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Gender Studies - A Welcome to the Library for Gender Studies Students

This guide offers an introduction to all Gender Studies students, including everything from how to find resources to searching for journal articles and using UVic Libraries' databases.

Elements of Indigenous Style

Gregory Younging's Elements of Indigenous Style: A Guide for Writing by and about Indigenous Peoples is an excellent resource if you are drawing upon Indigenous ways of knowing within your scholarship. 

  1. Ebook
  2. Print book: PN147 Y68
  • McPherson stacks (two copies)
  • Law Library Reserve Reading Room
  • Victoria Native Friendship Centre Library

Citations using APA

APA (American Psychological Association) citation style is the most frequently used citation style for Gender Studies.  It follows the basic format of author last name, author first initial, year in brackets, article title, journal title italicized, volume italicized, number or issue in brackets, page range, and if you viewed this electronically you will need to include a webpage link url which may include a DOI (digital object identifier). 

Here is an example:

Campbell, C. (2017). Developing teachers’ professional learning: Canadian evidence and experiences in a world of educational improvement. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(2), 1-33.

For many more examples of both in-text and reference list possibilities, consult our handy UVic Libraries' APA (7th ed.) Quick Guide.







For other citation style guides, such as MLA (Modern Language Association), consult our Citation Help page.

Need more information on APA?  Check out the following:

Citation management tools
If you are working with a large number of citations, you may find it helpful to use an online citation management tool such as Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley.  There are numerous systems available, each with pros and cons.  The UVic Libraries' has created some guides to get you used to these systems and to compare. However, using a citation management tool is by no means a requirement, many researchers get by quite easily without them. 
It is essential to give credit when you use other people's content in your academic work.  Your assignments and exams must be your own original work, not someone else's.
"The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc.,
and passing it off as one's own; literary theft.
(Oxford English Dictionary online, 2006)
Check out UVic Libraries' guides on what the types of plagiarism are and how to avoid plagiarism. 

APA Citation Examples for GNDR 203, Indigenous Womxn in Canada

In text

Given there are several publications published the same year by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, use letters after the year (no space) to point to the full citation in your reference list. See the examples below with (2019a) and (2019b). The order is based on the order you cite in your paper.

First mention, spell out Department/Agency name followed by abbreviation in square brackets.

(National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls [MMIWG], 2019a)

Second mention abbreviation may be used.

(MMIWG, 2019a)

(MMIWG, 2019b)

Reference list

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Canada). (2019a). Reclaiming
power and place: The final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Vol. 1a. (
Catalogue No. CP32-163/2-1-2019E-PDF).

When you cite other publications with the same author and year put it in your reference list in the order you cited in your paper. First citation in text (and in the reference list) put an “a” after the year (2019a). Second citation would be (2019b). Third citation would be (2019c). Etc.

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.