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Government Publications - British Columbia

A guide to government publications - British Columbia

Debates (Hansard)

Debates (Hansard)

In 1970 the BC Legislative Assembly started publishing the Official Report of Debates for the Legislative Assembly, an official verbatim transcript of the legislature. Prior to 1970, the debates were not officially published but were widely reported by various legislative reporters who covered the debates occurring in the Legislative Assembly.

The Legislative Library of British Columbia created the 'Sessional Clippings Books' which contain clippings of newspaper accounts written by legislative reporters for the Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, the Colonist and the Times.

The Sessional Clippings Books do not have an index but are arranged by year and month. Researchers may wish to first consult the Legislative Journals to identify relevant date ranges or the BC Newspaper Index to find relevant articles.

Print / Microform

Debates Records and Proceedings - Print

Debates, Records and Proceedings - Electronic

Primary and Official Sources - Electronic

Primary and Official Sources - Print

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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.