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Research Data Services

Guidance, tools, and training to support faculty and students working with research data.

Select a Data Repository

Data are deposited in a repository towards the end of its lifecycle, when it is ready for sharing and publication. UVic Libraries can guide researchers in selecting an appropriate repository to suit their needs.

UVic Data Repository

  • UVic Dataverse is our multi-disciplinary repository supporting the storage, licensing and sharing of research data files.

National Repository

Disciplinary Repositories

Domain (or disciplinary) repositories are developed and managed by research communities, often with features to support the needs of specific data types.

  • is a directory of external, domain-based repositories to help researchers find a repository that meet any discipline-specific needs.

Generalist Repositories

Other public generalist data repositories exist for researchers to deposit and publish research data.  

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.