Creating a review:
Step 1. Sign in to Covidence. From your Covidence homepage, you can open a new review by clicking "Start a new review".
Step 2. Check "No" for "Are you creating a Cochrane review". Then, add a unique title for your review. This can be changed later.
Note: It is very difficult to switch from a Cochrane review back to the regular Covidence stream.
Step 3. Once you've given a unique title to your review, select the institutional account for University of Victoria Libraries.
Note: You are given the option to use a personal account license (limited to one review) or the institutional license. We recommend that you use the UVic institutional account with unlimited reviews.
Step 4. Finally, click "Create Review". You'll be prompted to invite review collaborators, and then you're ready to go!
Once a review is created, you will be prompted to add co-reviewers.
Step 1. From the homepage, select the review's title you wish to add co-reviewers to.
Step 2. Click on “Settings” from the review dashboard.
Step 3. On the Settings page, navigate to "Add/remove reviewers" and click on the "Invite another reviewer" to enter the reviewer's first name and e-mail address.
Note: You may invite co-reviewers using a non UVic e-mail address. You may invite co-reviewers at any stage in this process.
For more information, please refer to Covidence’s Getting Started support page which includes further detailed information on:
Click the “?” icon directly in the Covidence webpage banner (see below).
E-mail Covidence directly at, or e-mail a UVic Librarian,