Although we have access to the complete Cambridge University Press (UP) eBook collection, unfortunately this does not mean that we have access to everything that Cambridge UP has published.
Some exclusions apply. The most notable exclusions are titles deemed textbooks by the publisher.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Although we have access to the complete Oxford University Press (UP) eBook collection via the integrated Oxford Academic platform, unfortunately this does not mean that we have access to everything that Oxford UP has published.
Some exclusions apply. The most notable exclusions are titles classified as textbooks by the publisher. Titles are added on a regular schedule and it is possible to download a complete list of available Oxford eBook titles here.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
We have access to select titles from select publishers from De Gruyter, usually 2020 - current publication year and those published between 2000 - 2013.
Harvard UP is an exception where we have more complete access. Some exclusions will apply.
Oxford University Press and eBook Central also carry university press titles so check these out if you have trouble accessing your desired title via De Gruyter.
If you have any questions, please contact us at