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Covidence is a web-based platform that streamlines the process of conducting a comprehensive literature review.

Extraction 2.0

The New Extraction 2.0 Updated September 24, 2020

Extraction 1.0 was streamlined for RCT-focused reviews. Extraction 2.0 is designed to support other study designs, other topics, or other review types.

The Covidence product team has spent the first half of 2020 creating a brand new approach to extraction. It's way more flexible, customisable, and intuitive.

Have a look here!

How do I extract data?

Once you have completed full text screening, included articles will be moved to the "Extraction" portion of the review, where you can extract data from each study and rate its quality:

Step 1. After quality assessment, reviewers will move on to “Data Extraction”

Step 2. At “Extraction”, click “Continue”. For each study, you will see a screen like the one shown below. The center pane shows the general areas of data extraction and allows for quick navigation between each. The data extraction form has been designed to follow your PICO format. This format works best with interventional study designs, but it can be used with other study designs as well. 


Step 3. You can add customized fields or notes in the form.  Remember to “Save” it after inputting/editing.

Note: The first study you begin data extraction for will become your "Review Template." The tables set up here will be carried over to subsequently started extractions, where they can be individually edited if needed. Only the first reviewer can edit the template; the first reviewer can be changed at any time by clicking "Manage reviewers" on the study's pane Extraction page.

Step 4. Once two reviewers have extracted data, you will need to compare their data and come to consensus. It is consensus data which will be exported later on.


Note: If a reviewer has not collected certain data points, that will be indicated by the cell being outlined in red. Missing data will continue to appear as grey-ed out.

Watch this video produced by Covidence titled "Creating Data Extraction Forms"


For more information on Extraction 1.0, please refer to Covidence’s Extraction 1.0 support page which includes further detailed information on:

  • Getting started with Data Extraction
  • Setting up extraction tables for outcomes
  • Adding a custom study design
  • Adding custom text fields
  • Comparison and Consensus

For more information on Extraction 2.0, please refer to Covidence’s Extraction 2.0 support page which includes further detailed information on:

  • Available features
  • Create and publish a data extraction template
  • Create and publish a quality assessment template
  • Data extraction and quality assessment 
  • Consensus
  • Export
  • Settings
  • Providing feedback and getting help

  • Questions?

    Click the “?” icon directly in the Covidence webpage banner (see below). 


    E-mail Covidence directly at, or e-mail a UVic Librarian,

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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.