The Copyright and Scholarly Communication Office (CSCO) manages course reserves using Alma and Leganto, our online reading list platform.
Instructors can create and manage their own reading lists in Leganto, or they can email their course syllabus to and we'll create a reading list for them.
All course reserves materials must follow copyright and fair dealing guidelines. The infographic below provides quick tips on fair dealing guidelines for instructors.
Testing/sandbox courses are available for testing and trying out Leganto features. To access them,
You can either use one of the existing reading lists or create a new one.
Some helpful training videos can be found in the Leganto knowledge base.
Preparing a course reading list involves five steps:
The diagram below shows an example reading list structure.
In the top right of the persistent menu bar, click the library/desk selector icon
To customize the Courses list table,
To customize the Reading Lists Task List,
To add a Tasks widget to your home page,
The Tasks widget in Alma includes several lists that are relevant to Course Reserves:
Note: items on the Tasks list often appear in more than one category, e.g., a specific citation may be included in the list for Citation has a New File and Ready for processing.
You can also see how lists are assigned by selecting Fulfillment > Reading Lists in the left navigation bar.
Course Reserves are managed under the Fulfillment tab in Alma.
Courses should be added to Alma automatically through Banner. However, course start and end dates sometimes need to be adjusted, and occasionally a course is not available in Alma. If you do not see the course you are working on in Alma, ask Inba to create it.
You can also search for a reading list directly.
There are a few ways to open a reading list in Leganto.
In most cases, the course will already exist in Alma and just needs to be edited.
Note: We wait until course shells are available in Alma to build reading lists.
Note: Only Inba should create new courses from scratch. If you can't find the course you're working on in Alma, ask her to create it for you.
This option creates a new course from scratch.
On the Courses page, select Add Course.
In the Course Information tab, add only the following the course information (confirm details using the course timetable):
In the Instructors tab, add the instructor information:
This option creates a new course based on an existing one. It's a good choice for creating a second section for an already existing course.
Find your course on the Courses page and select Duplicate in the row list actions on the right side.
Enter the course and instructor information in the Course Information tab, following the Create a Course instructions above.
Term start and end dates determine when reading lists are available and when some materials are accessible, including physical reserve items and some licensed materials.
Term start and end dates are listed in the Academic Calendar. For course reserves purposes, we add approximately two weeks to the start and end dates to allow time for processing lists and materials (refer to the Reading List Tracking Sheet for exact dates):
Click and the Add Reading List window will open:
4. Next, add the following information:
202305: year and term start month. In this example, the course starts in May of 2023
SOCW 413: course code
A01: course section
For cross-listed courses, the format is 202305 SOCW 413 A01 x ADMN 447 A01 X CO
Faculty may want to reuse a Reading List from a previous term. The previous reading list can be rolled over into the course for the new term.
Note: Once a reading list has been rolled over, the original list will no longer be available.
202305: year and term start month. In this example, the course starts in May of 2023
SOCW 413: course code
A01: course section
Note: sometimes an instructor will give a custom name to their reading list (e.g., the course title). For these, just ensure the date is correct if provided. Later, edit only the reading list code in Alma to match the above naming convention.
Duplicating a reading list is a good option if you want to use one reading list as the basis for another or as an alternative to rolling over a reading list when the original is still in use.
A cross-listed course is a single course that is listed with different names and codes, either within a department or across different departments, with a single Brightspace site and reading list.
Instructors may also want to cross-list multiple sections of the same course. This allows them to manage all sections from one Brightspace site, including a single reading list. To do this, instructors must send a request to Technology Integrated Learning.
To create a reading list for a cross-listed course, follow the same process as for a regular course with two special considerations:
The following instructions explain how to add sections in a reading list in Leganto and sort reading list citations in Alma.
Reading lists must contain at least one section that contains the citations.
Note: Library staff can auto-sort Citations in Alma, but should avoid doing so in Leganto. This enables us to sort the list however we'd like on the Alma side while we're working on the Reading List, while not interfering with the Citation order the instructor prefers on the student-facing Leganto side.
Most of the sort facets are self-explanatory; Instructor Order will sort the list to match the order of the Citations on the Leganto side.
The instructor is automatically the Owner of a list. The owner and library staff can add a Collaborator who can also work on the list.
There are two privilege levels available:
Collaborators can be managed in Leganto or in Alma.
To add a collaborator in Alma,
To remove a collaborator,
To modify reading list privileges for a collaborator,
One way to add citations to a reading list is with Cite it! Available as a browser extension for Google Chrome or as a bookmarklet for all browsers, this tool lets you easily import non-library items (e.g., websites, videos, journal articles, etc.) into a reading list while you browse the web.
Follow the steps below to install the browser extension:
The bookmarklet version of the Cite it! tool allows you to add resources directly from your bookmarks toolbar. Some websites block the bookmarklet; for such websites, use the Cite it! browser extension instead or create a manual entry.
You may need to toggle on your browser's bookmarks toolbar to use Cite it! The location of the bookmark toolbar may differ depending on browser versions.
Follow the steps below to install the bookmarklet:
Note: Add library materials with the Library Search option whenever possible to generate reliable, proxied links.
To use the Cite it! bookmarklet, you must first have the reading list added to your Lists in Leganto.
Before you begin, be sure you have added the Cite it! bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks toolbar.
This section covers the following:
Any reading list items that are part of the library collections can be added through the library catalogue (books, articles, eBooks, media, etc.).
Note: Use the Library Search option to add items whenever possible since this generates stable, proxied links to library resources.
Note: to add a scan of a print book chapter, see the Add a Book Chapter PDF tab.
For eBook chapters, add the entire eBook and add a Note for students listing the assigned chapter/page numbers. If a direct link to the chapter is available through the eBook platform, include it as an additional URL but do not replace the system-generated link.
Chapters from EBA collections (eBooks from Taylor & Francis, Wiley Online Books, Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University Press) are leased and may become unavailable during the term. They are flagged in the catalogue as leased content.
Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles can be accessed online by current UVic students, faculty and staff via EBSCO’s Business Source Complete. Note: The license agreement for electronic copies of HBR articles prohibits their use "in electronic reserves, electronic course packs, persistent linking from syllabi or by any other means of incorporating the content into course resources."
Do not add direct links to or copies of HBR articles to reading lists. Instead, there are two options:
To maintain accurate analytics, please check that every citation has the appropriate item type. The type determines which metadata fields are available, so choose the type first before editing other item details.
All citations added to reading lists should be checked and edited, since the system-generated metadata is not always correct.
To maintain accurate analytics, please check that every citation has the appropriate item type. The type determines which metadata fields are available, so choose the type first before editing other item details.
Note: due to a limited amount of space on the Course Reserves shelves, we will only accept print reserves requests if they are required readings.
There are four steps to adding a print book to a Reading List:
Note: If the item was recalled and you've retrieved it from the Reserves hold shelf in the sorting room, cancel the hold before placing it on a reading list. See Placing a Trace or Recall > Cancelling a Hold.
Most of the time we link to resources. This allows students to access licensed library materials and ensures only authenticated users can access them. However, there are times when linking isn't a viable option, e.g., chapters from books. In these cases, we upload a file for the item. All files must be assessed for copyright compliance and OCRd for accessibility purposes.
Note: Before scanning a resource, use Library Search to check whether we have an online version available. Instructors may not always check before requesting that a PDF is added to the list.
Fernwood Publishing has requested that we do not distribute chapters or excerpts from their publications even when the excerpt would be allowed under fair dealing guidelines. If the library holds a copy of the book, we can put it on print reserve and/or we can purchase an eBook version through GOBI.
Note: In the rare instance that the PDF contains a selection of pages from a chapter or article, follow this pagination style:
Any special notes or restrictions about a book on Reserve can be added as a fulfillment note. These notes appear as pop-up messages to front desk staff when an item is charged and discharged.
After a course ends, all books that were moved to Reserves must be returned to the stacks.
Note: These instructions apply only if an instructor wants to remove a library copy form their reading list. We do not remove citations when a course ends. Reading lists should be left intact for future courses. Please talk to the Reserves supervisor before removing a citation.
Select Remove Citations from the top actions list
Select Confirm in the Confirmation Message dialog box
Click Save.
Course Reserves staff will scan fair dealing amounts of print material (e.g., book chapters, articles, etc.) for any requested readings—required or optional/recommended.
If you need to scan a book from the Law Library, place a recall and enter the following in the Note field:
Book chapter to be scanned at McPherson Course Reserves for (course code). Requested by (your full name).
When we receive an instructor's private copy (PRI) to place on Course Reserves, we need to prepare it for circulation in the Library.
Note: To add a citation for an existing PRI to a reading list, follow the steps in Edit an Item's Location. Then, specify the new reading list in the appropriate field.
If an instructor provides multiple copies of the same PRI title, follow these steps.
Note: Each edition of a title must have its own distinct PRI call number. Multiple copies of a title will share the same PRI call number.
Note: Each copy of the text will have a unique barcode sticker and Copy ID. The PRI call number (e.g. pri 17534) is shared between all copies of the same text.
Note: Only the Course Reserves Supervisor is to process the return of instructors' private copies (PRIs).
PRIs must be restored prior to the Due Back Date assigned when they were initially scanned in. If the Due Back Date passes while the PRI is still in its temporary location, it will enter Transit status and will need to be manually scanned back in to the Instructor's Personal Library.
PRIs are returned to their owners at the end of the term (workload permitting)
Dear X,
Our records show that you provided us with [one/several] texts for Course Reserves this past session.
[add the title of the book(s)]
Now that the session is over, we can
Return the [item/items] by campus mail to your office or department (please let us know which)
Hold [it/them] at the McPherson Library Ask Us desk for you to pick up
Hold on to [it/them] for use in a future course
Please let us know your preference.
Thank you for making use of the Course Reserves service, and we look forward to working with you again in the future.
Note: Occasionally, instructors will ask that we dispose of PRI copies that they no longer need. Most items can be placed on the cart next to Shelley Coulombe's desk for donation to Better World Books. Out of date or damaged items and reference works cannot be donated and should be put on the discards cart near the large table in Room 260.
Sometimes a PRI will enter "Transit" status and must be scanned in properly to be put on reserve or returned to its owner. Typically, PRIs will enter Transit status when they are "restored" (Fulfillment > Scan In Items > Restore) after the Due Back Date has passed.
If a PRI is stuck in Transit, do the following:
Note: If you see that a PRI's Due Back Date has passed, you can save some time by skipping Fulfillment > Scan In Items > Restore and instead perform the steps above.
Another note: if you receive a different pop up message in step 3, you may need to Restore the item under the Instructor location then Return under Mearns-McPherson.
The Diana M. Priestly Law Library has a reserves room for print reserve items on Law reading lists.
Previously, Law Library Course Reserve requests were processed by the Priestly library. Now, all Course Reserves requests are processed by the CSCO team, but print resources are held in the reserves room at the Law Library.
The Priestly team will cc on any requests that come to with the following message:
"Thank you for your Course Reserves request. We have received your request and will process it in the order that it is received. Please be aware that we are centralizing our Course Reserves intake system, and that all future requests should be sent directly to Alternatively, you can complete the Course Reserves Request form here:"
Once the item is received at the Law Library,
Note: When an item's location is changed to Law Reserves, it will appear twice in Alma: once with the location law and once with the location law-res.
Any PRIs received at the Priestly Law Library will be sent to the McPherson library. They will be placed in the lower sorting room on the Course Reserves shelf for processing
Note: When Course Reserves staff process Law Reserves items from Mearns-McPherson or Law PRIs, two holdings will show up for every item. While it looks like there is a Main copy and a Law copy, there is only one item available. The two holdings in this case correspond to the item's permanent (Main) location where it was created and its temporary location (Law, with the clock symbol next to law-res indicating a temporary location).
Previously, Course Reserves requests for media when through They should now all come through Reserves. The Media team will respond to and copy on any requests that come to with the following message:
"Thank you for your Course Reserves request. We have received your request and will process it in the order that it is received.
Please be aware that we are centralizing our Course Reserves intake system, and that all future requests should be sent directly to Alternatively, you can complete the Course Reserves Request form here:"
Digitization requests for Course Reserves will also be forwarded to
"Thank you for your Course Reserves request. Your request has been forwarded to our Course Reserves department for digitization approval. Once approved, we will begin processing and will send a confirmation when completed.
Please be aware that we are centralizing our Course Reserves intake system, and that all future requests should be sent directly to Alternatively, you can complete the Course Reserves Request form here:"
Note: When adding streaming media to reading lists, ensure that the citation includes an ezproxy URL.
If an item is available in the physical collection but the instructor needs a digital copy, arrange to have it digitized (see Digitizing Media Materials).
Digitization requests will come to Music and Media through email or as a rush DVD request from cataloging.
Issues / breaking encryption
Once a film has been ripped, check the film will play to the ending credits. When using the digitization station, films digitized with Elgato and/or ripped and encoded with Handbrake will appear in the W:\DVD folder. Films for upload to the streaming server will be placed in W:\temp\JD BS Uploads, in a folder with the current date, and Ben Sheaff notified to upload. Current films on for reserve are uploaded and/or un-hidden on the video streaming server, accessible at:
These steps must be completed after a reading list has been created for the course.
When Course Reserves created the Reading List, the status was left as Being Prepared. In order to complete the course, we now need to change the status to Complete.
The Request Status for the selected citations should now be updated to Complete.
After confirmation films have been uploaded, they will need to be added to Course Reserves. Retrieve the link from the streaming server and add it to Course Reserves using the Adding Items from the Library Collection section of this guide.
Once the citation has been added to Course Reserves, faculty can be sent the following Reserve request complete template, in the templates folder:
Hello _____,
Your reserves request for course ____ is now complete.
Please note the following important information:
Thank you,
DVDs acquired through cataloging rushes will need to be further processed before putting into the collection. For end processing of DVDs please see the Processing New/Rush DVDs and CDs procedures
Films are not removed from the streaming server, they are hidden or un-hidden. Requests to hide/un-hide films can be sent to
After the end of term, create a pick list in Alma (Fulfillment > Pick From Shelf). Music and Media items can be filtered using the Location > Music and Media - Reserve facet.
Send an email to with the following request:
If an instructor wants to include an item on a reading list accessible via interlibrary loan (ILL), they must place the request. When they receive the item, they can share it with us to add to the reading list or add it themselves for the Course Reserves team to review.
Every item in a reading list has a Copyright Status:
By default, library materials and external links are marked as Approved. Citations that include PDFs must be reviewed.
If you need to change a citation's copyright status,
For journal article PDFs,
To determine whether a book chapter or excerpt falls under fair dealing guidelines,
Note: Entering the reason as Legal Exception indicates that the materials has been reviewed and falls under the fair dealing exception in the Copyright Act.
The Request Status of each citation will default to Being Prepared. To change it to Complete for a specific citation, click Set Complete on the right-hand side of the citation box.
To change the Request Status for all citations in a list, on the left-hand side of the Citation list, click Select All. Click Change Status, then select Complete.
To complete a list, mark the list as complete in Alma and check that all the links are working in Leganto.
In Alma, reading lists that are being developed have the status Being Prepared. To complete a list, set all citations to complete, clearing copyright as necessary (see Clearing Copyright and Completing Citations).
When all citations are set as Complete, set the entire reading list as Complete as well:
After completing a reading list, email the course instructor/administrator informing them that the task is complete and advising that they direct their students to use Brightspace to access the list: Course Tools --> Course Reserves.
Note: You can check all the links as you build the list instead.
Note: The order of the library links in Leganto do not always match the order they're displayed in the library catalogue. Sometimes the only working link is at the bottom of the list.
Reading lists typically remain in Draft status during construction. When a reading list is complete, it must be published to be visible to students. To preserve analytics accuracy, there are separate processes for lists prepared by library staff and those prepared by instructors.
For all lists built and processed by library staff, please use the following steps to publish a list.
Once the list has been processed (including copyright approval and link testing) and Status set to Complete,
When an instructor has finished building a new list or editing a rolled over list, they can simultaneously send all items to the library for processing and publish the list for students.
The instructor will see a message that says the list has been published and sent to the library for processing. In Alma, the list Status will have changed from Being prepared to Ready for processing.
Clicking this button creates a Request for Review timestamp in Alma, which is used to filter lists built by instructors rather than library staff. To maintain analytics quality, it is important that only instructors or their program assistants use the "My list is ready" button.
Once the list is processed and completed, should the instructor add further materials that require processing, the list status in Alma will change to Being prepared and a pop-up notification will tell the instructor that items have been submitted for processing.
If an item that needs to be placed on Reserve has been checked out of the library by a patron, place a recall on the book. The patron will be asked to return the item.
Use the Recall badge for recalling books and the Trace badge for lost books.
name of staff member requesting the item
Note: Do not complete the Additional Request Attributes fields. This can conflict with the recall information.
Note: In the rare scenario where you need to recall two copies of the same book, Alma will initially not allow you to do it. To work around this, search by the Barcode of each copy of the book rather than by the Title, Permanent call number, or ISBN, which are shared between all the Library's copies. The Barcode is unique for each copy.
You will get a message that the Recall was successfully placed.
Note: The system will cancel requests if they exceed the request expiry date (30 days). If this happens, the system will send a Request Cancel Letter with details about the cancellation.
When an item put on hold is ready to pick up, the system will send an On Hold Shelf Letter with details about the item. The staff member who placed the hold is responsible for picking up and processing the item.
Note: Items placed on hold from the Reserve Recall account will be placed on the Course Reserves shelf in the lower level sorting room, not the regular hold shelf as stated in the letter.
Sometimes we will try to recall a book that already has a recall request on it. You will see this when you search for the title:
Note: Selecting Requester and using Reserve as the search term will pull up a list of all items currently on Recall for Course Reserves.
Select Item is needed for Course Reserves as the Cancellation reason.
This item is temporarily unavailable for regular loan as it is being put on Course Reserves. The item will be available on the Reserves shelf. Please check with the Ask Us Desk.
Note: Recalls can still be placed on books after we’ve placed a recall for Course Reserves. Once the item has been returned and the location has been moved to Temporary-Reserves then recalls are blocked.
Note: If the requested material cannot be located, the system will cancel the trace and send a Request Cancel Letter with details about the cancellation.
When an item being traced is ready for pickup, the system will send an On Hold Shelf Letter with details about the item.
Note: Items traced from the Reserve Recall account will be placed on the Course Reserves shelf in the lower level sorting room, not the regular hold shelf as stated in the letter.
Once a recalled item has been returned, it remains on hold for 7 days until whoever placed the recall comes to collect it. As our items are returned for Course Reserves, we need to cancel the hold.
The Loan desk receives a daily auto-generated report showing all overdue items, including items on Course Reserves. Information about overdue items can be found on the Libraries' Fines page.
When an instructor wants to place a book on Course Reserves that is not in the library's collection, we can request that Acquisitions order it through GOBI. Requests that come into the Reserves inbox are processed by the Course Reserves Supervisor.
Log in to GOBI using the Reserves account credentials:
Note: The Select Cart acts as a wish list of items that we are interested in ordering.
Here are some tips and guidelines for determining which title to order:
Point students to the Student Tips in the Course Reserves LibGuide:
Note: There have been instances of instructors sharing old links that point students towards the previous course reserves platform ARES. If this is the case, let the instructor know that students should access current lists through Brightspace.
Note: You can add DOIs as additional URLs in a citation, but do not replace the system-generated catalogue links with DOIs.
If an instructor is not able to access their reading list,
Note: Also see Troubleshooting for more possible steps to take. You can also point students to the Student Tips in the Course Reserves LibGuide:
Users can flag links as broken in Leganto, which sends a broken link report to and adds a Marked as broken task to the Tasks list in Alma under Citations. The Course Reserves Supervisor investigates and can respond to students directly, if necessary.
To investigate a broken link,
When a course is deferred, students lose access to the Brightspace course. Arrangements are made with LTSI to grant students specialized access to course content while the course remains closed.
If students completing a deferral should lose access to a reading list via Brightspace, try sharing a direct link to the list: