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Covidence is a web-based platform that streamlines the process of conducting a comprehensive literature review.

How do I screen full text?

Once you have imported the full text of your references into Covidence, you're ready to start screening:

Step 1. From the "Review Summary" page select the horizontal tab labeled "Full text review" and click 'Continue'

Step 2. Make your decision by voting with the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE buttons on the right-hand buttons for each reference. If you are the first person casting a vote on an article, then the article will move to your 'Awaiting other reviewer' list. If you are the second person casting a vote on a reference, then it will move forward. Where the reference is moved forward to depends on its previous votes.

Step 3. Once you have screened all studies, your team will need to resolve all conflicts before you move onto Extraction.

By default, a new review within Covidence is set up in dual screening mode (more information here), so that each citation requires two votes in order to move forward in your review. These votes must be cast by a different two people each time. All voting is blinded, meaning your colleagues will be unable to see your votes until they've cast their own, and vice versa. 



For more information, please refer to Covidence’s Screening support page which includes further detailed information on:

  • Screening by title and abstract
  • Full text review
  • How to undo a vote
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Tagging
  • Highlighting keywords
  • Creating and viewing inclusion criteria
  • Customizing reasons for exclusion at Full Text stage
  • Voting "Maybe"


Click the “?” icon directly in the Covidence webpage banner (see below). 


E-mail Covidence directly at, or e-mail a UVic Librarian,

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.