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Journal Search Tool (JST)

CRKN provides license agreements negotiated with publishers as well as lists of OA journal titles for each publisher. These are available on CRKN’s Read and Publish Agreements page, although the most up to date information is sometimes available to logged in users (ask Inba to access these materials).

CRKN posts up to date title lists for importing into JST in a Google drive SciFree: CRKN Agreement Title Lists. These lists are already formatted and ready to upload.

  • Title lists include journal title, E-ISSN, URL, and, where possible, subject areas and CC-BY license information. They do not include discount amounts, so this information must be found in the license agreement or elsewhere.
  • Most title lists are comprehensive and not divided into smaller package offerings. Subscribers of ACS Science Essentials or Academic Core+ will need to modify the ACS title list in order to reflect your subscription entitlements.
  • Taylor & Francis lists are divided into subject areas (EM, Medical, SSH, ST).
  • Lists are updated quarterly. CRKN notifies members of updates via the Collections listserv, and Evelyn forwards this information to us.

Update a list for an existing agreement

Back up the existing JST data
  1. Make a backup of the existing journal data. In the sidebar, click Export Journals. This will generate a TSV file that can be opened in Excel, but it needs a bit of configuration. See the SciFree documentation for details.
    • Use filters to see only particular imprints or individual journals.
  2. Save the file to JST Data Backups.
Save the updated list

CRKN posts updated title lists in the Google drive folder. They replace outdated versions of lists, so it’s important to keep track of the date each list was released for our records.

To save an updated list,

  1. Go to Teams > ScholCom > SOAP > Journal Search Tool – SciFree
  2. In Title Lists & License Agreements, locate the publisher for the title list, e.g., Elsevier
  3. Locate the folder for the term of the agreement (or create one), e.g., 2025-2027
  4. Download the title list from CRKN’s Google drive and add its upload date to the filename, e.g., SciFree_data_Elsevier_hybrid_2025-02-25.xlsx
  5. Scan the list for any missing or unexpected data and fix it as necessary.
    • e.g., The CUP title list from 2025-01-28 included titles with the publishing model Gold OA (No APC). These were deleted because they are diamond OA journals and don’t charge APCs.
  6. After updating the agreement in the JST, move the title list to the appropriate folder in Teams for future reference
Upload the updated list
  1. Click Agreements, then click on the agreement you’d like to update. Some publishers have multiple agreements (e.g., OUP, T&F, Wiley), so double check that you’re selecting the correct one.
    • Since we receive multiple lists from T&F (ST, SSH, Medical, EM), and they may be updated at different times, there’s a separate agreement for each.
  2. Click Choose file to upload.
  3. Select the file saved from the CRKN Google drive, ensuring that the date is correct.
  4. Click Open. The button will now say File uploaded!
  5. Under Notes, add the date on the updated file as an internal note.
  6. If any titles are missing vital info, an alert will appear in the Uploaded journals list.
    • Check the box to see only the titles with alerts and fix the error.
  7. Double check that the list was updated, e.g.,
    • Search for any journals that are new to the list to ensure they’re showing up OR
    • Compare the number of titles on the updated list with the number showing in JST by searching by imprint. E.g., for OUP Gold OA,
      • Search for imprint:OUP.
      • Under Who pays, select 10% discounted (to filter for Gold journals).
      • The number of results should match the number of titles on the updated title list.
  8. Click Save changes.

Note: If a journal appears in more than one agreement, it will appear more than once in the JST search.

Create a New Agreement

  1. Click Agreements.
  2. Click Add an Agreement.
  3. Enter the info about the agreement:
    1. Publisher: Choose from the dropdown list.
    2. Agreement name: Publisher + any details about the list (e.g., hybrid, gold)
    3. Payment option: Select the discount
      • Included in Publisher Agreement = Library 100%
    4. Agreement URL:
    5. Extra information on journal row: leave blank
    6. Start date: usually January 1
    7. End date: set to 2099-12-31 since most agreements roll over from year to year
  4. Upload the title list file (see steps 10-15 above).
  5. Click Save changes.
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.