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RS305 Magic, Mysticism, and the Occult

This is a course guide created for the course RS305. It includes key sources and research process information.

What is a primary source?

UVic guide to use primary sources

The guide tells you what kind of sources can be primary sources, how and where to find them, and how to evaluate a source for your use.

Find Primary Sources for Your Essay

Reflect about the mystical experience that you wish to focus on

Check the wilkipedia or reference sources to collect the basic information for example, who were the mystics or  persons who experienced this and what happened

Search for the personal memoir, diary, or autobiography, which are usually in the book format

Search for the relevant newspaper coverage, historical documents or archival collections related to the event or the person

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.