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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations


Available in Teams.

Please note that this slide deck is still a work in progress.

OER by Discipline Directory

These steps outline the process of adding a resource into the Discipline Directory.

  1. Determine what chapter the resource will go in
    Use the subjects listed on the book or use your discretion to add it to the most appropriate discipline.

  2. Determine what type of resource it is
    Each chapter is organized by the type of resource (e.g. textbook, video, course, etc.). Ensure you put the resource in the right category.

  3. Add an entry for the resource
    1. Leave all text in Paragraph form (including the hyperlinked resource title),
    2. Include the name of the resource (hyperlinked to the resource itself)
    3. After the title, put it’s CC license in brackets. If it does not have a CC license (i.e. is in Public domain, or is freely shared under some other form of license), note this in the brackets.
    4. If the resource was created in BC or Canada, insert the appropriate image before the resource title.
    5. Copy and paste the resource’s abstract, summary, or introduction below the title.
  4. Change the “Last updated” date of the chapter
    Change it to the day you added the resource.

  5. Save your changes
    Scroll down the edit page to the “Status & Visibility” section and click Save.

  6. View the chapter
    To ensure your new entry looks as it should.

Other Guidelines:

  • If you need to add a new Category (i.e. "Collections", "Courses", "Textbooks", "Videos", etc.) to a chapter, insert it as Heading 1 text
  • Feel free to add new chapters, but make sure they follow the look and format of all the rest
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.