British Columbia
- Active Citizenship Project Honouring Human Rights Aimed at Grade 6 BC curriculum, this unit plan explores the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- BC Legislative Assembly. Learning resources and educational programs and workshops
- Artifacts BC. Showcases artifacts, archival materials and historic sites within BC.
- Bamboo Shoots: Chinese Canadian Legacies in BC Open Schools BC created this resource with the Royal BC Museum and district teachers. The site contains teaching materials for Grade 5 And Grade 10.
- Bias in Journalism. BC Ministry of Education's guide on discussing bias in journalism
- BC Archives time machine. Digital collections of British Columbia history, by grade level.
- Lesson plans from the media awareness network. Lesson plans, classroom activities, background articles and Canadian resources for teaching media literacy, K-12
- Cottonwood House. Gold rush themed lesson plan for grades 4-6.
- Mary's Wedding Project: Reminiscences of World War I. From UVic Archives & Special Collections.
- Royal BC Museum Teaching Guides docent plans providing background information, program itinerary and pre- and post-visit activities for previous museum tours.
- UBC Museum of Anthropology K-12 School Programs & Resources
- BC Historic Places: Lesson and unit plans
- Voices into Action: Excellent lesson plans on human rights, discrimination, genocide, immigration and personal action.
- Open School BC Social Studies modules
- Victoria: Capital of British Columbia: The history and significance of BC's capital city

- Social studies resources for Canadian teachers.
- Black History in Canada An excellent lesson planning guide produced by
- Canadiana. A coalition of memory institutions in Canada have digitally preserved many of their resources
- Canada's National History Society lesson plans
- Canada in the Making. Learning resources from Library and Archives Canada
- Canadian disaster database. ...detailed disaster information on over 700 natural, technological and conflict events (excluding war) that have directly affected Canadians over the past century.
- Choose Your Voice A free teaching package from FAST; available for grades 6 - 8 - but can be adapted for Secondary classrooms as well.
- Early Canadiana Online: Early Canadiana collections on Aboriginal Studies, Early Canadian Periodicals, Early Governors General of Canada, Early Official Publications, English Canadian Literature, Geneology and Local History, Health and Medicine, History of French Canada, Hudson's Bay Company, Jesuit Relations, and Women's history.
- Evaluating Wartime Posters: Were They Good Propaganda? A Secondary Social Studies unit created by the Archives of Ontario. Posters included.
- Exploration the Fur Trade and Hudson's Bay Company. Learning resources from Library and Archives Canada
- Franklin Mystery - Life and Death in the Arctic - Created by the UVic History Department, this website invites students to explore a variety of digital artifacts including diaries, government documents, and photos/drawings. Includes a section on interpretations by a variety of experts.
- Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History - Includes teachers guides and web quest style MysteryQuests.
- Human Rights Activiites for the Classroom: From the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, also check out their Human Rights Toolkit for teachers.
- K-12 Study Canada. Teacher-Developed Curricula from Western Washington University's Study Canada Summer Institute
- Learning strategies from the Teachers' Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy. Lesson plans on Canadian parliamentary democracy and citizenship, developed by teachers who participate in the Institute program.
- Telling stories: Narratives of nationhood. 400+ lesson plans from the Canada's Confederation Centre of the Arts (CCOA),
Thank you to Carol Nahachewsky who curated portions of this content.