Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multi-disciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data.
The UVic Dataverse Collection is a proud member of Borealis. The platform is free for UVic-affiliated researchers to support the storage, sharing, citation and re-use of your research data.
The University of Victoria Dataverse Collection is suitable for all disciplines and accepts a wide range of data types and formats including:
While many file formats can be deposited in Dataverse repositories, it is recommended that file be in sustainable, non-proprietary formats that promote long-term access and reuse For more information, see UK Data Service Recommended formats.
All deposited files are held in a secure environment on Canadian servers, and depositors can choose to make content available publicly, to specific individuals, or to keep it locked.
Discoverability. Dataverse improves the discovery of your research by creating a permanent digital object identifier (DOI) that can be used to discover and share your data.
Citability. Upon deposit, a data citation is created which can be used to cite and link your data to other academic output.
Customization. Enables such things as creating customized terms of use for your research data and tracking data usage through downloadable metrics and customized guest books
Secure data management. Dataverse supports the creation of terms of use and restrictions if you want to limit the use of or access to data. It also provides a backup copy for safekeeping.
Effective sharing. Dataverse is a convenient way to disseminate your data, and can facilitate your research team’s collaboration within a secure space.
Track changes. Dataverse provides file version control for managing changes to a project without overwriting any part of that project, an especially useful feature when working on a team.
Long-term access and preservation. Persistent identification and normalization of your data ensures reliable access and prevention from data obsolescence.
Organization and compatibility. Create your own personal web data archive that conforms to international data standards to maximize system compatibility and searchability.
Increase research visibility. Increase scholarly recognition for your work beyond your research publications.
Meet grant requirements. Many funding agencies now require that researchers deposit data which is collected as part of their research project into an archive.
Adapted from: Scholars Portal. (n.d.). Scholars Portal Dataverse. and Scholars Portal. (n.d.). Dataverse 101 - Module 1.
Quick Guide to Depositing Data (UVic Libraries)
This 4-step guide helps new depositors when depositing data into into UVic Dataverse.
Extended User Guide (UVic Libraries)
This 1-page guide assists researchers with common questions, considerations, and challenges when depositing data into UVic Dataverse.
Metadata Best Practices Guide (Dataverse North)
Created by Scholars Portal Dataverse, this helpful guide should be consulted when selecting metadata terms to describe your data deposit.