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Course Reserves Reading Lists

Course Reserves are course related materials identified by instructors. They can be accessed electronically or as physical items that can be borrowed from the Ask Us desk at UVic Libraries.

Step 1: Access Course Reserves

Via Brightspace

Instructors who use Brightspace should use this option so their lists are linked to their course automatically.

  1. Go to Brightspace and select your course.
  2. Navigate to Course ToolsCourse Reserves.

Screenshot showing how to access Course Reserves via Brightspace's Course Tools menu


Via a direct link

Instructors who do not use Brightspace can access the Course Reserves online platform directly.

  1. Go to the Course Reserves platform. 
  2. Login with your Netlink ID and password.

Step 2: Create a reading list

When you access a course's reading list for the first time, you will see three options:

  • Create a new list from scratch
  • Rollover an existing list
  • Ask your library to create your list.

We'll discuss each option below.

Image of the landing page where instructor chooses to either create a new list or rollover over a previous list.


Option 1 - Create a new list

  1. Select Create new list from scratch and enter a List name and an optional List description. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Create New List window.


  1. Choose a template structure (weeks, modules, default, priority) that mirrors your reading list from the drop down menu. Click Create list. You can add or modify sections at any time.

A screenshot showing the reading list template options.


Option 2 - Roll over an existing list

You may want to reuse a reading list from a previous term. The previous reading list can be rolled over into the course for the new semester.

  1. Select Rollover an existing list.

Image of the landing page where instructor chooses to either create a new list or rollover over a previous list.

  1. Find the reading list you'd like to roll over from the list. Click Rollover list.
  2. In the new Create a list window,
    • change the list name to the current course code, and
    • delete the text (Rolled Over)
  3. A screenshot showing the criteria to select when rolling over a courseUnder Link to course, choose an option for redirecting shareable links:
  • No - shareable links to the old reading list will not redirect to the new list. Choose this option if you are still actively using the original list.
  • Yes - shareable links to the old reading list will redirect to the new reading list. You may want to choose this option if the old list is from a previous course that is no longer running.
  1. Click Advanced Settings and click the following
    fields only:
  • Notes for students
  • Tags for students
  • Syllabus
  • Tags for library
  • Library internal tags
  • Item statuses
  • Copyright status (recalculate)
  • Reading list status (Rolled Over)
  1. Click Create list.

Option 3 - Ask the library to create your list

Email your reading list (syllabus) or the details of the list you'd like to roll over as well as your course information to Course Reserves staff will create the reading list based and let you know when it is ready. You can add additional resources or modify the list at any time.

We can also offer demos to show you how to use the online platform.

Step 3: Add & edit items

There are multiple ways to add items to your reading list:

  1. Add items from the library collection
  2. Upload files
  3. Add online resources using Cite It!
  4. Add a personal copy

Watch the short video below on Adding resources to your reading list.

Leganto = the Course Reserves platform

Option 1 - Add items from the library collection

You can search for items available through the UVic Libraries catalogue.

  1. Click Add → Search the library.
    Screenshot of the Search the library option in the Add menu.
  2. Search by title, author, keyword, or any combination of search terms.
  3. Filter the search results by articles, books, book chapters, etc.
    Screenshot showing the filter options available on the search menu.
  4. Find the item you'd like to add in the list. You can see if an item is available in a physical or electronic format.
  5. Add the item to a section of your list. You can drag and drop it or click Add item to list.
    Screenshot of the library search results list showing you can drag and drop items.
  6. To edit the item's title, author, or other details, go to the Item menu → Edit item. You can edit the information in the Item details tab.
  7. To delete an item from the list, go to the Item menu  Delete item.

Option 2 - Upload files

You may have files that you would like to include in your reading list, such as a slide deck, an article, a book chapter, or your lecture notes.

  1. Click Add  Upload files.
  2. Drag and drop a file or browse for a file on your computer.
    Screenshot of the Upload files window.
  3. Select the file Type and enter its Title.
  4. Enter the file's copyright information. If you created the file or own the copyright, select I hold the copyright for this item. Otherwise, select Please review for Fair Dealing compliance. For more information, see UVic's Fair Dealing Guidelines.
  5. Click Next.
    Screenshot of the Upload files window.
  6. Enter any additional item details for the file. Click Next.
    Screenshot of the upload files window showing where to add additional details.
  7. Under Add to section, choose the list section the item should be added to. Click Add.

Option 3 - Add online resources using Cite it!

The Cite It! widget lets you to add online resources such as websites, videos, and journal articles to your reading list.

Watch a short video on how to install the Cite it! bookmarklet.


Install the widget

  1. Click the Settings button the top right corner and select Cite it!

A screenshot of the settings menu highlighting the Cite it! option.

  1. In the Cite it! window, drag and drop the Cite It! button to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. Click Close.

    An animation showing how to install the Cite it! widget

Use the widget

  1. Navigate to the online resource you want to add to your list.
  2. Click the Cite It! button on your browser toolbar. A pop-up window will appear with the item's details.
    • If the item is accessible through the library, you will see a Covered by your library notice and the item will automatically link to the library copy.

A screenshot of the Cite it! popup window showing an item's details.

  1. Add or edit the details as needed. The amount of information added automatically varies.
  2. Select the list and list section you'd like to add the item to.
  3. Click Add & Close.

Option 4 - Add a personal copy

You can add personal copies of books and other resources to your reading list, such as books not included in the library collection.

  1. Click + Add Manual entry.
  2. Select the item Type (e.g., book) and enter its title. Click Next.Screenshot showing the checkbox for providing a personal copy.
  3. Enter the Creator's name (e.g., the author) and any other relevant details. Click Next.
  4. Select the list section that you'd like to add the item to.
  5. Under Library services, check the box I will provide a personal copy to the library.
    Click Add.
  6. Bring the item(s) to the Ask Us desk in the McPherson Library and let the staff know it is for Course Reserves. We'll add it to the library catalogue as a temporary item and place it on the Course Reserves shelf.

Note: We need to place a barcode label and other stickers on the item so students can check it out. If you have any concerns about this (e.g., if the item is rare or fragile), please contact us at

Step 4: Publish the list

View the list as a student

Before publishing a reading list, it's a good idea to review it in student view to make sure it looks ok and that all the links work.

  1. In the banner at the top of the screen, click View list as a student.

Screenshot of the reading list banner with the student view option.

  1. Check that all sections appear in the correct order.
  2. Click each item to check that the links work.
  3. To exit student view, click Back to instructor view.

Note: If the banner disappears when you return to instructor review, refresh the page.

Publish the list

When you have finished building a new list or editing a rolled over list, publish it to make it visible to students. Your list will also be sent to the library for processing, in case any items require copyright clearance.

  1. Click My list is ready.
  2. The list's status will change to Published.

Screenshot of a reading list's status showing as Published.

You can add, delete, and edit the list at any time. If you add new items to your list after it is published, they will be visible to students immediately and sent to the library for processing, if necessary.


Share a link to the reading list

Once you have created your reading list, you can create direct links that can be shared by email, in a course syllabus, or course announcements in Brightspace, for example.

Links can be created at three levels:

  • The entire reading list
  • A section of the list
  • A specific citation.

To create a sharable link,

  1. Hover over the section or item you want to link to and click the share icon.
    Screenshot of the share icon in a reading list.
  2. In the Share item window, click Copy shareable link to item (or section or list) Close.
    Screenshot of the Share Item window.

Note: Students will need to log in with their Netlink ID to view the reading list and access library materials.

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.