Locations within Alma are only meant to stand in for actual physical locations. Each physical Location is part of a Library. At UVic there are only two Libraries with locations attached: Mearns-McPherson Library (library code = MAIN) and the Priestly Law Library (library code = LAW).
Locations in Alma mean physical locations. See the following tabs for locations associated with Libraries / Collections across UVic Libraries. For information on what happened to Voyager Locations in Alma and decisions made during the migration, see the Voyager to Alma to Primo Location Mapping tab.
This table reflects decisions made during the Voyager-Alma migration and is current as of June 28, 2022.
Last revised: 2025-01-31 (GLJ)
Alma Code | Alma Name | Fulfillment Unit | Rubric | Notes | Suppress from Primo | Primo Location Name |
cdrom | Music and Media - CD-ROM | Non-Circulating | No | Ask at Service Desk | ||
curr | Curriculum Collection - Stacks | Circulating | CURRIC | No | Curriculum Collection | |
curr-cd | Curriculum Collection - CD | Circulating | CURRIC | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
curr-er | Curriculum Collection - Levelled Books | Circulating | CURRIC | No | Curriculum Collection - Levelled Books | |
curr-hist | Curriculum Collection - Historical Textbooks | Non-Circulating | CURRIC | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
curr-kit | Curriculum Collection - Kits | Circulating | CURRIC | No | Curriculum Collection - Kits | |
curr-over | Curriculum Collection - Oversize | Circulating | OVERSIZE CURRIC |
No | Curriculum Collection - Oversize | |
curr-ref | Curriculum Collection - Reference | Short Loan/Reserve |
CURRIC Quick-Ref |
Choose item policy "3 day reserve item" This displays in Primo as: "3 Days Loan" |
No | Curriculum Collection - Quick Reference |
curr-video | Curriculum Collection - Video | Circulating | CURRIC | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
ext-biol | Biology Reading Room | Non-Circulating | No | Biology Reading Room | ||
ext-clas | Classics Reading Room | Non-Circulating | CLASSICS | No | Classics Reading Room | |
ext-coun | Counselling Reading Room | Non-Circulating | No | Counselling Reading Room | ||
ext-csrs | Centre for Studies in Religion and Society | Non-Circulating | No | Centre for Studies in Religion and Society | ||
ext-dunc | Duncan Hospital Library | Non-Circulating | DUNCAN | Yes | Duncan Hospital Library | |
ext-fren | French Reading Room | Non-Circulating | FRENCH | No | French Reading Room | |
ext-gal | Gross Anatomy Lab | Non-Circulating | ANATOMY | No | Gross Anatomy Lab | |
ext-germ | German Reading Room | Non-Circulating | GERMAN | No | German Reading Room | |
ext-hi | Hispanic and Italian Reading Room | Non-Circulating | H&I | No | Hispanic and Italian Reading Room | |
ext-ling | Linguistics Reading Room | Non-Circulating | LINGUISTICS | No | Linguistics Reading Room | |
ext-mus | School of Music Reading Room | Non-Circulating | MUS | No | School of Music Reading Room | |
ext-pac | Pacific and Asian Studies Reading Room | Non-Circulating | ORIENT | No | Pacific and Asian Studies Reading Room | |
ext-phed | Physical Education Reading Room | Non-Circulating | PHYSED | No | Physical Education Reading Room | |
ext-phys | Physics Reading Room | Non-Circulating | PHYSICS | No | Physics Reading Room | |
ext-slav | Slavonics Reading Room | Non-Circulating | SLAV | No | Slavonics Reading Room | |
ext-teac | Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation | Non-Circulating | LTSI | LOCATION NO LONGER VALID -- DO NOT USE | Yes | Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation |
ext-thea | Theatre Reading Room | Non-Circulating | THEATRE | No | Theatre Reading Room | |
film | Music and Media - Film | Equipment/Film | FILMS | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
film-vid | Music and Media - Video | Equipment/Film | VIDEO | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
inre | Internet Resource | Non-Circulating | Yes | Internet Resource | ||
main | Main Collection | Circulating | Use this location for items classed in Z | No | Main Collection | |
main-sto | Basement Compact Shelving | Circulating | "Bue Dot" | Affix Blue Dot label to call number label of all items not classed in Z (do not use this location for items classed in Z) | No | Compact Shelving, Lower Level |
map | Maps and GIS - General Collection | Circulating | CARTO | No | Maps and GIS - General Collection | |
map-desk | Maps and GIS - Ask at Desk | Circulating | CARTO | No | Maps and GIS - Ask at Service Desk | |
map-draw | Maps and GIS - Map Drawers | Circulating | No | Maps and GIS - Map Drawers | ||
map-photo | Maps and GIS - Airphoto Drawers | Circulating | No | Maps and GIS - Map Cabinet | ||
map-sto | Maps and GIS - Storage | Circulating | No | Maps and GIS - Ask at Service Desk | ||
map-ver | Maps and GIS - Vertical Cabinet | Circulating | Vertical Cabinet | No | Maps and GIS - Vertical Cabinet | |
mf-cd | Microforms Centre - Card | Non-Circulating | No | Compact Shelving - Lower Level | ||
mf-cihm | Microforms - CIHM | Non-Circulating | No | CIHM - - Microforms, Lower Level | ||
mf-fiche | Microforms Centre - Fiche | Non-Circulating | Micfiche | No | Microfiche - Microforms, Lower Level | |
mf-film | Microforms Centre - Film | Non-Circulating | Micfilm | No | Microfilm - Microforms, Lower Level | |
mf-print | Microforms Centre - Print | Non-Circulating | Micro | No | Print Collection - Microforms, Lower Level | |
mm-cass | Music and Media - Cassette | Circulating | M&a | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
mm-cd | Music and Media - Compact Disc | Circulating | cd Or CD-ROM | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
mm-con | Music and Media - Console | Non-Circulating | No | Ask at Service Desk | ||
mm-desk | Music and Media - Desk | Equipment/Film | M&a Desk | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
mm-kit | Music and Media - Kit | Circulating | M&a | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
mm-rec | Music and Media - Vinyl Record | Circulating |
M&a (if LC class number other than M, ML, MT) |
No | Vinyl Record - Microforms or Ask at Service Desk | |
mm-reel | Music and Media - Reel | Circulating | No | Ask at Service Desk | ||
mm-ref | Music and Media - Reference | Non-Circulating | Ref | No | Music and Media - Reference | |
mm-repl | Music and Media - Replacements | Non-Circulating | Yes | Music and Media - Replacements | ||
mm-res | Music and Media - Reserve | Short Loan/Reserve | No | Ask at Service Desk | ||
mm-scor | Music and Media - Scores | Circulating | No | Music and Media - Scores | ||
mm-srec | Music and Media - Small Vinyl Record | Circulating | No | Vinyl Record - Ask at Service Desk | ||
mm-sto | Music and Media - Storage | Circulating | Room 040 (includes LPs) | No | Ask at Service Desk | |
ncip | NCIP location - ILL | Non-Circulating | Yes | Interlibrary Loans | ||
ref | Main - Reference | Non-Circulating | Ref | Affix a FUILO label to front cover | No | Reference -Compact Shelving, Lower Level |
ref-atlas | Main - Atlases | Non-Circulating | Atlas | No | Atlases, Main Floor | |
ref-red | Ready Reference | Non-Circulating | Ref | Note: Ready Ref items are the only Ref material that remain on the 1st floor, in a bookcase on the wall. Affix both a FUILO label + a READY REF label to front cover |
No | Ready Reference |
ref-sto | Reference - Basement Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating | Ref | Note: ref-sto (BCS) items are located in a different area, separate from the Ref collection that was temporarily moved to BCS. Most if not all ref-sto items are oversize ref items. Affix a FUILO label to front cover |
No | Compact Shelving, Lower Level |
Reference Workroom | Non-Circulating | Ref Workroom |
See Reference Workroom section of LibGuide for full procedure (full processing to be completed by cataloguer) Affix a FUILO label to front cover |
Yes | Reference Workroom |
res | Reserve | Short Loan/Reserve | No | Course Reserves |
Alma Code |
Alma Name | Fulfillment Unit | Rubric | Notes | Suppress from Primo | Primo Location Name |
self | Self Check Machine | Non-Circulating | No |
Selfcheck |
tec |
Technical Services
Non-Circulating | Tec |
See Tec section of LibGuide (under Mearns-McPherson) for full procedure (full processing to be completed by cataloguer) Affix a FUILO label to front cover
Yes |
Technical Services, Room 260 |
UNASSIGNED | Problem location from migration | Non-Circulating | Yes | Unavailable | ||
unused | Unused location from migration | Non-Circulating | Yes |
Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk
This table reflects decisions made during the Voyager-Alma migration and is current as of June 28, 2022.
Alma Code | Alma Name | Fulfillment Unit | Rubric | Notes | Suppress from Primo | Primo Location Name |
arc | Archives | Non-Circulating | Arc | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
arc-ovc | Archives - Oversize | Non-Circulating |
Arc ovc |
No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
arc-ref | Archives - Reference | Non-Circulating | Arc Ref |
No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
arc-sto | Archives - Storage | Non-Circulating |
Arc sto |
No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
arc-sto-os | Archives – Storage Oversize | Non-Circulating | Arc sto-os | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc | Special Collections | Non-Circulating | (sc) | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-brd | Special Collections - Broadsheets | Non-Circulating | (sc),box | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-com | Special Collections - Compact Storage | Non-Circulating | (sc),com | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-dolm | Special Collections - Dolmen | Non-Circulating | DOLMEN | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-law | Special Collections - Law | Non-Circulating | Law SPB | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-ova | Special Collections - Oversize 12 | Non-Circulating | (sc),ova | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-ovb | Special Collections - Oversize 15 | Non-Circulating | (sc),ovb | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-ovc | Special Collections - Oversize 24 | Non-Circulating | (sc),ovc | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-ovflw | Special Collections - Overflow | Non-Circulating | (sc),ovflw | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-seg | Special Collections - Seghers | Non-Circulating | Seghers | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-segova | Special Collections - Seghers Oversize 12 inch | Non-Circulating | Seghers,ova | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-segovb | Special Collections - Seghers Oversize 15 inch | Non-Circulating | Seghers,ovb | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-sto | Special Collections - Storage | Non-Circulating | (sc),sto | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-sto-os | Special Collections - Storage Oversize | Non-Circulating | (sc),sto os | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | |
sc-the | Special Collections - Thesis | Non-Circulating | (sc),the | No | Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level |
This table reflects decisions made during the Voyager-Alma migration and is current as of June 28, 2022.
Alma Code | Alma Name | Fulfillment Unit | Rubric | Notes | Suppress from Primo | Primo Location Name |
law-cur | Law - Current Display | Non-Circulating | N/A | Formerly temporary display wall for selection of current periodicals; no longer active | Yes | Law - Current Display |
law-dig | Law - Digests | Non-Circulating |
Law |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Dig-Can, Dig-Eng, Dig-Scot, etc. |
No | Law - Digests |
law-digcs | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating |
Law-CS |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Dig-Can, Dig-Eng, Dig-Scot, etc. |
No |
Law - Digests Compact Shelving |
law-fwr | Law - Faculty Workroom | Non-Circulating | Law FWR |
Titles in Room shipped offsite due to renovations (Dean: Dec.22, 2022) | Yes | Law - Faculty Workroom |
law | Law - General Collection | Law | No | Law - General Collection | ||
law-docoff | Law - Government Documents Librarian | Non-Circulating | Yes | Law - Ask at Service Desk | ||
law-gre | Law - Green Room | Non-Circulating | *Should be suppressed; Law storage room, not meant for public view? |
No |
Law - Green Room | |
law-inre | Law - Internet Resource | Non-Circulating | N/A | Yes | Internet Resource | |
law-leg | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating |
Law-CS Legis |
No | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | |
law-hapcir | Law Loan Desk | Non-Circulating | N/A | N/A | Yes | Ask at Law Service Desk |
law-mfce | Law - Microfiche | Non-Circulating | No | Law - Microfiche | ||
law-mflm | Law - Microfilm | Non-Circulating | No | Law - Microfilm | ||
law-mfref | Law - Microform Reference | Non-Circulating | No | Law - Microform Reference | ||
law-ind | Law - Periodical Indexes | Non-Circulating | No | Law - Periodical Indexes | ||
law-per | Law - Periodicals | Non-Circulating | No | Law - Periodicals | ||
law-ref | Law - Reference | Non-Circulating | Law Ref |
No | Law - Reference | |
law-refcs | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating | Law-CS Ref |
No | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | |
law-rep | Law - Reports | Non-Circulating |
Law |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Rep-Can, Rep-Eng, Rep-Scot, etc. |
No | Law - Reports |
law-repcs | Law - Reports Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating |
Law-CS |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Rep-Can, Rep-Eng, Rep-Scot, etc. |
No | Law - Reports Compact Shelving |
law-res | Law - Reserve Room A116 | Short Loan/Reserve | No | Law Room A116 - Reserve | ||
law-rmA116 | Law - Room A116 | Short Loan/Reserve |
Law |
Not for course reserve material | No | Law - Room A116 |
law-rmA118 | Law - Compact Shelving Room A118 | Non-Circulating | Law-CS RmA118 |
No | Law - Ask at Service Desk | |
law-stat | Law - Statutes | Non-Circulating |
Law |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Stats-Can, Stats-Eng, Stats-Scot, etc. |
No | Law - Statutes |
law-statcs | Law - Statutes Compact Shelving | Non-Circulating |
Law-CS |
Jurisdiction (abbreviation) as indicated in Holdings 852 i.e. Stats-Can, Stats-Eng, Stats-Scot, etc. |
No | Law - Statues Compact Shelving |
law-vid | Law - Videos | Equipment/Film | No | Law - Ask at Service Desk | ||
UNASSIGNED | UNASSIGNED location | Yes | Unavailable |
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo |
ALMAME_VAL_NOT_FOUND | MAIN | UNASSIGNED | Problem location from migration | Unavailable | Yes |
CS | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
MC | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
NCIPloc | MAIN | ncip | NCIP location - ILL | Interlibrary Loans | Yes |
SELF | MAIN | self | Self Check Machine | Selfcheck | No |
acq | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
acq,ser | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
admn | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
anth | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
bioc | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
busi | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
cafe | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
cart | MAIN | map | Maps and GIS - General Collection | Maps and GIS - General Collection | No |
cart,desk | MAIN | map-desk | Maps and GIS - Ask at Desk | Maps and GIS - Ask at Service Desk | No |
cart,map | MAIN | map-draw | Maps and GIS - Map Drawers | Maps and GIS - Map Drawers | No |
cart,photo | MAIN | map-photo | Maps and GIS - Airphoto Drawers | Maps and GIS - Map Cabinet | No |
cart,post | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
cart,res | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
cart,sto | MAIN | map-sto | Maps and GIS - Storage | Maps and GIS - Ask at Service Desk | No |
cart,ver | MAIN | map-ver | Maps and GIS - Vertical Cabinet | Maps and GIS - Vertical Cabinet | No |
cat | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
chem | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
cleanup | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
coag | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
data | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
econ | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
engl | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
envi | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
eres | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
geog | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
hapacq | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
hart | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
hist | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk |
No |
inre | MAIN | inre | Internet Resource | Internet Resource | Yes |
inre,eb | MAIN | inre | Internet Resource | Internet Resource | Yes |
inre,ss | MAIN | inre | Internet Resource | Internet Resource | Yes |
lang | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ma | MAIN | main | Main Collection | Main Collection | No |
main | MAIN | main | Main Collection | Main Collection | No |
main,sto | MAIN | main-sto | Basement Compact Shelving | Compact Shelving, Lower Level | No |
math | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
mfcd | MAIN | mf-cd | Microforms Centre - Card | Compact Shelving - Lower Level | No |
mfch | MAIN | mf-fiche | Microforms Centre - Fiche | Microfiche - Microforms, Lower Level | No |
mfch,cihm | MAIN | mf-cihm | Microforms - CIHM | CIHM - - Microforms, Lower Level | No |
mflm | MAIN | mf-film | Microforms Centre - Film | Microfilm - Microforms, Lower Level | No |
mfpr | MAIN | mf-print | Microforms Centre - Print | Print Collection - Microforms, Lower Level | No |
ncat | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ncat,sto | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
per | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
per,news | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
per,wp | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
phil | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
pols | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
pres | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref | MAIN | ref | Main - Reference | Reference Section, Main Floor | No |
ref,atc | MAIN | ref-atlas | Main - Atlases | Atlases, Main Floor | No |
ref,circ | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,enc | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic1 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic2 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic3 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic4 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic5 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic6 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic7 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,ic8 | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,icb | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,mic | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
ref,red | MAIN | ref-red | Ready Reference | Ready Reference | No |
ref,sto | MAIN | ref-sto | Reference - Basement Compact Shelving | Compact Shelving, Lower Level | No |
ref,wkrm | MAIN | ref-wkrm | Reference Workroom | Reference Workroom | Yes |
res | MAIN | res | Reserve | Ask at Service Desk | No |
soc | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
tec | MAIN | tec | Technical Services | Technical Services, Room 260 | Yes |
tec,circ | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo |
curr | MAIN | curr | Curriculum Collection - Stacks | Curriculum Collection | No |
curr,cd | MAIN | curr-cd | Curriculum Collection - CD | Ask at Service Desk | No |
curr,er | MAIN | curr-er | Curriculum Collection - Levelled Books | Curriculum Collection - Levelled Books | No |
curr,hist | MAIN | curr-hist | Curriculum Collection - Historical Textbooks | Ask at Service Desk | No |
curr,kit | MAIN | curr-kit | Curriculum Collection - Kits | Curriculum Collection - Kits | No |
curr,mep | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
curr,over | MAIN | curr-over | Curriculum Collection - Oversize | Curriculum Collection - Oversize | No |
curr,ref | MAIN | curr-ref | Curriculum Collection - Reference | Curriculum Collection - Quick Reference | No |
curr,res | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
curr,sto | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
curr,video | MAIN | curr-video | Curriculum Collection - Video | Ask at Service Desk | No |
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo |
doc,off | LAW | law-docoff | Law - Government Documents Librarian | Law - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
hapcirc | LAW | law-hapcir | Law Loan Desk | Ask at Law Service Desk | Yes |
law | LAW | law | Law - General Collection | Law - Current Display | No |
law,akits | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Law - Digests | Yes |
law,cur | LAW | law-cur | Law - Current Display | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | Yes |
law,dig | LAW | law-dig | Law - Digests | Law - Faculty Workroom | No |
law,digcs | LAW | law-digcs | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | No |
law,fwr | LAW | law-fwr | Law - Faculty Workroom | Law - Faculty Workroom | No |
law,gre | LAW | law-gre | Law - Green Room | Law - Green Room | No |
law,idr | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
law,ind | LAW | law-ind | Law - Periodical Indexes | Law - Periodical Indexes | No |
law,inre | LAW | law-inre | Law - Internet Resource | Internet Resource | Yes |
law,leg | LAW | law-leg | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | No |
law,lll | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
law,mfce | LAW | law-mfce | Law - Microfiche | Law - Microfiche | No |
law,mflm | LAW | law-mflm | Law - Microfilm | Law - Microfilm | No |
law,micr | LAW | law-mfref | Law - Microform Reference | Law - Microform Reference | No |
law,ncir | LAW | law | Law - General Collection | Law - General Collection | No |
law,per | LAW | law-per | Law - Periodicals | Law - Periodicals | No |
law,pic | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
law,ref | LAW | law-ref | Law - Reference | Law - Reference | No |
law,refcs | LAW | law-refcs | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | No |
law,rep | LAW | law-rep | Law - Reports | Law - Reports | No |
law,repcs | LAW | law-repcs | Law - Reports Compact Shelving | Law - Reports Compact Shelving | No |
law,res | LAW | law-res | Law - Reserve | Law - Reserve | No |
law,rm175 | LAW | law-rm175 | Law - Compact Shelving Room 175 | Law - Ask at Service Desk | No |
law,serv | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
law,stat | LAW | law-stat | Law - Statutes | Law - Statutes | No |
law,statcs | LAW | law-statcs | Law - Statutes Compact Shelving | Law - Statutes Compact Shelving | No |
law,vid | LAW | law-vid | Law - Videos | Law - Ask at Service Desk | No |
law2 | LAW | law | Law - General Collection | Law - General Collection | No |
lawdig2 | LAW | law-dig | Law - Digests | Law - Digests | No |
lawdigcs2 | LAW | law-digcs | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | Law - Digests Compact Shelving | No |
lawfwr2 | LAW | law-fwr | Law - Faculty Workroom | Law - Faculty Workroom | No |
lawgre2 | LAW | law-gre | Law - Green Room | Law - Green Room | No |
lawind2 | LAW | law-ind | Law - Periodical Indexes | Law - Periodical Indexes | No |
lawinre2 | LAW | law-indre | Law - Internet Resource | Internet Resource | Yes |
lawleg2 | LAW | law-leg | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | Law - Legislative Material, Compact Shelving | No |
lawncir2 | LAW | law | Law - General Collection | Law - General Collection | No |
lawper2 | LAW | law-per | Law - Periodicals | Law - Periodicals | No |
lawref2 | LAW | law-ref | Law - Reference | Law - Reference | No |
lawrefcs2 | LAW | law-refcs | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | Law - Reference Compact Shelving | No |
lawrep2 | LAW | law-rep | Law - Reports | Law - Reports | No |
lawrepcs2 | LAW | law-repcs | Law - Reports Compact Shelving | Law - Reports Compact Shelving | No |
lawres2 | LAW | law-res | Law - Reserve | Law - Reserve | No |
lawrm1752 | LAW | law-rm175 | Law - Compact Shelving Room 175 | Law - Ask at Service Desk | No |
lawstat2 | LAW | law-stat | Law - Statutes | Law - Statutes | No |
lawstatcs2 | LAW | law-statcs | Law - Statutes Compact Shelving | Law - Statues Compact Shelving | No |
lawvid2 | LAW | law-vid | Law - Videos | Law - Ask at Service Desk | No |
Music and Media Voyager to Alma to Primo Location Mapping
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo |
cdrom | MAIN | cdrom | Music and Media - CD-ROM | Ask at Service Desk | No |
film | MAIN | film | Music and Media - Film | Ask at Service Desk | No |
film,desk | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
film,game | MAIN | film | Music and Media - Film | Ask at Service Desk | No |
film,res | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
film,sto | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
film,vid | MAIN | film-vid | Music and Media - Video | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,cass | MAIN | mm-cass | Music and Media - Cassette | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,cd | MAIN | mm-cd | Music and Media - Compact Disc | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,con | MAIN | mm-con | Music and Media - Console | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,desk | MAIN | mm-desk | Music and Media - Desk | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,kit | MAIN | mm-kit | Music and Media - Kit | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,ncscor | MAIN | mm-scor | Music and Media - Scores | Music and Media - Scores | No |
ma,rec | MAIN | mm-rec | Music and Media - Vinyl Record | Vinyl Record - Microforms or Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,reel | MAIN | mm-reel | Music and Media - Reel | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,ref | MAIN | mm-ref | Music and Media - Reference | Music and Media - Reference | No |
ma,repl | MAIN | mm-repl | Music and Media - Replacements | Music and Media - Replacements | Yes |
ma,res | MAIN | mm-res | Music and Media - Reserve | Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,scor | MAIN | mm-scor | Music and Media - Scores | Music and Media - Scores | No |
ma,srec | MAIN | mm-srec | Music and Media - Small Vinyl Record | Vinyl Record - Ask at Service Desk | No |
ma,sto | MAIN | mm-sto | Music and Media - Storage | Ask at Service Desk | No |
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo |
arc | MAIN | arc | Archives | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
arc,circ | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
arc,ref | MAIN | arc-ref | Archives - Reference | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
arc,sto | MAIN | arc-sto | Archives - Storage | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
dolm | MAIN | sc-dolm | Special Collections - Dolmen | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
law,spb | MAIN | sc-law | Special Collections - Law | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
lawspb2 | MAIN | sc-law | Special Collections - Law | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc | MAIN | sc | Special Collections | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,box | MAIN | sc-brd | Special Collections - Broadsheets | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,case | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,circ | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,com | MAIN | sc-com | Special Collections - Compact Storage | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,ova | MAIN | sc-ova | Special Collections - Oversize 12 | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,ovas | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,ovb | MAIN | sc-ovb | Special Collections - Oversize 15 | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,ovbs | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,ovc | MAIN | sc-ovc | Special Collections - Oversize 24 | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,ovcs | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,ovflw | MAIN | sc-ovflw | Special Collections - Overflow | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,ref | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
sc,sto | MAIN | sc-sto | Special Collections - Storage | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,sto-os | MAIN | sc-sto-os | Special Collections - Storage Oversize | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,the | MAIN | sc-the | Special Collections - Thesis | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
sc,thes | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
seg | MAIN | sc-seg | Special Collections - Seghers | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
seg,ova | MAIN | sc-segova | Special Collections - Seghers Oversize 12 inch | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
seg,ovb | MAIN | sc-segovb | Special Collections - Seghers Oversize 15 inch | Ask at Special Collections and University Archives Desk, Lower Level | No |
External Locations and Reading Rooms Voyager to Alma to Primo Location Mapping
Voyager Location Code | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Primo Location Name | Suppress from Primo | |
biol | MAIN | ext-biol | Biology Reading Room | Biology Reading Room | No | |
clas | MAIN | ext-clas | Classics Reading Room | Classics Reading Room | No | |
coun | MAIN | ext-coun | Counselling Reading Room | Counselling Reading Room | No | |
csrs | MAIN | ext-csrs | Centre for Studies in Religion and Society | Centre for Studies in Religion and Society | No | |
duncan | MAIN | ext-dunc | Duncan Hospital Library | Duncan Hospital Library | No | |
fren | MAIN | ext-fren | French Reading Room | French Reading Room | No | |
gal | MAIN | ext-gal | Gross Anatomy Lab | Gross Anatomy Lab | No | |
germ | MAIN | ext-germ | German Reading Room | German Reading Room | No | |
hi | MAIN | ext-hi | Hispanic and Italian Reading Room | Hispanic and Italian Reading Room | Yes | |
ling | MAIN | ext-ling | Linguistics Reading Room | Linguistics Reading Room | No | |
mus | MAIN | ext-mus | School of Music Reading Room | School of Music Reading Room | No | |
orie | MAIN | ext-pac | Pacific and Asian Studies Reading Room | Pacific and Asian Studies Reading Room | No | |
phed | MAIN | ext-phed | Physical Education Reading Room | Physical Education Reading Room | No | |
phys | MAIN | ext-phys | Physics Reading Room | Physics Reading Room | No | |
MAIN | ext-slav | Slavonics Reading Room | Slavonics Reading Room | No | |
teac | MAIN | ext-teac | Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation | Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation | No | |
thea | MAIN | ext-thea | Theatre Reading Room | Theatre Reading Room | No | |
vnfc | MAIN | unused | Unused location from migration | Unavailable - Ask at Service Desk | Yes |
Last revised: 2022-09-25 (GLJ)
The Diana M. Priestly Law Library is located in the Fraser Building. The Law Library catalogue - and the technical services to support it - was once completely separate from the McPherson Library catalogue. Following the merger of the catalogues, some Law technical services staff were reassigned and relocated to become part of the McPherson Library's technical services staff. All order, pay, receipt, as well as cataloguing of Law material is now done by McPherson Library staff. As of July 2022, end-processing of Law material is now done by Access Services staff at McPherson prior to routing the material to the Law Library.
Two separate Bib records for the same title may still exist in the merged catalogue: one with a law location, one with a main location. Best practice going forward: one shared Bib record with two separate Holdings records for each location.
Law summarized holdings were expressed differently than main's. Best practice going forward: use main's practice to express holdings.
New PO's, location codes, and predictive check-in records for Law had to be created after the merger of the catalogues & technical services in Voyager, and then once again with the migration from Voyager to Alma. Refer to the [*Add link to updated Alma Location Code & Rubric Table*] ; codes beginning with "law...".
Law has several categories of material that have their own call no. schema: Law Periodicals, Law Reports, Law Digests, Law Statutes, etc. These categories of material are shelved in separate physical locations within the Law Library. These locations are only assigned as requested by Law Librarians. See supervisor if any questions.
Law integrating resources (e.g. loose-leaf) are deferred to supervisor for time being.
Law barcodes almost all their material, including serials. Always check for item records when updating serial records located in Law. Best practice going forward: Law staff continue to barcode items as before; main barcodes only annuals and less frequently published material. [*Policy & Law workflow to be reviewed post-Alma migration*]
Whenever possible, best practice is to align procedures so there is consistency between the libraries.
Law Library email: lawlib@uvic.ca
Law Librarians/Reference email: lawref@uvic.ca
See the latest edition of Cataloging Legal Literature (via HeinOnline) for guidance when describing legal literature.
Glenda / Susan
MARC Tags:
Last revised: 2024-10-03 (GLJ)
Catalogue material designated for the Law Library in accordance with the UVic RDA Workflows for monographs or serials. Some things to note that are particular to or are exceptions for the Law Library are as follows:
035 Retain 035 local control number (035 | | | ‡9 uviclw#####) if present, as it identifies the original Law Bib# pre-Voyager merge.
040 The old MARC Organization Code that was specific for the UVic Law Library (CaBViVL) is no longer used but may still be present in old/existing Law Bib records.
050 /4 Effective Oct. 2024: Specifically when dealing with KI classification for “Law of Indigenous peoples”, the KI classification call number is to be added to the Bib record, if not already present, and for any instance where we've been asked by the Law Librarians to class in KI, even if the subject matter is not inherently Indigenous Law.
591 Change to 590 (591 was once a Local Note designated specifically for Law. Current practice: Use 590 for any Local Notes, with appropriate wording to clarify Law copy if necessary)
For shelflisting law publications entered under corporate body, including conference publications: See CSM, Law and Legal Materials, General G750
If suggested LC Class number is not already present in 050, then go to K (-KZ) Class schedules (Law) to determine what it should be.
Notes on KE/KF: Always use subclass KE (Law of Canada) as appropriate. *Prior to KE being established, the Law Library used the “KF Modified” schedule (Law of the United States). Current local practice is to use KE if there is ANY Canadian Law content within the resource. KF is still used IF the resource is strictly pertaining to US Law only. Investigate if any suggested class numbers are indicated in CIP data, as a possible lead.
Classify new editions using KE as appropriate. If an older edition exists & it’s classified under older KF Modified call number, leave older edition as is; no need to reclassify older edition.
*Exception: If item is filling in a gap in the collection, and the rest of the collection is filed under KF, place ‘new’ item under KF to fill gap.
Notes on KI: Effective 2017- KI classification for “Law of Indigenous peoples” (see ClassWeb Plus)
Last revised: 2024-10-03 (GLJ)
*See the Law KI Reclassification Project on SharePoint for full background
Law Librarians may identify select titles for KI classification/reclassification that are not inherently Indigenous Law subject matter.
If reclassifying an existing title, do not re-catalogue (possible exceptions, at cataloguer's discretion)
At this time, in cases of multiple Library holdings locations, only the Law Library's copy holdings will be reclassified, and the reprocessing of call no. labels will continue to be done at Law (if the physical material was not sent to Metadata to handle directly)
*IMPORTANT: Beyond the scope of this specific project, the underlying rationale and principles are also influencing the cataloguing of newly acquired Law materials with Indigenous subject matter. If you should find yourself about to catalogue material designated for the Law Library and the material has anything to do with Indigenous or First Nations content, please pause to consider if it might be a candidate for classifying in the LC KI-KIL class schedules. In cases of doubt, consult the Law Librarians at: lawref@uvic.ca
Notes on JX/JZ: JX is obsolete with law. DO NOT USE. (JZ has replaced it). If any law books have JX call #, set aside and consult the Law Librarians at: lawref@uvic.ca
If any NEW conferences are received, consider cataloguing as a serial. Do not re-catalogue past conferences that may have been catalogued as monographs.
Use conference date as date in call number in most instances, except when the conference is not considered to be the creator, per the Library of Congress Classification and Shelflisting Manual, Table on Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, Etc., Table G230:
852 $c : Location in Alma - open form editor and select appropriate Law location code from drop-down menu.
See Alma Location Code & Rubric Table for complete list (with details) of all law locations. See supervisor with any questions.
Note: the location "law-res" is assigned by Reserve staff only (and only used as a temporary location)
With migration to Alma:
Ordering, receiving and processing of items for the law library will now (generally) follow the same procedure as items for the main library.
Note that items are still gutter stamped with the UVic Law gutter stamp (processed by Access staff) and "UVIC - Priestly" barcodes may still be used.
Refer to the [*Add link to updated Alma Location Code & Rubric Table*] ; codes beginning with "law...". ; See supervisor if any questions.
Here are some example Law location codes and rubrics: (disregard double spacing)
Call #
Call #
Call #
Call #
Call #
Click here for Law serials check-in & processing
Outline of Law Digests Schema
PDF located here: W:\LTEC\Cataloguing\Law Library
Print version located in Law Library: Z695.1 L3P742
Outline of Law Reports classification schema
PDF located here: W:\LTEC\Cataloguing\Law Library
Print version located in the Law Library: Z695.1 L3P74
See also Law reports: listed by jurisdiction / Priestly Law Library Z675 L2U72 1990
Last revised: 2024-06-13 (GLJ)
Law Room A116 (includes Law Reserve)
Previously known as Law Room 171 or Reserve, Law Room A116 is located next to the Law Loan Desk and houses Law's high-use physical resources. Material located here is intended for short term loan. Law course reserve material is also located in this room, but a separate location code of "law-res" is now used, and course reserve items are situated as a separate subset within the room, on reserve-labelled shelving. *Only Reserve staff assign the location of "law-res" to items.
(for information only: Alma location code: law-res*; location name: Law-Reserve Room A116; External name: Law Room A116 -- Reserve *As of Sept.2022, only Course Reserves staff assign the location of "law-res" to items)
Note: With the migration to Alma and the centralization of course reserves processing via the Scholarly Communication (& Reserves, Research Repository) and Copyright office, this room is no longer considered a reserve room and all outdated references within our Law records to items being "on reserve" will be deleted (initially on an encounter basis only).
Assigning items Room A116 location: permanent or temporary?
Serials and Monographs: Assign Alma location code "law" (Law - General Collection) as the permanent location (or assign permanent location so it matches that of existing items/editions). Law staff will update the temporary location information as items are moved in and out of the temporary Room A116 location. In the Temporary Location Information area of the Physical Item Editor, they will apply the temporary location of Alma location code "law-rmA116" (Law - Room A116) as well as the applicable temporary item policy loan period. It is assumed that when a new edition is received, it will be assigned the temporary location of Room A116 and the previous edition will be moved to sit with earlier issues or editions.
For standing orders or other continuations, the note "LATEST EDITION IN RmA116" will be added to both the receiving note in the POL and as the shelving instruction note in |x of field 852 in the holdings record. Law staff will process the physical material to reflect the temporary location. (Best practice re: flagging items for temporary location as RmA116 still to be confirmed.)
Possible exception: "Latest issue only retained" items are assigned Room A116 as a permanent location. (To be confirmed; see supervisor as necessary.)
Note: As per email message from EN 3/23: current BC and Canadian federal annotated acts to be located in RmA116 temporarily, then transferred to law general collection when replaced by a newer edition. (This is referring to monographs, when a new edition arrives, either via standing order or firm order)
Loose leaf materials (integrating resources): Loose leaf materials located in Room A116 should be assigned a permanent location of Room A116. Include the rubric "Law RmA116" in the call number when labeling binders and updates.
Note: Staff and patrons may continue to notice inconsistencies in the labeling, processing and the location of material situated in this room as records are updated and physical reprocessing is completed.
Law Reserve: Place all newly catalogued (or shelf-ready) Rush Reserve material in the labelled tray in front of Inba's office (Rm248). Metadata scan in as Cataloguing-Done before placing in Reserves tray. For more information, see the Reserve tab of the Mearns-Mcpherson Library section further below.
When a new record is required for a continuing order (due to c/t, format, etc.):
Past practice of Acquisitions staff closing old POL and creating a new POL for the new title is no longer followed. See Metadata or Acquisitions supervisor with any questions.
Draft 11/23/sf
Monographs kept up-to-date with supplements:
Because the law is always changing, some law monographs (treatises) are kept up-to-date with regular (often cumulative) supplements. Standing orders for this type of material also include new editions as published. Always watch for new editions and update records accordingly. Each new edition typically requires a new record. These standing orders currently have a POL type of Print Journal- Subscription.
See "The new Wigmore : a treatise on evidence : expert evidence" as an example.
As of 11/23, Law has a best practice of retaining previous editions and the editions' last cumulative supplement. These sit in law's general stacks.
For an example: See POL 278395-uvicdb, The new Wigmore : a treatise on evidence
See the format instructions for how to catalogue music scores, sound recordings, and video recordings.
See the processing instructions for information on physical handling.
Note that the music collection, including monographs and serials, was once located in a separate physical location called Music & Audio (and later Music & Media) within the McPherson Library. Most M-MT classed monographs and serials still have an "ma" holdings location, though they have now been integrated into the main stacks. (With Alma update: ma location changed to main location?)
Laura - music scores and sound recordings
Location | Use For |
mm,cd | CDs - both musical and nonmusical |
mm,cass | Cassettes |
mm,rec | LPs- 12 inch disc |
mm,srec | LPs - smaller than 12 inch disc |
Last revised: 2023-09-25 (GLJ)
In 2021, Course Reserves staff physically relocated from the Main Loan Desk to sit within Rm260 to be part of the Copyright and Scholarly Communications team under Collection Management Services. While all Course Reserves material (including Law Reserves material) is now processed within Rm260, the physical Course Reserves collection continues to be shelved separately:
Rush Reserve material: Place all newly catalogued (or shelf-ready) Rush Reserve material in the labelled tray in front of Inba's office (Rm248). Reserves staff will collect from the tray and handle the end-processing for Reserve. This includes Law Reserve material – Reserves staff will place completed Law Reserve material in the Rush/Priority tray once they’ve handled the Law Course Reserves part of the workflow. Access Services staff will collect all contents from the Rush/Priority tray at the same time as they collect the end-processing truck. Access Services staff will sort through all material, handle the end-processing as needed, and they will then divert any Law Rush/Priority material to a separate Law pick-up tray for Law staff to collect during their daily pick-up rounds.
Last revised: 2023-11-14 (GLJ)
Basement Compact Shelving (BCS):
Located here are all Z classed material; some oversized material, national union catalogues, all HA741-HA743 Stats Can material; some monographic material with a temporary location of "basement compact shelving"; serial runs and other material that could not be accommodated elsewhere, etc.
For all material located in BCS that is not classed in 'Z':
- Holdings location code = main-sto
- Affix a blue dot on or near the call number label.
The blue dot acts as a rubric for material located in BCS that is not classed in 'Z'.
For material in 'Z' classification:
- Holdings location code = main (not main-sto)
- Do NOT affix a blue dot to Z classed material
Last revised: 2025-01-30 (GLJ)
Items ordered for the "tec" location are meant to support the work of librarians and staff working in the Technical Services area of the library. The bulk of this tec material is physically located within the Technical Services area (Collection Management Services Room 260) on shelving outside the office of the Director, Collection Management Services (Room 244). On occasion, items are ordered for this location, but are then routed to a librarian or staff situated in another area of the library. Current best practice is to add a |x non-public note to the 852 field of the Holdings record indicating with whom or where the item is routed or situated. Items located in "tec" should always be suppressed, labelled FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY and coded with the item type of "nocirc".
Location code | tec |
Location name | Technical Services |
Rubric | Tec |
Item type |
nocirc |
Scan in as Cataloguing-Done, as usual, to first change the process type to "Transit For Reshelving" -- However, since items for Tec will bypass the usual Access Services Processing truck workflow, these particular items will need to be scanned in again* by Metadata to remove the "Transit for Reshelving" status before shelving directly on the Tec bookshelves.
*NOTE: The "Circulation Desk Operator, Mearns-McPherson Desk" Fulfillment user role is required to update the status. If you do not already have this user role, please defer to your supervisor for this 2nd Scan in step.
See the Items - Scan In Items section for more details
Last revised: 2024-10-03 (GLJ)
Location code | ref-wkrm |
Location name | Reference Workroom |
Rubric |
Item type | nocirc |
Scan in as Cataloguing-Done, as usual, to first change the process type to "Transit For Reshelving" -- However, since items for the Reference Workroom will bypass the usual Access Services Processing truck workflow, these particular items will need to be scanned in again* by Metadata to remove the "Transit for Reshelving" status before delivering directly to the Workroom.
*NOTE: The "Circulation Desk Operator, Mearns-McPherson Desk" Fulfillment user role is required to update the status. If you do not already have this user role, please defer to your supervisor for this 2nd Scan in step.
See the Items - Scan In Items section for more details
*Note: The Learning & Research (Librarians offices) area may require the staff door code to enter if locked; please ask your supervisor if you need a reminder of the door code combination.
Reference: May 2022- "Ref" as a physical and holdings/item location is currently in transition. Material with a holdings location of "Ref" is currently located in Basement Compact Shelving. This physical "Ref" location in BCS is temporary and the records have not been updated in anyway to reflect this. Follow signage in Basement Compact Shelving to locate the physical material. Route all "Ref" material to a Metadata supervisor.
Ready Reference: As of May 2022, its physical location is situated outside of the librarian "on duty" office on the main floor in the maps and atlases area.
Its rubric is "Ref". Current practice is to affix a "Ready Ref" label to all material located in here. (A small red dot was once affixed to the call number of ready reference designated material. This "red dot" was incorporated into the label when use of the red dot ceased.)
The Curriculum Library was previously its own separate branch located in the MacLaurin Building. The branch was later closed, and the Curriculum Collection has now been absorbed as a designated section within the Main Collection, on the 2nd floor of the Mearns-McPherson Library. All resources designated for the Curriculum Collection are classified using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System.
General Information: breakdown of grades/levels (often depends on school districts/locations)
The Curriculum Collection includes a wide variety of material including books, oversize, kits, CDs, DVDs, Videos and Serials. See below for some details regarding the various formats that are particular to this collection.
Books Last revised: 2024-02-29 GLJ
(includes graphic novels, levelled readers, picture books)
Material | Location | Item Type |
All Curric books except levelled readers | curr | book |
Levelled readers | curr-er | book |
Quick Reference | curr-ref | book *Choose Item Policy = "3 day reserve item" which displays in Primo as "3 Days Loan" |
Oversize - includes Big Books and oversize kits | curr-over | book |
Curriculum Collection books with accompanying material - see Items with Supplementary Material
Last revised: 2024-03-01 (GLJ)
The Curriculum Collection Quick Reference section consists of a range of shelves that currently sit at the end of the overall Curriculum collection on the 2nd floor. This Quick Reference sub-collection once existed in its own separate area of what used to be the Curriculum Library branch, and when that closed and the material moved to McPherson, it was kept in the Reserves area behind the main loan desk. When the Reserves area was reduced, the Curric Quick Ref material moved to where it is now.
Per discussion with subject librarian Pia Russell in Feb. 2024, this sub-collection is to remain as-is in its current location. (There may be future consideration to possibly move this material elsewhere.) She would also like for these items to be allowed to circulate, but on 3-day loan only.
Pre-existing Curric Quick Ref material does not have rubric of "Quick-Ref" appearing on call number label, but instead has a neon green label "Quick Reference" plus a blue label "3-day loan". New material added to this sub-collection will not have either of these labels. We will instead rely on the Primo display as well as the new call number rubric of "Quick-Ref".
Procedure Feb. 2024 onwards:
See 2642899 for an example [*Update with better e.g. & MMS ID post-Alma*]
852 1/ $b MAIN $c curr-over $h --- $i ---
CD | curr-cd | cd |
DVD | curr-video | video |
Videocassettes | curr-video | video |
008/22 | Target Audience |
a - Preschool. intended for preschool children, approximate ages 0-5 years If an accurate Target Audience encoding is already present, leave as is Do not add to teacher’s guides |
082 |
Dewey Decimal Classification Number |
082 04 $a 510 $2 23 Only include base DDC number Add $2 to indicate Dewey edition number |
385 | Audience Characteristics |
385 00 $m Educational level group: $n edu $a Fourth grade students $2 lcdgt Do not add 385. Do not delete from copy. |
505 | Formatted Contents Note |
Do not add 505 if there is a 520 summary note containing most of the information. Do not delete from copy. |
520 | Summary |
As per LC-PCC PS 7.10, summarization of content is a CORE element for LC for fiction intended for children. The 520 should be in the language of cataloguing (English) and not the language of the book. 520 // $a When Eugenides' bragging lands him in prison, Gen's only hope for freedom lies in joining a quest to steal a legendary object. If the source of the summary is known, add $c Assigning source 520 // $a "Do You Wonder? is a witty but profound match-up of gorgeous art to open-ended questions. Questions range from funny, everyday observations to big questions of the universe. It is a collection of endless possibilities that can be read again and again with new discoveries each time."-- $c Provided by publisher. |
521 | Intended Audience |
Information about the intended audience and/or intellectual level of the material is given in a note in the 521 field (target audience note) provided this information is available from the work itself. First Indicator values: 521 1/ $a Ages 7 and up. 521 2/ Grade level: 1.7. |
586 | Awards Note |
Add 586 field for information on awards associated with item. Field is repeated for each occurrence of an award. 586 // $a Newbery Honor Book, 1980.
586 // $a Caldecott Honor Book, 1979.
586 // $a John Newbery Medal for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children, 1951.
650 | Subject Headings |
Do not use second indicator 1 (LC subject headings for children's literature). Instead, check if heading is valid in LCSH. If equivalent is found, switch second indicator to 0 (Library of Congress Subject Headings) |
655 | Genre Headings |
Add the following genre heading for books geared to encourage reading, specifically reluctant readers: 655 /7 $a High interest-low vocabulary books. $2 lcgft |
856 | Electronic Location and Access |
Retain 856s for lesson plans and for resources that supplement the item. Do not retain 856s for table of contents, summaries, etc. |
Curric Holdings records should be coded:
For locations, refer to the Mearns-McPherson Library Locations in Alma table and use codes beginning with "curr" ; See supervisor if any questions.
DDC Call Numbers Last revised: 2024-07-18 (GLJ)
WebDewey - use DDC 23
292 | Classical religion (Greek and Roman religion) |
324.971 |
Canadian politics
372.4 | Phonics (elementary) (primary and elementary readers) |
372.6 | Literature related, teaching through drama |
394.2 | Christmas, celebrations … (Use 823 if it tells a story) |
398.2 | Folk tales, fairy tales and modernized versions of folk tales and fairy tales (use 823 for adaptations and retelling of tales in comic book/graphic form) |
423 | Dictionaries, thesaurus |
421.1 | Alphabet books (use 823 if it tells a story) [legacy call number was 423.2] |
428.6 | Secondary readers |
438 | German |
440.A1 |
All French Language Material
468 | Spanish |
468.6 | Spanish fiction and poetry |
513.2 | Counting books (elementary) (use 823 if book tells a story) |
634.9 | Forests, rainforests, rainforest ecology, etc. (NOTE: continue placing them here for now, even though not technically always correct – ie: rainforest ecology should be 577.34 - ignore that for now – Pia consulted – May 2015) |
709.24 | Biographies of artists (painters, etc., Emily Carr for example) |
792 |
Performing drama, activities |
792.07 | Education, research in drama |
822 | Plays |
821 | Poetry |
823 |
English fiction, picture books, graphic novels
Double cutter with the author first, title second.
If the graphic novel is an adaptation of another’s work, class under the adaptor’s name. Example: 9940261943807291
823.008 | Collections of short stories by multiple authors *(including aboriginal collections) |
971 | History & geography - Canada |
If book is catalogued for Main Stacks - use LCC instead of DDC
**If book is a Historical Text that has not yet been digitized, end procedure here. Attach note to indicate book is not yet digitized. Give book to Shelley to put in Gifts room on appropriate shelf. (Nov. 18, 2018 – Pia)
**If book has been digitized and is listed on spreadsheet, continue with the following steps:
LDR | Cataloging form = i: ISBD punctuation included |
006 | Computer File Form of Item = o: Online Type of File = d: Document |
007 | Electronic Resource Specific Material Designation = r: Remote Color = m: Mixed Dimension = n: Not applicable Sound on Medium = _ : No sound (silent) Image Bit Depth = ---: Unknown All other 007 fields can be coded as the last element on the dropdown list: : No attempt to code |
008 | Form of item = o: Online |
035 | Remove 035 fields |
040 |
Add ‡b eng and ‡e rda (if not present already)
If an electronic version from OCLC is brought in to Voyager, leave 040 as is.
If copying from existing print version in Voyager, replace 040 with ‡a CaBViV ‡b eng and ‡e rda ‡c CaBViV
300 | ‡a 1 online resource (158 pages) : ‡b illustrations (do not add dimensions) |
336 | ‡a text ‡2 rdacontent |
337 | ‡a computer ‡2 rdamedia |
338 | ‡a online resource ‡2 rdacarrier |
590 | Add, as appropriate: 590 ‡a BC Historical School Textbooks. (add to every electronic historical text bibliographic record) 590 ‡a Bookplate: Provincial Library & Archives, Victoria, B.C. (only if appropriate) 590 ‡a Contributed to the Internet Archive by the University of Victoria Libraries. (Only add to digital record) |
6XX | *Take out FAST fields, as they normally wouldn’t be kept in an original record.* |
856 |
Add the URL (from the spreadsheet) to an 856 field. Test link to be certain it directs to the correct item on Internet Archive. 856 4 0 ‡u (copy and paste URL from spreadsheet) |
Last revised: 2022-10-18 (LD)
B.C. Historical Textbooks Transferred to Special Collections
The Education Librarian selects the B.C. Historical Textbooks that will be transferred to the Special Collections.- Overflow (sc-ovflw) location.
The selected books will be brought to Metadata to update the location and loan policy for each item.
NOTE: The "Circulation Desk Operator, Mearns-McPherson Desk" Fulfillment user role is required to update the location.
Follow these steps:
Example: 428.62 / F47M26 (F47 for Ferris, M26 for Mailbox)
Many Curriculum books received for the collection are in Indigenous languages, in particular, Inuktitut. These books may have text in Indigenous syllabics or romanized characters, English or French to name a few. They also may be translations, have multiple languages in one book or even be published in multiple versions such as paperback, hardback and/or board book. Sometimes there is very little copy available for this material and the only information available might be found on the publisher's website. All of these characteristics combined make this material complex and challenging to catalogue.
Helpful information for cataloguing these books is available in the LibGuide. Refer to the following sections:
Formats > Monographs > Translations
General Cataloguing > Bibliographic > Classification
NOTE: Class French Indigenous titles in 440.A1
For access to virtual keyboards see: Formats > Non-English Language Material > Indigenous languages
Formats > Monographs > Subject Cataloguing
If the title is in Indigenous syllabics (for example Inuktitut), also add the Alternate Graphic Representation (field 880). Note that the Latin characters are entered into the 245 field and the syllabics are entered as the Alternate Graphic Representation.
Use a virtual keyboard to enter the syllabics by copying and pasting the syllabics from the virtual keyboard into the bibliographic field. It may also be necessary to use a syllabics converter to convert the syllabics into Latin characters.
245 10 $a Allanngguaq / $c titiraqtuq Suulumuuni Ava ; titiqtugaqtuq Hui Lim. 10 $a ᐊᓪᓚᖖᒍᐊᕐᒃ / $c ᑎᑎᕋᕐᒃ ᓲᓗᒨᓂ ᐊᕙ ; ᑎᑎᕋᕐᒃᑐᒐᕐᒃᑐᕐᒃ ᕼᐅᐃ ᓕᒻ.
Enhanced bibliographic description will be added to the following categories of Special Collections material:
Books published/printed earlier than 1910
Incunabula (produced prior to 1501)
Rare and/or limited edition books
One of a kind books (i.e. artists’ books)
Books with unusual and/or special characteristics (i.e. author’s autograph, bookplate)
Books identified by Associate Director of Special Collections
Enhanced bibliographic description may include applying Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (RDA Edition) and/or the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging. Refer to the specific sections of the LibGuide for more details.
How to tie a book with cotton twill tape:
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (RDA Edition)
Descriptive Cataloging of Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Manuscripts (AMREMM)
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts)
The following are resources that may aid in the assigning of the RBMS terms:
Binding Terms:
Paper Terms:
Provenance Evidence:
Printing and Publishing:
Use full DCRMR in addition to RDA for the following categories of Special Collections material:
Books published/printed earlier than 1910
Incunabula (produced prior to 1501)
Rare and/or limited edition books
One of a kind books (i.e. artists’ books)
Books with unusual and/or special characteristics (i.e. author’s autograph, bookplate)
Books identified by Associate Director of Special Collections
If records are full-level DCRMR records, cataloguing source will include both rda and dcrmr, LDR/17 will be left blank and LDR/18 will be coded i.
040 // $a CaBViV $b eng $e rda $e dcrmr $c CaBViV
LDR/17 = [blank] (full level)
LDR/18 = i (ISBD punctuation)
Older records in the catalogue might have the cataloguing source of $e dcrmb. Do not use this code as it is for the older version of DCRM: DCRM (Books).
DCRMR Bibliographic Description
Last revised: 20234-04-22 (LD)
0.1 - Data provenance Base the description on the item in hand. If describing an examplar of a manifestation known to be imperfect (e.g., lacking pages), and details of a perfect (or more perfect) copy can be determined, base the description on the perfect copy. Do not use square brackets ... Cite the source ... Make an item-level note (use field 590) describing the imperfection of the item in hand if considered important.
0.4 - Transcription (including punctuation, capitalization, etc.) DCRMR follows the option in RDA Toolkit: Transcription Guidelines to provide its own transcription standard. Transcribe information in the form and order in which it is presented in the resource ...
A1 | LDR/17 | Encoding level - leave blank for full level |
A1 | LDR/18 | Descriptive cataloging form - i (ISBD punctuation included) |
A2 | 040 |
Full-level DCRMR - Apply the code rda followed by dcrmr to records for resources cataloged at full level. 040 // $a CaBViV $b eng $e rda $e dcrmr $c CaBViV |
240 |
Preferred title (or conventional collective title) Refer to CMS LibGuide > Formats > Monographs > Preferred Title (240) |
245 |
Title proper, other title information, statement of responsibility - Transcribe in the form and order in which it is presented on the preferred source of information ... 245 10 $a Critique generale de l'Histoire du calvinisme de Mr. Maimbourg. 245 13 $a An inquiry into the human mind : |$b on the principles of common sense / $c by Thomas Reid, D.D. Late Professor of Philosophy in King's College, Aberdeen, and now Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. |
5.2 | 264 |
Publication statement - Transcribe the Publication statement in the form and order in which it is presented on the preferred source of information ... 5.2.34 Determine if resource bears statements relating to both publication and to distribution or manufacture, determine whether or not the statements are grammatically separable. 264 /1 $a Dublin : $b Printed for Alexander Ewing, in Dame-Street, $c MDCCLXIV [1764] 264 /1 $a London : $b Printed for A. Millar, London, and A. Kincaid, and J. Bell, Edinburgh, $c MDCCLXV [1765] | | 264 $c |
Date of publication - Transcribe dates of publication in the form and order in which they are presented on the preferred source of information ... Include the day and month in present. Transcribe words and phrases such as “in the year” and “anno”. Roman numerals. If the date appears in roman numerals, transcribe the date as it appears. Retain punctuation but omit internal spaces (see Transcription, 0.4.34 and Transcription, Supply the year in arabic numerals in square brackets. Include the day and month, if present, following the pattern: day, month, year. 264 /1 $a a Ville-Franche : $b Chez Pierre Le Blanc, $c MDCLXXXII [1682] |
6.21.3 | 300 $a |
Extent - Record every leaf in the volume or other physical unit as issued by the publisher, including leaves of text, leaves of plates, and blank leaves. Do not record leaves added as part of the binding or the binding itself. 6.21.421.2 Record the complete number of pages, leaves, or columns in accordance with the terminology suggested by the volume (or other physical unit) itself. For a volume with leaves numbered on both sides, or with leaves unnumbered and printed on both sides, record the extent in pages. If the leaves are numbered on one side but printed on both sides, record the numbering as leaves. Follow 6.21.4225 for unnumbered pages or leaves: record unnumbered pages or leaves by enclosing the total number in the sequence within square brackets. 300 // $a [16], 339, [1] pages 300 // $a iv, [40], 328 pages 300 // $a [60], 524, 731-966, 49, [43] pages, [1] leaf of plates 300 // $a xviii, [1], 12-361, [15] pages 300 // $a xiv, 15-640, [16] pages, [23] leaves of plates |
6.29.3 | 340 |
Bibliographic format - For hand-press publications, record the bibliographic format of the manifestation whenever the format can be determined. 340 // $m 4to $2 rdabf | | 588 |
Note on title proper - Always include a note on the source of the title proper if it is taken from a source other than the preferred source of information. 588 // $a Title from colophon. | | 500 |
Type of binding - If considered important, include details of publisher-issued bindings that are common to all copies of an edition or issue. 500 // Toy book cut in the shape of a giraffe. |
9.3.35 | 500 |
Limitation statements - Add the statement of limitation in a note, preferably in quoted form. If there is additional information, include as much as considered important in the note. (Note that the actual copy number of the item being catalogued is included in a 590 note.) 500 // "250 copies printed"--preface. 500 // "300 copies set in monotype Janson and printed letterpress on Frankfurt cream paper by Patrick Reagh & Vance Gerry, Los Angeles, California, June, 1981"--colophon. |
9.41.35 | 563 |
Binding information - Describe item-specific bindings if considered important. Because this binding information is specific to the item in our collection, include $5 CaBViV at the end. If there is more than one Special Collections copy or if there is a copy in the Main collection, preface the note with "Special Collections copy #". 563 // $a Bound in brown leather; spine has raised bands with gilt ornamentation and lettering. $5 CaBViV 563 // $a Bound in brown leather with tooled gilt decorations on covers and spines; enclosed in slipcase; decorated endpapers match decorative pattern on slipcase. $5 CaBViV 563 // $a Bound in brown leather; spine has evidence of gilt ornamentation and lettering. ‡5 CaBViV |
9.41.33 | 590 |
Provenance evidence - Record physical evidence of provenance on the item if considered important ,,, More detailed descriptions of provenance evidence might include such additional features as exact transcriptions of autographs, inscriptions, bookplates, stamps, shelfmarks, etc. If there is more than one Special Collections copy or if there is a copy in the Main collection, preface the note with "Special Collections copy #". 590 // $a Special Collections copy 2 has autograph: L.C. Bouvier. 590 // $a Has bookplate: Robert G. Weyant, Ph.D., Ex Libris. |
5.34 | 590 |
Note on manufacture statement - If found on piece, add a note on about the printing of a published manifestation. 590 // $a March 1920 printing. |
9.4.3 | 590 |
Note on item - Make a note for any special features of the item when they are considered important. Notes may also refer to marginalia, damage, missing pages, etc. Use the 590 field to indicate the presence of enclosures/ephemera that are found in the book. Examples include: clippings, letters, promotional material or business cards from publishers, etc. If there is more than one Special Collections copy or if there is a copy in the Main collection, preface the note with "Special Collections copy #". 590 // $a Special Collections copy is No. 13. With original dustjacket. 590 // $a Front and back boards are loose. 590 // $a Author's obituary (New York times, 5/28/87) laid in. 590 // $a Copy number 253 of 300 copies. |
The RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging (RBMS CVRMC) is maintained by the Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG), a committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Libraries Association (ALA). RBMS CVRMC is a standardized vocabulary for the description of rare books by form, genre, and/or other physical characteristics including binding, paper, printing and publishing evidence, provenance evidence, and type evidence. These characteristics are of particular interest to some researchers and will aid in the discoverability of the unique and special aspects of the Special Collections rare book collection.
Use of the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary
The RBMS Controlled Vocabulary will be applied for the following types of Special Collections printed materials:
- Books published/printed earlier than 1910
- Rare and/or limited edition books
- One of a kind books (i.e. artists’ books)
- Books with unusual and/or special characteristics (i.e. author’s autograph, bookplate)
- Books identified by Associate Director of Special Collections
NOTE: Apply terms as appropriate and only if readily ascertainable.
Last revised: 2024-07-18 (GLJ)
All Special Collections records must have a 561 gifts, purchased or transferred note
***Always use the "Enhance the Record" function to add a 561 field; do not simply copy & paste from the examples below, as the latter will result in improper character encoding and therefore improper display of characters & text in Primo***
Note: For University Archives gifts, use field 590.
561 1# $a Gift of [xxx xxx], 20xx. $5 CaBViV
561 1# $a Purchased from [xxxx] on the [xxxx] Fund, 20xx. $5 CaBViV
For Standing orders: See the bibliographic record of the DAR. Here you will find a field 561 with appropriate gift note.
For more information about DARs, refer to the Receipt - DUMMY ACQUISITIONS RECORDs section
Example: Hotam Press Collection, POL-637, MMS ID: 9957676335007291
How to Search in Alma by POL Number
Item Records
This includes monographs, annuals and serials issued less frequently than annual
(sc) PR 5299 .S7 J35 1899
sc | Max. Height: 32 cm | Max. Depth: 22 cm | Rubric: (sc) |
sc-ova | Max. Height: 39 cm | Max. Depth: 30 cm | Rubric: (sc),ova |
sc-ovb | Max. Height: 51 cm | Max. Depth: 38 cm | Rubric: (sc),ovb |
sc-ovc | Greater than 63 x 57 cm | Rubric: (sc),ovc |
The British Library's English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) is a union catalogue recording holdings for more than 2,000 libraries world-wide. It covers monograph and serial letterpress items that are:
When cataloging a book published before 1801, search for the item in the ESTC database.
Compare the pagination, publisher, publication date, notes, etc. in order to determine if the item in hand matches the ESTC record.
If a matching record is found, add the ESTC Citation number to the bibliographic record in the 510 field.
Do not include leading zeros in the ESTC number. Example: record ESTC R019768 as: 510 4_ ‡a ESTC, ‡c R19768
Add a pink ESTC flag to the item to indicate to SC that there is an ESTC number in the record. Do not write the ESTC number on the flag.
SC will add UVic holdings to ESTC.
SC will let Metadata know if the ESTC number in the bibliographic record needs to be updated.
AMREMM (Descriptive cataloging of ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and early modern manuscripts) - Used primarily for describing manuscripts of pre-modern, scriptorium era. There is also a copy located in: TEC Z695.5 P37 2003.
DCRM(MSS) - Provides guidelines and instructions for the description of individual textual manuscripts. The term "manuscript" includes unpublished textual items.
"Fragmentarium enables libraries, collectors, researchers and students to publish images of medieval manuscript fragments, allowing them to catalogue, describe, transcribe, assemble and re-use them." -- fragmentarium.ms/
Students enrolled in Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin's ENGL 503 "Introduction to Manuscript Studies and Archival Methods" course each work on a project to add manuscript fragments found in Special Collections to the UVic Fragmentarium collection. Some of the manuscript fragments are based on descriptions found in Vault; while others describe manuscript fragments that have been used as part of the binding in books that are located in the physical collection. In the latter cases, the link to Fragmentarium is included in the bibliographic record. As well, the following fields are added to the Alma record:
563 // |a Bound in manuscript fragments. |5 CaBViV
655 /7 |a Manuscript waste. |2 rbmscv |5 CaBViV
856 42 |3 [Title in Fragmentarium] |u [URL]
Example: 856 42 |3 Missal - fragment |u https://fragmentarium.ms/searchresult/overview/F-couj
susan to help
If indicated on the gift flag, add: 996 // $a Transgender Archives collection. $5 CaBViV
Refer to the Curriculum section of the Libguide.
Follow the procedure found in the Bound With Titles section of the LibGuide
Specific instructions for Special Collections bound withs:
Note the difference between these two RBMS Controlled Vocabulary terms:
Use for bound volumes made up of separately produced works bound together for an owner.
For volumes made up of previously published pamphlets, reissued, usually with a collective title page, use Nonce collections.
655 /7 $a Sammelbands. $2 rbmscv $5 CaBViV
Use for volumes made up of previously published pamphlets reissued, usually with a collective title page.
For volumes bound together for an owner, use Sammelbands.
655 /7 $a Nonce collections. $2 rbmscv $5 CaBViV
Add field 590 if indicated on the gift flag.
Field 590 is not added to UA purchased items.
In the past, all UVic publications were classified in LE3 Vxxx. This often created long cutter numbers, particularly with the second cutter, since they were cuttered by main entry (which was usually University of Victoria …).
Around 2002, the policy was changed so that publications are now being classified in the subject area rather than in LE3 (i.e. Centre on Aging bulletin classified in the “Aging” classification range) -- from Document written by SJ/2012, Classification & Cuttering of Serials.
(Policy confirmed October 2016 via email exchange with Jane Morrison, Associate University Archivist.)
Public lectures are delivered periodically at UVic covering a range of general interest topics. With the permission of the lecturer, UVic Television Services records each lecture. One copy is burned to a DVD and sent to Metadata in batches. If there is more than one format, we get a hard copy (disc) of each format. When the videos arrive in Metadata, they are arranged by date and given the next accession number for that year. Each years number sequence begins at no. 001.
Video files are also uploaded into UVicSpace > UVic Lectures
Discs are sent to University Archives:
Title of Lecture Series | Call number |
David and Dorothy Lam lectures (DL) | AS42 V5D3 [date] no. |
Distinguished professor lectures (DP) | AS42 V5D5 [date] no. |
Humanities Centre lectures (HU) | AS42 V5H8 [date] no. |
John Albert Hall lectures (JA) | AS42 V5J6 [date] no. |
Lansdowne lectures (LL) | AS42 V5L3 [date] no. |
President's distinguished lectures (PD) | AS42 V5P7 [date] no. |
Provost's lectures (PL) | AS42 V5P72 [date] no. |
Public lecture (University of Victoria (B.C.)) (OT) | AS42 V5P8 [date] no. |
Distinguished women scholars lectures (WS) | AS42 V5W6 [date] no. |
MARC Field | Update | Example |
008 |
Add year in 008/7-10 (Year of lecture, as written on disc. These will be left as Type of date/Publication status(6) = s-Single known date/Probable date) |
2019 |
090 | Year and number - Browse Shelf Listing to determine the next number | 090 // ‡a AS42 ‡b V5L3 2019 no. 015 |
100 | Add speaker name | 100 1/ ‡a Lamba, Rinku, ‡e speaker. |
245 |
Add title (Title should match what appears in UVicSpace; disregard typically shortened form of title written on disc itself; do not add 246 variant title. DO apply $b-Remainder of title subfield whenever applicable. Do NOT add $c-Statement of responsibility) |
245 14 ‡a The meaning(s) of religion in India. |
500 | Add Department name | 500 // ‡a Presented by the Religious Studies Program. |
500 | Add month, day, year of lecture | 500 // ‡a Lecture given at the University of Victoria, March 14, 2019. |
710 |
Add Department name (Department acronym can be found as part of filename in UVicSpace as well as written on disc itself, however, if in doubt re. full department name, search in UVic's "Find a service or department" directory) |
710 2/ ‡a University of Victoria (B.C.). ‡b Religion, Culture and Society Program. |
830 | Add year of lecture | 830 /0 ‡a Lansdowne lectures. ‡f 2019. |
Holdings Record
Create holdings using template: UVic Video - MAIN/arc-sto
If necessary, add an 866:
Item Record
Processing Procedures
Karen D. to assist bringing over content from old LibGuide except VNFC
[Done as of Apr 25/22 KD]
Send books to the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society
There will be no Scan In Items step for this material. Once catalogued and processed, place the item(s) in a bubble envelope (or in a box, if several items), addressed to:
Last revised: 2024-05-09 (GLJ)
Background: Since 2019, the Victoria Native Friendship Centre (VNFC) Bruce Parisian Library creates and manages their own collection using LibraryThing/TinyCat. UVic Libraries no longer maintains records for VNFC's collection within our catalogue, however, we do continue to provide support with classification and shelflisting for VNFC. As the VNFC collection is classified using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System, this work is typically performed by Metadata staff with responsibility for (or experience with) our own Curriculum Collection.
Workflow tip (optional): Print out the list of items needing call numbers. This way, those covering the same subjects can be easily seen at a glance, and can most likely be assigned similar call numbers. Write these call numbers in pencil on the printed page. Return to the list on LibraryThing to check that the call numbers slot into the Bruce Parisian library catalogue. (Follow shelflisting instructions in Step 6.) Do they fit with the surrounding books, or do they need adjustments? Decide this, and fix if necessary, then carry on with Step 5.
NOTE: Before you proceed any further, confirm there are no other copies in VNFC’s catalogue. Check for a section called “Your Other Editions” about halfway down the page. It will not be listed if there are no other copies. However, if you DO notice this section, then notify VNFC staff via email. They have instructions for adding additional copies to the collection themselves. Otherwise, proceed to Step 6.
NOTE: You can shelflist for the VNFC collection using LibraryThing – go to the folder “All collections” to view the entire catalogue list, sort by “Other call number system” and navigate to the call number you would like to assign. You can also try the “Search your library” function in upper right corner – enter the class number only to browse just that part of the collection.
Additional Tips & Information:
The public side of VNFC’s catalogue (TinyCat) is available at: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/vnfc
VNFC Bruce Parisian Library email: library@vnfc.ca
There is not much information in the LibraryThing catalogue that VNFC uses, as to which call number to choose. It may help to search for the book in our UVic Libraries catalogue first, to see if there is already a Dewey call number assigned, and use that. Also check OCLC to see what other libraries have assigned.
The following is a breakdown of the common call numbers and general categories used for the VNFC Library:
Common call numbers: Victoria Native Friendship Centre Library (updated May 2024)
299.7 Religion
305.897 Social customs (Indigenous peoples--North America)
306.44 Indigenous languages (studies on)
323.1197 Government relations (Indigenous peoples--North America)
346.71 Land claims (Indigenous peoples--Canada)
362.7 Child welfare
364.3 Indigenous justice (crime)
371.829 Residential schools (for schools for specific groups of students – education of students by ethnic & national origin)
371.97 Education and residential schools (Social sciences – Education – teachers, methods & discipline – Education of special classes – by racial, ethnic or national origin) -- *Breakdowns from chart of Melvil Decimal System at “LibraryThing.com/mds.5”
398.2 Folklore
428.62 New literates / Adult learners
497 Indigenous languages
615.5 Naturopathy
615.8 Folk medicine / Traditional medicine
704.03 Art (general)
709.24 Artist biography
709.7 Art (North America)
709.71 Art (Canada)
709.73 Art (U.S.)
730.92 Individual sculptors, carvers
731 Sculpture, carving, masks, totem poles
812 Plays written in English by an Indigenous author and/or about Indigenous content
820 Literature (history and criticism)
820.8 Literature (general collections)
821 Poetry
822 Drama
823 Used for biography or criticism of fiction authors in the VNFC library system
823.008 Collections of short stories by multiple authors
824 Essays
824.008 Essays with more than one author
827 Humor
917.1 Canada (description and travel)
917.11 British Columbia (description and travel)
970.004 Indigenous peoples--North America (including Pacific Northwest if covers Canada and U.S.)
971.004 Indigenous peoples--Canada (Do not divide by provinces)
971.1 British Columbia (history)
971.9 Alaska / Arctic / Inuit
972.004 Mexico / Central America
973.004 Indigenous peoples--United States (Do not divide by states)
980s South America
Place biographies with their subject areas.
Do not divide Indigenous peoples by provinces or states.
For Indigenous peoples outside North America, use country/history subdivisions. (e.g. Australia – 994)
Fiction books:
FIC (and first 3 letters of author’s name) - Novels and short stories
JP (and first 3 letters of author’s name) - Junior picture books (usually pre-school or board books.)
DVDs, streaming video, etc.
Class in subject areas.