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UVic Library Search Help

Tips for using the Library Search interface at the University of Victoria Libraries.

Reading Results

Once you have input your search terms and clicked the search button on the library website, a set of results will appear that conforms to the criteria you identified. An example set of results for "Indigenous languages" and "policy" are pictured in the following image.

Screenshot of a list of results for the query "Ind

Each results page is divided into two sections. The menu on the left side (labelled [1] below) provides various ways to narrow your search. The content on the right (labelled [2] below) is a list of results comprised of source records. 

Screenshot shows the same image as above, but with the left section of the screen that contains filters circled and labeled "1", and the right side of the screen containing a list of records circled and labeled "2"

Each list of results begins with the total number of sources your search has retrieved. 

Image points to the total number of sources retrieved, displayed directly above the list of records

Reading an Item Record

"Record" is the word that the library uses to describe each item in your set of results. So each complete set of results is comprised of any source records retrieved through your search.

Item records are important because they provide basic information about each source including:

  1. The source format (e.g. book, article, video, etc.).
  2. The title, author, editor, date, and publication information, alternatively called the citation. 
  3. And location information including digital availability.

Each element of the brief record is highlighted with a number in the following image. 

A screenshot of a record summary on the results page, with the source format, title, and location information all numbered in the above order

If you would like to see more information about a specific item, click on the source title. This will open a more detailed version of the record as pictured below. 

A screenshot of the full, detailed record

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.