Complete the submission form following the guidelines below. Title and Date of issue are required fields, but you can leave the others blank if they're not applicable.
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Complete the submission form.
Authors: Enter last name, first name of each author in the order of their appearance on the item. Ignore the grey circle in the Last Name box and the Search and Edit buttons on the right.
Title (required): Enter the title of the item in sentence case.
Other Titles: The item may have multiple titles, such as a translated title. Enter your work's additional titles using the + Add more button.
Date of Issue (required): Enter the copyright year of the item.
Publisher: Enter the publisher's name. For journal articles, use the title of the journal.
Citation: Enter the publication's citation in APA.
Series/Report No.: Enter the item's series/report number.
Identifiers: Select the type of identifier from the dropdown menu and then enter the identifier itself. If the identifier is a DOI, select URI from the list.
Type: Select the item's type from the dropdown menu. If the type isn't listed, select Other.
Language: Select the primary language for the item.
Keywords: Enter the item's keywords or phrases in lowercase. Click + Add more if you have more than one keyword.
Abstract: Copy and paste the abstract from the item. Remove any extra line breaks. The form doesn't support some special characters or formatting.
Sponsors: List any sponsors of the research (e.g. CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC, the B.C. Ministry of Social Development, et cetera). Please ensure you include the grant number.
Description: Enter any non-financial support to the project (e.g. lab support, data).
Peer Review Status: For preprints and other non-peer-review items, select Unreviewed. For postprints and published articles, select Reviewed.
Scholarly Level: Select the highest scholarly level that applies.
Creative Commons license: Only select a Creative Commons license if the item already has one or if it is required by the publisher. Select Creative Commons and answer the questions, after which the link to your chosen Creative Commons license will appear. Click I grant the license above.
Deposit license: Click I confirm the license above.
Review and deposit
Review the information you have entered for accuracy. Click + Deposit.