”

Update your SERIALS MONTHLY STATISTICS sheet, under Check-in record created - Predictive


Creating Multiple Components

To create multiple components for the same title, Search For the journal title in Predictive.  Click on the Maintenance tab.  Click New.  In the Category drop down arrow menu, select the appropriate category.  Follow the instructions above for creating the predictive check-in record for the second component.


Non-Predictive Check-in

To create Non-Predictive Check-in, follow the instructions for Creating Predictive Check-in except on the Subscription Maintenance page, click on the Non-Predictive Component Pattern tab when selecting the type of prediction to be created. 

Click Save. 

For non-predictive check-in, click on the Add Issue button. 

In the Add New Issue box, enter the issue in the Enumeration/Chronology field.  Create a receipt pattern which describes accurately the issue in hand.

Click Add issue button.  Check-in and process the issue.

Update the holdings record as described above except add field 866 |Ø|Ø| 8 0 |x NON-PREDICTIVE

Save to database.

Annotate the journal title on the list of Law titles to indicate that new predictive check-in has been created and that the old Law Purchase Orders may be “Completed.”

Update your SERIALS MONTHLY STATISTICS sheet, under Check-in record created - Predictive


*Please give issues requiring the creation of Complex Predictive patterns to Serials s

LAW LOOSELEAF Check-in and Processing                    (GLJ for PT/Sept.29, 2015)

*Procedures transferred to Acquisitions Unit Staff effective Sept.29, 2015*

(Serials Staff simply place all Law looseleaf material directly onto labelled shelf of Bay 4)

  1. Sort/separate any material that arrives with an invoice from material that does not.  Photocopy invoices, etc. and keep with corresponding material to annotate during check-in.  Law invoices to Paul (top shelf, metal tray in cubicle) after check-in.
  2. Any purely mailing label insert/delivery cover sheet can be discarded.  Otherwise, keep all looseleaf contents in plastic wrap/envelope!  Only the top portion of the 1st filing instructions/title sheet needs to be exposed enough to write down the call no. and date stamp.
  3. Put away the pen.  Pull out a pencil.  Call numbers on Law material are noted in pencil.

(There is a bit more information to include in Law call nos. & Law call nos. can change) 

  1. Search for the title in Voyager Acquisitions module, Serials Check-In (AKA: Predictive check-in).  *Watch for Law titles with multiple components, each with their own pop-up note (i.e. there may be separate components/pop-ups for the annual bound volume, “paper part” issues, indexes, looseleaf filing, etc…).  Choose the correct component and “law…2” holdings location.
  2. Read the pop-up note carefully, and verify the Expected Issue/Issue(s) in Hand information correctly matches the physical material you now have in hand.  If so, proceed with check-in.  Edit entries as needed/instructed via pop-up note.  Always view History after check-in to ensure you haven’t missed anything.
  3. If there is a discrepancy, check the physical material’s filing instructions/title sheet – many will provide the helpful information of what the last issue was.  Claim skipped issue(s) as needed (& add a Post-it note to material alerting Law staff not to file yet due to skipped/claimed issue)  *First, confirm non-receipt with Law Library, as it could have just accidentally missed check-in!
  4. Occasionally the pop-up will say “NON-PREDICTIVE” – This means an issue must be added each time it is received (click “Add Issue…” from the check-in screen). *Remember to actually check-in the issue you just added!
  5. After check-in, write the call no. (as specified in pop-up note) directly on the material, in the top right corner.  IMPORTANT: The location “Law” must be added to the beginning of each call no.  If there is a temporary location such as Reserve or FWR, this is noted above “Law” and underlined.  Also watch for any “ADD TO CALL NO.:” instruction in pop-up note (see examples on next page).
  6. Note any actions that must be taken after processing on a Post-it note and adhere to the material (e.g. “For Binding at Law”, “Reference desk”, etc.).
  7. Date stamp the material and place in “Law - Box Run” tray located on Law pick-up shelves (metal wall shelves by Serials mail table).  Sylvie/Mail Services picks up & coordinates the actual Box Run to Law.
  8. Any oddities and/or questions can be referred to Glenda.  Simple Law questions such as skipped issues can be answered by contacting the Law Library directly via phone: local 8565 or email:

Extra Notes:

*Change in edition or title: Watch for a change in edition or title!  New editions or changes of title need to be given to Gail Fowler/Cataloguing Unit for review.

*Added binder(s): If new binder(s)/volume(s) issued with the looseleaf update, give to Gail Fowler/Cataloguing Unit for review as Bib & Hldgs records may need editing.

*Pattern changes: Changes in predictive pattern can be given to Serials Staff to review.

*Not found in Predictive: If the title is not found in Acquisitions module Predictive check-in search, give to Serials Staff to review.  It is likely “NOT FOR PREDICTIVE”, meaning it gets checked in by Serials Staff via Voyager Cataloging module Holdings record check-in.

*Compact Storage: Material that is going to compact storage is identified by the call no. in the pop-up. The call no. will begin with “Law-CS”, rather than just “Law”.

*Ref material: The call number should be noted in the pop-up, but if not, watch for “lawref2” as the holdings location.  The call no. will begin with “Law” as normal, and “Ref” is the 2nd line (not underlined).

Law call number examples:

Law         Reserve     Law-CS      FWR         Law

Rep-Can     Law         Legis.      Law         Ref

A8          KEB515.3    KES72       Stats-Can   KE192

T422/T43    B74         S3          KE106       O 27

            2002                    C365        1987

1985        Div.5


Special Collections

Newspaper Check-In


SJ/June 2012/Updated/SFM June 2019

Newspapers currently arrive via the mail (Globe and Mail included).  Newspapers are delivered to the Metadata (Serials) area by mailroom staff and should be checked in before 11:00 each morning.


Newspapers: Check-in newspapers on CSR [Central Serial Record] cards; date-stamp, then “Newspaper” stamp top centre of front page. Staple multi-section newspaper parts together. 

Flyers: Discard advertising flyers.

Supplements: Processing notes for supplements are located on the bottom of the CSR. Some supplements have their own records; others are kept with the newspaper and the “Newspaper” stamp or sticker is added to the top center of the cover.

Deliver the newspapers to the newspaper shelves.

Retention of newspapers:

Issues are discarded by Access Services staff according to the retention decision for each newspaper (check the MHLD record if in doubt). There is no need for Access staff to notify Metadata (Serials) when the issues are discarded.

NOTE:  if the retention statement says “Current 4 weeks only retained” this means that 4 entire weeks plus the issues for the current week are retained.


Supplements:  Considerations for Processing- Nov.13/sfm

Is it a supplement to an issue?  Is it referred to in the parent issue?--Then include the parent issue enumeration in the call no.

Is it a supplement to the title? --Then add suppl. (and year if indicated) only to the call no.

Is it retained permanently?

Is it a blurb or significant?

Does it need to be noted in the “Unsolicited Folder” on the W-drive? Should it go a serial cataloger? The Gifts in Kind library assistant?

Does it need to be identified in the bib record of the parent title (see field 525 below taken from CONSER editing guide)?

Field 525 records the issuance of supplements or special issues not input as separate records (and, therefore, not recorded in field 770).  Field 525 is used primarily for unnamed supplements and/or special issues, but named supplements that are not cataloged on a separate record may also be mentioned.


$a  Supplement note. 

Input the supplement note in subfield $a.

525 ## Has numerous supplements.

525 ## Supplements accompany some issues.

525 ## Separately paged supplement accompanies v. 5.

525 ## Some issues accompanied by separately paged supplements and sections consisting principally of convention proceedings and lists of members and branch societies.

525 ## Has supplement: Exposición y aspectos metodológicos.

740 02 Exposición y aspectos metodológicos.

525 ## Vols. for 1961-  kept up to date by midyear supplements.  Cf. New serial titles.



Is a 740 field required (see field 740 taken from CONSER editing guide)?

Field 740 is used for title added entries that are not authoritative.  "Non-authoritative" titles are those that are not represented by a name authority record or by an AACR2 CONSER bibliographic record in which that title appears in field 245.  For serials, field 740 may be used for titles of sections/parts or works contained within the item that are not authoritative (e.g., supplements that are not separately cataloged).  Field 740 is also used to record the title for an online version when that format is not cataloged separately and the title differs.

“We would use a 740 only if we want to provide access to the title of the supplement when it is not separately catalogued. If we think it is important to provide access to the supplement via its own title then we would also need to add a 500 or 525 note to the record, as shown in the examples provided.

Whether or not a supplement is important to mention by its own title is a bit of a judgment call. “  - ER


Input variant titles of the work being cataloged in field 246.  Input titles of related works that are authoritative in field 730.

Examples of 740 usage:

245 00 Democracia sindical.

500 ## Some issues include section: Formación sindical.

740 02 Formación sindical.

130 0# Independent Republican (Norwalk, Conn.)

245 00 Independent Republican.

500 ## Intended to be published as: Independent Whig. Cf. Advertisement, New London Bee, May 12, 1802.

740 0# Independent Whig.

245 00 Hystrio.

525 ## Accompanied by supplement entitled: Quaderni di Hystrio.

740 02 Quaderni di Hystrio. 

530 ## Also available to subscribers via the World Wide Web as: Hematology and therapy electronic edition.

740 0# Hematology and therapy electronic edition.

856 7# #u $2 http


Should it be cataloged separately?

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.