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Keyboard Shortcuts, Accents, and Diacritics

Shortcut Keys in Alma

Metadata Editor
Shortcut Key Action
Alt + M Show / Hide Metadata Editor
F6 Editor Split Mode - opens up additional editing pane 
Ctrl + S Save Record
Ctrl + Alt + R Save and Release Record
Ctrl + Alt + S Save Draft
Alt + Shift + R  Release Record
Ctrl + U Validate
F3 Validate Heading
Ctrl + M Find Matches
Alt + Shift + S Suppress from Discovery
Ctrl + Z Undo text typing (or pasting) within a field
Ctrl + D  Delete Record
F8 Add Field
F9 Add Subfield
Ctrl + F6 Remove Field
Alt + F Field Information
Ctrl + F Open Form Editor (from within field) / Esc to close the form editor
Ctrl + X Cut Field
Ctrl + C Copy Field
Ctrl + V Paste Field
Ctrl + Alt + E or W Enhance the Record
Ctrl + E Expand from Template
F4 Generate Author Number
Alt + F1 Add Alternate Graphic Representation
Alt + F6 Change Script
Alt + F2 Link Fields
Alt + F3 Unlink Fields
Alt + F5 Flip Fields - used for 880 linked fields if you want to display the non-Latin language first
Ctrl + Alt + H Add Holding (of default template) - from Bib editing screen
Alt + I  Add Item (from Holding Record editing screen)
Alt + O Add Portfolio - from Bib editing screen
Alt + R Add Representation
Ctrl + Alt + V View in Search
Ctrl + I View Inventory
Ctrl + Alt + L View Linked Data
Alt + C Browse Shelf Listing
Ctrl + Alt + B Edit Bibliographic Record (from the Holdings Editing Screen)
Alt + U Update from Bibliographic (from the Holdings Editing Screen - brings a call number into the holdings from the bib record)


Symbols and Diacritics in Alma

Symbols and diacritic entry is not available directly within Alma. Instead we will be required to use the "Character Map" app in Windows. 

Find the Character Map app in Windows. Pin to Start and Pin to Taskbar (please let your supervisor know if you need help with this process).

When you need to add a character to Alma you would go to the Character Map Windows app, select  Arial Unicode MS or Arial from the Font dropdown, find your symbol or diacritic character you need, Double Click on it, Choose Copy at the bottom, and then paste it into your record. Alternatively - from the Character Map after you select a record you will notice in the bottom right hand corner that there is a Keystroke. This combination can be used if you use a Number Pad on your keyboard (not above the letters). For example, Alt + 0169 can be used on the Number pad to insert the copyright symbol. 


You may also use a virtual keyboard for particular languages. Some are downloadable / come with Windows - others are available online such as - different keyboards can be selected and copied to paste values in Alma.

There are some browser extensions that you may be able to use to add accents and diacritics - these will be added here as they are investigated.


Institution wide vs. Adding locally

Add 910?



Through the API in Alma

Typical problems and troubleshooting : migrate categories of content over from the old LibGuide

File handling (now the API?)



Alma Configuration

Alma Resource Management Setup


Endowment Fund Purchases

Last revised: 2020-02-26 (GLJ)
As of November 1st, 2019, the Metadata Unit will no longer manually add bibliographic notes or affix book plates for main, law, and electronic material purchased on several major endowment funds (listed below).  Acquisitions staff will affix book plates as needed, as material is received, including shelf-ready material received from GOBI/YBP.  An automated process will periodically add endowment fund notes to the corresponding Bib records.
NOTE: This does NOT include Special Collections material. 561 notes will still be added to this material by Acquisitions and/or Metadata as appropriate. For gift material, notes will continue to be added manually (see the gifts and donations section for further detail).
Although notes related to endowment funds for Main and Law have traditionally been placed in 590, 536 and 730 fields, going forward we will put these notes in the 590 field only. Fiscal year will no longer be recorded. Purchased on endowment fund notes will also no longer be prefixed by library, location, or copy specific information.
Fund Code Endowment Fund Note
HYDR1 590 // $aPurchased through the B.C. Hydro Library Renewal Fund.
HYDR1E 590 // $aPurchased through the B.C. Hydro Library Renewal Fund.
MORE1 590 // $aGift of The Owen Padmore Memorial Fund.
MORE1E 590 // $aGift of The Owen Padmore Memorial Fund.
TURN1 590 // $aPurchased through the Elsie G. Turnbull Book Fund.
TURN1E 590 // $aPurchased through the Elsie G. Turnbull Book Fund.
GORD1 590 // $aGift of Daniel Marshall Gordon Law Collection. 
GORD1E 590 // $aGift of Daniel Marshall Gordon Law Collection. 
WATS1 590 // $aGift of Donovan Waters Law Library Trust.
WATS1E 590 // $aGift of Donovan Waters Law Library Trust.

Karen to transfer from the old libguide

Call Number Label Printing

Refer to the Call Number section of the LibGuide.

Refer to the SpineOMatic section of the LibGuide.

Flags and Workslips

Glenda / Karen - can be copied/pasted from Old Libguide

  • Flags are coloured slips of paper inserted into books or attached to videos, cds, etc. which alert the cataloguer to specials instructions regarding the item.
  • Flags are used in the McPherson Library Acquisitions, Serials and Cataloguing Departments to mark certain items for particular treatment.
  • The following table lists the various flags in use.
Flag From Acquisitions Definition Action



Monograph standing order. PO doesn't have individual line item. Items collectively on one line item.

Cataloguer puts the PO number on the holdings record in |x Eg. 

852 : 0 : |b main |h HT127 |i F45 |x po 10728


Curriculum Laboratory

Item to go to the Curric Lab Cataloguer assigns location as |b curr


Special Collections/Archives

Item to go to Spec Coll or Archives

Selector will indicate exact location on the slip.

Cataloguer assigns location as |b sc or |b sc,ref or |b arc, etc.



Item goes to Ref Cataloguer assigns location as |b ref

Bright Green

Not for Reference

Reference selector decides it is not for Ref Cataloguer assigns location as |b main
Flag From Cataloguing Definition Action
Orange Downloaded bibliographic record exists for this item. Cataloguer edits existing bibliographic record.

Sky Blue

No Bibliographic Record Downloaded for This Title

No bibliographic record downloaded for this item.

Item goes on shelves for researching.

Indicates to cataloguer that there is no bibliographic record in the database. Needs original cataloguing.



This item is a general gift or a gift of a named collection. Eg. Shastri, Tsuruta, etc. Cataloguer checks the gift procedure for specific instructions on the type of gift.

Bright Blue


Item is to be bound or mended. Cataloguer decides if it should be bound or mended.


[Reading Room]

Item goes to a Reading Room. The name of the Reading Room is hand printed at the top of the slip. Indicates to the cataloguer that the item is likely an added copy for the Reading Room.
Flag From Serials Definition Action



Serial combined subscription. Individual items catalogued separately.

Cataloguer puts the PO [OD] number on the holdings record in |x Eg. 

852 : 0 : |b main |h HT127 |i F45 |x po 10728



Item received and checked in on dummy acq record for the series. Items catalogued separately.

Cataloguer puts the PO number on the holdings record in |x Eg. 

852 : 0 : |b main |h HT127 |i F45 |x po 10728

and checks series authority.

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.