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CSPT500 / POLI 433 Politics of Colonialism

Local history resources (and more) in support of POLI 433

How do you find historical sites?

Aside from wandering around, observing your environment, how can you find historical sites in our community? Use the tools listed below to learn about and situate points of interest in VIctoria. 

The best resources, when used in combination to explore who, what, and where, are: 

Street Names

The following items will provide the origins of street names throughout Greater Victoria - similar resources are available for almost every other municipality in Canada.  If you don't find the location you're looking for in these directories, you can attempt to mine the origins of our street names in biographies, newspaper articles, city records or other sources. 

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.