Publishers usually allow self-archiving of a scholarly work in an institutional repository. Limitations may exist on what version of a scholarly work you are allowed to upload (e.g., Published Version, Accepted Manuscript/Post-Print, or Submitted/Pre-Print version), and when you are allowed to upload it (i.e., after an embargo). 
Consider using the Canadian Author Addendum to Publication Agreement to secure self-archiving rights (if they don't already exist in the publication agreement) when your future articles are accepted for publication.
Some points to consider include:
- Open Access (OA) journal articles: If your work is published under any of the six Creative Commons licenses, you can upload it to UVicSpace.
- Non-OA journal articles: Check Sherpa Romeo,, or the journal's website to see if the publisher allows for self-archiving of the post-print/Author Accepted Manuscript version (see image on right).
- Book chapters: Review your contributor’s agreement to determine whether you have permission to upload a post-print version of your chapter to UVicSpace.
- Co-authors: Ensure that co-authors have given permission for the scholarly work to be uploaded.
Contact us at for assistance determining what you can upload.