Reference sources (otherwise known as reference resources, or background sources) are designed to help you find specific types of information quickly.
Use reference sources to:
Use reference sources before launching into more detailed sources like journal articles and books -- and check back as you dig more deeply into your topic.
Not sure where to start? Use this chart to find out.
If you want... |
Try... |
A starting point for your research |
Multipurpose reference sources |
Background information on a topic |
Encyclopedias |
The meaning of a word or an idea |
Dictionaries |
Practical information on a topic or a comprehensive overview |
Handbooks, manuals, guides, etc. |
Information about a person or group of people |
Information about a place |
Maps, atlases, and gazetteers |
Data, numbers, or facts on a topic |
Statistics, almanacs, and yearbooks |
Suggestions for further reading or other types of information |
Bibliographies and other reference sources |
Search the UVic libraries catalogue (Books & Media tab). Do a keyword search with one of the following:
encyclopedia |
handbook |
dictionary |
reference |
pocket book |
introduction |
e.g. "engineering dictionary"
For more instructions, check out UVIC Libraries FAQ for dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Subject specific resources provide more in-depth coverage of a particular topic or academic disciplines.