Citation generators are just that -- tools that will instantly generate a citation on demand, and with very little effort on your part. With the click of a few buttons 'voila!' you have a citation.
If you're looking for something a bit more robust, particularly if you're working on bigger projects like term papers, theses, dissertations, or a manuscript for publication, consider using a citation manager, like Zotero.
Zotero will allow you to store and organize your citations for re-use in multiple projects or assignments, and will allow you to share your citations with other Zotero users, which is great for group work! It basically allows you to curate your own research database of resources you'll use time and time again.
UVic Libraries regularly offers Introduction to Zotero workshops (both online and in-person) September through April of each year, and we also have a "learn at your own pace" version should none of our offerings work with your schedule.