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UVicSpace Guidelines

Information about using the University of Victoria's institutional repository, UVicSpace

Checking publisher permissions

Publishers usually allow self-archiving of a scholarly work in an institutional repository. Limitations may exist on what version of a scholarly work you are allowed to upload (e.g., Published Version, Accepted Manuscript/Post-Print, or Submitted/Pre-Print version), and when you are allowed to upload it (i.e., after an embargo). An infographic of the article publishing process: A journal article's publication process starts with rounds of drating and informal feedback. Once this is done, it becomes a preprint, also known as a work in progress and the submitted version. This can always be shared in a green OA repository at anytime. After it is submitted to the journal, peer review and author corrections happen, it becomes a postprint or Author-accepted manuscript (AAM). This version an always be shared in a green OA repository after accepted it is accepted by the journal (sometimes aftern embargo). Next the AAM is copy-edited, typest and formatted, becoming the Published version. This is also known as the version of record, and can be a PDF/HTML/XML/DOI from the journal. This can usually only be shared if published by a gold OA or hybrid journal.

Consider using the Canadian Author Addendum to Publication Agreement to secure self-archiving rights (if they don't already exist in the publication agreement) when your future articles are accepted for publication.

Some points to consider include:

  • Open Access (OA) journal articles: If your work is published under any of the six Creative Commons licenses, you can upload it to UVicSpace.
  • Non-OA journal articles: Check Sherpa Romeo,, or the journal's website to see if the publisher allows for self-archiving of the post-print/Author Accepted Manuscript version (see image on right).
  • Book chapters: Review your contributor’s agreement to determine whether you have permission to upload a post-print version of your chapter to UVicSpace.
  • Co-authors: Ensure that co-authors have given permission for the scholarly work to be uploaded.

Contact us at for assistance determining what you can upload.

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.