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UVicSpace Guidelines

Information about using the University of Victoria's institutional repository, UVicSpace

Before you deposit

  • Consider whether you would like to withhold your thesis
    By default, all theses are openly accessible in UVicSpace. You can request to to withhold your thesis, e.g., if you are considering publishing or patenting any part of your work.
    • Be sure to submit the Withholding Form well in advance of submitting your thesis to UVicSpace — the request must be approved by your supervisor and the Faculty of Graduate Studies before the thesis is submitted.
  • Complete your oral defense and all revisions to your thesis
    Theses are submitted to UVicSpace after they have been successfully defended. All edits to the thesis must be made before it is submitted.
    • IMPORTANT: Theses cannot be revised after they have been deposited in UVicSpace.
  • Create a UVicSpace account
    • Go to
    • Click Log In --> New user? Click here to register.
    • Type your email address --> click Register.
    • Verify your email address.
  • Get permission to submit your thesis
    Email and ask for permission to upload your thesis. GARO (Graduate Admissions and Records Office) staff will add you as a submitter to the ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection.
  • Review the Thesis format checklist and sample pages
    This checklist from GARO outlines all the necessary formatting requirements for your thesis. Follow these instructions carefully to avoid delays later in the process.
  • Name the file using the following convention:
    Smith_John_PhD_2010.pdf or Jones_Emily_MASc_2023.pdf
Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.