1. Create a UVicSpace account
- Go to dspace.library.uvic.ca.
- Click Log In --> New user? Click here to register.
- Type your email address --> click Register.
- Check your email and confirm the account creation.
2. Get permission to submit your work to UVicSpace
Email uvicspacehelp@uvic.ca for permission to submit to a collection. UVicSpace admin will add you as a submitter.
3. Check publisher permissions
Review Checking publisher permissions to determine what version of the article you are allowed to upload to the repository, and when you are allowed to upload it.
If you are uploading another kind of item, ensure you have permission to do so. If you aren't sure, email uvicspacehelp@uvic.ca.
4. Prepare the file
Preprints, postprints, and published works need a cover page that includes the original publication information. Use the appropriate type of cover page template, covert it to a PDF, and attach it to the file before uploading.
Complete the cover page
- Faculty: list the UVic author's home faculty.
- If the author is cross-appointed, use their primary faculty.
- Article title: Use sentence case.
- Author(s): List the author(s) names as they appear in the article (in the same order, using initials or full names).
- Publication date: If more than one publication date is associated with an article, use the copyright date that corresponds to the specific edition and issue of the journal in which the article was published.
- Copyright statement: If a CC license has been applied, list the copyright holder and include a link to the appropriate license. If the article is being uploaded by permission of the publisher, include a statement to that effect.
- Publication DOI: Include the DOI for the published article as a live link. If it doesn’t have a DOI, include the most stable URI or link available.
- Citation: follow APA style.
- For papers with more than seven authors, after the first 6 authors’ names, use an ellipsis (…) in place of the remaining author names. Then, end with the final author's name (do not place an ampersand before it):
Pegion, K., Kirtman, B. P., Becker, E., Collins, D. C., LaJoie, E., Burgman, R., … Kim, H. (2019). The subseasonal experiment (SubX): A multimodel subseasonal prediction experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(10), 2043-2061. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0270.1
- Article number: if the journal uses article numbers rather than page numbers, use the article number in the citation where page numbers usually go.
Name the file
Name the file using the following convention: lastname_firstname_journalabbreviation_publicationyear
e.g., glickman_jenny_JNatConserv_2023
- If the article has more than one author, use the name of the first author.
- for preprints or unpublished items, use a shortened title instead of the journal abbreviation.
- Use the journal's official abbreviation, found here: