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Collection Management Services

Information on Collection Management Services and Operations

Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA)


Valid title (vendor) List 2022 

Collection Name (Community Zone) + Collection ID

# Titles (Community Zone) 


Local Collection Name (shows up in Primo) + Collection ID

    Collection name of EBA Purchased (EOT records) + Collection ID

# Titles Purchased Records Loaded

Taylor & Francis 


Taylor & Francis Evidence Based Ebook Collection 


Aug 2022: 151190 

Feb 2023: 156215

PO: PO288002 / (Sent)

PO line: POL-1614 / (Sent)

Taylor & Francis EBA 


EBA Taylor & Francis Purchased Titles


2021: 1059

2022: 1069

2023: 982



Cambridge EBA ebooks Complete Collection


Aug 2022: 44906 

Feb 2023: 46894

PO: PO288003 / (Sent)

PO line: POL-1613 / (Sent)

Cambridge Complete Collection EBA 


EBA Cambridge Purchased Titles 


2021: 402

2022: 400

2023: 510



Wiley Online Library UBCM all Online Books 


Aug 2022: 22889 

Feb 2023: 23427

PO: PO288004 / (Sent)

PO line: POL-1615 / (Sent)

Wiley Online Library EBA 


EBA Wiley Purchased Titles


2021: 565

2022: 583

2023: 714 records (711 purchaed titles)



Oxford Scholarship Online Complete 


(confirmed by Oxford) 

Aug 2022: 20805 

Feb 2023: 21590

PO: PO288001 / (Sent)

PO line: POL-1612 / (Sent)

Oxford Scholarship Online EBA 


EBA Oxford Purchased Titles


2021: 429 

2022: 420

2023: 314




Oxford Handbooks Online Complete 


(confirmed by Oxford) 


Aug 2022: 1,291 

Feb 2023: 1326

included in Oxford

Oxford Handbooks Online EBA 


included in above included in above



JSTOR Books EBA Collection (before Feb 2023 it was called JSTOR Books EBA Pilot) 


Aug 2022: 64142 

Feb 2023: 68134

PO: PO234001 / (Sent)

PO line: POL-1247 / (Sent)



EBA JSTOR Purchased Titles


2021: n/a

For all EBA collections we will add the standardized public note Leased Content - Continued access to this electronic resource is not guaranteed  

For Purchased EBA titles the note in the 908 is |a Purchased Evidence Based Acquisition |b [PUBLISHER] |d 202X


Current Title and Price List

T & F November 2022:

W:\LTEC\CollectionsAnalysis\EBA\Yr3EBA-Selections\T&F\Title List from Publisher\TnF030623 Valid Title List(6Mar23).xlsx

Cambridge October 2022:

W:\LTEC\CollectionsAnalysis\EBA\Yr3EBA-Selections\CUP\Title List\Cambridge Core EBA, University of Victoria, Dec 2022 Titles (23Jan23).xlsx

JSTOR current list posted online: 

Wiley UBCM current list posted online: 

Current and Cumulative Collections>Book Collections>UBCM (Usage Based Collection Management)>All Titles

Wiley oBooks Price List:

Oxford Scholoarship Online title lists:

New Publications

How to tell if a newly published Cambridge title will be in EBA

We do not have a list of forthcoming titles but titles that are not associated with any series or special collection will be included in EBA.

A title is NOT included in EBA if it is:

  1. on the Higher Education platform
  2. in Cambridge Histories
  3. in Cambridge Companions
  4. in Cambridge Shakespeare
  5. in Law Reports series

However, UVic purchases yearly collections for Histories and Companions, so we will have perpetual access to those titles.

EBA Procedures

For EBA pool records we use the CZ but for our purchased titles, we pay GOBI for End of Term records. We will put these records in a Local Collection and link to Collection to the PO Line of the publisher.

To make a set of Purchased records

NOTE: After March 2023, this will no longer be necessary as EBA End of Term records will be loaded directly into the appropriate electronic collection.

1. Do an advanced search for Electronic Title > EBA Note > purchased evidence based acquisition AND your publisher

2. Make the search results into a set by clicking Save and Filter Query

3. Set name convention is "EBA [publisher] Purchased Titles"

4. Change Set Content type to Electronic Portfolios

5. Save

To make a local collection (this may be skipped if collection already exists)

NOTE: This will only be necessary when a new EBA Collection is Added/Purchased

1. Create a local collection through Resources > Create Inventory > Add Local Electronic Collection

2. Public name convention is "EBA [publisher] Purchased Titles"

  • Collection type: Aggregator package
  • Service type: Full Text
  • Access type: Perpetual
  • if the publisher exists in Counter Platform it can be added but this is optional
  • Save and Continue

Electronic Service Editor

  • Activation tab > Service activation status: change to Available
  • Linking tab > Service is free? Not Free
  • Linking tab > Proxy enabled Yes Proxy selected Default (currently:EzProxy) *Remember only doing it on the Collection level is not enough; Service overrides other levels*
  • Save

Electronic Collection Editor

  • change the info as above
  • Save

To add a set

1. Go to view portfolios and click +Add > Add from Set > and select your set

  • "Activating this process will add all stantalone portfolios derived from this set to the current electronic collection service. Do you want to proceed?" > click Confirm
  • a job will be submitted and the portfolios will appear in a few minutes

To attach to the order

1. Find and note the POL 

2. Go to the Electronic Collection Editor > General tab > Acquisitions and License Information

3. Add POL info and save

The order is now attached to the collection, and the collection is listed in the "Ordered Items" section of the POL summary

Adding EBA End of Term Records to Existing Purchased Electronic Collections

End of Term Records may be provided by a vendor for purchased EBA titles. The following is the procedure for adding these records to the appropriate electronic collection in Alma.

  • Confirm that you are actually adding the correct titles that were in fact purchased. Follow up with the vendor may be required.
  • Once you are confident that the correct MARC records have been provided, take a look at the MARC file. Make sure that it contains the 908 note similar to "908  \\$aPurchased Evidence Based Acquisition$bCAMBRIDGE$d2023" - the $a is mandatory as is, the collection will change depending on the EBA Collection, and the year must be present indicating what year the title was purchased.
  • Having confirmed that the batch of MARC records is ready to load, in Alma go to The Resources Menu and Select "Import"
  • Select the EBA End of Term Import Profile and Edit
    • Leave all settings as is but on the Inventory Information tab in the Electronic Resource Mapping section, select the Electronic Collection to which the MARC records will be added - this will change with every load so this is essential
    • The Electronic Collection to use is indicated in the following table in the "Collection name of EBA Purchased (EOT records) + Collection ID" column
    • in the Import Profile, lookup the appropriate electronic collection via the name or Collection ID in the above table
    • Save the Import Profile
  • From the Import Profile screen, select Run from the More Actions menu for the EBA End of Term Profile
  • Select file and choose the MARC file you will be loading - click on Add after giving it a descriptive label. The MARC file may be broken down by Alma into smaller sets of records
  • Click Submit
  • You will be taken to the Monitor and View Imports screen. After the import has run, check to make sure that the correct number of records has been loaded and spot-check the "Imported Records" to ensure the portfolios have been added to the correct EBA Purchased Electronic collection in Alma
  • Edit the following table - in the "# Titles Purchased Records Loaded" column, enter the year and number of records loaded


Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.