Web Archive Collection recommendations should follow:
- the guidelines set out in the Uvic Libraries Website Collection Policy, namely: "web content that contributes to learning,teaching and research at the University of Victoria."
- the UVic Libraries Digital Ethics Report (2019) recommendations regarding negotiation of of research protocols with Indigenous communities
Curators must also:
- check for overlapping / similar web archive. Start by checking the web archives of COPPUL libraries; See https://coppul.ca/web-archiving for links to public-facing Archive-It collections from COPPUL members.
If you would like to see who has archived a specific webpage you can use the 'Collections' tab on the WayBack Machine.
Another useful tool is web archive search tool Memento for Web - Time Travel. This search tool allows you to search other web archives that are not using the Archive-It or the Internet Archives infrastructure.
The Recommend a Collection form will also ask you to provide details about: focus, objective, audience, provide sample urls, and existence of any similar web archive collection.
Complete the form prior to your initial training session. Complete forms are sent for review to all members of WAWG. Completed forms are viewable on Connect.