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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations


Journals that are defunct (have ceased publication) are archived in UVicSpace to preserve the content. The journal's site is then deleted.

Journals are archived using this structure:

Journal community page

The journal community page should include the information about the journal from its website, e.g.:

  • Publication lifespan (required)
  • ISSN (if applicable)
  • About the Journal
  • Journal History (drafted for this page if it doesn't appear on the website)
  • Focus and Scope
  • Copyright Policy

Cover page

Cover pages for archived journal articles are the same for faculty publications, with these exceptions:

  • Replace Faculty of ... with the journal title. If the title has changed over time, use the current one.
  • Replace Faculty Publications with UVic Libraries ePublishing Services
  • Some citations may not include URLs (e.g., BCOMBBRP)

Submission form

Complete the submission form following the steps for faculty publications, with these exceptions:

  • Publisher: if the journal title has changed over time, use the current title (the authoritative name of the journal)
  • Identifiers: if the article has a DOI, include it. Don't include URLs to the journal site, since these will soon be broken.

Uploading items

Items can be added one at a time using the submission form, but it's best to upload them in bulk. This is a two-step process: first, the metadata is imported in bulk, then PDFs are added to each item as bitstreams.

Bulk metadata import workflow

Archiving articles using bulk metadata import is a two-step process. First, the metadata is imported from a CSV file, then the bitstream(s) for each item are uploaded manually.

1. Create collections & upload an example item

  • Create a collection for each of the issues being archived. The collection handles will be included in the metadata CSV file.
  • Upload at least one item to one of the collections as an example. Make any necessary decisions about how to enter details for that specific journal. This example item will be used as a model for the other articles in the journal.

2. Prepare a model CSV file

Export a model CSV file by exporting the metadata from one of the issue collections.

  • From the sidebar menu, select Export --> Metadata.
  • Select the collection whose metadata you would like to export, then click Export. This will initiate a Process that uses the metadata-export script. It will generate a CSV file as one of its outputs. Click the CSV file to download it.
  • Open the file in Excel and Save As --> CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited). Rename the file using the convention journalTitle_csv. To avoid confusion, also rename the tab in the Excel sheet.

Note: The first row of the CSV file contains the labels for each field, corresponding to the fields in the submission form. They are labelled with the Dublin Core labels, e.g., dc.description.abstract corresponds to the Abstract field in the submission form. The first column, labelled id, must remain intact. It contains the unique id that UVicSpace assigns to each item. Each row in the spreadsheet represents an item, so each item’s metadata must be entered on a new row, and an item can only occupy one row.

  • Delete all the content from the spreadsheet, but keep the headings in the first row. This file can now be used as a template for importing new items with metadata only (no bitstreams).

3. Enter metadata for the new items

Enter the metadata for the new items, referring to the example item as necessary for how to format the data. Items from multiple issues can be entered on the same spreadsheet: the value in the Collection column determines which collection the new item is added to.

Id: Enter + in each row. This tells the system to create a new items.

Collection: Enter the numbers at the end of the permanent URI for the community, including the slash: e.g., for, enter 1828/3853. (Author): Enter author names as Lastname, Firstname. Separate multiple authors with double pipes ||.

Note: Check whether each author has items in UVicSpace already and use the authoritative version of their name. This helps prevent the system from generating multiple records for each author. Leave this blank. Leave this blank. Leave this blank.

dc.description.abstract (Abstract): Enter the abstract. Delete any line breaks.

dc.description.provenance: Leave this blank.

dc.description.reviewstatus (Peer Review Status): Enter Reviewed or Unreviewed.

dc.description.scholarlevel (Scholarly Level): Enter the scholarly level from this list:

  • Faculty
  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate

dc.identifier.citation (Citation): Enter the citation in APA format, omitting italics.

dc.identifier.uri: Enter the DOI. Separate multiple values with double pipes ||. Do not include URLs to the journal's website, since they will soon be broken.

dc.language.iso (Language): Enter en for English. For other languages, enter the appropriate ISO 639-1 code.

dc.publisher (Publisher): Enter the publisher (journal) name. If a journal's name has changed over time, use the current (authoritative) name.

dc.rights.uri (part of Creative Commons License): Enter the URI for the appropriate Creative Commons license, if applicable, e.g.,

dc.rights (part of Creative Commons License): Enter the name of the appropriate Creative Commons license, if applicable, e.g., Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

dc.subject (Keywords): Enter keywords in lowercase (caps when required), separated by double pipes ||.

dc.title (Title): Enter the title in sentence case.

dc.type (Type): Enter the item type from this controlled list:

  • Animation
  • Map
  • Recording, oral
  • Article
  • Musical Score
  • Software
  • Book
  • Plan or blueprint
  • Technical Report
  • Book chapter
  • Preprint
  • Thesis
  • Dataset
  • Poster
  • Video
  • Learning Object
  • Postprint
  • Working Paper
  • Honours thesis
  • Presentation
  • Other
  • Image
  • Recording, acoustical


  • Image, 3-D
  • Recording, musical


Check all the metadata carefully for accuracy and consistency.

Note: Items submitted via batch metadata uploads do not go through the usual workflow, so they are entered directly into the repository. Ensuring that the metadata is accurate at this stage is very important!

  • Save the file in Excel as UTF-8.
  • Open the file in Notepad and Save As UTF-8 (not UTF-8 with BOM). Rename the file as journalTitle-UTF8. This is the version that must be uploaded to UVicSpace.


4. Import the metadata

Best practice is to import metadata in two steps: first, validate the metadata, then do the actual import.

Validate the metadata
  • From the sidebar menu, click Import --> Metadata.
  • Click Validate Only, then drag and drop or browse for the metadata file. Click Proceed.
  • A process page will display the import’s status.
    • If it is completed, the metadata valid and can be imported.
    • If it fails, click Retrieve process output to identify the error, then correct it. Repeat the steps above to validate the corrected metadata and make further corrections, as needed.
Import the metadata

To import the validated metadata, begin a new process.

  • From the sidebar menu, click Import --> Metadata.
  • Uncheck Validate Only, then drag and drop or browse for the validated metadata file. Click Proceed.
  • Confirm that the import worked by viewing the collection. Check that all the new items have been created and that their metadata appears as expected.


5. Upload bitstreams

Upload at least one file/bitstream for each item. The thumbnail and license file will be generated automatically.

  • From the item page, click Edit this item.
  • Click the Bitstreams tab.
  • Click Upload.
  • Select the bundle ORIGINAL --> Create bundle.
  • Drag and drop or browse for the item’s file.
  • If necessary, edit the Filename and Description and choose the appropriate format. Click Save.
  • By default, items will be open access. If an item has an embargo,
    • Click Edit bitstream’s policies.
    • Under Start Date, select the date 2 days after the end of the embargo period (e.g., if the embargo period ends on January 15, select January 17).
    • Click Save.
  • View the item to confirm that the bitstream was uploaded successfully and confirm the embargo date, if applicable.

Journal sunsetting workflow (to come)

Details to come:

  • Updating publication status in DOAJ, Ulrich's, other indexes
  • Updating ISSN records
  • Informing liaison librarians and other stakeholders
  • Deleting journal sites
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.