This guide is designed to help you with coursework for CSPT 500 / POLI 433 - The Politics of Colonialsim. I've listed here my favourite sources and research tools to help you, but please note: these are best, and most useful, when used in combination. Use sources to verify and augment other sources, so that you can build as complete a story as possible. There are a number of tools and approaches available.
Historians use a wide variety of primary and secondary sources. Some of these have been digitized and will be available online, and include keyword searchability and other useful tools. Others may be found only in print or microfilmed sources, and you'll need to use the accompanying indexes and your own brain to use these effectively.
For more information on discovering and using primary sources, please see the Primary Sources subject guide.
If you are having difficulty with any stage of your research, email me your questions or to make an appointment to meet. I'm happy to help!