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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations

Getting Started with UVicSpace

Creating an account

  1. Go to Log In → Click here to register.
  2. Enter your email address. Click Register.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email from Follow its instructions to complete your registration.

Navigating UVicSpace

From the Profile menu in the top right corner you can log in, log out, and view your profile. You can also view your submission and workflow items by clicking My UVicSpace.

A screenshot of the navigation menus in UVicSpace

From the pop-out sidebar menu on the left, you can add or edit new communities, collections, and items, and perform other administrative tasks depending on your permissions.



Items can include multiple files. The files attached to an item are called bitstreams.

Items are added to Collections, which belong to Communities. In order to submit an item to a collection, you must first be added to its submitter group by a collection administrator


Each type of submission (General/faculty publication, ETD, Graduate Project) has its own workflow through which an item is submitted, reviewed, and archived. 

You can see your submissions and any items in workflows that you’re a part of through My UVicSpace.

  • Click the profile icon → My UVicSpace

The default view is Your Submissions, which shows all the items in your workspace and those you have already submitted. From the menu on the left, you can filter the list by Status, Type, and Date and specify how you would like the items sorted and displayed.

Each submission has two tags. The Item tag is automatically applied to all items in the repository. Other tags indicate the workflow stage the item is at:

  • Workspace: the item has not yet been submitted and is still in your workspace (can be viewed, edited, or deleted)
  • Review in progress: the submission is being reviewed as part of a workflow (can be viewed but not edited or deleted)
  • Archived: the submission has been archived (can be viewed but not edited or deleted)

A screenshot of the My UVicSpace workspace, Submissions view


Workflow tasks

To view items in your workflows, go to Show → Workflow tasks.

This view shows all the items that are in workflows that you belong to. From the menu on the left, you can filter the list by Status, Type, Date, and Submitter and specify how you would like the items sorted and displayed.

The Item tag is automatically applied to all items in the repository. Other tags indicate the workflow stage the item is at:

  • Awaiting review: the item is ready to be claimed for review, editing, or approval.
  • Editing in progress: the item has been claimed and is being reviewed or edited.

Submitting Items

Submitting items

  • Log in to UVicSpace by clicking Log In at the top right. When submitting items on behalf of someone else, log in with the ScholCom account.
  • From the left sidebar menu, select +NewItem

Note: If you do not have the option to add an item, you must first be added to the submitter group for at least one collection.

  • Select the collection for the item. The menu shows the name of the community and the collection in bold. This will open up the item submission form.

Note: You can change the collection the item is being submitted to using the dropdown menu at the top of the page. The submission forms for ETDs and Graduate Projects have slightly different fields than the general submission form.


Describe the item

Author: If the author has items in UVicSpace already, enter their name as it appears in those records. If they don't, enter their name as it appears in the publication.

This field uses the ORCID lookup tool to help disambiguate author names. Enter the last name of the author, then click Search. Choose the best match:

  • A character string in the In Solr Index field (this indicates that the author doesn’t have an ORCID iD but does have items in UVicSpace already)

A screenshot of the ORCID lookup tool in UVicSpace, showing the SOLR index field

  • The author’s ORCID iD in the ORCID field (you may need to look at the ORCID record to confirm it belongs to the author)


  • The author’s ORCID iD in the In Solr Index field (you may need to look at the ORCID record to confirm it belongs to the author)

A screenshot of the ORCID lookup tool in UVicSpace, showing a character string in the SOLR field


Title (required): Enter the title using sentence case.

Alternative Title: If the item has a translated title or another alternative title, enter it here in sentence case.

Date of Issue (required): Enter the year of publication (required). The month and day can also be added if necessary.

Publisher: If the item has been published, enter the name of the publisher. For journal articles, enter the name of the journal.

Citation: Enter the citation for the item in APA format. Note that the form does not support italics or hyperlinks.

Series/Report No.: Enter the series number or report number for the item, if applicable.

Identifiers: Select the type of identifier from the dropdown then enter the identifier string. For DOIs, select URI.

Type: Select the item type from the dropdown.An infographic showing differences between preprints, postprints, and published versions of publications

  • Article: published articles, including editorials and case studies, etc.
  • Learning Object: syllabi and other learning materials
  • Honours thesis: should only be sued for Undergraduate Honours Papers collections
  • Preprint: the submitted version of an article, before peer review
  • Postprint: the accepted version of an article, after by peer review and author revisions
  • Thesis: should only be used in ETD and Graduate Projects collections

Language: Select the main language of the item from the dropdown.

Keywords: Enter the subject keywords for the item, each as a separate entry. Use lowercase unless keywords contain proper nouns (check the item for capitalization)

Abstract: Enter the abstract for the item. Note: the field does not support special formatting or hyperlinks.

Sponsors: Enter any funding sources identified in the item.

Description: Enter any other descriptive information for the item, e.g., acknowledgments.

Peer Review Status: Select the appropriate option from the dropdown or leave blank.

  • For preprints, select Unreviewed
  • For postprints and published articles, select Reviewed

Scholarly Level: Select the appropriate option from the dropdown or leave blank.

Note: You can save the form at any time by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


Upload files

Files can be added to the item via the floating window at the top of the page. You can either drag and drop files to attach them or click Browse and select the files to attach.

A screenshot of the upload files window in the submission form

Note: You can attach files at any time as you’re completing the submission form.

  • To download an uploaded file, click the Download icon. If you need to delete an uploaded file, click the Delete icon.
  • Select the Edit icon to edit the file’s properties. The Edit bitstream form will open.

A screenshot of the edit bitstream buttons

Title: edit the filename of the uploaded file, if necessary

Description: enter a description of the file, if necessary, e.g., if you are uploading an article an an associated dataset.

Access Condition Type: Embargos and other access conditions are applied at the file/bitstream level.

  • If the file is not embargoed, select open access.
  • If the file is embargoed, select embargo
    • Enter the date that the embargo expires in the Grant access from window using the Calendar tool (this date is required when embargo is selected).
  • In the rare case that the file should be visible to administrators only, select administrator.
  • Click Save.


Creative Commons license

If the item has a Creative Commons license, select that license by answering the questions.

Note: Only select a CC license when the item has one already or the author has chosen one.

  • CC BY: select Yes; Yes
  • CC BY-SA: select Yes; ShareAlike
  • CC BY-NC: select No; Yes
  • CC BY-NC-SA: select No; ShareAlike
  • CC BY-ND: select Yes, No
  • CC BY-NC-ND: select No; No

A screenshot of the Creative Commons license options

Ensure that the selected license is correct, then click I grant the license above.

In the rare instance that the item is in the public domain, select CC0, then click I grant the license above.


Deposit license

Click I confirm the license above.

Note: The Non-Exclusive Distribution License must be applied to all items deposited in UVicSpace.


Complete the submission

When the submission form is complete, click + Deposit. The item will proceed to the next step in the workflow.

If you need to complete the form at a later time, click Save for later.

  • To retrieve the draft submission, Go to My UVicSpace
  • Select Show → Your Submissions
  • Find the draft submission and click Edit


Add mapping instructions (if applicable)

Faculty publications are always uploaded into the faculty member's department Faculty Publications collection. If the item should be added to another collection (e.g., a lab, a cross-appointed department),

  • Create a task in the Scholarly Communications task list in Teams stating which additional collection(s) the item should be mapped to.
  • Assign the task to Caroline.

Confirm the submission

When the item has been approved and deposited into UVicSpace, a notification will be sent to the submitter's email.

  • If you are submitted from the ScholCom account,
    • Confirm that the item has been submitted successfully by looking at the Recent Submissions list on the homepage.
      • If the item should have been mapped to an additional collection(s), confirm that this was done.
    • Delete the email.

Faculty Publication Uploads -- In Development


The CSCO actively recruits content to include in UVicSpace. There are two primary workflows for this:

  • Our mediated deposit service, where faculty send us their CV and we deposit the publications listed
  • Database search, where we search for publications by UVic authors in a variety of databases for deposit

Mediated deposit service workflow

Faculty may ask us to upload their publications to UVicSpace (generally by email to the ScholCom inbox), or we may approach faculty directly.

For requests from faculty, 

  • Inba (or Caroline) will respond and send instructions (giving us access to their ORCID profile, sending us their CV, etc.), letting the faculty member know that a staff member will be in touch. 
  • The request will be flagged for the assigned team member, who takes over corresponding with the faculty member as needed.

Faculty publication uploads and ORCID profile updates are tracked with the Faculty Publications Tracking spreadsheet.

All tracking sheets and other resources are located in Teams > Scholarly Communication > Faculty Publications.

  • In the Faculty Publications Tracking spreadsheet, enter the faculty member's name, faculty, department, and email, and add your name in the Assigned To column.
  • Create a folder for correspondence in the ScholCom inbox > Faculty Publications > A-F/G-K/L-P/Q-U/V-Z.
  • Create a working copy of the faculty publications tracking spreadsheet for the appropriate faculty (e.g., BUSI Faculty Publications MASTER).
  • Work through the list of publications, recording the details of each publication in the working spreadsheet and uploading publications to UVicSpace. Keep notes about the status of any outstanding/in-progress uploads.
  • Once the articles are approved for inclusion in UVicSpace, delete any working files (e.g., cover pages and article PDFs).

Database uploads workflow

Each team member will be assigned one or more databases to work on. 

All templates and master lists are located in Teams > Scholarly Communication > Files > Faculty Publications > Database Uploads.

  • The master lists are comprehensive lists of publications that have been uploaded to date from each database.
  • The TEMPLATE-DatabaseUploadWorkingList is almost identical to the database master lists and is used as a working list while publications are being prepared for uploading.

The tracking sheets are organized by date into separate tabs. Each worksheet include the following information:

  • Article title
  • Publication title
  • Journal abbreviation
  • Journal volume
  • Journal issue
  • Item DOI
  • Publication year
  • Authors (UVic author bolded)
  • Faculty: This determines which collection the publication should be added to: use the primary faculty of the first UVic author listed.
  • Date submitted
  • Date approved: Enter this date after the publication has been approved
  • UVicSpace handle: Copy this into the tracking sheet after the publication has been approved
  • Notes (changes needed, etc.): Include a note if the publication needs to be mapped to multiple collections.
Getting started

Before you start searching for publications from a particular database,

  • Save a copy of the TEMPLATE-DatabaseUploadWorkingList with your initials in the filename.
    • Don't change any of the columns in the spreadsheet -- this data will be copied into the master list, so the format/columns need to be the same.
  • If you're working on more than one database, create separate tabs for each one.
Completing a batch of uploads

When a batch of uploads has been approved into UVicSpace,

  • Copy the data from your working tracking sheet into the appropriate master list.
  • Delete the data from your working tracking sheet and any working files that are no longer needed (e.g., copies of cover pages and article PDFs).

Selecting publications

We regularly search several databases for publications by UVic authors that can be uploaded to UVicSpace. when selecting publications,

  • Check whether the article is already archived in UVicSpace.
  • Check whether the article has a Creative Commons license. Only publications that are licensed for republication can be uploaded to UVicSpace.
    • CC licenses usually appear in the article itself, but they're sometimes listed on the journal website instead.

Preparing publications for uploading

Creating a cover page
  • Download a copy of the appropriate cover page template from Teams > Scholarly Communication > Faculty Publications > Cover Page Templates.
    • Use UVicSpace-CoverPage-OpenAccess for OA published articles (options for CC licenses and publisher permission statements)
    • Use UVicSpace-CoverPage-Preprint-Postprint for preprints and postprints

Note: The templates are dotx (Word template) files. If you save them to C: > Documents > Custom Office Templates, they will appear as template options when you open Word.

  • Save a copy of the cover page template.
  • Edit the cover page with the article's information, following APA style:
    • Title: Use sentence case, bold text
      • To check whether certain words should be capitalized (e.g., technical terms), refer to the published article, if there is one
    • Authors: Use Firstname Lastname, entering names in the order they appear in the publication
      • If there are more than 7 authors, list the first 6, followed by an ellipsis and the last author's name
    • Faculty: Use the faculty of the UVic author.
      • If there is more than one UVic author, use the faculty of the UVic author listed first and add a task in Teams >  Scholarly Communication asking Caroline to map the publication into the other UVic faculty collections
    • Date: Use the date of publication/copyright
      • If there are multiple dates, use the one that corresponds to the specific issue and edition the article was published in

Note: for postprints, use the date it is being uploaded into UVicSpace, not the date of publication.

  • Copyright statement: Edit the statement to match what's stated in the article
    • For CC licensed articles, include the CC license name, abbreviation, and link
    • For articles distributed under a publisher's policy, include any information required by the policy
  • Link: Use a DOI, including the http:// protocol. If no DOI is available, use the most stable URI available
  • Citation: Use APA style. Ensure that the DOI or stable link is live
    • To check how to invert an author's name (Lastname, Firstname), look at their Scopus profile
    • Use article numbers in place of page numbers, if applicable
Adding the cover page to the article
  • In Acrobat, attach the cover page to the article
    • Open the cover page PDF and the article PDF.
    • From the toolbar on the right, select Combine Files.
    • Select Add Open Files.
    • Select the files to be combined then click Add Files.
    • Re-order the files, if necessary, so the cover page is first.
    • Click Combine.
  • Save the combined PDF using this naming convention:


e.g., klimstra_marc_sensors_2023

Submitting publications

  • Follow the instructions in Submitting Items.
  • If the submission is rejected during the review process, make any necessary corrections and resubmit it.
  • If the submission is approved, delete the approval email from the ScholCom inbox and complete the tracking process.

Uploading faculty publications from MDPI

MDPI is a database of OA journals.

Step 1: Find faculty publications

To begin, head to

  • In the Search for Articles bar, input University of Victoria in the Author/Affiliation/Email section.
  • Select Article from the All Article Types dropdown and click Search.
  • Refine your search results:
    • Select Canada as the country
    • Set a specific publication date range, such as a single year.
    • There are additional filters that you can use which will depend on how you want to personalize your workflow.
    • Click Update Search.
    • Once the page reloads, you should observe a substantial reduction in the number of search results. If you don't, double-check that you've correctly applied the filters to your search.

Screenshot of filtered search results in the MDPI database

Step 2: Download article PDFs
  • Click on an article that you want to upload to UVicSpace.   
  • Record the article information in your spreadsheet, focusing on these key areas:
    • Journal Title: Be attentive to single-word titles, as some MDPI journals are quite similar. Ensure you accurately record the correct journal title.
    • Author Affiliations: Check for author affiliations in the footnotes beneath the author list. Concentrate on identifying UVic faculty publications.
    • Citation Information and Publication Date: Extract journal abbreviation, DOI, volume & issue number, page range/article number, and the publication date from the relevant section.
  • Download the PDF. Click the download button and select the Download PDF with Cover option.
    • MDPI will automatically generate a cover page for the article that has the title, authors, journal info, and DOI. You will find the full citation for the article on the following page of the PDF. You’ll need this for submitting the article to UVicSpace. 
  • Once the file is downloaded, best practice is to move it to a dedicated working folder on your desktop.
  • Remember to record the date that you initially submitted the article in your spreadsheet.

Screenshot of an MDPI article with the title highlighted

Uploading faculty publications from Science Direct

ScienceDirect is a database of OA and subscription-access publications.

Step 1: Find faculty publications
  • Go to
    • Click Advanced Search.
    • Under Author Affiliation, type University of Victoria.
    • From the menu on the left, select the year you are working on. Then scroll further down and under Access Type, select Open Access.
    • Locate an article for uploading according to the criteria in Getting Started.
Step 2: Download article PDFs

You can either find, check, and download all the articles and their corresponding citations at once, or you can download them in batches as you upload.

Note: Confirm that the author is from UVic -- e.g., the affiliation often returns articles from authors at Victoria University, Melbourne

  • Download articles
    • Bulk downloading
      • Click the box beside the articles you will be downloading (or "select all" at the top of the page).
      • Click Download selected articles.
    • Individual downloading
      • Click on the hyperlinked article title from the search page.
      • Click the View PDF button.
      • Once the PDF opens, click the Download icon.
  • Download citations
    • Bulk downloading
      • Click the box beside the citations you will be downloading (or "select all" at the top of the page).
      • Select Download and then Export --> Export to text.
      • Open the file in NotePad and copy this information into your working spreadsheet
    • Individual downloading
      • Click on the hyperlinked article title from the search page.
      • Click Cite (below the author's names) -->Export citation to text.
      • Open the file in NotePad and copy this information into your working spreadsheet.

Reviewing and Editing Items

Reviewing & editing items

Claim the item

To review or edit an item, click Claim. A few things will happen:

  • The item’s tag will switch from Awaiting review to Editing in progress.
  • You will see four new buttons:
    • Approve: add the item to the collection.
    • Reject: remove the item from the workflow and notify the submitter.
    • Edit: edit the item’s metadata.
    • Return to pool: return the item to the pool where it can be claimed by another team member.
    • View: view the item’s metadata and download its files.

A screenshot of the Workflow tasks workspace

Review the item's metadata
  • Click Edit to open the submission form. This form contains the item’s metadata as entered by the submitter as well as all the files they uploaded.
  • Open the uploaded file by scrolling down to Upload files and clicking the Download icon.
  • Review the metadata for a specific file, including embargo dates, by clicking the Edit icon.
  • Verify the filename and description, if any.
  • Verify the embargo details, if any.
    • If the file is not embargoed, the Access condition type should be open access.
    • If the item is embargoed, the Access condition type should be embargo. The Grant access from date should be the date that the item becomes available (e.g., if the embargo lasts until January 15, the Grant access from date should be January 16). Once a date is selected, a tag will appear that reads embargo until YYYY-MM-DD. Confirm that this date is correct.

A screencap showing the edit icon and embargo date

  • Review for the item’s other files, if necessary.
  • Click Save to return to the submission form.
  • Verify the Creative Commons license.

Note: CC licenses should only be selected when a published item already has one or when an author has selected one for an unpublished item.


A screenshot showing the chosen CC license

After you have reviewed and edited the metadata, click Save for later. This will return you to the Workflow tasks list.


Approve or reject the item

Locate the item in the Workflow tasks list and select Approve, Reject, or Return to pool.

A screenshot showing approve and reject options

  • If you Approve the item, it will be archived in UVicSpace and the submitter will be notified.
  • If you Reject the item, enter the reason for rejection in the popup box and click Reject item. The reason entered in the box will be sent to the submitter and the item will return to their workspace
  • If you return the item to the pool, it will be available for others to claim and edit.

Switching Out ETD Files

Sometimes it is necessary to switch out files after an ETD has been archived in UVicSpace. Usually, the new file will be sent to you via email by one of the GARO clerks. If it is sent by the student, check with GARO ( or FGS before making the switch.

  1. Open the file and check that it matches the data in the submission form.
  2. Save the file to your desktop or an appropriate folder temporarily.
  3. Login to UVicSpace.
  4. Find the submitted ETD in UVicSpace.
  5. Click Edit this Item.
  6. On the Edit screen, click Item Bitstreams tab.
  7. Check the box Bundle: ORIGINAL, then click the button Delete bitstreams.
  8. Confirm delete by clicking the Delete button.
  9. Back on the Edit Item screen, select Upload a new bitstream.
  10. Browse for the file and click Upload.
  11. On the Edit screen there will now be a new file under Bundle: ORIGINAL.
  12. Click Return, and on the item page click View/Open.
  13. Check that the new file is available.

Managing Item Locations


There are two collections referenced in these procedures:

NOTE: ETDs will always have a withholding form designating the withhold start and end dates. A copy is available in the ETD email --> EDT! --> Withholding Issues --> ETD Withholds Embargoed or ETD Withholds Restricted subfolders.

NOTE: Only a UVicSpace Administrator is able to perform these tasks.

Moving a Restricted ETD to ETD Collection

  1. Login to UVicSpace.
  2. Search for the item. Under the Context menu, click Edit this item.
  3. Click Authorizations. Check that the item is read only for Collection_148, which is the collection restricted to campus only by IP address.
  4. Click Return to go back to the Edit Item screen.
  5. Select the collection you want to move to: Faculty of Graduate Studies - ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) from the drop-down menu.
  6. Check the Inherit policies box.
  7. Click Move.
  8. A Notice appears to let you know that the action was successful.
    1. Click the Authorizations tab.
    2. Check if the item's policies have changed to Anonymous READ.
  9. Metadata
    1. Click the Metadata tab,
    2. Find the dc.description.expiry field and copy the date.
    3. Under Add new metadata, select dc.description.embargo field from the drop-down menu.
    4. Paste the withhold date which you copied.
    5. Click Add new metadata. Click Update.
    6. Make sure that the dc.decription.expiry field has been deleted.
  10. UVicSpace Current Items List
    1. Change the expiry date to embargo date. Add a Date Available, if it was an embargo date change.

Mapping ETDs

Since 2006, the ETDs in UVicSpace have been mapped to their home department theses collections. Only UVicSpace administrators can map items to other collections. Use the following procedures to map ETDs:

  1. Login to UVicSpace.
  2. Then login to the UVicSpace current items list.
    1. The first half of the list includes items that need to be mapped. After the Metadata staff archives the ETD, they will add the handle number to the list.
    2. Click the Department tab to sort the items alphabetically.
    3. Look at the first department.
  3. Find that department in UVicSpace.
  4. Click the thesis collection link (e.g., Theses (Anthropology).
  5. Under the Context menu, choose Item Mapper.
  6. Look in the current items list for the handle number (e.g., 4135).
  7. In the search box, type the full name of the author (last name, first name), the item number, OR the title.
  8. If it matches, click the checkbox next to the item and select Map selected items.
  9. UVicSpace will let you know that the items were successfully mapped.


Un-Mapping ETDs

If you make a mistake when mapping an ETD, follow these steps to correct it:

  1. Go to the item page and click the edit icon.
  2. Select the Collection Mapper tab.
  3. Under the Browse mapped collections tab, select the collection to remove the item from.
  4. Click Remove item's mapping for selected collections.
  5. To confirm that the item was removed from the collection, click Back to return to the item page. The removed collection should no longer appear under Collections.
ETDs must always remain part of the ETD collection under the Faculty of Graduate Studies in addition to any other collections they are mapped to.

Managing Submitters

Adding and removing submitters

Adding a submitter to a collection

To submit an item to a particular collection, a user must be added to that collection’s Submitters group.

  • From the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Collection and select the collection you are adding a submitter to
  • Click the Assign roles tab.
  • Click the hyperlink under Submitters.

  • Under Add EPeople, type the person’s name or email address into the search bar. Click the + button next to the person you want to add.
Removing a submitter from a collection

If a user is no longer an active submitter in a collection, best practice is to remove them from the Submitters group. They can always be added back to the group if necessary.

  • From the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Collection and select the collection you are adding a submitter to
  • Click the Assign roles tab.
  • Click the hyperlink under Submitters.
  • Under EPeople, click the remove (trash) icon next to the person you’d like to remove.

Working with ETDs (Admin)


All UVic theses and dissertations are archived in UVicSpace in the collection ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations).

This guide reflects the policies of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) and Graduate Admissions and Records Office (GARO), revised May 2011 and updated April 1, 2013.

ETD Withholds/Embargoes

ETDs are open access, but students can apply for a one-year embargo by submitting a signed Withholding Form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS). The withholding period may be renewed for an additional year. For more information, see Withholding your thesis or dissertation.

FGS forwards students’ signed Withholding Forms to for reference.

FGS also forwards approved applications for renewals to so that we can extend the renewal period manually in UVicSpace.

ETD workflow

The submission workflow for ETDs is outlined below. Graduate Admissions and Records (GARO) and the Metadata team (CATS) review and approve ETDs, and direct any issues to the CSCO.

  1. Student registers in UVicSpace.
  2. Student emails GARO after their defense requesting permission to submit.
  3. GARO assigns the student to the ETD collection.
  4. Student submits their manuscript file(s) to collection.
  5. GARO checks the submission based on their checklist and approves or rejects.
  6. Metadata (CATS) staff checks and edits the submission, then approves the submission.
  7. The thesis is archived in the repository.

Switching ETD files

Sometimes it is necessary to switch out files after an ETD has been archived in UVicSpace. Usually, the new file will be sent to you via email by one of the GARO clerks. If it is sent by the student, check with or FGS before making the switch.

Delete the existing file
  • Open the file and check that it matches the data in the submission form.
  • In the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Item. Start typing the title of the item you're editing into the search box, then select it from the list.
  • From the Edit Item page, click the Bitstreams tab.
  • Locate the file to be deleted under Bundle: ORIGINAL and click the remove (trash) icon, then click Save.
  • If there is a file under Bundle: TEXT, click the remove icon then click Save. (This is a plan text version of the submission generated by UVicSpace.)
Upload the new file
  • Click Upload.
  • Select ORIGINAL from the Bundle dropdown.
  • Drag and drop the replacement file into the upload window or click Browse and select the file to attach.
  • If necessary, edit the filename, add a description for the file, and ensure that the Selected Format is correct.
  • Click Save.

Managing ETD Embargoes

Checking Released ETDs

ETD embargoes are recorded during the submission process, so they should lift automatically on the date specified. This process is for double-checking that ETDs have been released as expected.

Note: Before lifting an embargo, double check the ETD's withhold expiry date and that no renewal notice was received from FGS.

Note: In UVicSpace, embargo periods are not recorded explicitly. Rather, applying an embargo creates a READ policy that states when the file becomes openly available (that is, available to the user group Anonymous). Deleting the start date from this READ policy makes it active immediately. 

  • Use the CATS app to view all the ETDs with embargoes that ended in the previous month. Click the Embargo Date heading to sort by date. ​​​​​
  • Upcoming embargo expiry dates in this column are black. Expiry dates that have passed are green.
  • Cross-check the date for each ETD against the withholding form in the inbox. There should be a notification from FGS for each embargoed ETD with the subject Dissertation Withholding Approved – Student Name.
  • For each ETD with an embargo that expired the previous month, check that the file is openly available.
  • If the file is visible, move the FGS email to the Released folder: ETD 1 > ETD Withholding Issues > ETD Withholds Embargoed > Released.
  • If the file is not visible in the item record or if it is locked, the embargo needs to be lifted manually – see instructions below.
Lifting Embargoes Manually
  • In the item page, click the edit icon.
  • From the Edit Item page, click the Status tab.
  • Click Authorizations.

  • Edit the authorization policy of the submission file(s).
    • Under Policies for Bundle ORIGINAL, click Show bitstream policies for bundle ORIGINAL.
    • Click the edit icon next to the READ policy.
    • From the Edit resource policy window, delete the date in the Start Date field. Click Save. Show the bitstream policies again to confirm that the date has been deleted.
    • Repeat these steps for all files in Bundle ORIGINAL.

  • Edit the authorization policy for the system-generated text file.
    • Under Policies for Bundle TEXT, click Show bitstream policies for bundle TEXT.
    • Click the edit icon next to the READ policy.
    • From the Edit resource policy window, delete the date in the Start Date field. Click Save. Show the bitstream policies again to confirm that the date has been deleted.

Renewing ETD embargoes

Renewals must be processed as soon as the renewal notice is received in to ensure that the embargo is not lifted automatically as scheduled. Unlike initial embargoes, renewals are processed manually.

Renewal notices from FGS have the subject line Thesis/Dissertation Withholding RENEWAL Approved – Student Name (or something similar).

  • Open the renewal approval form.
  • Login to UVicSpace.
  • Find the item. The Browse by Author route often works best.
  • Revise the embargo date in the item’s metadata:
    • From the Edit Item page, click the Metadata tab.
    • In the dc.description.embargo field, click edit --> enter the renewal expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) --> confirm.
    • Click Save.

Note: Changing the date in the dc.description.embargo field does not affect when the embargo is lifted. It is just a record of the date in the item’s metadata. 

  • Edit the authorization policy for the submission file(s):
    • From the Edit Item page, click the Status tab.
    • Click Authorizations.

  • Under Policies for Bundle ORIGINAL, click Show bitstream policies for bundle ORIGINAL.
  • Click the edit icon next to the READ policy.
  • From the Edit resource policy window, go to the Start Date field. Enter the renewal expiry date + 2 days. Click Save.

Note: Adding 2 days to the renewal expiry date is necessary due to a glitch in the system. For example, if the renewal expiry date is 2025-02-21, enter 2025-02-23 as the Start Date.

  • Edit the authorization policy for the system-generated text file:
    • Under Policies for Bundle TEXT, click Show bitstream policies for bundle TEXT.
    • Click the edit icon next to the READ policy.
    • From the Edit resource policy window, enter the renewal expiry date + 2 days. Click Save.
  • Check that the dates entered for both policies match and are correct. The Start Date should be the day after the renewal expiry date. 

Note: The system calculates the start date for the READ policy as 1 day before the date entered in the Edit resource policy window. In this example, the renewal expiry date is 2025-02-21, so the file should become available on 2025-02-22. In order to generate a calculated start date for the READ policy of 2025-02-22, we need to enter the start date as 2025-02-23. The calculated start date on the Authorizations page is the date that the file will become available to all users.

  • The CATS app should update with the new embargo date entered in the dc.description.embargo field. You may need to refresh the page.
  • Move the renewal notice from FGS into the folder for the renewal expiry month in the ETD inbox.

Note: If a renewal notice is received after the embargo has expired, you will need to add the date in steps 5 and 6 above rather than edit it.

Mapping ETDs

ETDs are deposited into the ETD collection, then mapped to their home department’s thesis collection. The CATS team is responsible for mapping ETDs, and they track this using the CATS webapp.

Mapping an ETD to a Department Collection
  1. In the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Item. Start typing the title of the item you’re mapping into the search box, then select it from the list. 
  2. Click on the Collection Mapper tab.
  3. Click on the Map new collections tab.
  4. Search for the collection you would like to map the item to.
  5. Check the appropriate collection(s) then click Map item to selected collections. The newly mapped collection will now appear under the Browse mapped collections tab.


Unmapping ETDs

If you make a mistake when mapping an ETD, follow these steps to correct it:

  1. In the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Item. Start typing the title of the item you’re mapping into the search box, then select it from the list. 
  2. Click on the Collection Mapper tab.
  3. Click on the Browse mapped collections tab
  4. Check the collection that the item should be removed from then click Remove item's mapping for selected collections.
  5. To confirm that the item was removed from the collection, click Back to return to the item page. The removed collection should no longer appear under Collections (you may need to refresh the page).

Note: ETDs must always remain part of the ETD collection under the Faculty of Graduate Studies in addition to any other collections they are mapped to.

Deleting inactive submitters

To prevent the submitter group in the ETD collection from getting too large, best practice is to regularly delete submitters whose thesis has been archived. Caroline (or Inba) will do this at the beginning of each month by reviewing the ETD collection submitter group against the list of theses in the CATS app.

  • From the sidebar menu, go to Edit -- > Collection --> ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations)
  • Click the Assign Roles tab
  • In the Submitters box, click on the hyperlink to open the Edit Group page
  • For each user whose thesis has been archived and mapped,
    • Locate their name in the Current Members list
    • Click the remove icon next to their name

Note: This will remove users from the ETD collection submitter group, but their user accounts will still be active.

Restricted ETDs

We no longer use the Restricted ETDs collection in UVicSpace.

Admin Procedures - IN DEVELOPMENT

Combining Author Records

UVicSpace sometimes doesn't recognize that variant author names belong to the same person (e.g., Lee Turner, L. Turner, Lee N. Turner). For cases when we want to be able to link to all of an author's works from one page (e.g., when featuring them in a blog post), we need to combine their records under one name.

If an author's publications appear under several variants of their name (e.g., Turner, Lee; Turner, L.; Turner, Lee N.)

  • Click Browse --> Author
  • Enter the author's name in the search bar (lastname, firstname).
  • Use the variant of their name that is used most frequently as the authoritative one.
  • Click the version of their name that needs to be changed to view the items that use that variant.
  • Select the item to be updated, then click the Edit this item icon.
  • In the field, click the edit icon next to the name you want to change.
  • Enter the authoritative variant of the name, then click the green checkmark next to it.
  • Click Save.
  • Repeat this process for all other items with variant names.
  • Try Browse by Author again. All of the author's items should appear in one listing under the authoritative variant of their name. You may need to refresh the page.

If an author's publications appear under the same name, but separated in the Browse by Author listing

  • Double check that the name is exactly the same in all listings (e.g., not misspelled, no extra space at the end)
  • Prompt the system to re-index the author names by changing the author's name slightly (following the steps above), clicking Save, then changing it back to the correct name and saving again.
  • Try Browse by Author again to check whether the records have been combined. You may need to refresh the page.

Reordering items in a collection

By default, UVicSpace orders items in a collection according to the date they were accessioned (usually the same date they were made available). In some cases, we want items to appear in a different order, e.g., by publication date. To do this, change the accession date in the item's metadata.

Note: Dates have the format YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:MM:SS (Year-Month-Day[T]Hour:Minute:Second), and are recorded in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

  • Determine the date that needs to be entered in order for the item to appear in the correct order: e.g., if it should appear after an item that was accessioned on January 15, the date should be changed to January 14. The time can be changed too, if necessary.
  • From the sidebar menu, click Edit --> Item
  • Search for and select the item to be edited
  • Click the Metadata tab
  • Click the edit icon next to the field
  • Edit the date, then click the confirm icon
  • Click Save.
  • Confirm that the items have been reordered as expected.

Managing subscription bouncebacks

When a user is subscribed to a collection but subscription alerts can no longer be delivered (e.g., if their email no longer works), we receive a bounceback message in the uvicspacehelp inbox. To solve this issue, we delete subscriptions for these users.

Note: An Outlook rule has been set up to move emails about undeliverable subscriptions to the folder Inbox > Subscription bouncebacks. This is a working folder only. Once subscriptions have been removed, emails can be deleted.

  1. Go to Access Control → People
  2. Search for the user → click the edit (pencil) icon
  3. Click Impersonate EPerson
  4. Go to their Profile menu → Subscriptions
  5. Click the trash can icon → Delete
  6. Click Stop impersonating
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.