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ATWP 250 - Genres of Business Communication

Use this guide to find evidence to support arguments in your assignments for ATWP 250. 

Reliable sources can be found in a variety of formats including books, journal articles, conference proceedings, websites, government documents, laws and legislation, newspapers, reports, white papers, policy briefs, statistics and data. 

Therefore, it is important to consider who might publish the information you are looking for, (Scholars? Governments? Research institutes?) and for whom.

→ Use library resources to find commercially published information such as books, case studies, research and news articles from scholars and practitioners. 

→ Use targeted search strategies on the web to find information such as reports, policy papers, data, statistics, laws, legislation, and other self-published material. 

Articles and case studies

Key databases:

Start your search with these databases: 

Discipline specific (environment) and multidisciplinary (broad) databases: 

Additional databases for finding news articles: 

Search tips

  • Ask questions about your topic
  • Identify key terms that describe your research concepts
  • Identify synonyms & related words for each key concept
    • regenerative design, regenerative economy, circular economy, restorative, resilient, healing, sustainable, etc. 
  • Combine different sets of keywords
  • Use filters/limits in databases and search tools
  • Start with the most recent material and work backwards 
  • Use citation chaining (forwards and backwards) to find more relevant literature
  • Refine & revise your search as you go

How do I find case studies?

Case studies provide examples of fictitious or real life situations faced by management, companies, and industries and are designed to be analyzed by a learner and provide a framework for problem solving. There are two ways to find case studies across article databases. 

  1. Include the words (case study OR case studies OR cases) as part of your search terms.
    • You can use this method in Library Search, Google Scholar, or any other databases.
  2. Search by document type for case studies in business databases.
  • In Business Source Complete: Choose Advanced Search, enter your search terms in the box(es) at the top and scroll down. On the left under Limit your results select Full Text and under Document type: choose Case Study. Scroll down to click Search.
    • Example: case study search on circular economy 
    • Results include case studies published in academic journals (including a partial collection of cases published in Harvard Business Review) 
  • In Canadian Business and Current Affairs: Choose Advanced Search, enter your search terms in the box(es) at the top and scroll down. Under Document type: choose Case Study. Scroll up to click Search.

Find reports from governments, non-profits, and associations

Browse government websites for overviews of sustainable business initiatives, legislation, policies, news, data, statistics, reports and more.

You can use Google to limit your search to government websites:

Search for associations and research centre websites as another source for sustainable business practices, these may include overviews, legislation, policies, case studies, recent news, reports and more.

Researching companies and industries

Check out tabs on the general business guide for databases and tips for researching companies and industries:

Evaluating sources

With any resource, be sure to approach it with a critical eye and consider its authority, purpose, content, and currency.


  • Who is the author? Are they qualified to write on this topic? Do they have valid credentials?
  • Are the affiliated with an institution? Does it display any bias?
  • Who is the publisher? Does it display any bias?
  • What types of resources do they typically publish?


  • What is the purpose of this information? To inform, teach, sell, entertain, persuade?
  • Do the authors make their intentions or biases clear?
  • Does the purpose suit your research?


  • How well does the resource relate to your topic?
  • Is it at an appropriate level?
  • Is it supported by evidence?
  • Does it have footnotes or references?
  • Has the information been reviewed by other experts (peer-review?)


  • When was the work published?
  • Has it been revised or updated?
  • Is currency necessary for your research?

Citation help

Learn how to use Zotero to manage and generate your citations:

Are you managing a large amount of articles, websites, and other resources for your assignment? Why not use a citation management software like Zotero to keep organized and automatically generate your references, you can even create shared libraries for team projects. 

  Zotero is better than ChatGPT at formatting your citations!

Learn how to cite ChatGPT and other AI tools using the following guide:

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.