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Indigenous Law / Indigenous Legal Traditions

This guide looks at Indigenous legal traditions created by Indigenous legal orders.


  • “Murray”
  • “Shih Gwandak (Young Man and Grizzly Bear)”
  • “Dinjii Dee Ehdanh Ts’alvit hah (Blind Man and the Loon)”
  • “K’aiiheenjik—Willow Man”
  • “Ts’ałvit Deetrù’ hah (Loon and Crow)”
  • “Albert Johnson, the Mad Trapper”
  • “Ch’iteehaakwaii and the Wolverines”
  • “Ch’ataiiyuukaih (Paddled a Different Route)”
  • “War with Ch’ineekaii: Daachilti’ and Hanadaandaii”
  • “Experiences with Early Traders”
  • “How a Smart Shanaghàn Saved People Who Were Starving”
  • “Two Shanaghan and Nanaa’in’ at a Fish Trap”
  • “Story of Tr’iinjoo Vigwizhi’ Goonlii (smart woman) and Nanaa’in’ (bushman)”
  • “Kò’ Ehndanh—Man Without Fire, told by Sarah Abel, Moses Tizya, and Myra Moses”
  • “Daatsoo, Trùh hah (Mouse and Otter)”
  • “Chyaa Zree Zhit Dhidii (Boy in the Moon)”
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