Acquisitions sends cancellation notices to Metadata (Serials) deletes and updates check-in and holdings information as necessary and advises Acquisitions staff when these deletions and updates have been completed. Acquisitions staff then cancels the PO. If all issues of a cancelled title have not yet been received, advise to claim as necessary.
Note that Metadata (Serials) are not involved in the cancellation of Acquisition Standing Orders (AU S/O). These cancellations are processed by Acquisitions staff.
Cancelled Law loose-leaf titles, DUMMY ACQUISITION RECORDS (DARs), print titles covered by the JSTOR archive, split sets (i.e. holdings in both main & main,sto or main and Ref) may require further follow-up. If a predictive check-in pattern does not exist, see holdings for check-in and amend procedure accordingly.
For all Law location material: advise of cancellation. Check for and delete "current issue" item record if applicable.
General Cancellations
Law Loose-leaf (Integrating Resource)
Law looseleaf cancellations generally follow the same procedure, but with the following exceptions:
e.g. 866 main vols. = looseleaf binder vols., but with 867 softcover suppls.
e.g. both 866 and 867 updated, with differing enum/chron formats
e.g. 866 bound vols., with 867 looseleaf suppls.
e.g. 866 only one looseleaf binder coded as “1 vol.” – leave as is
Advise - with a c.c. to - when the cancellation procedure has been completed.
Dummy Acquisitions Record (DAR)
When an individual e-journal ordered on a DAR is cancelled, the DAR should be coded for deletion as it is no longer needed for payment purposes.
Dummy Acquisitions Records for cancelled Memberships and Combined Subscriptions should also be coded for deletion if no longer needed for payment purposes.
DARs are coded for deletion by Acquisitions staff after the PO has been cancelled:
Unless otherwise indicated, the print backfile will be completely discarded at the time of cancellation even if we do not have full archival coverage via JSTOR. “Orphan volumes” - volumes that would be left in the main stacks because they are not covered via the online archive – will also be withdrawn if only 5 or fewer volumes would remain. Consult the Metadata Supervisor, Serials, if questions regarding retention arise.
Do not delete |x JSTOR from the holdings record if the print holdings are to be retained.
Split Sets Cancellations
Return to hldgs and check for “split sets” in Reference, Basement Compact Selving or departmental reading room locations:
Holdings in Both main & main,sto (Basement Compact Shelving)
When a title with holdings split between the main stacks and Basement Compact Shelving (BCS) is cancelled, current practice is to advise the Stacks Maintenance supervisor ( She will check shelf space and determine whether or not the holdings can be moved to sit together in one location. These BCS/main split sets were initially meant to be temporary and are typically expressed via a note in a second summarized holdings statement. (On occasion, due to a variation in past practice, a second main,sto holdings statement may have been created instead.) If the stacks maintenance supervisor determines that a relocation is possible, she will follow up and advise when the material has been moved. The holdings must then be updated.
Cessations for Print Titles With Purchase Orders Attached
Rev. GLJ 4/8/2016
Notifications of changes yet to take place:
Once the final issue is received, proceed as follows:
*NOTE: If continuing online add a 776 field (and 785 if it is a change of title as well)
**EXCEPTION: If print version issues will continue to be offered as “print-on-demand”, then do NOT treat as a cessation. Do continue with rest of procedure, except do NOT update the Bib record as outlined above; instead add only a 588 note to the Bib record as follows: Example (see Bib 2202715 Osgoode Hall law journal): 588 | | | ‡a Vol. 52 (2015)- print issues available by print-on-demand only. (exact wording may vary depending on situation) |
This procedure applies to physical format titles with or without a PO attached
Changes of TItle
SJ/Feb. 2013SFM/July 2018
Notifications of changes yet to take place:
Once the new title arrives:
Former title:
If the title has a Purchase Order Attached: Notify when the old predictive check-in has been deleted and a new bib record exists for the new title. Acquisitions staff will then close off the old PO and create a new PO attached to the new title. When that is done, Serials staff is notified and a new predictive record can be created if necessary.
For all Law location material: advise of cancellation. Check for and delete "current issue" item record if applicable.
Delete, Weed, Withdraw, Deaccession
Requests to withdraw a serial may come via an email request to the serials inbox; a verbal request from a subject selector; or via the "withdrawn" shelf. A discard form should accompany the latter. If necessary, retrieve the corresponding material to be withdrawn from the appropriate location. (If there a multiple shelves of material to be withdrawn, advise stack maintenance to withdraw the material after the records have been deleted.) |
If a Purchase Order is attached (Alt R Q or CTRL M):
If no Purchase Order is attached:
Update the deletions spreadsheet as necessary and advise Stack Maintenance supervisor when material is ready to be withdrawn.
SC & Field 561
Relinking Purchase Orders to Different Bib & Holdings Records
SJ/Jan. 26, 2012 Rev.SFM/GLJ Sept.16, 2016
***Before you begin this relinking PO procedure, make sure you have already created a Hldgs record under the new desired Bib record! (or that there is already one existing) It will serve as the Hldgs record you will relink to, in the steps outlined below… |
*NOTE Gail’s search tips: 1. In cases where there are multiple hits and the titles are identical and/or difficult to differentiate, consider temporarily adding something like “XX” to the end of the 245 Title field of the record you want to relink the PO to. (But remember to change it back once you’re done!) 2. If you don’t get any hits at all, truncate your search with a question mark (?) at the end of your search terms to find any variant title endings. |
ALSO NOTE: The e.g. screenshot below is not an ideal one, as both the unwanted “Current Holdings” and the desired “New Holdings” are identical in information in this case, but yours will likely differ.
***Another e.g., with possible time-saving step:
IF you are also certain that you wish to delete the current Hldgs record of the record that you are about to “unattach” the PO from, then you may also choose to click the white box under “Delete Current Holdings” until you see the check mark appear.
*NOTE: Only click the white box if you are certain you’ve already taken what information you needed from the existing Hldgs record and it’s definitely safe to delete. (Really, this is just saving a step that you must definitely take later re. deleting the old Bib & Hldgs record anyway, so no harm in leaving it until later either)
On occasion, an issue of a serial is cataloged as a monograph. This most often happens because the issue has a monographic title in addition to the serial title. If there is only one issue, a judgment can be made to just catalog the issue as a monograph. However, when more than one issue is added to the library’s holdings, the decision should be revisited as to whether all of the issues should be recataloged as part of a serial record. This is called “serializing”.
Serializing Monograph Records
SJ/May 8, 2012 / GLJ Rev.Jan.17, 2017
*NOTE: The procedure below, while still valid, may not be the most desirable method. Instead, you may wish to refer to the separate, alternative procedure entitled: OVERLAY with better Bib records from OCLC. Overlaying would be completely covering over the “face” of the old, unwanted Bib, giving it a facelift or makeover of sorts, but the old Bib ID# itself, PO number, and any existing Holdings & Item records will remain intact & unchanged. |
**Caution! When/if planning to overlay a monograph record with a serial record (i.e. serializing a monograph), be sure to FIRST change the existing Leader – Bibliographic Level from m:Monograph to s:Serial! We’ve discovered a glitch where you may not be able to search by journal title if mono record overlayed with serial record without first changing the Leader – Bibliographic Level to s:Serial. |