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EBA: Evidence-Based Acquisitions eBooks

This guide describes the new Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) subscriptions available at UVic Libraries

How can I use EBA ebooks?

Q: What does EBA mean?

EBA stands for evidence-based acquisitions and as of Summer 2020, this is a new method of acquiring eBooks for UVic Libraries. 

Q: How many people can access these EBA eBooks at a time?

There are no limits to the numbers of users. Unlimited simultaneous users can access each eBook title within the EBA collections.

Q. What does the note Leased Content - Continued access to this electronic resource is not guaranteed mean in the library catalogue record?

This identifies the eBook as available as part of the EBA collection and it is therefore leased as opposed to owned. Access continues to the eBooks within the EBA package upon annual renewal. 

At the end of each year, usage statistics will be analyzed to make permanent eBook selections.

If using eBook texts in course readings, please link to the eBook item so that ALL usage statistics can be counted.

Q. May I download the eBooks?

Yes, depending on the platform, full book PDFs and individual chapter PDFs are available for download.

Q. How do I link to these ebooks?

The best way is to copy the link to the eBook from the library catalogue record which starts 

More information on how to link to electronic resources can be found here.

Q. Why should I link to an online resource in Brightspace rather than share the PDF?

To stay in Copyright compliance, it is best practice to share a link to a resource rather than post the PDF. Further, usage data will inform purchasing decisions of library resources at the end of the EBA subscription period. 

Q. Are textbooks included in the EBA collections?

No. As a general rule of thumb, commercial textbooks are intended for individual purchase rather than institutional purchase (i.e. by libraries) so textbooks are not generally included in the EBA packages. Some exceptions may exist (such as legacy textbooks) but these will be few. 

Q. Do we have access to everything that the individual publisher has published?

Unfortunately not. Each individual EBA collection is determined by the publisher and for various reasons those titles can change. As titles become available (i.e. published) they will be added to the package and in less frequent cases select titles may be removed. 

Q. Can I access recent titles?

Absolutely! The EBA packages includes both new/recent titles (aka frontlist) and older titles as well as some forthcoming titles that have not yet been published.  Searching tip: if you limit your eBook search by publication year make sure to include the most recent year or even the following year to ensure a comprehensive search.

The exception is the JSTOR package, which includes copyright year up to three years ago. Access to the next copyright year is added in January. Many of these titles can be accessed via the library on a different platform.

Q. Where can I get help?

Send an email to if you have any questions.

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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.