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The Map Library loans out air photos (primarily of Vancouver Island).  Most of these air photos do not have full bibliographic records. Always create FULL bibliographic records for any new Airphoto roll numbers/titles.  Whenever possible, upgrade existing bibliographic records.

Refer to the Airphotos Online Database:

This database lists the photos in roll number/call number order (more or less), and includes the name of the area that the airphoto covers, the scale, the NTS number, as well as the Library’s HOLDINGS of individual photos from the roll number.  This is all really good information to include in the Bibliographic record and Holdings record, respectively. (For examples, see bib 3862114 and 4033952)

Remember to add an 040 field to these records, just as you would to any other bibliographic record.  (Note, though, that you cannot call these RDA records because you do not have the airphoto-in-hand).

Add the following field to each bibliographic record:

856  42 ‡z See UVic Map Library Airphotos online database for details ‡u

  • Sometimes the airphoto without barcode is part of a multi-volume Airphoto roll number set, which already has a Bib record and Holdings record, and only lacks an Item record or barcode for the individual photo number.  If so, then simply add the barcode to an existing Item record (if an empty Item record exists), or create a new Item record, and add the barcode. (Remember to update the Holdings record, if necessary.)

  • Sometimes the airphoto does not exist in the database at all.  Using the information from the “Action Slip” and airphoto database, create a new bibliographic record (be sure to add 007 “Map” for airphotos - see screenshot below), create a new Holdings record (with call number and holdings), create a new item record, and add the barcode.

IMPORTANT:  In any and all of these cases, once the Item record and barcode exist, use the patron information on the ”Action Slip” to charge the item out to the patron in Circulation Module.

Add 007 “Map” for airphotos:

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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.