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Course Reserves Reading Lists

Welcome to the Course Reserves Reading Lists for Students libguide. This new online tool will function as the primary source for course readings and resources.

Link to Reading List

Once you have created your Reading List in Course Reserves, you can create a direct link to the list that can be used in other documents e.g., email, course syllabus, or course announcements.

Links can be created at three levels:

  • to the full list
  • a specific section of the list
  • a specific item or citation on the list.

Link to the full list

  1. Click the Reading List menu option at the top and select Create a shareable link, then choose To List.
  2. A link is created in a pop-up window. Click Copy to Clipboard and paste the link where ever you want to use it. Students will have to login with their Netlink to view the full list.


Link to Section of a List

When you provide a link to a Section level, students can still view the full list. However, the section that's linked is expanded while the other sections are collapsed. Students can expand section to view it. They will have to login with the Netlink to get access to the Libraries licensed resources.

  1. Open the options menu to the right of the Section name.
  2. In the drop-down menu that open, select Create a shareable link.
  3. A link is created in a pop-up window. Click Copy to Clipboard and paste the link where ever you want to use it. Students will have to login with their Netlink to view the items in the Section.


Link to an Item on the Reading List

When you provide a link at the item level, students with the link can only view that item The rest of the list is not viewable.  They can login with their Netlink to view any library licensed resources.

  1. Click the options menu next to the item or citation.
  2. A drop-down menu opens. Click Copy to Clipboard and paste the link where ever you want to use it.

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.