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Information on Collection Management Services and Operations

Record Updates


A)  Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph:
Standing Orders for ADDED VOLUMES (A/V's) should have a POL type of Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph.

On receipt of the added volume:

Acquisitions staff will: Follow instructions in the receiving note of the POL: CREATE ITEM & BARCODE; KEEP IN DEPARTMENT; ADDED VOLUME: INSERT "MONOGRAPH - ADD" FLAG; ROUTE TO METADATA

Metadata staff will: Update bib record; update holdings; confirm item record details. The item's material type, policy, etc. should correspond to previous volumes. Watch for item policy of “no circ” and label item FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY as appropriate.

  • Scan in barcode to bring up record (Persistent Search box: Physical titles – Barcode)
  • In the bibliographic record:
    • Add the 020 ISBN* of the added volume to the bibliographic record. Record a brief qualification enclosed in parentheses after each in 020 $q. (Note: if there are ISBNs present in the record representing manifestations that would normally require a separate record, ensure those other ISBNs are recorded as 020 $z canceled/invalid).
      *In the case of music resources: [Also] add the 024 ISMN (First Indicator=2) and the 028 Publisher or distributor number as applicable.
    • Update 505 Contents note: Add the new volume information as needed, if not already covered.
    • Confirm editor: If there has been a change in editor, make a note of it.
    • Confirm other elements as needed: Sometimes there are other aspects of the resource that are recorded, such as a 500 field tracking changes to "At head of title..." info -- update as needed. Compare against the master OCLC record in OCLC Connexion and copy&paste if/when helpful (so long as it matches your material in hand).
  • In the holdings record:
  • Confirm Leader, Type of Record = v : Multipart item holdings
  • Update the 866 field: Holding statements for active standing orders may now be expressed simply as "v.1-" . If the volumes are published out of order (as noted in the bib record), add the public display note (|z), "All volumes as published" after the v.1- (Example: v.1- |z All volumes as published). Prefer to simplify holdings statements for active standing orders whenever it makes sense to do so. Consult a Metadata supervisor as necessary.


  • In the item record:

  • Update as appropriate, including copy ID, material type, item policy, enumeration and/or chronology and "Generate description". Ensure the barcode has been entered correctly. Review the List of items to ensure consistency with previous volumes.
  • Presume the publication status is continuing and do not close off the Bib record. (Exception: if explicitly stated in the resource or accompanied by publisher's letter stating it to be the last volume, then follow additional steps below re. "When the last volume is received")
  • Remove any slips and process as appropriate (remember: item policy of “no circ” = label item FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY)
  • Print and add call number label
  • Scan in as Cataloguing “done"
  • Place on the end-processing truck for Access Services

When the last* volume is received:

*This is referring to when the last published volume is received.  For those publications that are issued out of sequence, wait until you are certain that the publication has ceased before closing off the Bib record.

  1. Close off the Bib record:
  • complete the 300 field
  • close the dates in the 260/264
  • change the second date in the 008 from 9999 to the correct end date
  • check the 505 field, if present, and change the 1st Indicator to 0 and add final punctuation (period) as needed
  1. Close off the Holdings record:
  • ensure the Leader, Type of Record = v : Multipart item holdings
  • update the 866 field to reflect last volume
  • update the 008 Receipt Status to 2 : Completed, and the 008 Completeness code to 1 : Complete (if there is a gap in our holdings, then leave as 2 : Incomplete)


B)  One Time (purchased or gift)

Added volumes may be received as purchased or as gift material.


  • Ordered & received by Acquisitions; item record created & barcode affixed; flagged & sent to Metadata.
  • Follows same procedure as above
  • Metadata cataloguer confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings/Item as necessary.
    • If bibliographic information does not match item in hand, create new Bib record.  After new Bib record is saved, edit Item -> Relink Bibliographic  [*insert link to relinking section] & POL.



  • Received via Gifts Coordinator; no POL; no item record or barcode yet; Gifts flag inserted.
  • Metadata cataloguer follows Gifts flag instructions (if any); confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings if necessary, then -> Add Item

Last revised: 2024-01-25 (GLJ/SF)

Added copies may be received as purchased or as gift material.

NOTE:  Since Alma, Added copies for the same location are added at the Item record level only.


  • Ordered & received by Acquisitions; item record created & barcode affixed; flagged & sent to Metadata.
  • Metadata cataloguer confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings/Item as necessary.
    • If bibliographic information does not match item in hand, create new Bib record.  After new Bib record is saved, edit Item -> Relink Bibliographic  [*insert link to relinking section] & POL.



  • Received via Gifts Coordinator; no POL; no item record or barcode yet; Gifts flag inserted.
  • Metadata cataloguer follows Gifts flag instructions (if any); confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings if necessary, then -> Add Item

Last revised: 2024-01-25 (GLJ/SF)


Items for added locations may be received as purchased or as gift material.


  • Ordered & received by Acquisitions; item record created & barcode affixed; flagged & sent to Metadata.
  • Metadata cataloguer confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings*/Item as necessary.
    • *Holdings may or may not have call number auto-populated in 852 field - Cataloguer checks/confirms correct classification & assigns call number based on location (i.e. Curric, Law)
    • If bibliographic information does not match item in hand, create new Bib record.  After new Bib record is saved, edit Item -> Relink Bibliographic  [*insert link to relinking section] & POL.



  • Received via Gifts Coordinator; no POL; no holdings, item record or barcode yet; Gifts flag inserted.
  • Metadata cataloguer follows Gifts flag instructions (if any); confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib, then -> Add Inventory (Add MARC21 Holdings), then -> Add Item
    • Cataloguer assigns correct classification & call number based on location (i.e. Curric, Law)
    • If bibliographic information does not match item in hand, create new Bib record, then Add Inventory to add Holdings & Item record.

Cancellations General:

Acquisitions will notify when a subscription or standing order has been cancelled. Acquisitions will add appropriate notes and close the POL. Metadata staff will update the holdings record based on the last issue received. Ideally, following receiving notes added to the POL, the last issue will be routed to the Metadata Supervisor (Serials) upon receipt.


-Update field 008/6: Receipt, acquisition, or access status  > 5 - Not currently received.

-Update the summarized holdings statement (field 866 # 0) > Update law holdings to main standards when it makes sense to do so

-JSTOR: Watch for this note in holdings record and advise Metadata supervisor if present. If a serial backfile has already been withdrawn because of online access via JSTOR this note will be present and all current issues may be withdrawn and the records deleted

-Delete processing (and other) notes that are no longer necessary


-Update field 008/6: Receipt, acquisition, or access status  > 5 - Not currently received.

-Update the summarized holdings statement (field 866 # 0) > Update law holdings to main standards when it makes sense to do so

-Add to field 866  the |z public display note, "Updated to [release no. year]"

- For clarification if necessary: add to field 852 the |z public display note, "Subscription cancelled"

-Delete processing (and other) notes and fields that are no longer necessary

-For law material: Cancelled law loose-leaf material with location of law-rmA116 > Update the location to law; update the item policy to nocirc (or book-ncir). Notify of the cancellation and location change

Other continuing formats and complex law material: See Metadata supervisor as necessary

Are you creating a new bibliographic record because of a title (or other) change?

Update the bibliographic and holdings records for the ceased title as appropriate. Create a new bibliographic record for the new title with holdings and inventory as appropriate

Advise to close the PO/POL for the ceased title; and that a new PO/POL is required for the new title.


Draft Nov.2/22/sfm - Process to be confirmed


When a new record is required due to a change of title (but NOT a format change) Draft sf/1/24

1. Create a new bibliographic & holdings record for the new title ; Update bib and holdings for previous title

2. If purchased,:

  • Change POL Bib Reference from the previous title, to the new title: (Serial cataloguers do this.) Find/Select correct POL > Click "Change Bib Reference" tab > [Message will pop up > Confirm] > Search/Select correct/new bib record
  • Associate the PO Line to the holdings of the new title: Search for new title. From the search results list > Holdings > List of Holdings > ellipses (more actions) > Associate a PO Line > Search/Select POL> Click UPDATE (Confirm POL now appears in the List of Holdings PO Line column)
  • Update POL receiving note as necessary (e.g. new call number): Within PO Line > "Receiving information" > EDIT > Save
  • Confirm order is now associated with correct record: Within the PO Line > "Holdings for Ordered Items" should now note both the previous and current title.

3. Advise of new title (bib reference) and MMS ID associated with the POL. Acquisitions will update their records as necessary



For announcements about significant forthcoming changes: i.e. title change, format change, cessation:

1. In the bibliographic record, add a field 588 regarding the forthcoming change. Include |5 CaBViV.

Example:  588 ## Beginning with v. 58 (2023) publication will change title to Australian Journal of English Education. ‡5 CaBViV

The note will be deleted when the record is later updated with issue in hand.

2. In the POL Receiving Note, add: Beginning with [enumeration (chronology)] publication will change title to [New serial title]. Route last issue of v. [ ] to Metadata Supervisor (Serials)

From CONSER Editing Guide 2016 (2020 update):

Notes containing other administrative information about the record.

CONSER may also use field 588 in records for the following:

  1. To record information from publishers about significant forthcoming changes.
  2. To record information about the bibliographic description considered useful to other catalogers.

    1. Recording information received from publishers about significant forthcoming changes.

Occasionally, a participant receives information from publishers about future changes such as changes in country of publication, resumption of suspended publications, or the fact that the serial will be discontinued.  The participant may use the 588 to convey this information to other users of the record.  The OCLC symbol for the institution is given at the end of the note.  At the time that the inputting institution or any other CONSER participant receives the issue reflecting the change, the record is updated and the note is removed.



To be issued in New York by Gordon & Breach beginning Jan. 1992. $5 DLC



Publication to be resumed by F&W Publications Inc. in Oct. 1999. $5 EZB

Replacements may be received as purchased or as gift material.

Also consider the type of replacement:

  • Replacement Damaged - Damaged item is in hand and needs to be withdrawn.  Withdraw damaged item.  Add new item.
  • Replacement Missing - If just missing from stacks & toggled as Missing, then add replacement item as Added Copy (see Added Copies tab)
  • Replacement Lost - If lost by patron, then add replacement item as Added Copy (see Added Copies tab)

NOTE:  In all instances, Metadata cataloguer confirms bibliographic information matches item in hand & updates Bib/Holdings/Item as necessary.

  • If bibliographic information does not match item in hand, create new Bib record.  If purchased, then after new Bib record is saved, edit Item -> Relink Bibliographic  [*insert link to relinking section] & POL.

Standing Orders (Monograph): POL type = Print Book - Standing Order.

Background: Standing orders for monograph series (and similar) are ordered and paid on a DUMMY ACQUISITIONS RECORD (DAR). Separate bibliographic, holdings and item records are created for each item received on the standing order. The DAR purchase order line (POL) number is added to the item record, linking the item record to the DAR POL.

Acquisitions: On receipt of the item, Acquisitions staff create brief bibliographic, holdings and item records via quick cataloguing. The item record is edited to include a barcode, the POL number and the receiving date. The item is then scanned in, updating the item status to "Item not in place" and the process type/status to "Acquisitions technical services (CATALOG)". A green Acquisitions flag is inserted into the item and the item is then placed on a designated shelf in Cataloguing. Occasionally an item received on a Print Book - Standing Order DAR will be added to an existing holdings record as part of a multi-volume set. The item will be flagged accordingly.

Metadata: Follow established best practices and procedures for cataloguing the item, but also remember:

  • To confirm the item is not already held
  • If it is an added volume, confirm the item is attached to the correct bib and holdings; if not, move item to correct bib, then delete brief bib and holdings record. Update bib, holdings and item as necessary.
  • When merging/overlaying records, see Searching for Bibliographic Records > Copy Cataloguing in Alma as necessary
  • Before assigning a call number, check for classification information (i.e. classed together or classed separately) in the receiving note of the POL. To view the POL receiving note:  in the item record, next to the "PO Line" field, click the grocery cart icon > Click "Receiving Information" from the menu list and look for the ATTENTION CATALOGUER note. (Route items that lack this note to Metadata supervisor, Serials.)



Quick Cataloguing (Circ-on-the-Fly)

Quick Cataloguing

From time to time, patrons will want to sign out books that do not have barcodes, and which may not exist in the database at all.  In Voyager, this process was called “Circulation-on the-fly”. In Alma, it is called "Quick Cataloguing".

In the past, Access Services staff would write down the details on a green "Action Slip" which were then picked up regularly by Metadata staff.

Going forward, duplicate barcodes and green slips will not be used. Instead, the entire process will take place in Alma.




Quick Cataloguing 

  • Use "Scan In Items" in Alma
  • Click "Create Item"
  • Choose Holdings Type: New
  • Citation Type: Book
  • Click "Choose"
  • Fill out template, including the following:
    • Resource Information
      • Title
      • Author (last name, first name or initial)
      • Call Number
      • Un-tick "Suppress from Discovery"
    • Item Information
      • Location  (Library + Location)
      • Barcode (Note: this barcode field is not the barcode field located above in the resource information)
  • Save

  • Scanning the barcode will save the template and display the holdings and item information
  • Click ellipsis
  • Choose "Edit Item"

  • Click "Notes" tab
  • Add "Fulfillment Note": Route to Metadata Supervisor for cat review 
  • Save


  • The book is now ready to be signed out
  • When returned, the Fulfillment note will pop up to indicate that the book should now be routed to a Metadata Supervisor for cataloguing review
  • It is no longer necessary to use duplicate barcodes or the green "Action Slip"

When the book is received in cataloguing,  the Fulfillment note "Route to Metadata Supervisor for cat review" will need to be removed.



Please see supervisor with any questions or assistance.


Whether changing item to another holding on the same bib or; changing item to another holding on a different bib:

From within the List of Items:

  • "Select" (by "ticking the box" ) the item to be "changed" to another holding
  • Under "Manage Selected" > choose "Change Holdings"
  • "List of Holdings" / Search box will appear. Search (if changing to another holding on a different bib) and/or Select  holding to change item to. (If you do not see the "radio button" to select, expand the second column.)
  • Confirm the item is now linked to correct holdings.


Replacements - for example when it's a new edition



Transfers Between Locations

B.C. Historical Textbooks transferred to Special Collections - Refer to the Curriculum section of the Libguide.

Record Deletions and Physical Discards

General - draft Oct. 26/22 Susan

Withdrawals - Alma documentation

Items with an attached POL:  The POL must be closed (or cancelled) before an item can be withdrawn and the holdings and bib records deleted.

Always check for COPPUL SPAN retention notes before deleting records:

  • In the bibliographic record: see field 583
  • On the "General" Tab > Inventory Information > Inventory number
  • In serial holdings records: see field 583 and/or |x in field 866
  • For deletions projects, always exclude records with a COPPUL SPAN note in field 583 of the bibliographic record.


TBD: In Physical Item Editor > "Notes" tab > Statistics Notes: How/when to use these fields for Analytics




Withdrawing a single physical item  (Thesis Digitization Project)

1. Search for the item: Physical items > Barcode. Scan Barcode

2. Click title to view the MARC record. Look for field 583 containing a COPPUL SPAN retention note.

If 583 note is present, set item aside and do not withdraw; if 583 note is not present, click BACK button and proceed.

3. Confirm record information matches item in hand. Confirm location and call number.

4. Under Row Actions > Select "Edit Item" to open the Physical Item Editor.

5. CHECK FOR COPPUL SPAN RETENTION NOTES: On the "General" Tab > Inventory Information > Inventory number

If retention note is present, set item aside and do not withdraw; if retention note is not present, click CANCEL button and proceed.

6. Under Row Actions > Select "Withdraw". A "Confirmation Message" will pop up. Click CONFIRM.

7. A "Last Item of this Holdings Deleted" message will pop up. Four options will be presented. Select the second option in the list: "Delete the holdings record" > Click GO.


See "Delete Bibliographic Records" job ; Withdraw Physical Items job


stamps/blacking out

privacy concerns / redaction (i.e. theses)


Draft/TBD/Susan/July 2023


Several projects to withdraw print serials based on JSTOR access and years of coverage have been carried out over the past 15-20 years. Historical documentation related to these past projects is located here:  W:\LTEC\Serials\Weeding & Transfer Projects\JSTOR

As titles continue to be added to the various JSTOR collections, as of 2023, the libraries' current policy is to withdraw print serials when online access via JSTOR is confirmed, EXCEPT when the print serial has been marked for retention. Always check the bibliographic record for a 583 retention note before withdrawing serial items.




URL Checking

[*For future content creation*]


Batch Editing

link to Alma documentation on Jobs and Sets 

Indication rules


Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.