DRAFT Dec 2023...really quick notes :)
Titles to be cancelled can be found: Tasks - Order Lines - Claim - Print Book One time
At this time we want to 'Cancel' the POL lines associated with order and supress the associated Bib record
However, if reordering right away from a new vendor, there is no need to suppress the Bib record, just create a new POL with new vendor
To Cancel POL:
Order is cancelled via email to Customer Service Rep
Cancel POL within ALMA
Migrated POL's need to have the information within certain tabs updated and inventory added
To update/change POL Type see next tab
Inventory: Ensure inventory is associated with POL, if not we need to associate the POL to the correct inventory.
Record POL #
Do a title search
Go into list of holdings: ellipses associate a POL (screen where can search for POL or copy-paste)
POL Summary tab sections – to correct update click on EDIT button
will reflect the inventory and other information mentioned above
Vendor Information
Expected receipt after ordering: 0
Expected receipt date: delete all values
Subscription interval: should be 0
Reclaim interval: should be 0
Pricing: ignore
Need to ensure that ALMA and Master Spreadsheet match and that all are indicating the same fund – some investigation may be required to know which one is correct if there is a discrepancy.
If order is with Harrassowitz, need to ensure FOKUS is correct as well.
For print only sub it’s a 3
PO Line Details
Most of this information was populated during migration and can be ignored we do however want to ensure the following is populated for Harrassowitz orders.
Vendor reference number: SNA number
Vendor reference number type: SNA
Reporting Codes
Should already be applied, do not edit
Manual: untick box
Subscription from date: leave as blank – delete if there’s a value there
Subscription to date: leave as blank – delete if there’s a value there
Renewal date – mandatory field: set to December 31, 2099
Renewal reminder period – mandatory field: 0
Renewal cycle: 1 year
Renewal Note: leave blank
POL Description tab
Click Edit
Click on “Reload bib data”
If the bibliographic record has been edited since the POL was created then this information will be updated to correspond to the revised bibliographic record
POL Alerts tab
Check to see if anything requires attention
Most common alert will be “Bibliographic record is brief”: ignore
POL Invoice Lines tab
If tab corner is not turned down, there are no invoices associated with this POL, this POL will most likely need to be changed into a Technical POL
POL Associated POL Lines tab
Anything on this tab is informational
If it is a membership/Combined or Package subscriptions (one price for multiple items) and is the payment POL
POL Communications tab: Ignore
POL Interested Users tab: Ignore
POL History tab: ignore
Although it may be of interest in problem solving depending on the title
POL Notes tab
Add any relevant/standardized notes
Do we want to do any clean up? No, cleanup of POL note fields will be handled as a separate project
POL Attachments tab: ignore
POL Updates - Post Migration Project (Draft/SF&SH/Feb.2)
Admin > Manage sets > My Sets/Public Sets [create or find itemized set] ( > Change POL type - itemized)
Ellipses > Members > Select (tick box > "Remove Selected")
Ellipses > Edit >
Set Details > "Add Members to Set"
Search box > [search for item in hand (Order lines + ??]) > Select (tick box) > "Add selected"
(Continue to select more if needed)
Click Done
Return to Admin > Run a job > Select "Update PO Lines information - Advanced" > NEXT
Select Set > NEXT
Enter Task parameters: Enter POL type desired > NEXT
Review and Confirm > Submit > Confirm > Monitor jobs
(Associate POL to holdings; update POL receiving notes and holdings notes as necessary)
For cancelled print only continuous orders, we will be 'Closing' the orders for the following reasons.
1. If canceled/ceased due to Open Access (OA), ensure to activate the title in the Community Zone (CZ)
2. If a Membership or Combined sub, you will need to ensure that all associated POL's are also updated in ALMA as well as on the Master spreadsheets.
3. Need to ensure that migrated POL information is updated
4. If a serial order is cancelled due to inclusion within a package follow cancellation procedure – add to “[FY] Results” spreadsheet as a cancellation with $0 Monies saved due to cancellation and ‘Yes/name of consortia or package’. Then email supervisor requesting the total of current and previous fiscal spend be transferred from previous fund to ELRS3
This is a two-part process: The first steps are done upon notice or processing of the cessation/cancellation; the last steps are done upon receipt of the last issue.
Part 1: At time of Cessation/Cancellation
It may be difficult to identify an exact last expected issue for cancellations, or whether or not we have already received it. Best guesses can be made, then after some time has passed, we will generate Alma Analytics Report based on the standardized receiving notes for that fiscal year for orders with their POLs still open, and the shelf can be checked to confirm whether we received the last issue, then the holdings can be closed after that process. ??? SH and EF to confirm notes needed, etc. to run report re: "cancelled" receiving note and open POL
Acquisitions will: route serial title change notices to serials@uvic.ca; route physical items to Metadata supervisor (serials) as necessary
Orders will add standardized notice to POL note re: change of title.
Serials will:
Orders will update the Continuations Master Tracking spreadsheet with the new title.
NOTE: Order information i.e. PO and POL will not change as serials will be changing the POL bib reference to the new title
See Format Changes: Print to Online in "Order Updates and Maintenance - Electronic Component"
1. If the journal is linked to the community zone portfolio:
a) If the collection is non-auto-active, manually check the community zone to activate the new portfolio,
b. Test access and activate; if no access, submit claim to vendor
c. then replace the POL's resource/inventory with the new portfolio, and relink to the new bibliographic record if not done automatically when changing the portfolio. Add standardized title change POL Note and update Continuations master tracking spreadsheet with new title and the title change note.
If the collection is auto active, no action should be needed:
a) the cz portfolio will be activated automatically and the POL will be at the collection level so should not need relinking.
2. If the journal is an IZ record (which should be a very small number of titles), process should be the same as print.
DRAFT NOTES for Cancellation
Background: Migrated online only purchase orders are attached to DAR's in the institution zone.
Our goal in Alma is to associate the ongoing order for the online version with the title from the Community Zone (when available) rather than the Dummy Acquisitions Record from Voyager. This is most important for open, ongoing orders and less important for closed, one-time orders.
Make note of the POL number and MSS ID you need to relink (active order) and then the MMS ID of the preferred CZ bib record. Record it on Notepad or similar device external to Alma. Other option is to have 2 instances of ALMA open.
Search for the portfolio that corresponds with the order using your preferred search method. If you're not sure which portfolio is associated with the order, ask an eResource staff member or if vendor is Harrassowitz check FOKUS
Edit the portfolio, either by clicking View then Edit, or just Edit
Click on the Acquisitions tab, copy and paste the POL number in the PO Line box. NOTE: If the order has a status of Open, it will appear. If it is Closed (e.g. for an e-book), you will need to click through to an expanded search and deselect the Active filter, so All orders (from this material supplier) will be searched.
Select the order by clicking on it
Save the portfolio
Change the Bib Reference for the Migrated Order
This does not happen automatically; there are often multiple portfolios for a given title, or multiple orders for a title, so they must be linked manually.
Search for the migrated order using the order number.
Click on the PO Line number and click on EDIT
Select Change bib reference from the row action item list
You will be prompted with a question, Click Confirm when prompted.
Alma executes a title/ISSN search. Select the CZ version (confirm with MSS ID) from the results screen (it may be the only option) or edit the search if necessary.
The acquisitions profile does not have permissions to delete portfolios so for now note the MMS ID and POL in the Excel spreadsheet that is in the eResource Training Teams
These instructions were borrowed heavily from the Harvard Wiki
POL Summary tab sections – to correct update click on EDIT button
Empty if POL attached to a DAR
Will show associated CZ record
Vendor Information
Pricing: ignore
Need to ensure that ALMA and Master Spreadsheet match and that all are indicating the same fund – some investigation may be required to know which one is correct if there is a discrepancy.
If order is with Harrassowitz, need to ensure FOKUS is correct as well.
For online only sub it’s a 3E
PO Line Details
Most of this information was populated during migration and can be ignored we do however want to ensure the following is populated for Harrassowitz orders.
Vendor reference number: SNA number
Vendor reference number type: SNA
Reporting Codes
Should already be applied, do not edit
Manual: untick box
Subscription from date: leave as blank – delete if there’s a value there
Subscription to date: leave as blank – delete if there’s a value there
Renewal date – mandatory field: set to December 31, 2099
Renewal reminder period – mandatory field: 0
Renewal cycle: 1 year
Renewal Note: leave blank
(SH; updated by SF May 2023)
For purposes of this project, opening a second instance in another browser is recommended.
Background: Print + online purchase orders lines migrated with one "print + online" POL attached to the print record in the institution zone.
In Alma, it is recommended that each format have its own separate POL: one for print; one for online and that the two POL's are then associated to each other. The main POL is for the online version and it is attached to the Community Zone record. The print POL is then associated to the online POL. The print POL is given an acquisition type of "Technical". This means the order does not require any fund or price information. Fund and price information is added to the online POL only.
Ex Libris note: Consider using an acquisition method of "technical" which also makes price optional. (The trick is to leave price and fund blank. Zero-dollar transactions on funds are not allowed, but leaving it blank works fine.) Creating POL with ZERO amount for price and no Fund - how to? - Ex Libris Knowledge Center (Exlibrisgroup.com)
How to clean up the migrated continuous print + online POLs:
Update POL Type from Print Journal-Subscription to Electronic Journal-Subscription (Note: it is not possible to update a print POL directly to electronic. Instead, first update the POL Type to “other”, then update it to “electronic.”)
NOTES: 1. SH has done the above. 2. If any of the POL types migrated as 'one time', the POL will need to be closed and recreated.
Link the Electronic Journal Subscription POL with the portfolio/bib in the Community Zone: (July 2023: SF will do this step for all Harrassowitz print plus online orders first, then follow up separately with next steps below. See SH generated spreadsheet in Teams: FOKUS_Print+Online_ALMA POL changes)
Move POL to Portfolio: Search and find the electronic version > Portfolio List [Click "Electronic" to expand or select from Row Action List] > SELECT CORRECT PORTFOLIO > click "Edit Portfolio". (If online version not active in the CZ: find the portfolio for the single journal in the Community Zone; ensure it is the correct collection, This can be determined via the PO or POL notes field; or FOKUS if title is on order with Harrassowitz. Activate.)
"Acquisition tab" > PO Line > Enter POL # and select so it populates the field
Create new POL for print: Return to search results list > print version > row action ellipses > Order: (Next step to
PO line owner = Mearns-McPherson Library
Assign inventory manually > tick box
Click "Create PO line"
"This PO Line will not create an inventory item" > Click "Confirm"
Fill in "Purchase Order Line Details": PO Line Details > Summary Tab
Ordered Items: Inventory must be assigned manually (via associate holdings to POL: see step below for details)
Vendor information:
"Update Net Price according to item quantity" > untick
Quantity for pricing = 1
Funding: Leave blank
PO Line Details
Acquisition method: Technical
Material type: Issue
Invoice status: No invoice
untick 'manual renewal'
Additional: click arrow to expand > Associated PO lines > enter POL # of electronic title > Save & Continue
Search for print record in Institution Zone. Copy new POL
Return to search results > Click "Holdings" > List of Holdings
Click ellipsis
Associate a PO Line – delete old POL #; add new POL # > click "UPDATE"
Review new Print POL
Summary tab
Scroll to the bottom for “Additional”
Associated PO lines – add electronic POL # [follow up: print POL automatically associated with the online after order is out of "review"? From Alma documentation: The order for the print version will automatically be populated with details about an “Associated PO Line” (the PO line for the electronic version).
Review electronic version POL
Associated PO Lines tab
Print POL will be found here
[Confirm: 1. POL status will be "in review" and 2. go to holdings and associate new POL manually? 3. POL "Receiving Notes" will have to be copied/pasted from the original Voyager record as Receiving Notes not present in online subscription POL- ; Add "Online + print" note to print "Receivng note" ; automatically associated to each other once the order for print is out of review? Update holdings re: remove "PREDICTIVE"- Susan]
Helpful documentation:
Associated PO Lines not appearing on Associated PO Lines tab on Purchase Order Line Details
How to handle one order to a vendor for both physical and electronic material and link them together
1. For the print format that is ceasing/being cancelled: Follow the full process as described in Order Updates and Maintenance - Print only, "Cessations and Cancellations - Print" tab
2. For the new online format: Follow the full process as described in Ordering (Continuous) - Electronic, "Serials" tab
Reopening a closed or cancelled order will push the POL into Review, where it can be further edited.
For those trained on running jobs/batch processes, the Update PO Lines job can be run to reopen large numbers of orders.
A return should include some paperwork; it doesn’t have to contain all of the below but it does help you with your return so try to obtain as much information as possible:
You want some sort of documentation approving the return by the vendor and the return address they want it returned to; if not email the vendor and confirm the return address.
If it was a book sent in error or damaged see if they will pay the return shipping or credit you the return shipping; make a note of anyone who will reimburse you as you might need to provide them with the cost after the fact and hunt down the credit.
If the vendor is willing to cover the cost of the shipment you can ask them to arrange a courier pick up for you and have them email you a waybill (then you don’t need to do these forms). You will have to provide them with the following Courier address:
(Feel free to add an ATTN as well… optional)
University of Victoria
McPherson Library Acquisitions
(McPherson Library-Ring Road, Off parking Lot B)
3800 Finnerty Rd
Victoria BC Canada
V8W 3H5
Courier Driver additional instructions:
McPherson Acquisitions Staff Phone Number (in case they are lost) : _________________________
McPherson Mailroom Hours : _________________________
McPherson Library -Ring Road, Off parking Lot B
If an international shipment of products please note on parcel declarations form to use Thompson Ahern International (Shipping Agent) for a custom’s brokerage service.
If they don’t want to arrange you can send them an email with the total and they can provide you a credit.
Go to one of the following in your W Drive:
W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\Acquisitions AP Clerk\Mail
Return Book Cost of Shipment Template(computer Version).docx
W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\Acquisitions AP Clerk\Mail
Return Book Cost of Shipment Template (Lined, Printed Version).docx
Print two copies of Page one. If you have multiple books being returned you can do them all separately utilizing page 2
Look in the top of the filing cabinet for a return address label(s); if there are stickers to where you are sending it you can use them.
You need 3 stickers, stick one sticker to each copy of the shipment template papers and leave one with the backing on it for the mail room. You will also need one McPherson Library return address label (from the cabinet) with the backing still on.
If there are no stickers in the top of the filing cabinet by the Accounting Clerk’s cubical for a return address label(s); you can make your own by going to below in W Drive:
W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\Acquisitions AP Clerk\Mail\Vendors Return Address Mailing Labels
Avery Label template 05161.doc
Fill in the stickers with the correct address you were given and save a copy for next time in W: Drive
W:\LTEC\Acquisitions\Acquisitions AP Clerk\Mail\Vendors Return Address Mailing Labels
To print this sticker; announce to staff that you are printing on stickers so that no one else prints before you and stick it in the prntec3 printer by Debbie’s Desk.
You need 3 stickers, stick one sticker to each copy of the shipment template papers and leave one with the backing on it for the mail room. The remaining stickers can be filed away with a new tab label into the top of the filing cabinet for a return address label(s) folder.
You will also need one McPherson Library return address label (from the cabinet) with the backing still on.
Take the paperwork that was provided with the return book and photocopy it; it doesn’t have to contain all of the below but whatever was provided.
Staple the photocopy paperwork and one of your shipment template forms together. Put this copy on the Accounting Clerk bookshelf in the appreciate filing pile for our records.
The original paperwork place in the front book and should include a note or an email stating a return from McPherson library and why as well if a credit is being provided.
For the other shipment template form in half and place it on to of the book. Wrap the book in a large elastic band and slide the mailing sticker with the backing still on and the McPherson Library return address label with the backing still on under the elastic face up. This will make it easier for the mailroom to wrap and address.
You have completed the preparation now put the book with the elastic band and paperwork, with a McPherson Label and a Return Address label with backing still on and place the ready return in the Off Campus mail box in the centre of Room 260 for pick up. Mailroom staff will pick up return and package with your information provided. If it is a large box or returns bring it down to the mailroom for packing.
NOTE for Continuous orders | REASON |
2024 renewal authorized via email/in person by EF. | Once the renewal and price has been authorized for payment |
Authorization Alert: inv. no. sent to EF for approval via email/in person. | When a renewal invoice with pricing comparison to previous payment has been emailed to the manager and supervisor has been cc'd for their authorization to renew |
Credit Alert: Reason | When expecting a credit give reason and year/volume credit is issued for and then remove note when credit is processed. |
Invoice Alert: Reason | When there is an issue with receipt or payment or when an invoice has been requested |
Renewal Alert: Reason | When there is an issue with receipt or payment or we are considering a cancellation or format change or an extended sub date due to missed issues |
Cancelled 2024: Reason | Once a title has been cancelled and confirmed with vendor - Changed to reflect the fiscal year as it is identified in Alma. |
Added to "2024 Results" spreadsheet. | When the payment and cancellation/format change information has been added to the "2024 Results" fiscal tracking spreadsheet - Changed to reflect the fiscal year as it is identified in Alma. |
Delayed title | When we are advised that a continuing order has been delayed. Frequently irregular publications are delayed by 2 to 5 years. These are usually standing orders and AU standing orders. |
V/R: free repl of vol. 1 no.1 arranged. Allow 6-8 wks delivery. | CLAIMING result - Emails from Harrassowitz "Free replacement sent" |
V/R: vol. 1 no. 1 in transit. Allow 4wks delivery. | CLAIMING result - Emails from Harrassowitz "Material in transit" |
Ceased 2024, vol. 10 is last published volume | Title ceased - Changed to reflect the fiscal year as it is identified in Alma. |
Moved to 'Online only' from 2024 (See POL# for future payments) | Moved to online only - POL note for previous order. |
Online only starting 2024 (See POL# for past payments) | Moved to online only - POL note for new order. |
Moved to Print+Online starting 2024 | Moved to Print+Online format - Print Technical POL note |
Print+Online starting 2024 | Moved to Print+Online format - Online POL note |
OA: | Open access information |
PA: | Perpetual access information |
Incls: | Identifies the tiles that are included in a combination/package/membership - Payment POL note |
C/W: | Identifies titles that are part of or 'come with' a subscription to another journal, membership or combinded package - Technical POL note |
2024 (year) Subscribed to Open quorum meet | We maintain subscriptions that move to the S2O model. When a Threshold/quorum is meet for the subscribed year, the title move to Open Access. We have guaranteed access to the content regardless of whether the quorum for OA transformation has been reached for that volume |
OA: Subscribe-to Open (S2O) so maintain subscription to support initiative |
When a subscribed journal moves to S2O model |
Fund code changed from **** to **** | When an exsisting order changes fund i.e. moves to OA |
NOTE for One Time orders. | REASON |
V/R: Out of Stock at publisher | ORDER STATUS REPORTS - when out of stock for 1st time |
V/R: Out of Stock at publisher, order cancelled, sent to Vendor Required | ORDER STATUS REPORTS - when out of stock for 2 months |
V/R: NYP emailed GOBI to switch to available cloth edition. | ORDERING - YBP cancels order on Cloth edition because of our Paper preference, but Paper is NYP |
V/R: out of print, order cancelled, sent to Vendor Required | ORDER STATUS REPORTS - out of print |
If you need to check Voyager Acquisitions data for any reason, a lookup tool has been created: the Voyager Legacy Data Tools page should provide information on Acquisitions data as it was in Voyager pre-Alma migration in 2022.
With Voyager migrated data all Memberships are attached to suppressed Dummy Acquisitions Records (DAR)
Goal is to no longer create DAR’s for these types of purchases and to move the POL attached to the DAR (with invoice history) over to a “main” title and create associate “technical” POLs for all other titles and then to delete the DAR
Format: Single title
single journal (online or print) > Copy and Paste 245 of DAR into POL note field > move POL to the title record and delete the DAR.
Format: Print plus print
For paid print material > to show up on continuations tab > require a POL for tracking purposes > all POLs type = print journal subscription, BUT one title will be “main”; and other titles will be ordered as “technical” orders and linked to “main” POL
E plus E
For paid e material > also want all titles to have a POL for tracking purposes > all POLs type = electronic journal subscription, BUT one title will be “main”; and other titles will be ordered as “technical” orders and linked to “main” POL
E plus print (different titles and formats)
For all material > create POLs for all titles selecting the appropriate POL type. Choose one title as the “main” title ; all other titles > create technical POLs and associate to the main POL.
**For mono series that are received on a DAR (print or e) as part of combined subscription or a membership > LEAVE THESE AS DARS! See Malone Society membership > Add processing notes to POL “Receiving note” > associate monographs to membership DAR POL at the holdings level.
Always make sure e is activated in the CZ!!
Combined subscriptions (DAR)
**If “combined subscription” available as a collection in the CZ > activate/order at the collection level > POL type = electronic collection subscription
Harrassowitz Annual Renewal List (ARL) within FOKUS opens up June 1st each year
New for 2024: subscribed to eStats and used usage data and other criteria to determine whether or not to cancel or renew
This process for updating migrated data is currently saved on Teams ARL documentation as well as under order Updates and Maintenace by format.
We no longer need to check receipt history as we do not have checkin set up within ALMA. We are looking into ways of checking on the receipt status of print continuations.
Because of this, we will not be concerning ourselves with Delayed titles this year unless it is a notification from Harrassowitz
Annual Renewal Information and Fund code signup sheet has been updated to reflect new fund codes - have added tab this year to track DAR’s for deletions as well as CZ activation.
Workflow works best with 2 instances of FOKUS open
1 has the ARL Open
Other for title searching for other format options
Consortia Publishers (publisher changes) - DA
search by publisher for known consortia publisher looking for known or possible publisher changes
put these orders on hold with standardized notes
we will need to confirm whether or not these will be included in our packages
Print only subscription with other format options - ALL
Place renewal on hold within FOKUS using standardized notes for FOKUS and POL
Print+Online subscription with online only option - ALL
Place renewal on hold within FOKUS using standardized notes for FOKUS and POL
Check to confirm online access is working, claim access via FOKUS if there is an issue (see below)
Print+Online subscription with NO online only option – ALL
These subscriptions will need to be updated within ALMA;
Payment POL attached to CZ eresource
Technical POL created and associated to payment POL
Online only subscriptions – ALL
Check to confirm online access is working, claim access via FOKUS if there is an issue (see below)
Will add once reviewed with Acquistiions staff
For more general standardized notes see Standardized notes tab under General Order Maintenance
Note | Location | ARL Status | Problem/Reason | |
Renewal alert: Possible format change
POL Note field. | Identified possible format changes | ||
Possible format change | FOKUS ARL | Hold | ||
Renewal on hold: Possible inclusion in [publisher] license | POL Note field. | Moved to Consortia Publisher / Waiting to find out if included in license. When searching in ALMA/CZ and encounter items included in Springer Verlag (ebook package), MUSE, BioOne, or Journals@Ovid use this note | ||
Possible inclusion in consortia package | FOKUS ARL | Hold | ||
Renewal alert: possible cancellation for FY24 | POL note Field. |
Under review for possible cancellation | FOKUS ARL | Hold | ||
Investigation needed: [include any details here] | FOKUS ARL | Hold | If you have a problem or unsure in the initial renewal process add this note and we will review it later. | |
Cancelled 2025.... | POL note field | Cancelled | NEW: Standardized POL not for cancellations based on usage data and other criteria | |
Cancelled 2025 due to Open access | POL note field | Cancelled |
There will be am excel spreadsheet of notes samples on Teams