Recall a book that is checked-out
If you need a book that is checked-out to another patron, you can place a recall on that book. An email notification will be sent informing you when your item is available for pickup. Your item will be held for one week.
Type your title / author keywords into the Search box on the library home page.

Locate the book that you need in the search results list. Click on the title to check availability.

If the book is already on loan you may be able to request it using the recall service. Click on the sign-in link to see your options.

Sign in using your UVic ID. Community users can sign in with their library barcode number.

Click the Hold/Recall link.

Select your pickup location in the drop-down menu and click “Send Request”.

You will receive notification that your request was successfully placed.

You will receive an email when your item is ready for pick-up. You can view the status of your requests by selecting “My Requests” under your user name in the upper right hand corner of Library Search. You must sign in in order to view your account information.