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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations


  1. When adding the Analytics Object, the type has to be the same as the type in Analytics
  2. Even though you can save an analysis report with characters such as ()"& in the file name and it lets you make an Analytics Object to that file path, it will not run because of the special characters
  3. You can make an analysis with multiple Subjects but these conditions must be met:
  • There must be at least one common dimension among the two subject areas
  • Descriptive fields must come from the common dimension(s)
  • Measures will come from the facts



If the search had no results

1. Open the report from the Catalog

2. Note the URL or copy the URL from saw.dll? onward

3. Edit the report

4. Go to Criteria tab and "Edit Analysis Properties"

5. Change No Results Settings to "Display Custom Message"

6. Check the box "Contains HTML/JavaScript/CSS

7. You may enter a header but it is not necessary

8. In the Message box add

<button onclick="window.location.href='[the URL path from saw.dll? onward]'">Rerun the report</button>

9. Click OK

If search came back with results

1. Open the report from the Catalog

2. Note the URL or copy the URL from saw.dll? onward

3. Edit the report

4. Go to Results tab and "New View" > Other Views" > "Static Text"

5. Edit the Static Text box that appears at the bottom of the layout

6. Check the box "Contains HTMS/JavaScript/CSS Markup"

8. In the Static Text box add

<button onclick="window.location.href='[the URL path from saw.dll? onward]'">Rerun the report</button>

9. Click Done

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.