What is Peer-Review?
Peer-reviewed articles have been evaluated by several researchers or subject specialist in the academic community prior to accepting it for publication. Also known as scholarly or refereed.
Verify that a journal is peer-reviewed by looking up the journal title in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory or on the journal's website.
Remember that there may be content in peer-reviewed journals which is not peer-reviewed. These may be book reviews, letters, or front and back matter. Consult a librarian if you're not sure.
You can also filter search results to display only peer-reviewed articles in most databases.
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You can also consult with a subject librarian, or make an appointment with a librarian.
“the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year”
The Impact factor (2016)= (total no. of citations obtained in 2016 from previous two years of publications)
(total no. of papers published in 2014 and 2015)
650 / 350 =1.85
For more information on JIF http://admin-apps.webofknowledge.com/JCR/help/h_impfact.htm
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