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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations

Ordering - General

Depending on the vendor and type of material ordered, ordering instructions within Alma will vary.

For some vendors, the purchasing will take place at the vendor system and the order details will come into Alma automatically. In other cases, the order will need to be created manually within Alma. 

The LibGuide will give specific instructions for how to order based on type of resource (One Time vs. Continuous), Format (Print vs. Electronic) and - when necessary - will walk you through specific types of ordering (such as streaming media, ebooks, music scores, etc.).


Regardless of whether the order details come in automatically or need to be created manually (or the vendor used), you will want to search within Alma to make sure that the resource has not already been ordered (unless additional copies are being ordered intentionally).

Pre-Order Searching

There are various ways to see whether an order exists for a title and/or whether a title exists in our collection. It is important to note, that different approaches to searching (i.e. searching a Title search vs an Item search vs an Order line search) provide different data fields in the Alma results screens. Different search indices are provided depending on whether you use the Basic (persistent search bar) or Advanced Search

All Titles Search (persistent search bar)

  • An All Titles search will find all bibliographic records matching the search criteria, physical and electronic, whether they have holdings/items or portfolios/collections or not
  • Results can be sorted by different information, such as Title, Creator, and Publication date
  • Each search result shows Holding, Item, and Order information, if present: the shopping cart icon indicates how many Orders are associated with this record
  • Clicking on the number of orders opens up the Purchase Order Line List view, which provides a summary of the order including the status, vendor, fund, etc.

                                Purchase Order Line List display:

  • To view and open the order, click on the order number in the Order line field at the bottom of the display
  • PO Line Owner = the library or unit who placed the order
  • Copies = the library named in the holdings record or item record where item is located
  • Note: PO Lone owner and holding Library are not always the same
  • Note: If the order is for an electronic title, the Copies field will be blank because in Alma, electronic titles do not have inventory (a holding or item record)
  • If you find the item has already been ordered, skip the ordering process




Documentation from Ex Libris on searching :  

Searching in Alma 

Search Field Descriptions 

Material Types in Search Results 

Resource Type Field 

Record Numbers 

Once you have decided to order there are a couple of initial considerations.


What if I find the exact resource is already owned by the library but I am ordering an additional copy?

For monogrpahs, to be absolutely sure that you are ordering an additional copy instead of a related title or different edition: check to make sure that the following MARC fields match between the resource you are ordering and the already owned resource:

Check the format - this is present in the MARC record but e-resources will be noticeable since they should have Portfolios attached.

020 - ISBN : check the 020 subfield "a" as that lists the valid 

245 - Title field : make sure it matches exactly

250 - Edition : make sure the edition statement (if present) matches exactly)

264 - Publisher and Publication Date : should also match exactly

336/337/338 - RDA Content, Media and Carrier fields should represent the resource accurately and ideally match

If you are confident that you are ordering a duplicate physical copy, see the following instructions: Ordering Multiple or Additional Copies.

If you are cofident that you are ordering additional access to an e-resource record that already has a portfolio, see the following instructions: Ordering Additional Portfolios


What If I am Ordering a Completely New Resource?

If ordering monographs through GOBI the bibliographic record, POL, Invoice and Inventory (Holding/Item or Portfolio) shoudl be created automatically through the API and EDI processes.

See the GOBI tab of the Ordering (One-Time) - Physical section or the E-Books (GOBI) tab of the Ordering (One-Time) - Electronic section.

If ordering from elsewhere, you will likely need to follow the following process:

  1. Create a provisional bibliographic record for the resource in the Metadata Editor
    1. Open up the Metadata Editor in Alma - Ctrl+Alt+M or click on the Metadata Editor icon on the left navigation bar
    2. Make sure the Records tab is selected on the Navigation pane on the left
    3. Click on New and from the dropdown select UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record
    4. Instructions for what fields to fill out in the provisional record are available here
  2. Instead of creating a provisional record, it may be appropriate to create a Dummy Acquisitions Record (or DAR) - this would be necessary for material like Monographic Series, MEMBERSHIPS, COMBINED SUBSCRIPTIONS, All publications, etc.
  3. When the Provisional Record or Dummy Acquisition Record has been created and saved in the Metadata Editor, click on Order from the Menu Bar. This will take you to the Purchase Order Line Creation screen. See the Creating Purchase Order Lines tab for what to do next.

Purchase Order Lines will most frequently be created via the GOBI API or Embedded Order Data (EOD). The following are instructions for when PO Lines must be created manually. The following gives instruction for filling out the initial POL creation screen.




P or E PO Line Type Chosen

PO Line Field


PO Line Owner and Type
    PO Line Type Choose an appropriate PO Line Type for your resource. This will determine the workflow for the rest of the Ordering process, what inventory is created, and how the material is received. See the instructions for the specific material type you are ordering for more information.
      PO line owner Always select Mearns-McPherson Library
      Load from Template If you have a template you are using to order, select this.
      [Assign inventory manually] This option appears for specific PO Line Types. Use when you only want to add POL/PO for a resource but the Bibliographic Record/Inventory [Holding/Item/Portfolio] already exists.
      [Create multiple portfolios] This option appears for specific Electronic PO Line Types. ONLY tick this if the bibliographic record to which you are attaching the PO Line has multiple 856 fields and you want to make sure the Portfolio is created for the correct link. Generally do not tick this box.
      Generate barcode using sequence Ignore this field.


Various PO Line types are available within Alma. These dictate what inventory will be created and what subsequent workflow. See the chart below for what purchase order line type to choose for what type of material.

If you are manually ordering within Alma (i.e. selecting "Order" from a Bibliographic Record) Alma will attempt to recommend an appropriate type based on existing data in the bibliographic record. This recommendation may or may not be correct.

Alma PO Line Type

Use For

Inventory Created

Material Type

PO Line Workflow

Print Book - One Time

Individual Print Monographs Holding and Item Item type: Book Received on Receive New Material page
Print Book - Standing Order Print only Monograph Standing Orders - DAR records (Each title catalogued separately; records link to POL of DAR) Holdings

[Book on received Items]

to be determined
Print Journal - Subscription Print only journal and serial standing orders (3's and 4's) Holdings Item type: Journal Received on Continuous tab on Receive New Material page
Electronic Book - One Time E-books and other one-time individual electronic resources (like streaming videos/audio) Standalone portfolio None : assign manually Activate task sent when PO line is sent
Electronic Book - Standing Order Monographic e-book standing orders Standalone Portfolio None : assign manually Activate task sent when PO line is sent
Electronic Book - Subscription Electronic resources that update content within the single title but do not have divisions or parts and that will have to be re-purchased/re-subscribed to. Example is an encyclopedia that adds entries. Standalone Portfolio Electronic Material Type: Book or other more suitable option Activate task sent when PO line is sent
Electronic Journal - Subscription Online journal orders    


Electronic Journal - One Time NEW - Single journal archive/backfile      
Electronic Collection - Subscription Electronic Collections to which we subscribe and need to renew       
Electronic Collection - One Time Electronic Collections which are one time purchases      
Other Service - Subscription Bindery, Taxes, Shipping, Software, OCLC, Memberships (MEMB3), Hosting fees      
Other Service - One Time One service payments      
Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph Added volume (A/V) workflow. All items/volumes received added to the same holdings record      


Using Alma to Notify Interested Users

On the Purchase Order Line "Interested Users" tab in Alma you can add interested UVic students, faculty, librarians and staff so that they are notified when the resource is available. A letter will be emailed that indicates the resource is available, indicates the title, and a link will be provided to the resource in Primo VE.

For print resources, this letter will be emailed when the resource is "Available" - that is, after it has been received, catalogued, and has been scanned in by Access Services on its way to the shelf.

For electronic resources - this letter will be emailed when the resource is Activated and when the resource has been marked Done on the Electronic Resource Activation task list.

Reserves workflow now uses this internal communication rather than external email.

[draft : may need updating]

When should a PO/POL be deleted? TBD.

If you need to delete a purchase order in Alma:

  1. Under the Acquisitions Menu in the Purchase Order select Delete PO
  2. In the "Select PO" field enter the PO that you want to delete
  3. Click on "Delete PO"
  4. A job will run to delete the PO : click on "Go to monitor jobs" to check on progress






Dean - August 24, 2022

Provisional records are brief bibliographic records created by UVic Libraries in order that a Purchase Order Line can be attached and created. They are temporary and administrative in general and so not a lot of time will be spent creating and/or curating them. Expectations are that they will be replaced during the cataloguing process.

Provisional Records Field Guide
MARC Field Content Instructions Example(s)

Ignore this field


Ignore this field

020 Add the ISBN for the version/edition you are ordering 9781849765688
100 Add the author - prefer Last name, First name when possible. Leave blank if not a personal author. Morley, Simon
245 Enter the title of the resource  BY ANY OTHER NAME: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE ROSE.
250 If the resource is a particular edition that is easy to ascertain during the ordering process - enter that here Second edition
264 Enter the Publisher and Date of Publication (separated by comma space) One World Publications, 2021
561 ONLY for SC locations. Go to Editing Actions -> Enhance the Record and select "aUVic - Add 561 Purchased Note for SC" - fill out the 561 information as appropriate.  
590 Enter any local notes about the format you think are important (indicate electronic ; print ; microfiche ; music score, database etc.). If multi-volume, indicate # of volumes (example: 3 volumes). NOTE: do not add $x - all 590 information should be in 590$a electronic ; divisions 1, 2 ; database




Dummy Acquisitions Records (DAR's) are created for order and payment purposes only. The bibliographic record is suppressed. Separate records may be created for resources received on DAR's. These records are then linked to the DAR.

DAR's include MEMBERSHIPS, COMBINED SUBSCRIPTIONS, eBook Collections/EBA's, All publications, SC and Archive Collections purchases, Software etc. DAR's may have a purchase type of one time, continuous or standing order, Print or Electronic

A template for DAR's called, UVic Acquisitions DAR, has been created. Use this when ordering items on a DAR. Suppress and edit as necessary.

German (Harrassowitz)

Print only
Fund code: GAAP1

Worldwide Books (direct)

Print only
Fund code: WWAP1

For handling instructions for the above two plans please see Ordering one time physical – Harrassowitz tab and Other vendors tab



CAAP: Canadian (Currently in virtual mode)
HUAP: Humanities (Currently in virtual mode)
SCAP: Sciences (Currently in virtual mode)
AWAR: Childrens Book Awards

Ordering - Oddities and Exceptions

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering


International Travel Maps

We used to have an All Publications standing order for printed international travel maps, this changed in August of 2023

New procedure as of Aug. 2023: New maps for this standing order are released once per year. For a 20% discount, the librarian selects maps from the ITMB Press Releases list:

The acquisitions clerk emails the selected titles to Linh Dang at ITMB,

Once selected maps received.....

Procedure TBD: See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Background: Reference as a physical location is currently in transition. Items with a "ref" location are currently situated in a designated area of Basement Compact Shelving (BCS). Music reference (mm-ref) material is located separately and is currently situated on shelving in the score area. Atlas reference material (ref-atlas) is situated on the main floor near the map cabinets. Creating item records and/or barcoding reference material has evolved over time.

Current best practice in Alma:

  • Create item record
  • Update Permanent location in item record
  • Update item policy based on location. If in doubt, code as nocirc.
  • In POL receiving note add: BARCODE; FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY
  • (On receipt: Add barcode and add FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY label)

Reference material ordered for:

"main" : main as a location is circulating. Always code item policy as nocirc.

"ref" : ref as a location is non-circulating*

 "mm-ref" : mm-ref as a location is non-circulating*

 "ref-atlas" : ref-atlas as a location is non-circulating*

*If a location is non-circulating, it is not necessary to note the item policy as "nocirc", though records migrated from Voyager may have this noted.




TechStreet (yearly online subscriptions) 

Licenses are typically for one year August 30 – August 30. 
New Standards purchased after August 30th are pro-rated until next subscription term and referred to as “add-on” – addendum license is then signed

  1. Login to our Techstreet Enterprise account  by scrolling down to locate the Tools menu item at the lower right-hand margin at the bottom of the screen

    • From here you can order new Standards

      • Search for Standard availability, purchase options and pricing

      • Find requested Standard and click on Request Subscription Pricing

      • A quote/contract will be sent to

        • Fee will be listed

        • Activation date and subscription term will be listed

          • Add DAR PO# 108165 into the Payment Method Box 

        • Sent to Dean for signature and return to TechStreet

          • activation is immediate or overnight once order is processed

        • Process invoice

        • Email to have new content added to database level bib record 

    • Use of British Standard (BS) Building Blocks (See Admin – Building Blocks  )

      • Standard still considered a purchase if Building Blocks used

    • Renew current ones


Alternate Format (non CAL) title requests in print

These are mandatory Book and Textbooks required by course syllabus where no online or other format option is available via the Publisher

To digitize a book into searchable ocr pdf format sometimes requires the destruction of the book, so Acquisitions will purchase the print title primarily via UVic Bookstore

Because the book will be taken apart in order to digitize, we will use a single POL to simplify process as the book may not be retained

PO: 341002
DAR: MMS ID 9956132853807291 (this will help track the titles requested as well as keep the cataloging aspect simple)

Vendor: UVic Bookstore
FUND INTR1 with the first reporting code “INTR1A - Centre for Accessible Learning - Print Monograph”. (This will help track the fiscal/budget implications as well as any possible external reporting)



Request will come from Reserves to Acquisitions into

Order from Bookstore

Do not create a provisional record

Process payment using established PO341002 

DAR MMS ID 9956132853807291: Add a 500 field for each title ordered

Send print materials send to digitization

                Will Digi need any paperwork?

If Book does not need to be destroyed to be digitized, sent the book to MetaData and they can then bring in a cataloge record and link item back to DAR - To be discussed


Alternate Format (non CAL) title/article requests pdf

Contact the publisher/provider, this process will be different for each.

Reserves staff will now be making Reserve selections directly in GOBI which will hopefully cut down on emails

Reserves staff will be using GOBI as a selection tool in the same fashion as Subject Liaison Librarians. And just like Liaison Librarians, they will be selecting titles of all statuses and formats within GOBI up to and including NYP and OP.

We have created 2 funds within GOBI on which Reserves staff will be making selections

  • RESV1 – print book
  • RESV1E – eBook

If title is unavailable in GOBI in any format, they will send email to identifying Title and Course information.


2 new funds are for selecting only, titles will be ordered on department fund as determined by Course information

They will be using the Library Notes field within GOBI to advise us of Course and Faculty information and any other updates

We will be internally communicating with Reserves only, not reaching out to faculty

Do not delete print selections from GOBI until you have ordered ether via the Bookstore (link to Bookstore ordering) or from another vendor using CCard

Meeting to discuss how Media request are going to be handled



Kanopy orders are NOT discoverable within Primo.

External document is currently used to track purchases and years of purchased license (leased materials) or Perpetual access.

This is a reminder regarding bookstore purchases… We do not want to use their online ordering system, please go to the bookstore and pick out in person and pay with your CCard.


·         If you order from the online Bookstore (online portal) – this adds an additional $1 fee for a bag so that they can organize the order and also meet the Saanich Bag Bylaw terms

·         Product charge and associated taxes will apply - GST and PST will be charged on products if applicable (Change: due to internal GST rebates they do not waive the tax and we are still charged PST if any)

General information. See POL type (in separate boxes below) for ordering details.

  • At the point of ordering, for all SC items ordered, Acquisitions will secure any description supplied by the vendor via website or email. See: W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\Special Collections Order History.
  • All order information, including a copy of the invoice, will accompany SC items thru cataloging and down to SC.
  • A field 561 "Purchased" note wlll be added to the bibliographic record of all SC purchased material (This is NOT required for Bib records for archives location)
  • If the SC Librarian has informed us that the materials are not to be catalogued, created a suppressed bib record using the template: UVic Acquisitions DAR Archive Material

Orders may be received in Acquisitions for Special Collections in one of the following ways:

  •  Orders initiated by an email/paperwork from the Special Collections (SC) Librarian: These order requests are sometimes time sensitive and should be given ordering priority. Most of these requests will be ordered from an online vendor (i.e. Amazon, smaller independent press or a major Manuscript/Rare Book seller) Always order from source indicated by SC Librarian. Preference is to request an invoice for rare/or over $200USD materials.
  • Orders where material arrives with invoice from Special Collections (SC): An SC staff member will bring up material with an accompanying invoice/title list. On this invoice it will be indicated by staff if item to be located in SC or Archives. Note: only SC materials will be brought to Acquisitions; Archive materials will remain in Archives. If location is SC, order/invoice/receive as outlined in CMS LibGuide; if location is Archives: see Acquisitions supervisor
  •  Via a standing order for "all publications" of a publisher via a DAR "all publications" record. (See receiving section for more information.)
  •  As an auction item (already purchased without an order). Acquisitions is advised of purchase/s via the eReceipt from Auction House; also advised as to the FAST account to be used (this also alerts us in case of a customs issue and charge). Acquisitions then supplied with invoice with charge amounts (item cost, auction service fee, shipping and customs). All invoicing is handled by Senior Invoice Clerk. If endowment is used the invoicing process is different than if base budget. Material will be brought to Acquisitions department upon receipt


Notes on Archival Material:

  •     Archival materials do not come up to Acquisitions; only the invoice with location indicated as Archives
  •     Archival materials are NOT catalogued. Create a suppressed bib record using the template: UVic Acquisitions DAR Archival Material. Include a field 590 note: Uncatalogued archival material. 561 notes are NOT added to these bibliographic records.


Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Island Medical Program

IMP funds sit outside our regular budget we do not actively purchase new titles unless requested by IMP faculty or if they are part of the required reading lists and NOT available electronically.  UBC is making efforts to purchase eBook only which is accessible to all students and faculty affiliated with any of the expanded medical sites.  

New reading lists will be received via email mid to late July from Librarian at UBC who is responsible for program

Review the list and notify the current Regional Director of Administration for the IMP (, currently Waheeda Esmail, and inform them of the required print titles that will need to be purchased with an approximate cost so they are aware when the charge goes through against the IMP funds.  The Regional Director will consult with Dr. Wright regarding the required titles and advise us to proceed with order.

Weed earlier editions of the print titles being replaced from UVic print collection to maintain most recent edition only

As part of this program we also will order print materials for the Duncan Hospital for their Rural Family Practice program as requested

CJK Ordering

Print Books

  • Ying sends list of titles to Carol, cc Min
  • Min checks the catalogue for duplicates
  • Min creates new records using the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record template
  • Min sends list back to Carol and includes the MMS ID
  • Carol completes the ordering process


  • Ying sends list of titles to Carol, cc Min
  • Min checks the catalogue for duplicates
  • Carol provides the URLs for the ordered ebooks
  • Min creates the record and adds the portfolio to the appropriate collection
    • Create bibliographic record
    • + Add inventory > Add portfolio
      • General Information
        • Portfolio Type: Click "Part of an electronic collection"
        • Electronic Collection: Search for appropriate collection
        • Hua Yi = Airiti - Collection ID: 61291153030007291
        • Chinamaxx digital libraries - Collection ID: 61274080800007291
      • Inventory and Linking Information
        • Add URL
        • Enable Proxy - refer to CMS Libguide > Metadata Unit > General Cataloguing > Electronic Inventory (Portfolios) > Alma Portfolio Field Guide
      • Click "Save and Done"


Ordering (One-Time) - Physical

Follow this general workflow for ordering one-time physical resources in Alma.

NOTE: If Ordering in GOBI some subaccounts will use the GOBI-Alma API to exchange information. See the GOBI tab for more information. These instructions do not apply to GOBI API ordering.

General One-Time Physical Ordering 

  • Carry out an initial search to ensure that you are not ordering a duplicate. See the Before You Order - Initial Search tab.
  • If you are intentionally ordering an additional copy, see the "Ordering Multiple or Additional Copies" tab
  • Before you create a PO Line in Alma you must have a bibliographic record from which to order:
    • Open up the Metadata Editor in Alma
    • On the "New" menu at the top of the screen click on the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record
    • Enter basic information as specified in the Provisional Record tab of the Ordering - General Section
    • Save the Record in the Metadata Editor and Click on Order
  • This will take you to the PO Line Screen
    • On the PO Line Owner and Type page 
    • Choose PO line type Print Book – One Time

    • Choose PO line owner Mearns-McPherson Library (even for Law books) 

    • Select and load from template if there is one you wish to use, or leave blank 

    • Leave Generate barcode using sequence blank 

    • Leave Assign inventory manually unticked 

    • Click Create PO Line

  • On the Purchase Order Line Details page 

    • Summary tab  

      • Ordered Items box - Enter any required information (such as Reserve Course information) in the Receiving note 

      • Vendor Information box – Select Material supplier from list (Claiming grace period should autofill from the Material supplier) 

      • Pricing box – Enter the base price of book (Taxes, shipping, etc are not included at this step) and ensure correct currency is selected. Leave other fields as autofilled, including Update Net Price according to time quantity box checked. 

      • Funding box – add fund as appropriate 

      • PO Line Details – Enter Material type as appropriate. Tick Rush box if required. Leave other drop downs as autofilled (Purchase at Vendor System, and No invoice)  

      • Reporting Codes – enter as appropriate 

  • Interested Users tab 

    • Add Interested Users as appropriate 

  • Click Save and Continue to send the POL for auto-packaging 


For Physical Material Purchased via GOBI API

API is enabled for the following physical subaccounts: 8031-03, -08, -09, -10, -14, -16, -19, -60, -63, -64, -66, -68, & -69.

After performing your initial search to ensure that we do not already have sufficient access to the e-book, follow the instructions below for to order within GOBI.

  1.  Find the resource in GOBI
  2. Add to Order Cart
  3. From the Order Cart - select your resource and "Add Order Details."
    1. Add the appopriate GOBI Sub-Account
    2. Enter the appropriate Fund Code from the drop down
      1. NOTE: GOBI Fund Codes chosen by selectors or otherwise already there may no longer be valid for you to use within the Alma (and by extension the Alma API workflow). In order to place an order via the API successfully two conditions need to be met:
        1. The GOBI Fund must be Mapped to an Active Alma Fund 
        2. The Active Fund in Alma must have an allocationPlease consult the following document for information on what fund to actually order on in GOBI: GOBI Ordering Alma Fund Mapping.xlsx
    3. Library: choose MAIN or LAW depending on where the material is ordered for
    4. Notes to YBP: generally leave blank or make note about intentional duplicate purchase 
    5. Enter an appropriate Reporting Code if applicable
      1. Reporting codes are not generally necessary for monograph purchases in GOBI. See the following document GOBI Ordering Alma Fund Mapping.xlsx for when to apply a reporting code
    6. Library Note: notes created during the selection process in GOBI. These will map to the Notes tab in Alma. As a best practice, enter information here in GOBI about any interested users or people to notify, courses / course reserves for which the item is ordered, any deadlines or any other notes you think relevant to the order. These could be coming directly from GOBI or from an email 
    7. Shelving Location: choose an appropriate Alma location from the drop-down menu in GOBI
    8. Click on Order
  4. What happens next?
    1. GOBI communicates directly with Alma via the API
    2. Within Alma:
      1. A Purchase Order Line (PO-L) is automatically created for your order
      2. The Match profile will attempt to match to existing bibliographic records in Alma:
        1. If a match is found, an additional holding or item is added to the inventory
        2. If no match is found, a brief bibliographic record is created in Alma for the resource
      3. Depending on the match behaviour, inventory is created - usually a holding and an item. The Library and Location are created based on what you enter into the GOBI Order screen
      4. More Information on the Purchase Order Line information populated using the API - what do I need to check?
        1. The Fund, Access Model, Material Supplier, Price, PO Line Details and Reporting Code will come over via the API as they should. As you become familiar with the system it may be a good idea to initially check these over to make sure all the values look right but this will no longer be necessary once you are confident that the values are appropriate.
        2. You will notice that the GOBI fields Library Note, Initials, Subaccount, and Purchase Option all have come over into the Notes tab
        3. Interested Users tab:
          1. Any information about notifying/informing library staff, librarian, faculty, or patrons that is input into GOBI will not automatically populate the "Interested Users" in Alma. 
          2. If a request is coming from a selector and/or faculty member and the item has been purchased:
            1. Add Interested User - a search box will open. Search for the user(s) and add them.
          3. This will lead to the letter being sent when the physical item has been scanned in at the Access Services desk and the item is ready to be shelved
      5. Purchase Order Line information is sent back to GOBI via the API
      6. There is no need to package the Purchase Order Line into a Purchase Order: this will happen during the overnight Alma Auto-Packaging process
    3. GOBI will provide a fuller version of the bibliographic record - this will eventually be overlaid automatically


  1. Invoicing
    1. The final step is invoicing
    2. Invoices come from GOBI via EDI and will be imported into Alma automatically
    3. They will appear in your Task List under "Invoices" - the remaining workflow is still to be determined





HARRASSOWITZ   Personal log on credentials required

Note: The selector for Music and German has permissions to add items to order basket within the vendor system

FOKUS workflow

  • Click on “Handled as..” (below the search bar) and select Handled as Monograph
  • Click search
  • Once the title comes up click on “show details” blue arrow to the right
  • Make sure Publication status is in green and says available
  • Click on order in top right
  • Add order details PO no. (add POL once created – see no. 9), no. of copies, customer code (VICO for Main and VICO-LAW for Law), Fund Code (type in new fund codes), Selector,  Library and Location
  • When creating the POL select Harrassowitz/MHARRASS/FIRM/VICO(1951)-26 as the Material Supplier
  • Select Order Title


Firm order One print:

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


  • Create POLs in Alma at the time of ordering using the Euro amount listed on Harrassowitz
  • Supply PO information to Harrassowitz when submitting order (confirm)


German Approval materials:

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.

  • If item is already in the library, return item (procedures needs to be updated and added to LibGuide)
  • Create a provisional record for each title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab

Return duplicate titles: 

  • Photocopy the invoice. Cross out each Return item in red and write “return/duplicate” on the invoice.
  • Insert a copy of this invoice inside the book to be returned.
  • Give item to be returned to Paul Totzke

GOBI is our primary vendor for monographic ordering.

Harrassowitz is our primary vendor for most German and Music titles and some other foreign language titles

Check their sites first for requests before searching Amazon, Book Depository or any other foreign language vendor.

Complete orders within the selected vendor sites.

For Amazon, Book Depository, Harrassowitz and Casilini a personal account is required. For other vendor sites, use the login information/account codes found in the vendor

Ensure correct billing and shipping addresses are used.

Some vendors will ask you or give you the ability to supply the PO number.

When ordering from any vendor other than GOBI, you must create a provisional record for each title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


Worldwide (Approval) New Dec 2023

We have switched our account from Direct to Pre-Notification

  • Title list will be sent to
  • Acquisitions staff will forward title list to Fine Arts Librarian
  • Fine Arts Librarian will review list and select titles then return list to
  • Acquisitions staff will search selected titles in Primo to ensure we do not already hold
  • Acquisitions staff will then create the order in ALMA and and then forward list back to Worldwide with order information
  • Acquisitions staff will receive as normal when shipment arrives


Amalivre (French)


The selector for French has permissions to add items to order basket within the vendor system. We will get an automated message from Amalivre to notify us that a title has been added. Treat this as a selection to order

General departmental logon in place

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


  • Create POLs in Alma at the time of ordering using the Euro amount listed on Amalivre.
  • Supply PO information to Amalivre when submitting order (confirm)


Casalini-Torrossa (Italian)

Online Digital Bookstore

Personal log on credentials required

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


  • Create POLs in Alma at the time of ordering using the Euro amount listed on Casalini-Torrossa.
  • Supply PO information to Casalini-Torrossa when submitting order


Amazon (Canada, US, UK), Book Depository, Indigo

Personal log on credentials required

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


Worldwide - non approval (Art Catalogues, D.A.P.)

Worldwide Books

Old note: Account number 1904Z No username/password needed, just use account number when filling in order information - need to confirm this workflow


  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering


Personal log on credentials required

The selector for Music has permissions to add items to order basket within the vendor system

  • Search the library catalogue to see if we already hold this title.
  • If not, create a provisional record for requested title and order as outlined on Introduction Tab


  • Create POLs in Alma at the time of ordering using the Euro amount listed on Harrassowitz
  • Supply PO information to Harrassowitz when submitting order (confirm)

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Ordering an Additional Copy (or volume) via


2. Other vendors (scroll down)


1. Ordering an Additional Copy Using GOBI

  1. Order using usual GOBI procedures
  2. Override the GOBI exception, and submit
  3. Confirm the API created PO-L has matched to the existing Holding in Alma
  4. Check/Add information on the Purchase Order Line information populated using the API
  5. Add a Pink Added Copy / Added Volume flag and place it on Metadata's Added Copy/Volume Shelf


  • If the intentional duplicate is an eBook triggered by ReQuest or Reserve, the reporting code INTR1ER is used.
  • If purchasing outside of GOBI, check that the relevant MARC fields match, and use the “Order” button from within the MDE to create the PO-L.

Draft 7/24/sf

2. Ordering Added Copies or Volumes via other vendors:

Are you ordering an exact copy or an added volume for the same holdings location? Remember to assign inventory manually.

  • Search and find correct bibliographic record to which you are adding a copy or volume (inventory). Confirm bibliographic information.
  • Order > remember to tick "Assign inventory manually" > Confirm message "This PO Line will not create inventory"
  • Update PO line as necessary including:
    • Ordered Items box > click "Add items" > fill in * fields > SAVE
    • Receiving Information box > add receiving note, "FLAG AND ROUTE TO METADATA" >
  • Save, Order Now or Save and Continue as necessary
  • Edit item > Copy ID or  Enumeration fields as necessary
  • Confirm item appears on the One-Time receiving tab


Are you ordering a replacement copy? See "See Replacements" tab.


Draft  7/24/sf

Ordering a "one shot" serial: A print bibliographic and holdings record already exist within Alma.

  • Search for serial title in Alma
  • Confirm serial details (title, ISSN, publisher, etc.) match order request
  • Order (select "Order" via In row action ellipses)
    • PO line type > choose  Print Book - One Time
    • PO line owner > choose as appropriate
    • Assign inventory manually > Tick this box
    • Click "Create PO line" box
  • Read and confirm message, "This PO Line will not create an inventory item" > Click Confirm
  • Review new POL:
    • In "Ordered Items" box > click "Add Items" > Fill in * values and click Save
    • In "Receiving Information" box, add Receiving note: SERIAL ONE SHOT; ROUTE TO METADATA SUPERVISOR (Serials)
    • Fill in other POL information as necessary > then click "Order Now" or "Save and Continue" as appropriate
  • Edit item record fields:
    • Material type = issue
    • Enumeration/Chronology > click "Generate" to update Description > Click SAVE
  • Confirm order appears on "One Time" receiving tab

NOTE: If you omit to tick the "Assign inventory manually" button, see Metadata Supervisor (serials). The POL will need to be associated to the correct holdings (via the holdings action row ellipses); and the inventory/holdings created in error will need to be deleted.

Search Alma and find correct bibliographic record. Order. Add standard receiving note, "FLAG AND ROUTE TO METADATA".

Replacements - general

  • When ordering, watch for different editions: confirm ISBN's, publisher, pagination, publication date, etc are exactly the same. Watch for reprints, etc. on ordering and again on receiving
  • If ordering a different edition, create a provisional record/inventory/order and do not consider a replacement. (If in doubt, order and flag for cataloguer on receipt.)
  • Use the replacement budget only for exact replacements; not for ordering other editions.
  • What type of replacement is it?
  1. Lost by patron (Process type = Lost; Status = Item not in place; Item is suppressed)  marked as lost in the system by Fulfillment staff. > Order as an added copy
  2. Missing from the stacks (Process type = Missing; Status = Item not in place; Item is suppressed): not checked out; cannot be found in the stacks - marked as missing in the system by Fulfillment staff. > Order as an added copy
  3. Damaged (Note: past practice of retaining physical damaged item until replacement is received and then forwarding the damaged item with new item to Metadata is no longer necessary.)
  • To withdraw damaged item and replace with exact edition:
    • Search for item via barcode. Confirm barcode/bibliographic information match item in hand > action row ellipses > select "withdraw" > then select "don't change the holdings"
    • Order/Create POL, BUT tick "assign inventory manually" box when creating order
    • In the POL  "Ordered items" box > "Add items" (to assign inventory manually/create a new item record)
    • In the POL "Receiving note" box add note: Replacement copy (Damaged item withdrawn)
  •  To withdraw damaged item and replace with a different edition: opt to delete holdings and bibliographic record when withdrawing item. Order new edition as usual.

On receipt, always flag and put on problem shelf if item ordered differs from item received or you have any questions whatsoever.

Note: Migrated missing/lost/damaged items may not be suppressed in Alma.

Due to time sensitivity of print Reserve requests, print books are to be ordered using CCard from approved vendors

Note: If the item to be ordered is expensive or special in any way, please advise supervisor.

Things to consider before placing an SC order:

  • Is the vendor specified by SC Librarian with a link?
  • What is the spend limit for C Card?
  • Is this a Serial? or multi- volume set? If yes, then from within the POL "add item" (click +item just below Ordered items box) to create item records for each volume ordered.
  • Is this an expensive or rare item? If yes, then payment via invoice is preferred. Contact vendor via ordering website and ask if they can invoice. Example of request:

Special Collections at the University of Victoria (BC, Canada) would like to purchase the copy of [inset title} you have listed (Seller Inventory # ___). Is it possible for us to pay via cheque or bank wire transfer, instead of credit card? Please email our Acquisitions unit email, and I can bring our Senior Accounts Clerk into the conversation to answer any questions you may have.

  • Is this a new vendor? Does it involve foreign currency and customs considerations or information? The Senior Invoice clerk will connect with new vendors concerning Customs requirements and International payment form
  • With all SC orders: always secure and file any description supplied by the vendor on its website prior to placing order as some vendors remove the title as soon as the order is placed
  • Is this a special 'pre order' offering? Follow the usual workflow. (Past practice was to suppress the provisional record until material received, but not necessary in Alma?  Add an alert to orders calendar for follow up? Still necessary? To be confirmed with supervisor/manager.)
  • Is this an auction item? If yes, please forward to Supervisor and Senior Invoice clerk to handle


Special Collections One-Time Physical Ordering:

  •     Search Alma to ensure that you are not ordering a duplicate (See the Before You Order - Initial Search as necessary)
  •     Create a brief bibliographic record > Open the MDE . Under  " + New" select  UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record
  •     Update the Provisional Record as necessary (see  Ordering - General Section as necessary). Always add a field 561.
  •     To add field 561: under  "Editing Actions" > Enhance the Record > Choose Normalization Type: aUVic - add 561 Purchased Note for SC
    ***Always use the "Enhance the Record" function to add a 561 field; do not simply copy & paste from the examples below, as the latter will result in improper character encoding and therefore improper display of characters & text in Primo***
  •     Update 561 with relevant purchased information. Add multiple 561 fields as necessary (Add |3 to specify material purchased as necessary). (See  Field 561 - Gift, Purchased, Transferred Note section of LibGuide)


561    1_ |a Purchased from Juniper Books on the Special Collections Department Fund, 2022. |5 CaBViV

561 1_ |a Purchased from Nomad Letter Press on the Special Purpose General Donations Fund with support from David Bond, 2024. |5 CaBViV

561    1_ |3 Copy 2 |a Purchased from Juniper Books on the Special Collections Department Fund, 2024. |5 CaBViV

561     1_ |3 Special Collections copy |a Purchased from Juniper Books on the Special Collections Fund, 2023. |5 CaBViV

  • Click "Save"
  • Click "Order" and update the POL as necessary. (POL type, material supplier, price, fund, etc.)
    • Select holdings SC location > UVIc Books - MAIN/sc
    • Add standard receiving note: INSERT SC FLAG AND ROUTE TO CATALOGUING
    • Add other receiving information as necessary (e.g. 3 volumes)


Special Collections One-time "Collection" Ordering:

Use this ordering process when ordering a collection of materials for Special Collections.

  • Ensure the material provider is already set up as a vendor. If not, please contact Senior Invoice Clerk or Supervisor
  • Search to ensure a DAR record does not already exist
  • Create a brief DAR bibliographic record > Open the MDE . Under  " + New" select UVic Acquisitions DAR – update as appropriate
  • Enhance the record with field 561 (see above)
  • Suppress the record: Click “Record Actions” > Suppress from Discovery
  • Save/Order as above


Ordering (One-Time) - Electronic

Before you order an Ebook you will want to search the title in Alma to determine whether we already have access.

  1. Carry out a search of Alma to make sure we don't already have it (unless it's an intentional duplicate/additional format)
  2. What about EBA?
    1. Titles available to us as part of EBA will show up in Alma (either as Leased Content or as purchased titles). But they may not show up in GOBI immediately. 
      1. Updated holdings will be present in GOBI for the following EBA packages:
        1. Taylor & Francis
        2. Cambridge
        3. Oxford Handbooks Online / Oxford Scholarship Online
        4. Wiley
      2. JSTOR EBA will be tracked in the Community Zone and will update within GOBI on a regular holdings load schedule
        1. NOTE: at the moment these holdings loads happen quarterly
        2. Therefore if you are considering purchase on the JSTOR platform within GOBI - double check Alma for the title to see if it's already part of JSTOR EBA
  3. de Gruyter University Press Trial 2022
    1. Before you order an e-book also check whether it's part of the UVic De Gruyter University Press trial 2022. If it is part of that collection (as represented in Alma/Primo), add the selection to the "De Gruyter UP Trial 2022" folder in GOBI


Electronic Resources will require that particular information is entered at the Purchase Order and/or Portfolio.


Access Model (PO-Line - Ordered Items Section)

The access model describes how many simultaneous users can access the resource. Alma is pre-populated with a list of codes and values that is required for Real Time Ordering. In the drop-down, then, is a lot of duplication as there are identical values (i.e.  One Concurrent User) with different codes (i.e. KS, KT, etc.). In order not to disrupt the Real Time Ordering process in any way these codes will not be deleted. But a code will need to be assigned when adding electronic resource portfolios to Alma in different ways. 

UVic Libraries will re-use the following statements and codes when entering the Access Model manually:

Unlimited user: Unlimited Access (PUR-UU)

One concurrent user: One Concurrent User (SU)

Three concurrent users: Three concurrent Users (PUR-3U)

Open access: Open Access (OA)


Public Access Model (Portfolio - Acquisition tab)

Public access model is the note displayed in Primo to the users. Note that it is merely the public display note associated with an Access Model and code indicated above [assigned at the PO Line]. UVic Libraries will use the following when updating the Public Access Model from the Portfolio -> Acquisition tab.

Unlimited user: Please note that the platform supports unlimited access (PUR-UU)

One concurrent user: Please note that the platform supports only one concurrent user (PUR-1U)

Three concurrent users: Please note that the platform supports three concurrent users (PUR-3U)

Open access: Please note that the platform supports unlimited and unrestricted access (OA)


Access Type (Portfolio - General tab)

Access Type can be set at the Electronic Collection or Portfolio level. It indicates the licensing rights. 

  • Blank – Select this option to use the inherited access type from the electronic collection.
  • Current – For the electronic portfolio that you are editing, this identifies the licensing arrangement for which you are currently subscribing, paying. At UVic we will apply manually for portfolios that are NOT perpetual - that is they have been purchased via a Subscription or to enable access only temporarily.
  • Perpetual – For the electronic portfolio that you are editing, this indicates the right to permanently access the title during the period of a license agreement as represented in the perpetual access coverage date/embargo range. At UVic we will apply manually for portfolios that have been purchased with the expectation that they will continually be made available - for example, firm ordered e-books.
  • Current and perpetual – For the electronic portfolio that you are editing, this identifies the licensing arrangement that includes both current and perpetual resources. At UVic we will apply manually for portfolios that have been purchased but that have a mixed licensing model - where part of the resource is available perpetually and the other part is available on a subscription or temporarily (for example, an e-journal title where some years are available perpetually and other years are available only when you have an active subscription)



Ordering Additional Copies of E-Books

There are instances where you will order multiple copies of E-Books - usually when single concurrent user access must be purchased separately.

GOBI E-Books

Follow the GOBI EBook Ordering process and order in GOBI (noting during the Order Details screen that you are intentionally ordering a duplicate). 

If you are ordering on a different platform than the previous copy - follow the rest of the above process. The ebook will come in and there will be duplicate bibliographic records - each with their own portfolios for their CZ platforms.

If you are ordering on the same platform as the previous copy, an IZ record will likely be created along with a portfolio and POL via API.

  • Again, we'll think of outcomes in this case
    • We only want the CZ portfolio activated. In this instance there could be two or more copies of this same portfolio BUT Alma does not allow you to have multiple portfolios duplicated in its CZ collections.
    • We will end up with:
      • A single Bib Record for the CZ title on the platform
      • A single portfolio for the CZ title 
      • Two (or however many) POLs - one for each copy purchased - attached to the Bib Record for the CZ record
      • A public display note in Primo that accurately reflects number of simultaneous users
    • So - relink the PO Line for your duplicate copy to the Bib Record of the CZ title:
    • Delete the portfolio and IZ bib record for the duplicate copy (if created)
    • Edit the portfolio:
      • Under "Acquisition" - change the Public Access Model to blank (bottom of the drop down) - you are doing this because the portfolio is standing in for access for all separate copies purchased (instead of something like "single user")
      • Under the "Notes" tab - Add a Public Display Note to the portfolio to indicate how many users in total can access the title at the same time. Add the note in the form:
        • “Please note that the platform supports two concurrent users” - or however many simultaneous users we have purchased access for

    • See 9957722636107291 as an example

After performing your initial search to ensure that we do not already have sufficient access to the e-book, follow the instructions below for to order within GOBI.

For E-Books Purchased via GOBI

[the following applies to all e-books purchased on 8031-40]

  1.  Find the resource in GOBI
  2. Choose the appropriate platform / concurrent user options based on the following criteria:
    1. General rules: broadest access at time of ordering
      1. Prioritize DRM free
      2. Prioritize unlimited user
    2. Choose the publisher platform when possible - ensuring that resource is both DRM Free and has multiple/unlimited users
    3. When you must choose a non-publisher platform:
      1. Prefer JSTOR or Project Muse (Repository)
      2. Then prefer the aggregators:
        1. EBSCOhost 
        2. then Proquest
      3. Also factor in the price when making this decision
  3. Add to Order Cart
  4. From the Order Cart - select your resource and "Add Order Details."
    1. Add the appopriate GOBI Sub-Account: 8031-40
    2. Enter the appropriate Fund Code from the drop down
      1. NOTE: GOBI Fund Codes chosen by selectors or otherwise already there may no longer be valid for you to use within the Alma (and by extension the Alma API workflow). In order to place an order via the API successfully two conditions need to be met:
        1. The GOBI Fund must be Mapped to an Active Alma Fund 
        2. The Active Fund in Alma must have an allocationPlease consult the following document for information on what fund to actually order on in GOBI: GOBI Ordering Alma Fund Mapping.xlsx
    3. Library: leave blank
    4. Notes to YBP: generally leave blank or make note about intentional duplicate purchase [standardized wording?]
    5. Enter an appropriate Reporting Code if applicable
      1. Reporting codes are not generally necessary for monograph purchases in GOBI. See the following document GOBI Ordering Alma Fund Mapping.xlsx for when to apply a reporting code
    6. Library Note: notes created during the selection process in GOBI. These will map to the Notes tab in Alma. As a best practice, enter information here in GOBI about any interested users or people to notify, courses / course reserves for which the item is ordered, any deadlines or any other notes you think relevant to the order. These could be coming directly from GOBI or from an email 
    7. Shelving Location: leave blank
    8. eBook Purchase option: You most likely will have already selected the platform and number of users. Confirm that the value selected is correct
    9. Click on Order
  5. What happens next?
    1. GOBI communicates directly with Alma via the API
    2. Within Alma:
      1. A Purchase Order Line (PO-L) is automatically created for your order
      2. Your e-book links to a Community Zone portfolio
        1. NOTE: Specific Community Zone collections have been activated in Alma that relate to platforms available on GOBI. The following list has been activated:  The portfolio for your book will become a part of one of these collections. Also note that Proxy has been enabled at the collection level so will be unnecessary at the Portfolio level
      3. If the e-book cannot link to a Community Zone portfolio
        1. A basic bibliographic record is created in Alma (based on the GOBI metadata record)
      4. More Information on the Purchase Order Line information populated using the API - what do I need to check?
        1. The Fund, Access Model, Material Supplier, Price, PO Line Details and Reporting Code will come over via the API as they should. As you become familiar with the system it may be a good idea to initially check these over to make sure all the values look right but this will no longer be necessary once you are confident that the values are appropriate.
        2. You will notice that the GOBI fields Library Note, Initials, Subaccount, and Purchase Option all have come over into the Notes tab
        3. Interested Users tab:
          1. Any information about notifying/informing library staff, librarian, faculty, or patrons that is input into GOBI will not automatically populate the "Interested Users" in Alma. 
          2. If a request is coming from a selector and/or faculty member and the item has been purchased:
            1. Add Interested User - a search box will open. Search for the user(s) and add them.
          3. This will lead to the letter being sent when two conditions are met:
            1. The Portfolio has been activated
            2. The resource has been marked as "Done" from the e-activation task list
      5. Purchase Order Line information is sent back to GOBI via the API
      6. There is no need to package the Purchase Order Line into a Purchase Order: this will happen during the overnight Alma Auto-Packaging process
    3. GOBI will provide an updated bibliographic record for the e-book - this is still connected to the Community Zone portfolio that was linked to during the initial match. No action is required for this: it is an automatic overlay.
    4. When is the link active?
      1. The link should be active fairly soon after purchasing the e-book from GOBI but the Alma Activation Task will usually take place the later the same day or the following day after the PO Line is auto-packaged into a Purchase Order. 
        1. In addition, GOBI sends a Notification of Access email (or NOA) to the orders inbox for each title which indicates that the e-book is active
      2. Within Alma select the Task icon (clipboard with checkmark) on the top right.
      3. Click on the Electronic Resources Task List. Find the e-book title you ordered the day before (most likely in the Unassigned tab)
      4. Click on the ellipses for your title and click on Edit Resource 
      5. This will open up the portfolio editor:
        1. On the General tab, Set the Electronic Material Type to Book (if not already chosen)
        2. On the Linking tab click on Test Access
          1. Click into the resource to make sure that the link is functional and the content can be accessed
          2. NOTE: sometimes the activation will take longer than a day or two. If you Test Access and the link is not functional, check the orders inbox to see if a NOA email has been received for the title. If the NOA email has not bee received, leave it in Task List until the next day. Try it again until it's functional. 
          3. See the Troubleshooting section below if you have a Notification of Access email with a functional link but the link in Alma does not work.
        3. From the Portfolio List - select the resource and click on Activate at the top of the screen when the link is active.
        4. There are different ways to "Activate" the resource:
          1. From the Edit Resource screen - General tab, click on Portfolio availiabily = Available And then click on Save
          2. OR from the Electronic Resource Activation Task List click on the ellipses and select Activate from the drop down. Confirm. 
        5. Note that your title still appears in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List:
          1. click on the ellipses and select "Done" and the title will no longer appear in the task list

                                                     NOTE! Clicking Done on the Task List also closes the Purchase Order Line

  1. Invoicing
    1. The final step is invoicing
    2. Invoices come from GOBI via EDI and will be imported into Alma automatically
    3. They will appear in your Task List under "Invoices" - the remaining invoicing workflow for GOBI material is still to be determined




What Should I Do If I Receive a Notification of Access email from GOBI with a functional link but the link in Alma does not work?

The GOBI API for ebooks will attempt to match to at title/portfolio within the following Community Zone electronic collections specifically indicated by GOBI. All of these have been activated by UVic Libraries within Alma as a Selective package. If the title you are purchasing in GOBI is not available within the Community Zone collection for a platform - the title/portfolio may either attach to the incorrect Community Zone collection if that title is present there (i.e. not the one specified in the list) or will attach to the correct CZ collection with a non-functional link. 

Confusing I know!

If either of these instances occur, we should prioritize inputting a functional URL so that users can have access to the e-book as soon as possible. 

1. Add the functional link to the portfolio

  • On the Linking tab of the portfolio
    • select URL type of Static
    • In the Static URL field: paste in the functional URL from the NOA email
    • Proxy enabled: Yes
    • Proxy selected: Default
    • Test Access
  • As with all GOBI ordered firm ebooks : make sure ...
    • On the General tab
      • You can now select Available for Portfolio Availability
      • Book is selected for Electronic Material Type
      • Access type: choose Perpetual
    • On the Acquisition tab
      • the correct Public Access Model value should have come in from GOBI via the API
    • Click Save

2. From the Electronic Resource Activation Task List - click on the ellipses and select "Done" and the title will no longer appear in the task list

3. Since the title was problematic in terms of matching to the correct collection we will also need to confirm that the e-book/Portfolio has been added to the correct collection. Vendors/Publishers/Platforms in the Community Zone can have very similar names so make sure the portfolio is attached to one of the following as appropriate. Note that each Electronic Collection has two identifiers: one that appears on the GOBI list for the Community Zone electronic collection, and another identifer for the same collection in the Institution Zone. The following are some of the platforms we purchase ebooks on through GOBI - others can be added to this chart as needed.


Electronic Collection Name Community Zone Collection ID  Institution Zone Collection ID Notes
Bloomsbury Collections All Titles 614950000000000416 61291176750007291  
de Gruyter eBooks Complete 611000000000002268 61350582130007291  
EBSCOhost Ebooks 61111000211069000 61291160690007291  
Edward Elgar Books 613170000000000299    
Elsevier ScienceDirect Books Complete 613840000000000009 61361513850007291  
 IGI Global InfoSci-Books 611000000000002255    
JSTOR Books 613170000000000272 61291151070007291 There is a known issue with some JSTOR titles resolving to a 404 error. When this happens replace with a Static URL
Project MUSE - EBA All Single Title Collection 615410000000000517 61350663710007291  
[Proquest] EBook Central Perpetual and DDATitles 614330000000000002 61339953860007291  

4. To Move a Portfolio from another collection to one specified above:

  • Do a Portfolio Search for the title or select Portfolio List for the incorrect collection to find the Portfolio.
  • From the Portfolio brief view, click on the ellipses and select Move
  • This will bring up another screen: for Desintation Electronic Collection "Select from List" - in the search box enter the appropriate Electronic Collection ID as indicated in the chart above (careful as to whether you are searching the Community Zone or Institution Zone : choose the correct identifier)
  • Select the correct collection and Confirm that you want to move the Portfolio and POL to the new collection




Besides GOBI Ebook ordering, we may also order directly from publishers. The following are the instructions for particular publishers. 


Follow the following process for individal ebooks purchased directly from OVID:

  • Search for the title in the Community Zone
  • If you find the exact title/edition that you are ordering
    • From the title - click on the Portfolio List and you will be taken to a screen where you can choose which Electronic Collection you would like to order the title on. For Ovid titles, there are several possibilities - choose the portfolio that is part of the CZ Books@OVid Purchase Electronic collection (61291174510007291 in the IZ / 612430000000000018 in the CZ)
      • NOTE: The Community Zone also includes a CZ Books@Ovid Purchase Complete collection. This is also activated in the Community Zone and has many of the same portfolios as Books@OVid Purchase. Generally do not use this collection for now unless the portfolio is unavailable in Books@OVid Purchase.
    • Click on the ellipses and select Order
      • PO Line Owner and Type:
        1. PO Line Type:  Electronic Book - One Time
        2. PO Line Owner: Mearns-McPherson Library
      • PO Line Details [if not mentioned below, leave blank]:
        1. Access Model - see the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Access Models. Enter one of the specified values.
        2. Under Ordered Items you should see the Portfolio that was created. Click on the ellipses and click on Edit.
        3. You will be taken to the Electronic Portfolio Editor screen:
          1. General:
            1. If the link is working, click on "Available"
            2. For Electronic Material Type, select "Book"
            3. Access Type: see the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Access Types and select one of the values.
          2. Linking:
            1. [the link should work from the collection level without any intervention here]
            2. Proxy enabled: for purchased material, select Yes (for free streaming videos select No)
            3. Proxy selected: choose Default from the dropdown
          3. Acquisition:
            1. Public access model: select the same code as you entered for the Access Model dropdown. See the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Public Access Models.
          4. Notes:
            1. Generally leave blank
        4. Fill out the rest of the Purchase Order Line details as you would for other items - entering:
          1. Material supplier
          2. Price
          3. Quantity
          4. Fund
          5. Material type: select Book from drop down
          6. Reporting Code
          7. Add Interested Users if applicable
          8. Any other values you deem necessary
        5. Save and Continue or Order Now
          1. The PO Line will be saved along with the portfolio
          2. If Order Now is chosen the PO will be created immediately. If Save and continue is chosen, the POL will be packaged overnight into a PO
        6. If the link was not already activated - activate it via the E-resource Activation Task List when it's functional
        7. Search for the resource in Alma and select Display in Discovery to ensure that the link works in Primo
  • If the ebook is not available in the Community Zone, 
    • Create a provisional record in Alma using the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record template see the Provisional Record guidelines on the Provisional Records tab. For streaming video fill out the following fields (leave all other fields blank):
      • 020 if available/possible
      • 245 - enter the title of the book
      • 264 - enter the publication date
      • 590 - enter "ebook" ; and any other notes you think will be helpful later on in the process re:  platform, usage rights/concurrent users, expiry date (if applicable). Separate these pieces of information by a full stop or semi-colon.
    • Once the basic details have been filled out on the provisional record, click on "Order" to take you to the Purchase Order Line creation screen
    • Follow the instructions for filling out the purchase order line

ProQuest  (eBook Central)

Proquest purchased titles (quarterly review) – titles removed from EBook Central

  • Sue Bengtson will send a request for ebook purchases quarterly to
    • These portfolios will already have active community zone records in ALMA as they were part of eBook Central
  • Acq staff with formally email this order request to 
  • Once confirmation of the order is received from ProQuest, within 7 days the acquisition status within the portfolio will change from subscribed to owned via an automated job within Alma.

-Creating POL's for this ProQuest order:

  • Search the portfolio within the institutional zone (these portfolios were already brought in via the community zone so there is no need to bring in another community zone record.
  •  Make sure you have found the portfolio within the correct collection: Proquest Ebook Centreal (Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles).
    • Make sure you view the portfolio list
  • Click order from the portfolio list (this ensure we are ordering from the portfolio, rather than creating a POL from the bib record)
    • PO line type = Electronic Book – One Time
    • PO line owner = Mearns-McPherson Library
    • Create PO Line
    • License = leave blank
    • Access Model = Unlimited Access (PUR-UU)
    • Material supplier – ProQuest LLC/MPROQUEST
    • Add list price from invoice
    • Add Fund = ELRS1
    • Add 1st reporting code = ELRS1P
  •  Note newly created POL on the invoice
  • Press save and continue (this will ensure the title have the same PO, will package overnight or when the supervisor runs the package)

Worksheets for these ProQuest Titles can be found on Teams Acquisitions --> Projects --> Proquest Title Removals

Streaming Video - Ordering

  1. Finding the streaming video title process - where do requests come from? is there a list of platforms you prefer? In what order? Relationship to Reserve? [to be completed]
  2. Once the streaming video has been identified and ordered

NOTE: If there is already a Bib Record/Portfolio for the title in Alma, follow the instructions below

Create a Provisional Bib Record
  1. Create a provisional record in Alma using the UVic Acquisitions Streaming Video Provisional Record template. See the Provisional Record guidelines on the Provisional Records tab. For streaming video fill out the following fields (leave all other fields blank):
    1. 020 if available/possible
    2. 245 - enter the title of the streaming video
    3. 264 - enter the date 
    4. 590 - enter "streaming video" ; and any other notes you think will be helpful later on in the process re:  platform, public performance rights, usage rights/concurrent users, expiry date (if applicable). Separate these pieces of information by a full stop or semi-colon.
  2. Once the basic details have been filled out on the provisional record, click on "Order" to take you to the Purchase Order Line creation screen
Create a Purchase Order Line
  1. PO Line Owner and Type:
    1. PO Line Type:  Electronic Book - One Time
    2. PO Line Owner: Mearns-McPherson Library
  2. PO Line Details [if not mentioned below, leave blank]:
    1. Access Model - see the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Access Models. Enter one of the specified values.
    2. Under Ordered Items you should see the Portfolio that was created. Click on the ellipses and click on Edit.
    3. You will be taken to the Electronic Portfolio Editor screen:
      1. Select "Attach to an Electronic Collection" at the top of the screen and search for the associated collection using the collection ID. Collection IDs for local streaming collections can be found here. Select "confirm."
      2. General:
        1. If the link is working, click on "Available"
        2. For Electronic Material Type, select "Streaming Video"
        3. Access Type: see the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Access Types and select one of the values.
      3. Linking:
        1. Choose Static URL
        2. Static URL - enter the URL to the streaming video (without the proxy link)
        3. Proxy enabled: for purchased material, select Yes (for free streaming videos select No)
        4. Proxy selected: choose Default from the dropdown
      4. Acquisition:
        1. Public access model: select the same code as you entered for the Access Model dropdown. See the Purchase and Portfolio Lines tab for more information on Public Access Models.
      5. Notes:
        1. Add a public note to indicate other information that may be helpful to the user. If the Access Model/Public Access Model has been filled out there is no need to repeat information on number of concurrent users here. Instead, use this field for information such as when the access to the resource will expire (if applicable) or other standard notes
    4. Fill out the rest of the Purchase Order Line details as you would for other items - entering:
      1. Material supplier
      2. Price
      3. Quantity
      4. Fund
      5. Material type: select Streaming Video from drop down
      6. Reporting Code
      7. Add Interested Users if applicable
      8. Any other values you deem necessary
    5. Save
      1. The PO Line will be saved along with the portfolio
    6. What happens next will be determined by whether the Link is active or not. 
      1. If the link is Active, send an email to requesting the item be catalogued - include the following:
        1. Title
        2. MMS ID
        3. Performance Rights Information (for 540 MARC field)
      2. If the link is not yet Active the resource will be added to the E-Activation task list. When you have notification that the link is ready OR you have returned to the resource in the E-Activation task list and tested access and it works : switch the portfolio to Active and click on Done - this will remove the item from the e-activation task list and send a notice to interested users that the resource is available


What if There is Already a Bib Record / Portfolio for the Streaming Video in Alma?
  1. If you are newly purchasing a streaming video (if, for example, the previous access expired and new access has been purchased) you may find that a Bibliographic Record and Portfolio already exist for the previous access
  2. Go to the Bib Record for the streaming video in Alma and confirm that it is indeed for the exact same title 
    1. If it is the exact same title you are newly purchasing, move on to step 3
    2. If it is a different streaming title, start with the Create a Provisional Record section above
  3. There should be a portfolio attached to the Bib Record already
    1. Is it a portfolio that needs to be deleted (i.e. access has expired or the link is no longer functional in some way)
      1. This portfolio will have a POL attached to it and so we will not delete it
      2. If access has expired, we will keep the portfolio - go to the Portfolio List and edit the portfolio. On the General tab, toggle Portfolio availability to "Not Available"
      3. Go to the Notes tab and in the Internal description notes field input: "Portfolio Deactivated: Access Expired" or another note formatted similarly that explains why the portfolio has been deactivated
    2. If the previous / existing portfolio is still active and you are merely purchasing additional access, leave the portfolio (ensuring that the portfolio has been filled out as indicated above )
  4. Now that the previous portfolio has been dealt with, return to the Bib Record in the Metadata Editor and click on Order - follow the instructions for Create a Purchase Order Line above


Videos without a Platform: Downloading Films and Adding them to the Video Library Server

The vast majority of films are hosted on vendor platforms. In some cases, vendors will provide a download so UVic hosts the videos instead. If that is the case, the Acquisitions Assistant will work with Systems to download the file and upload it to the Video Library.

The following naming convention will be used:

In general URIs as defined by RFC 3986 (see Section 2: Characters) may contain any of the following 84 characters:


Within those parameters, the filename will be edited to the format:



Title_Year_Part_# [if applicable]









Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Ordering New Electronic Collections (Packages or Databases) 

There will be a process of assessment with electronic resource purchases and sometimes it won’t be clear what type of resource it is. This section outlines the process to follow if you are ordering a package of resources (an Electronic Collection with Portfolios underneath it) or a Database (an Electronic Collection with 0 portfolios underneath it [such as Abstracting and Indexing]). Typically we will be ordering an Aggregator Package - which means we order and receive access to all Titles/Portfolios in the Electronic Collection. If in doubt ask your supervisor – we may need to contact the purchaser to determine what type of resource it is and what workflow to follow. 

Note: Do not activate the collection or add it to the Database of Databases until access has been properly set up on our EZProxy server. Confirm access is working first. You can still follow the steps below to create an inactive electronic collection in any case, just keep the "inactive" box ticked until access is confirmed.

  • Is a record for the title in the Community Zone?

    • Do an Electronic Collection search (Title, Collection Name, or Interface Name) for the collection in the Community Zone

    • If you find the correct collection, click on Order from the CZ record (in the ellipses menu) -  only if the provider and platform is the same as what we are ordering

    • Follow the instructions below for filling out the POL information

  • If there is no record for the title in the Community Zone

    • Create a Provisional Record or DAR (Dummy Acquisition Record) via the Metadata Editor in Alma 

    • How do I decide which one to use? 

    • Do we want the record to be discoverable? 

      • NOTE: How do I decide whether the record should be discoverable? This will need to be decided title by title. The major overriding principle on whether to make a resource discoverable is whether you think the UVic community would reasonably want to search in Primo for the electronic collection or database by name. In the following cases, generally do not make the record discoverable: if you are creating the record only because of a functional reason (i.e. to attach a POL)  ; if the constituent parts are more important than a collection level record (for example, an Ebook package that is important administratively but users do not know or likely do not care about the collection name - they just need the individual ebooks to be discoverable).

      • If the record is meant to be discoverable in the public interface (Primo), create a Provisional Record (in the Metadata Editor - select the New menu and the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record from under the MARC21 Bibliographic section). 

      • What fields should be created in the provisional MARC record? See the Provisional Records Field Guide 

      • This is going to be passed on to Metadata for full cataloguing since we want it available for discovery – when finished with the acquisitions functions, email to indicate that the resource needs to be catalogued. This instruction is also integrated into the workflows below

    • If the record is NOT meant to be discoverable, create a DAR. (in the Metadata Editor - select the New menu and the UVic Acquisitions DAR from under the MARC21 Bibliographic section).

  • From the Bibliographic Record in the Metadata Editor click on Order:

    • You will now be on the POL Creation screen and being prompted to choose a POL Type. This will determine the rest of the process and what inventory is created. What should you choose?

    • If the resource is monographic in nature or a single title or has updating content (like an Encyclopedia or Reference works) 
      • Select "Electronic Book – Subscription" as the PO Line Type if it's a subscription (i.e. if the library needs to pay for renewed access)

      • Or, Select PO Line Type of "Electronic Book – One Time" if it’s a one time purchase

      • Select PO Line Owner of Mearns-McPherson Library

      • Leave Assign inventory manually unticked

      • Click on Create PO Line

      • Choose an appropriate Access Model

      • Under Ordered Items, Click on the ellipses next to the portfolio and select Edit and make sure to fill out the following values on the Portfolio record:

        • General tab:

          • Portfolio availability: Toggle to Available if it's ready to use (if it still needs activation, leave this at Not Available)

          • Electronic material type: Book (or another appropriate value) 

          • Access type: Current 

        • Linking tab:

          • URL Type: Static URL

          • Static URL: Add the URL to the resource

          • Proxy enabled: Yes

          • Proxy Selected: Default/EZ Proxy

            • NOTE: If this has not already been done, please send an email to Sandy Gordon to add the URL to the local proxy server.

        • Notes tab:

          • Add a Public note if there is something the user should know about the resource that helps explain which parts are or are not available. This should be concise if added. Generally do not add for this type of Resource

        • Click Save to save your portfolio information. This will take you back to the POL screen

      • Fill out the rest of the PO Line as normal and click on Save and Continue

      • The POL will be packaged into a PO overnight

      • This will appear on the electronic activation task list. Activate the resource from there once access has been tested. 

      • Send an email to if a provisional record has been created and once the electronic resource has been activated

      • For this type of resource – do not typically add it to the Database of Databases (since it’s not a database – it's most likely just a reference source) 

    • If the resource is considered an Electronic Collection -  a resource formed of discrete parts such as an ebook package, an ejournal package, or other multi-part electronic resource (like O’Brien’s Encyclopedia of Forms) 
      • Select "Electronic Collection – Subscription" as the PO Line Type if it's a subscription (i.e. if the library needs to pay for renewed access)

      • Or, Select PO Line Type of "Electronic Collection – One Time" if it’s a one time purchase

      • Select PO Line Owner of Mearns-McPherson Library

      • Leave Assign inventory manually unticked (if present)

      • Click on Create PO Line

      • Under Ordered Items, Click on the ellipses next to the electronic collection and select Edit and make sure to fill out the following values on the Electronic Collection record:

        • Electronic Collection Description tab:

          • Public name: this is the name of the electronic collection given in the MARC record. Edit if necessary. If you created a provisional record, this will be the name publicly viewable in Primo.

        • General tab:

          • Type: choose Selective for this type of resource if you have the option. But this value will be coming in from the CZ Electronic Collection.

          • Access Type: If the electronic collection is subscription-based, choose current ; if the collection is a one-time purchase and we will have access in perpetuity, select perpetual. If the collection has some content that is perpetual (i.e. we've purchased the backfile and have to subscribe to the front list), choose Current and Perpetual 

        • Additional tab:

          • Level URL: Indicate the URL of the Electronic Collection [home screen of the electronic resource or what the vendor has provided]  - sometimes this option will not be present as it comes over from the CZ Electronic Collection

          • Proxy enabled: Yes for paid resources

          • Proxy selected:: choose default (EZproxy)

            • NOTE: If this has not already been done, please send an email to Sandy Gordon to add the URL to the local proxy server.

        • Notes tab:

          • Public Note: Add a Public note if there is something the user should know about the resource that helps explain which parts are or are not available. This should be concise if added. Generally do not add for this type of Resource

        • Click Save to save your electronic collection information. This will take you back to the POL screen
      • Fill out the rest of the PO Line as normal and click on Save and Continue

      • The POL will be packaged into a PO overnight

      • This will appear on the electronic activation task list. Activate the resource from there once access has been tested. 

      • Send an email to if a provisional record has been created and once the electronic resource has been activated

    • If the electronic resource is something that is considered a Database – such as an Abstracting and Indexing Database (A&I) that is not composed of discrete parts but is meant to function as a searchable database as a whole:
      • Select "Electronic Collection – Subscription" as the PO Line Type if it's a subscription (i.e. if the library needs to pay for renewed access)

      • Or, Select PO Line Type of "Electronic Collection – One Time" if it’s a one time purchase

        • NOTE: sometimes we will subscribe to a database/electronic collection for which we pay a one time purchase but there are additional annual hosting fees. In these cases, we would specify "Electronic Collection - One Tme" for the resource purchase and handle the annual hosting fees as "Other Service - Subscription."

      • Select PO Line Owner of Mearns-McPherson Library

      • Leave Assign inventory manually unticked

      • Click on Create PO Line

      • Under Ordered Items, Click on the ellipses next to the electronic collection and select Edit and make sure to fill out the following values on the Electronic Collection record:

        • Electronic Collection Description tab:

          • Public name: this is the name of the electronic collection given in the MARC record. Edit if necessary. If you created a provisional record, this will be the name publicly viewable in Primo.

        • General tab:

          • Type: choose Database for this type of resource.

          • Access Type: If the electronic collection is subscription-based, choose current ; if the collection is a one-time purchase and we will have access in perpetuity, select perpetual. If the collection has some content that is perpetual (i.e. we've purchased the backfile and have to subscribe to the front list), choose Current and Perpetual 

        • Additional tab:

          • Level URL: Indicate the URL of the Electronic Collection [home screen of the electronic resource or what the vendor has provided] 

          • Proxy enabled: Yes for paid resources

          • Proxy selected:: choose default (EZproxy) 

        • Notes tab:

          • Public Note: Add a Public note if there is something the user should know about the resource. This should be concise if added. Generally do not add for this type of Resource

        • Click Save to save your electronic collection information. This will take you back to the POL screen.
      • Fill out the rest of the PO Line as normal and click on Save and Continue

      • The POL will be packaged into a PO overnight

      • This will appear on the electronic activation task list. Activate the resource from there once access has been tested. 

      • Send an email to if a provisional record has been created and once the electronic resource has been activated. They will look after creating a fuller MARC record for the resource.

      • If you haven't already done so, add or update the Database of Databases entry if necessary. NOTE: this workflow is under review. As a general rule, add entries to the Database of Databases for Abstracting and Indexing databases, 0 title databases that can be searched on a vendor platform.




CZ ‘All titles – Title’ search of the archive being purchased (British Catholic History)

Look at complete Portfolio list

Look for the Collection with Archive/Backfile in name and without a year.

Preferably already activated collection.

Order following already established process to order and activate the single title using POL Type “Electronic Journal – One time”

Ideally, purchased electronic resources will be hosted on a platform and we provide access via a URL in a portfolio. Even more ideally, that resource/portfolio would be available for us to activate in the Community Zone.

In some cases, however, the publisher/vendor will provide a PDF copy of the electronic resource for UVic to host locally. While communicating with the vendor, establish what exactly the rights are for the PDF. Our preference will be for the PDF to be made available to the entire UVic community. If that's the case, then we will put the PDF on Docstore. In other cases we have permission only to pass on the PDF to a department or faculty member (i.e. there is no site-wide license). 

NOTE: determine from the selector/requester whether the PDF is for a course. If it is then send the PDF to Course Reserves. Do not send to for DocStore.

Are We Able to Provide the PDF for all UVic users?

  • When purchasing, you may be provided with the PDF immediately (i.e. CCard order) OR you may have to be invoiced first, pay the invoice, then the PDF will be provided. In the latter case, handle the invoice payment outside of Alma and carry on with the workflow - the order, activation, and invoicing in Alma will follow after getting the DocStore link.
  • Put the PDF in the W: Drive -> LTEC:Acquisitions:PDF Files for Cataloguing:
    • put the PDF in the subfolder for the fiscal year
  • Send the file name and W: drive location to the PDF to indicating that it should be added to DocStore. Metadata will add the PDF to DocStore [process is here] and reply back to the email with the DocStore Link
  • Once you have the link, create a Provisional Record in Alma according to the guidelines
    • Should I search the Community Zone for an appropriate record instead? 
      • No. Although Community Zone records may be available for the title, the idea of the Community Zone is that there is a corresponding portfolio that links out to a platform URL. Since we are creating our own DocStore URL we will treat this as an Institution Zone record. 
  • Order from the Bibliographic Record
  • PO Line Creation Screen:
    • PO Line Type: Electronic Book One Time
    • PO Line Owner: Mearns-McPherson
  • Fill out the PO Line as normal. 
  • In the "Ordered Items" section of the POL Details Screen -> Summary tab, Edit the Portfolio
    • General Tab:
      • Toggle Portfolio Availability to "Available"
      • Assign an appropriate Electronic material type: this will likely be a Book, Document, or Government Document
      • Access type will be Current or Perpetual depending on whether the access purchased was permanent or is a subscription
    • LInking Tab:
      • URL Type: Static URL
      • Static URL: Paste in the Docstore URL provided by Metadata
      • Proxy enabled: toggle to "Yes"
      • Proxy selected: Default
    • Acquisition tab:
  • The PO Line will be packaged into a PO overnight
  • The resource will show up on the Electronic Activation task list - when it does you should activate it after testing the link/access.


Are We Unable to Provide the PDF for all UVic users?

  • Again this is not our preference but may be required
  • In that case we will have to adopt a specialized workflow based on that particular instance
  • Create a DAR for the record
  • Order and when creating the POL - tick the box Assign Inventory Manually as we don't want an item record/portfolio created
  • Fill out the POL as normal ; it will package in a PO overnight
  • Carry on with providing the PDF to the appropriate person
    • If it is an Accessibility purchase - follow the instructions
    • If it is a Reserve Request - email the PDF to course reserves
  • Retain the PDF in "W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\PDF files for Cataloguing\NOT for Docstore (Copyright or other problems)" or "W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\PDF files for Cataloguing\STANDARDS - NOT for Docstore" depending on the nature of the PDF


Ordering (Continuous) - Physical


Using template, create a provisional record (or DAR as appropriate) > In the 590 field add note (e.g. Subscription to begin with: )

Choose correct POL type for format:

  • Serial subscriptions and standing orders > Print Journal - Subscription
  • Loose-leaf > Print Journal - Subscription
  • Monograph A/V > Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph
  • Monographic series ordered on a DAR (suppressed) > Print Book - Standing Order

Choose correct location.

Add a receiving note to POL: (e.g. Route first issue to Metadata Supervisor, Serials)

Is the item for SCUA? choose sc location; add to POL receiving note: SCUA ITEM: PENCIL ONLY  [For items that require a barcode, add the note:]  ROUTE TO METADATA FOR BARCODE

See Acquisitions Supervisor or Metadata Supervisor (Serials) with any questions.

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Draft 7/24/sf

New Serial Print Subscriptions

For "One Shot" serial orders (bibliographic and holdings records already exist; item ordered will be added to the existing holdings record), see tab in Ordering (One-Time) Physical box.

For new print subscription orders:

  • Search and confirm a record does not already exist in in Alma
  • Within the MDE under "New", choose "UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record". Update:
    • LDR  > click ellipses > Open form editor > Bibliographic level > Bibliographic level(7) > choose "s" serial
    • 020 > change to 022 > add ISSN
    • 245 > add title
    • 590 > add "Subscription to begin with" note
    • Click "save"
  • Order (Click grocery cart icon)
    • PO line type > choose  Print Journal - Subscription
    • PO line owner > choose as appropriate
    • Assign inventory manually > Do NOT tick this box (untick if ticked)
    • Click "Create PO line" box
  • Review new POL:
    • In "Receiving Information" box, add Receiving note: ROUTE FIRST ISSUE TO METADATA SUPERVISOR (Serials)
    • Fill in other POL information as necessary > then click "Order Now" or "Save and Continue" as appropriate
  • Confirm order appears on "Continuous" receiving tab and that holdings have been created (item records, if necessary, will be created on receipt of issues)


Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Special Collections Publisher “All publications” Monographic standing orders

POL Type = Print Book - Standing order

Order using DAR workflow

Current list of SC All publication Standing orders:

Barbarian Press Single copy.
ChapBooks Single copy
Ekstasis Editions 2 copies
Frog Hollow Press Single copy.
Greenboathouse Press Single copy.
Mother Tongue (except UABC)

Single copy.

Rebel Mountain Press 2 copies
Unheralded Artists of BC Single copy.
Leaf Press 2 copies


Ordering (Continuous) - Electronic

This is a DRAFT

Please note for the migration backlog, CZ record for the eJournal should already be activated so create the order on that portfolio; begin Order the eJournal instructions at step 4. There is no subsequent need to activate the portfolio, but do verify coverage/start date. In these cases, vendors, in particular Harrassowitz via FOKUS, will need to be advised of the new PO and we will need to ensure that the SNA number is included on POL

Create eJournal Order

  1. Complete pre-order searching in the Institution Zone to see if UVic Libraries owns the title. 
  2. If there is no UVic Libraries title, search for search type Electronic Portfolios and search criteria Title to find the title in the Community Zone.

  3. Locate your title from the appropriate Electronic Collection (e.g., JSTOR) - 

  4.  Click Order 

  5. What if I can't find the e-journal in the Community Zone?

    Create a Provisional Bib Record
    • Create a provisional record in Alma using the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record template see the Provisional Record guidelines on the Provisional Records tab. For ejournals fill out the following fields (leave all other fields blank):
      • 022 if available/possible
      • 245 - enter the title of the ejournal
      • 590 - enter "ejournal" ; and any other notes you think will be helpful later on in the process re:  platform, etc. Separate these pieces of information by a full stop or semi-colon.
    • Once the basic details have been filled out on the provisional record, click on "Order" to take you to the Purchase Order Line creation screen
  6. PO Line Owner and Type screen will appear

    1. Create POL as:
      1. Purchase Type: Electronic Journal - Subscription
      2. PO line owner: Mearns - McPherson Library
      3. Template: leave blank, not yet in use
      4. Assign inventory manually: leave unchecked
      5. Click Create PO Line
  7. Purchase Order Line Details screen will appear. On the Summary Tab, fill in this information:
    1. Ordered Items section
      1. License: Leave blank
      2. Access Model: Leave blank
    2. Vendor Information section
      1. Material Supplier: enter correct vendor and account (Note: Harrassowitz account is VICO-SER(1953)-15)
      2. Access Provider: choose an Access Provider, if applicable. Only limited vendors are currently setup as Access Providers.
      3. Claiming Grace Period (days): This value comes from the vendor account - default to 0 
      4. Expected activation after ordering (days): This value comes from the vendor account. - default to 0, we will populate  
      5. Expected activation date: Leave blank  
      6. E-Activation due after ordering (days): Defaults to ?? days, or you can fill in specific dates based on your expectation of when the title should be activated. (Activation dates determine when the title appears in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List.)
    3. Pricing and Funding sections
      1. Add list price and fund...default to $1.00 at this time
    4. PO Line Details
      1. Acquisition method: If you are placing the subscription directly from the vendor (e.g., via Harrassowitz) choose Acquisitions Method: Purchase at Vendor System
      2. Material type: Journal (default)
      3. No charge: leave unchecked
      4. Invoice status: Do not change. This will update automatically as order goes through invoicing process. 
      5. Vendor reference number: SNA number supplied by Harrassowitz
      6. Vendor reference number type: choose SNA for Harrassowitz orders
    5. Reporting Codes
      1. 1st Reporting code: see list of 1st reporting codes
      2. Other reporting codes currently not in use, this is subject to change
    6. Renewal section
      1. Manual renewal box: Defaults to being ticked - untick  
        1. Renewals are processed as follows:
          1. If the PO line is marked as automatic, the Renewal date is automatically incremented according to the Renewal cycle. The PO line is then saved back in the repository for further processing (step 4).
          2. If the PO line is marked as manual, it appears in the renewals task list and you are required to manually update the Renewal date and/or any other fields in the Renewals section of the PO Line Summary tab. The PO line will be set to Recurring Renewal. You then select Renew to continue the renewal processing (step 4). Updating the Renewal date will also remove the PO line from the renewals task list.
      2. Subscription from date and Subscription to date: Neither is required 
      3. Renewal date:12/31/2099.
      4. Renewal reminder period (days): 0
    7. Add any required notes to the POL notes field

Activate the eJournal

  1. Click on the Task List icon (clipboard with a check mark) in the main menu bar
  2. Click on Electronic Resources >> Activation >> Unassigned
  3. Look for the title in the Unassigned tab. The field Status will identify the necessary action for each title; a newly ordered title will have a status of Check access. 
  4. Select the correct line. Once the user begins to edit the task, it is automatically assigned to their account and will show up in the Assigned to me tab. 
  5. From the ellipsis to the right of the title, select Test access. This will bring you to the resource itself to verify full text access and coverage.
  6. If full text is not yet available, follow up with the vendor. At this point, the resource is not available to the public and the title is suppressed. 
  7. When access and coverage has been verified, select Activate from the ellipsis to the right of the title.
  8. Click Confirm, and then Confirm again. The title is no longer suppressed, and the link is available to the public.
  9. Coverage Information tab: Verify the dates. If your subscription entitlement differs from the Global Date Information
    1. Add coverage information to the Local Date Information section
    2. Switch the Which coverage statement will be applied? radio button to Only local.
  10. Click Save
  11. You are then taken to the Assigned to Me tab of the Electronic Resource Activation Task List
  12. Click on the row action item list icon next to the title
  13. Mark as Done
  14. If you created a provisional record for the ejournal (i.e. it was not available in the Community Zone) - email and include the MMS ID of the ejournal so it can be fully catalogued

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Procedure TBD : See Acquisitions or Metadata supervisor before ordering

Database and Electronic Collection Ordering (both one-time and continuous) instructions have been provided on the Electronic Collections and Databases tab of the Ordering (One-time) - Electronic section.

Search to ensure record does not already exist

If collection available in CZ, activate and suppress this collection

  • confirm this process with PP

If not, use template for DAR's that has been set up in MDE

Go to “Show MDE”

Click “New” – select UVic Acquisitions DAR – fill in appropriate fields

  • Note: we no longer add 'electronic resource' identifiers

Click “Record Actions” – select Suppress from Discovery

Save or Save and Release

Use Save option to now create Order

POL Type: Electronic Collection - Subscription

For DAR and Provisional orders…tick the ‘Assign inventory manually’

Do we want to add license/sub period?

Ordering - Multiple Resources purchased as one


Often the purchase of one resource includes one or more other resources. Each resource included in the purchase requires its own separate  IZ or CZ records and order with correct POL type assigned. Payment is associated with the one main or primary resource; but separate technical orders with correct POL types are necessary for receiving and tracking purposes.

Memberships, Combined Subscriptions, etc. ordered on DAR's require separate records and orders for resources included in the order.

Technical orders are manually associated to the main order where payment is made.






Note: Known as "Print + Online" in Voyager, a post migration clean-up project is currently in process to switch these orders to "Online + Print" in Alma. In Voyager, only one purchase order for both resources was necessary and it was attached to the print version. The e-version was tracked in Serial Solutions.

In Alma each resource requires its own order with correct POL type assigned. The online version is considered the primary resource. Payment is made ONLY on the POL associated with the online version but a technical order with correct POL type is also required for the print version. This allows for receipt and tracking of print tiles on the Continuations tab.

The clean-up process:

  1. A job was run to convert the POL type of the migrated "Print + Online" orders from "Print Journal - Subscription" to" Electronic Journal - Subscription".
  2. This "Electronic Journal - Subscription" POL will be moved to the portfolio of the CZ record.
  3. A new "technical" order will then be created  for the print version with POL type "Print Journal - Subscription"
  4. The POL's will then be manually associated to each other

For actual process please see under Order Updates and Maintenance - Electronic Component - Print+Online

Ordering New Online + Print titles in Alma (SH/draft):

Ex Libris documentation recommends linking both the print and electronic orders to the record for the electronic version in the Community Zone.

We will be linking payment to the electronic order whenever possible since it is more likely to continue and our fund structure requires this.

These instructions assume that you will use separate bibliographic records and that payment will be associated with the electronic order.

To order a print + electronic subscription, you create two orders: one for the print subscription and one for the electronic subscription. The electronic order will hold the payment, while the print order uses Acquisitions Method: Technical.  

Create Continuous Order-Print Journal-subscription

For the print order, follow the instructions for a continuous order (serial), except that your Acquisitions Method will be Technical (which does not require data in the price and fund fields).

Write down the POL number for the print subscription as it will be needed when setting up the electronic subscription order.

Create eJournal Order

  1. Complete pre-order searching in the Institution Zone to see if UVic Libraries owns the title. 
  2. If there is no UVic Libraries title, search for search type Electronic Portfolios and search criteria Title to find the title in the Community Zone.

  3. Locate your title from the appropriate Electronic Collection (e.g., JSTOR)

  4.  Click Order 

  5. What if I can't find the e-journal in the Community Zone?

    Create a Provisional Bib Record
    • Create a provisional record in Alma using the UVic Acquisitions Provisional Record template see the Provisional Record guidelines on the Provisional Records tab. For ejournals fill out the following fields (leave all other fields blank):
      • 022 if available/possible
      • 245 - enter the title of the ejournal
      • 590 - enter "ejournal" ; and any other notes you think will be helpful later on in the process re:  platform, etc. Separate these pieces of information by a full stop or semi-colon.
    • Once the basic details have been filled out on the provisional record, click on "Order" to take you to the Purchase Order Line creation screen
  6. PO Line Owner and Type screen will appear

    1. Create POL as:
      1. Purchase Type: Electronic Journal - Subscription
      2. PO line owner: as appropriate
      3. Click Create PO Line
  7. Purchase Order Line Details screen will appear. On the Summary Tab, fill in this information:
    1. Ordered Items section
      1. License: Leave blank
    2. Vendor Information section
      1. Material Supplier should be the same as print subscription POL
      2. Access Provider: You may also choose an Access Provider, if applicable. 
      3. Claiming Grace Period (days): This value comes from the vendor account 
      4. Expected activation after ordering (days): This value comes from the vendor account.  
      5. Or expected activation date: Leave blank  
      6. E-Activation due after ordering (days): Defaults to 30 days, or you can fill in specific dates based on your expectation of when the title should be activated.
    3. Pricing and Funding sections
      1. Add list price and fund
    4. PO Line Details
      1. Acquisition method: If you are placing the subscription directly from the vendor (e.g., via Harrassowitz) choose Acquisitions Method: Purchase at Vendor System or Purchase – without letter.
      2. Material type: Journal (default)
      3. Invoice status: Do not change.  This will update automatically as order goes through invoicing process. 
      4. 1st Reporting code: see list of 1st reporting codes
      5. Secondary reporting code: current not in use
    5. Renewal section - TBD
      1. Manual renewal box: Uncheck
      2. Subscription from date and Subscription to date: Neither is required 
      3. Renewal date:12/31/2099. ???
      4. Renewal reminder period (days): can be kept at 0 ???
    6. Additional section
      1. Click > icon to open window
      2. Associated PO lines: Add POL number for the print subscription. This will link the eJournal POL to the print POL.  
      3. Click Order Now

Activate the eJournal

  1. Click on the Task List icon (clipboard with a check mark) in the main menu bar
  2. Click on Electronic Resources >> Activation >> Unassigned
  3. Look for the title in the Unassigned tab. The field Status will identify the necessary action for each title; a newly ordered title will have a status of Check access. 
  4. Select the correct line. Once the user begins to edit the task, it is automatically assigned to their account and will show up in the Assigned to me tab. 
  5. From the ellipsis to the right of the title, select Test access. This will bring you to the resource itself to verify full text access and coverage.
  6. If full text is not yet available, follow up with the vendor. At this point, the resource is not available to the public and the title is suppressed. 
  7. When access and coverage has been verified, select Activate from the ellipsis to the right of the title.
  8. Click Confirm, and then Confirm again. The title is no longer suppressed, and the link is available to the public.
  9. Coverage Information tab: Verify the dates. If your subscription entitlement differs from the Global Date Information
    1. Add coverage information to the Local Date Information section
    2. Switch the Which coverage statement will be applied? radio button to Only local.
  10. Click Save
  11. You are then taken to the Assigned to Me tab of the Electronic Resource Activation Task List
  12. Click on the row action item list icon next to the title
  13. Mark as Done
  14. If you created a provisional record for the ejournal (i.e. it was not available in the Community Zone) - email and include the MMS ID of the ejournal so it can be fully catalogued

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.